why take strontium on empty stomach

So would taking a magnesium tablet solve the problem? I, personally, am not one of them. Will I benefit by combining the estradiol with your product? I read in the discussion that a GFR of 50 or less would indicate that I should not take Strontium. Essential Elements Bone Boost Bone Health Supplement - Calcium, Vitamin D3, K2, Cissus Quadrangularis for Bone Strength - 90 Capsules (30 Day Supply) Features : Powerful Bone Health Supplement - Bone boost contains an expert-designed formula aimed at complete bone health support. I immediately started with my Calcium this morning at breakfast, I take Strontium 2 hrs after lunch everyday. I project that in another 20 years (maybe even sooner), we will be able to have genetic tests run that will clearly indicate for each of us our specific needs and susceptibilities. Please have another blood test run to check you vitamin D levels in another 2 months. Here are the studies I read: I want to underscore here that this is a competition that calcium always wins, which explains why: Ok, now that you see the differences in the 3 main types of strontium, lets dig into the common misconceptions surrounding this valuable mineral. Or you could have become sensitive to some component in your food. Regarding your falls two things to consider weight-bearing exercise and vitamin D3. I hope this answers your question and again, am delighted to hear your bones are in excellent health! I suggest you ask your doctor to run a test to have your vitamin A levels checked, and if they are not well within the normal range, that you consider supplementing with an amount of vitamin A comparable to the amount of vitamin D3 you consume. I have lived with a lot of stress at home and at work but try to meditate when poss. As always, take strontium separate from your calcium intake. The reasons for this are that failing kidneys lose their ability to: The very small amount of strontium that incorporates into human cortical bone also has beneficial effect, however, the strontium that deposits in cortical bone lowers its porosity, further improving bone microstructure and resistance to deformation. Hi Linda, I wore a Holter monitor for 24 hours but the doc didnt find an issues. https://www.arthritis.org/about-arthritis/types/calcium-pyrophosphate-deposition-disease-cppd/ A few years ago now, I also started to experience pain in my thumb joints (and sometimes other fingers as well), which would clear out after a few days. The link you sent me goes to a website basing their claims on research conducted no later than 1993, so I checked PubMed to see if more recent papers had been published (which one would assume they would be if this therapy was helpful). And as I wrote in my post on strontium that is still up on AlgaeCals website, no research conducted over the last hundred years shows any toxicity from strontium citrate IF more calcium (I and Dr. Wright and many others recommend twice as much calcium to be on the extremely safe side) is being consumed. We would love to work with you further to determine whats causing this and help find a solution. The only really good food source of vitamin A is liver, which few of us consume regularly any more (and if you do eat it, PLEASE be sure to only consume organic liver!) When a combined amino acid compound has been introduced to your NAC arrangement, please also consume it when your stomach is empty, just at another moment of the day than the NAC plan. Previous GFR readings over the past 10 years have been as low as 56 but seem to hover in the high 50s to very low 60s. I am leaning toward taking two of the Low Dose LE K2 rather than accumulate too much of the other K vitamins in my system. Re strontium yes, the ratio you want is approximately twice as much calcium as strontium. You will not need your former calcium supplement. Maybe animal studies? In the health information provided for medical professionals, Servier, the pharmaceutical company with the patent on strontium ranelate states: In Phase III studies, the annual incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) observed over 5 years was approximately .7%, with a relative risk of 1.4 in strontium ranelate treated patients as compared to placebo.. The mineralization of bone tissue: a forgotten dimension in osteoporosis research. If you can locate this paper, please do let me know. So, are you taking vitamin D3? Were so sorry to hear youre dealing with this! Can I take AlgaeCal & Strontium Boost ? DRESS syndrome is often severe and can result in death if not diagnosed early for which reason, youre urged to see your doctor immediately if you develop a rash after taking strontium ranelate. If you have a copy of Your Bones (which you can get via Amazonthey sell a Kindle version for about $7.00, so wireless delivery might be easiest for you), look at the section on Calcium and you will see a list of all the commonly eaten foods (at least in the US, Europe and other coutries with so-called western cultures, like New Zealand, Australia) that contain calcium, the typical serving size for each food and how much calcium it provides. I thought I was doing everything right. While AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost alone are clinically supported to increase bone mineral density, the mediation youve mentioned will likely be safe and beneficial to your efforts as long as the form youre taking is bio-identical, and youre properly monitoring how youre metabolizing your estrogens. PMID: 20232111. This supplement supports healthy osteoblast differentiation osteoblast collagen formation and balanced osteoclast activity; all of these activities help you maintain bone tensile strength. Hopefully, you can share what you learn and help others in your country as well. Let me repeat NO paper has ever shown that natural forms of strontium cause the ADRs seen with S. ranelate., Hi and thank you for this info.I began taking Algae Cal and Strontium boost about 3 weeks ago. ), Bone levels of strontium are often high in chronic kidney disease patients on dialysis. Am going to order the cod liver /butter oil unless you advise not to. Mar 5, 2009. BMD in my hip/femur had gone up 3.5% and was up 6% in my spine. Stay well, Lara. Required fields are marked *. If I end up having dairy foods (like cottage cheese or yogurt or cheese) at lunch, I just take the strontium around 4 pm with a dairy free snack. https://www.facebook.com/lara.pizzorno.5/videos/10220954773329527/ In order to not loose more bone, I decided to also take StrontiumBoost, which I just ordered. Here is the link: http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/7937/1/The%20Effect%20of%20strontium%20ranelate%20on%20the%20risk%20of%20vertebral%20fracture%20in%20women%20with%20postmenopausal%20OP.pdf, Here is his 2002 article which is the one being cited. It is pretty value sufficient for me. I have now officially come to the conclusion that not only does every study contradict the notion that 170 mg is more effective, but also that such a notion is unfortunately inaccurate and misquoted. Items left from my list of meds: Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 from LEF, Zinc 22 mgm, Chromium 50 mcg, daily and copper 2mg twice a week; manganese is picked up from CA/Mg supplement. I have two questions..one regarding your recommended daily dosage for strontium and the second regarding your recommended daily dosage for Vitamin K4. This is the only study Aquamin offers on bone health. I do not know her personally, but she is a member of the Institute for Functional Medicine a very good sign, the doctors involved with the IFM are both better informed and more open to integrative medicine. (also, my blood pressure was rising significantly enough that my Dr put me on blood pressure meds), Hi Pam, We have received a response from Lara and are copying it below for you: Sounds like you are really diving into the research on strontium! I also take bioidentical estrogen. I urge you to call your mothers doctor and make an appointment to be seen ASAP! PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, HighWire and Google scholar) for all the articles by Meunier and found over 150 articles relating to strontium in which he was involved. I, therefore, thank you for all this valuable information. Both strontium citrate and bio-identical estrogen (likely bi-est) replacement will improve the health of your bones. Quick follow-up questions. Ive been taking AlgaeCal for a few years but stopped the Strontium last November because my husband thought it might be causing the all-over body aches I was having. If I might ask your comments on two issues which I have come across, I would be very grateful. I read the article by Meunier that he cited, but it was evident that said article supported 680 mg not 170 mg to be the most effective. Strontium was dose-dependently incorporated into bone mineral of both trabecular and compact bone, mainly into new bone, and mainly into trabecular boneNo changes in the crystal lattice, in crystallinity, or crystal structure were observed. If you prefer to take it at night, make sure your stomach is empty and that you don't eat anything for the next 40 minutes. Hope this helps! Thanks! K2 is supposed to direct it to the bones and teeth and not the arteries. Our susceptibility to thumb joint pain increases as we age. For some drugs, it's advisable to take them with food because the physiological changes that occur in your body create an ideal environment for the absorption of the medication. 5, pp.568577, 2010. Modeling elemental strontium in human bone based on in vivo x-ray fluorescence measurements in osteoporotic females self-supplementing with strontium citrate. I also take 4 capsules of the Algaecal Plus daily(lunch/dinner). If you take AlgaeCal Plus, the full daily dosage will be giving you 90 mcg of K2 (MK-7). Some researcher believe that calcium and magnesium, being 2 cation molecules, should be taken separately for optimal absorption of both minerals. Strontium has a chemical similarity to calcium and will replace calcium as the mineral in bone. If you would like to read up about hormone testing and the 24 Hour Urine, I wrote an article for physicians about all this that is available at Longevity Medicine Review heres a link: Here s a link to Dr. Grouts website: http://www.arizonaadvancedmedicine.com (The creatinine clearance rate is also called the glomerular filtration rate because tiny capillaries in the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney, the nephron, are called glomerular capillaries. This is relevant to me (lyme and severe osteoporosis) and with a pandemic of lyme (say the clinicians in the trenches treating lyme), this is probably relevant to a lot of your readers. Just enjoy giving your boxer his sardines. This study was done to see how much strontium this osteoporotic womans bones were absorbing from a strontium citrate supplement (680 mg elemental strontium per day) and whether the beneficial effect continued after 800 days it did. Thank you again for your response. If you are concerned about this, have either the MVL test or the DUTCH test run to check how your estrogens are being metabolized. K1 has significant anti-inflammatory effects. I asked AlgaeCal for a response to your question and it appears that the reason is a legal issue. That's because your body only takes in what it needs and the rest is excreted through urine. Shaine. Also is the Bresdan protocol Dales recommendations for Alzheimers disease prevention? I worry about blood clots. A creatinine clearance rate of 60-89 indicates the initial stage of kidney disease. Thus, I am unable to read the paper in which 170 mg of strontium is said to be more effective, so I do not know what was done and cannot give you more helpful feedback on this. If not, thyroid hormone replacement is commonly done, but just remember to have your doctor check your thyroid hormone levels after the first 6 months and then at least annually to ensure the dosage you are being given is correct for you. I started have diarrhea after taking strontium for three weeks. Thank you for magnificent info I was in search of this info for Although my bones have now been in excellent shape for several years (I was still osteopenic when I began taking AlgaeCal Plus & Strontium Boost, which fully restored the health of my bones after just 6 months), I continue to take Strontium Boost as well as AlgaeCal Plus to ensure my bones remain strong and healthy. I find my body has more energy, sleeps better and just feels better when I minimize my grain intake. I looked again at his thesis, but could find no contact information there. If strontium is replacing calcium in the bones, where is it going? I would appreciate your best scientific information Laura. ), Hello again Lara: We are not routiney so there aren't set times when there must be . Kroes, R., et al. (So it could have been di-Sr, a mixture or something else.) Marilyn. Conventionally grown vegetables have been shown to contain far less of many minerals, so if you are not eating organic, all bets are off here. Some medicines need to be taken "before food" or "on an empty stomach". But, in people whose digestive tracts are infected with unfriendly bacteria, such as Clostridia, citrate can be co-opted by these bactera and used to fuel their metabolism. Thyroid medications can interact with other drugs, so always take them on an empty stomach with no other medications. for it at that time. I love to exercise, have been addicted to barre classes for the last year and a half, and push my body quite hard, taking one class every day and two back-to-back classes on the weekends. By staggering your intake, you allow both supplements to be absorbed properly and effectively. Here is the link: http://jcem.endojournals.org/content/87/5/2060.full.pdf. Glad you enjoyed the information, Kalpana! Calcium and magnesium balance one another in many, many activities in our bodies. As you know, shortly after maximal bone mass has been accrued (early to mid-30s), women start losing 0.5-1% of their BMD annually, a loss that accelerates to 2% or more during menopause and continues for as many as 10 years afterwards. But now, after my in-depth review of the current research on strontium which involved reading more than 70 recently published papers in the peer-reviewed medical literature I am convinced that strontium citrate has so much to offer that will help ensure my bones remain healthy that Ive begun supplementing with Strontium Boost again! I also questioned the administration of the strontium citrate and was told that the strontium is taken as a single dose and no restriction is provided as to when the supplements are taken. What are your thoughts about these recommendations? Weve come a very long way since vitamins were discovered 100 years ago! Now this really bothers me I am 47 and cant think of not taking any calcium supplement. Have been experiencing quite a bit of nausea. I think arrowsps suggestion that for SCW strontium absorption may take more time than is average so abnormally high levels might have still been present in her blood when the test was run is certainly worth considering. Hello, thank you so much for the information about bone health on your website. if as much as 50% of that increase was due to strontiums larger size, then the women still gained 1.56% in BMD instead of losing 1-2% or more per year, so losing 3-6% of their BMD over the same time period. Prescrire Int. Not happy about this and I see on another forum that other people have this problem, also. I may drop down to 1/4 the dosage though. Re pulsed signal therapy this also looks both safe and helpful. But dont throw the baby out with the bath water. Is she taking this anticoagulant? However, I did come across one article using what they called low dose strontium phosphate, that may lend support. She lectures at medical conferences around the world and is a contributing author to the Textbook of Functional Medicine, the Textbook of Natural Medicine (Osteoporosis chapter, 5th edition, published 2020), and Integrative Therapies for Depression; co-author of The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods, and lead author of Natural Medicine Instructions for Patients; Your Bones: How You Can Prevent Osteoporosis & Have Strong Bones for Life, Naturally, and her latest book, Healthy Bones, Healthy You! So Im here to set the record straight, Having reviewed the published research on the different forms of strontium: natural strontium, the strontium ranelate drug, along with the radioactive form of strontium, I can confidently assure you that the natural form of strontium, strontium citrate, is a safe and effective bone health supporter. What do you make of this 2012 study linking strontium to increased incidence of breast cancer? I learned so much! Be sure to check your multivitamin as well to ensure there is no more than 150 mg of calcium. Hi Tyler, Lastly, regarding strontium citrate it has been shown in MANY studies, thousands of women, to be safe and effective. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27855653 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27102582. So, now I will take it on an empty stomach. Great questions! I dont want to do something that would cause other problems. These studies aimed to evaluate using X-ray microanalysis, X-ray diffraction and computerized quantitative contact microradiography: (1) the relative calcium and Sr bone content, (2) the distribution of Sr in compact and cancellous bone, (3) the dose dependence of the deposition of Sr in bone, (4) the interactions between Sr and mineral at the crystal level (in monkeys), (5) the influence of Sr on the mean degree of mineralization of bone tissue and on the distribution of the degree of mineralization of bone tissue, and (6) the bone clearance of Sr over short periods of time (6 and 10 weeks) after cessation of SR administration (monkeys treated for 13 and 52 weeks, respectively). Also, if used, would there be any conflict issues with strontium and its effect of bone building or in the same way as there are with strontium/calcium. provide 680 mg of elemental strontium as this is the dosage shown in the research studies to be effective. Now am much better, but lost 8 pts in my hips in that two year period and had a -2.5 in hip this last time. My results have convinced me that AlgaeCal is the calcium supplement I am going to continue to use. I do have low bone density in my spine (-2.5 T score) and also in my hips (-3.3 on one side, -3.0 on the other) so am pretty concerned at this point. Or do you half that too? There are only 360 mg of calcium in the two tablets listed as serving size. I have a hard time with taking the strontium at night. and Your Bones; Editor of Longevity Medicine Review, and Senior Medical Editor for Integrative Medicine Advisors.. PhD, CNS, FACN, IFMP, BCHN, LDN - Professor and Director of Academic Development, Nutrition programs in Clinical Nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative Health.. MD, B.Phil.,(oxon.) Patients were randomized to receive placebo, 0.5 g, 1 g, or 2 g SR/d for 2 yr. What is an adequate amount is for post-menopausal women to take? PMID: 25293384; PMCID: PMC4187454. Ill quote them: strontium may interact with estrogens to promote carcinogenesis among young [premenopausal] women, because young women have more estrogens and estrogen receptors., Chen LJ, Tang LY, He JR, et al. Let me know how you do. Consequently, they have a very large interface with extracellular fluids, and numerous interactions between ions from the extracellular fluid and ions constituting apatite crystals are thus possible. I have been taking strontium citrate for 10 years. First thing in the morning is best because if taken to late at night you might have problems falling asleep, due to the altering serotin levels. I do not recommend taking 750 mg/d. shown in the research to be helpful. "He didn't do it. Kombucha is another excellent dairy-free source of pro-biotics. I then came across Dr. Keith Scott Mumbys article which said 170 mg is more effective. The common myth is that strontium supplementation results in larger concentrations of strontium in your bones. I just eat lots of greens they are a great source of so many minerals and phytonutrients that are good for us as well as K1! Once bone health is restored, a maintenance dose of 340 mg per day should be both safe and sufficient. I expect it may not be possible for you to ask for strontium in its natural form of strontium citrate, rather than the drug form, strontium ranelate? Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. You should be consuming at least 600 mg/day of magnesium (from both food and supplements) for the 1,200 mg of calcium. I will do my best to help you. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19945692/. Lara. You may have heard about strontiums effects on DEXA bone scan readings. As I mentioned I would, I sent a note to AlgaeCal staff to double check, and they have confirmed that my initial thoughts were correct. I cannot emphasize this enough. Thank you! I have been taking Pure Encapsulations Strontium as per doctors suggestion, but have run out of it. Hope this helps and feel free to let us know if you have any other questions! Great question! Thank you Lara for that thorough response! The doses ranged from 100 to 750 mg/kg per day of strontium ranelate, corresponding to 34255 mg/kg per day of Sr21. PLEASE read up! In terms of this small an amount of strontium having beneficial effects on bone as well as teeth I have not seen any research indicating this low a dose would be beneficial in bone. I took it for a few weeks, but didnt realize that I should also have avoided calcium in food when taking the AM packet that contained the Strontium Citrate, so I now realize that I should have avoided eating my cereal and almond milk for breakfast, as it contained calcium. If you are not allergic to dairy foods, then I expect you are likely getting at least several hundred milligrams of calcium from milk, cheese, yogurt, kefir, etc. Thanks for looking and for your input. I want to build bone but am apprehensive about replacing calcium with strontium. Strontium can be taken with or without food. BMD in my hip/femur had gone up 3.5% and was up 6% in my spine. 2010 Oct 8;11:229. You want to be sure what you are getting is not adulterated or contaminated. Strontiums most important beneficial effects are seen in improvement of trabecular bone microarchitecture/structure that is what provides bones flexibility and resistance to fracture. I did notice something interesting though; the D.V. She had test results from a strontium/serum/plasma/urine test that far exceeded the normal ranges. Also (I guess this is a 3rd question) how long do you recommend that someone should stay on these two vitamins (i.e. Annette M.Doherty, pp. Within 3 hours, you will have digested the yogurt and absorbed the calcium in it. I observed three types of strontium salts and side effects of strontium supplements like nausea and headache etc. Im taking off a good part of today to be in the kitchen cooking pumpkins to make soup and custards, and making rice stuffing (we are gluten-free folks) to fill a kamboucha squash that will be our centerpiece this year. A randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was undertaken in 353 osteoporotic women with at least one previous vertebral fracture and a lumbar T-score <-2.4. It is so helpful to have technical matters explained with such authority in understandable terms. Would you share some studies with me (70 studies were mentioned in the article) that would clarify your decision to continue with the 682 mg dose as a maintenance dose. Epub 2014 Jan 14. Hello, I am 69 years old and my dexa scan says I have osteoporosis. It is all too true that many MDs are not aware of the research on alternatives to pharmaceuticals. One paper (Novel strontium fortified calcium salt for enhancing bone formation As in vitro and in vivo large animal model study.) Then Id recommend something like Zumba because it can not only be high impact (you can always modify the steps to be low impact), but is so much fun that compliance is a delight. In Laura Pizzornos blog , she refers to the excretion of ranelic acid , and questions the non excreted portion. Even if you are not eating dairy foods (cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, milk), plenty of other foods are great sources of calcium e.g., tofu, soymilk, salmon, sardines, spinach, sesame seeds, almonds, broccoli etc. Next month I will be USA for a conference and if you can give me name of some supplementry or some other brand of natural form of strontium, I can bring those back with me. Let us know if you have any questions that we can help with! Dr. Grout does offer BHRT. Is this a safe combination? For those with a zinc deficiency, it's best to take your supplement - such as Care/of's zinc - with food. In other words, whether your bone density increases or not, strontium reduces your risk of breaking a bone! Just go very slowly and see what happens. Check your diet to see how much magnesium it provides, again, you can use the Foods Rich in Magnesium table to do so quickly if you have Your Bones. When there must be tablet solve the problem a hard time with taking the at! Algae Cal and strontium boost about 3 weeks ago weight-bearing exercise and D3! Vitamins were discovered 100 years ago and sufficient explained with such authority in understandable terms after. Dexa scan says i have been di-Sr, a mixture or something else. daily dosage for K4! Of this 2012 study linking strontium to increased incidence of breast cancer ; S because your body only takes what. Interact with other drugs, so always take them on an empty stomach with no other medications both supplements be. 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