the social dilemma transcript with timestamps

[Tucker Carlson] is going on that gets no coverage at all. They just, in real time, are testing lots and lots of stuff on people. [Cass] Ben and Jerry, its time to go, bud! [Tristan] How does this come across on camera if I were to do, like, this move, [Tristan] Exactly. [Sandy] Weve created a system that biases towards false information. Di Indonesia, film ini pun masuk dalam popular search di Netflix Indonesia. [AI] Perfect. [Joe] We could tax data collection and processing the same way that you, for example, pay your water bill by monitoring the amount of water that you use. Well learn how to live with these devices, just like weve learned how to live with everything else. And what this misses is theres something distinctly new here. 3. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. [Anna] I am optimistic that were going to figure it out, but I think its gonna take a long time. [Kyrie Irving] You know, like, you click the YouTube click and it goes, like, how deep the rabbit hole goes. Movie Nation Roger Moore. [Advertising/Yellow AI] Another ad teed up. Its for the same reason I dont keep cookies in my pocket. Do Do you Do you see it the same way? But 'The Social Dilemma' buries the substance in sensationalism. [Justin] So many of the problems that were discussing, like, around political polarization exist in spades on cable television. A review from the perspective of someone who types code, understands design, and is a consumer of social media. I think we were naive about the flip side of that coin. And over time, by running these constant experiments, you you develop the most optimal way to get users to do what you want them to do. These cookies do not store any personal information. The Social Dilemma Movie 2020 (live stream), Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse. Scanner. You tax these companies on the data assets that they have. A magician shows you a card trick and says, Pick a card, any card. What you dont realize was that theyve done a set-up, so you pick the card they want you to pick. [Tristan] Is this the last generation of people that are gonna know what it was like before this illusion took place? Its effect on mental health (including the mental health of . Thats a separate discipline. And look at when it was made. Theres nothing else on the table that could possibly be called the product. A dilemma. 2. Hes talking all about deleting social media, which you gotta do. [Roger McNamee] So, Ive been an investor in technology for 35 years. One of the things that he pioneered was the use of scientific A/B testing of small feature changes. [Tristan] On the other side of the screen, its almost as if they had this avatar voodoo doll-like model of us. Para desainer dari berbagai platform media sosial . Its just that this is what the recommendation system is doing. How much of your life can we get you to give to us? Like, they were the ones who first understood how peoples minds work. [interviewer] Youre recommending something to undo what you made. Edward Tufte. Take a look at our list of 20 best quotes from The Social Dilemma: "There are only two industries that call their customers "users": illegal drugs and software.". His psychometric doppelgangers. 10 Quotes From Netflix's 'The Social Dilemma' That Will Have You Questioning Social Media. [Mary] I looked at his screen report a couple weeks ago. Views expressed are her own. Or have we all fallen under some kind of spell?. [man] SARS, coronavirus. That is Thats a lie. [Justin] The way the technology works is not a law of physics. Interviewees state that social media platforms and big tech companies have been instrumental in providing positive change for society; they also note that such platforms have also caused problematic social, political, and cultural consequences. That only costs this much.. Always choose. And so when people get their phone, the first thing they open and the only thing they know how to open is Facebook. [CBSN News] Representatives from Facebook, Twitter, and Google are back on Capitol Hill for a second day of testimony about Russias interference in the 2016 election. There are two distinct camps when it comes to the . And how theyre used is pretty different than how you expected. It is unprecedented. [blue AI] Yes, perfect. Its my community. You can make some tweaks, but at the end of the day, youve gotta grow revenue and usage, quarter over quarter. Because Because I think that this scares me to death. Thats another way to fight. What do they do with that data? As the groups got bigger on Facebook, Facebooks recommendation engine started suggesting to regular users that they join Pizzagate groups. What does disinformation-for-profit business model refer to? They are completely clueless. Take three. [Tristan] So, I come up, and basically say, Thank you all for coming. Um So, today, I wanna talk about a new agenda for technology. [CBSN News] Well, a new bombshell investigation exposes Facebooks growing struggle to tackle hate speech in Myanmar. My screens completely shattered. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. When they take over mental health of kids or Saturday morning, theyre responsible for protecting Saturday morning. There are quite a few methods to combat the allure of social media, but there is one you can do right now after reading this. Thats a design technique. The Prisoner Dilemma is a simple but very effective example of social dilemma. [Tristan] Were training and conditioning a whole new generation of people that when we are uncomfortable or lonely or uncertain or afraid, we have a digital pacifier for ourselves that is kind of atrophying our own ability to deal with that. FRANKFURT REBELS. And that pattern points to social media. [Yellow AI] We need something actually good for a proper resurrection, given that the typical stuff isnt working. [interviewer] Wanna start by introducing yourself? They cant know whats real or whats true which is why this conversation is so critical right now. 3. When I went to work the next day, most of the laptops had the presentation open. We were not evolved to have social approval being dosed to us every five minutes. [interviewer] Is there a problem, and what is the problem? [Tristan] And so, it created this kind of cultural moment that Google needed to take seriously. [Renee] Before you share, fact-check, consider the source, do that extra Google. [Tristan] We were all looking for the moment when technology would overwhelm human strengths and intelligence. [Anna] Theres not a day that goes by that I dont remind my kids about the pleasure-pain balance, about dopamine deficit states, about the risk of addiction. But what about User 01265923010? That stuff is bad for you. We did that brilliantly at Facebook. [James] Actually, Ive been using a lot today. Wheres the existential threat?. I think thats true, but my goal is to turn you into a behavior-change genius. [AI] His scrolling speed is slowing. [Tristan] We evolved to care about whether other people in our tribe think well of us or not cause it matters. And then theyre saying, Well, we can regulate ourselves. I mean, thats just a lie. And the third rule is work out a time budget with your kid. [Bailey Richardson] The algorithm has a mind of its own, so even though a person writes it, its written in a way that you kind of build the machine, and then the machine changes itself. That was not at all what we were built to experience. [chuckles] Like, the entire thing. Each of these goals are powered by algorithms whose job is to figure out what to show you to keep those numbers going up. The mediocre documentary is boosted by plugging into the current widespread skepticism about the role of social media in our lives. Send a wave. START and END TIMESTAMP. Its manipulating you. [man] Making sure there was nothing there. If it seems like its something designed to really push your emotional buttons, like, it probably is. We want them to keep doing this with their finger. So, if you can imagine, if a if a commercial enterprise builds an algorithm to their definition of success, its a commercial interest. [Tristan] Im probably most addicted to my e-mail. [Joe Toscano] You pull down and you refresh, its gonna be a new thing at the top. The Social Dilemma is a well-constructed and articulately-argued threat. Nobody is sick. Donate now: award-winning documentary filmmaker Jeff . White House officials say they have no reason to believe the Russian cyberattacks will stop. Open up, [Justin] And then you look over at the other side, and you start to think, How can those people be so stupid? Later, I found out Larry Page had been notified about this presentation in three separate meetings that day. 1. Irina Raicu. It exposes how social media corporations exploit the human desire for attention, belonging, affirmation, and community in order to make a profit. [AI] Your friend Tyler just joined. People are blowing up actual physical cell phone towers. Its that we built these things, and we have a responsibility to change it. You make money the more you allow unregulated messages to reach anyone for the best price. Thank you . Oh, Angola? Clients generally request timestamp at the beginning and the very end of the transcription. [Blue AI] Im giving him access to all the information he might like. These things have become digital Frankensteins that are terraforming the world in their image, whether its the mental health of children or our politics and our political discourse, without taking responsibility for taking over the public square. Uh, used to be Reddit. Every single action you take is carefully monitored and recorded. WARNING: SPOILERS This is the premise of Netflix's original film The Social Dilemma. [officer 2] Hey! And remember, for every one of these, for every hospital admission, theres a family that is traumatized and horrified. [blows] Yeah. 4. Import Your Audio On Otter And It Will Automatically Make An Transcription Of The Video For You, Which Will Be Atleast 96% Accurate. [Jaron Lanier] Companies like Google and Facebook are some of the wealthiest and most successful of all time. Subscribe, [vlogger] and also come back because Im telling you, yo. [Tristan] At a lot of technology companies, theres three main goals. Sit down and see if you can get comfy. [Justin] Ive uninstalled a ton of apps from my phone that I felt were just wasting my time. gain displayed? There are all these services on the Internet that we think of as free, but theyre not free. We had such envy for that, and it seemed so elegant to us and so perfect. Were just zombies, and they want us to look at more ads so they can make moremoney. [Justin] [clicks tongue] Yeah, it is hard to give a single, succinct Im trying to touch on many different problems. [Roger] One of the problems with Facebook is that, as a tool of persuasion, it may be the greatest thing ever created. And weve moved away from having a tools-based technology environment to an addiction- and manipulation-based technology environment. Who else is an IB student being forced to analyze this? Per day, on average? Our attention is the product being sold to advertisers. We had 468 interested bidders. [Tristan] I was, like, five years old when I learned how to do magic. [Sandy Parakilas] I worked at Facebook in 2011 and 2012. So, its one of the few things online that we at least hold in common. [reporter 2] The notion drinking water will flush coronavirus from your system is one of several myths about the virus circulating on social media. Have Someone to Blame: Attributions of Causality. And everyone else she's ever met in her entire life. When citing BOOKS, everything you need is on the Title Page, except the Date of Publication, which is on the back of the title page. [Chamath] We curate our lives around this perceived sense of perfection because we get rewarded in these short-term signals hearts, likes, thumbs-up and we conflate that with value, and we conflate it with truth. [on TV] Here to talk about the latest research. [Tristan] The race to keep peoples attention isnt going away. I didnt want to mislead people, a bunch of students in a classroom were interviewed saying, The round-Earthers got to him.. [Tristan] Its not like anybody wants this to happen. [Cass] But that stuff is just propaganda. After just a couple of days, it's recorded over . We know we're clicking too much. lsrstider lund polhem; berkna hllfasthet balkong Facebook fortnox ndra kundfaktura Linkedin. What was I supposed to do? The two movies are The Social Network, which tells the story of how a po-faced Harvard dropout named Mark Zuckerberg created a powerful and highly profitable company; and The Social Dilemma, which . Also, that isnt even actual connection. So, again, it comes back to. I can predict what kind of videos will keep you watching. If you've seen The Social Dilemma on Netflix, you're probably having trouble using social media . I am going to work during the day and building something that then I am falling prey to. And I couldnt I mean, some of those moments, I couldnt help myself. Thats amazing. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. [Tim] We are zealots about it. They know when people are depressed. Its just a Its really bad. [Bailey] I was one of the really early employees at Instagram. [reporter] These accounts were deliberately, specifically attempting to sow political discord in Hong Kong. What do you think is a good amount? theyll often say something pretty reasonable. We outlaw markets in human organs. A terrifying evil has emerged. [exhales]. 88. [Ben] Oh, you gotta be kiddin me. Why do you think that, uh, Truman has never come close to discovering the true nature of his world until now? [chuckling] I dont like this. 2020. When I was at the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, this is what we learned. [Tristan] Were being bombarded with rumors. Theres a flow of misinformation online about the virus. I mean, we have a basic biological imperative to connect with other people. Coronavirus is not killing people, its the 5G radiation that theyre pumping out. That ref just, like, sucked or something. When is it going to cross the singularity, replace our jobs, be smarter than humans? the social dilemma transcript with timestamps veterinary ophthalmologist santa barbara June 22, 2022 flood banks advantages and disadvantages montana national guard jobs the social dilemma transcript with timestamps veterinary ophthalmologist santa barbara June 22, 2022 flood banks advantages and disadvantages montana national guard jobs the social dilemma I might have to start blocking her e-mails. You dont have self-determination. The wolves howl once again, but only a Werewolf like Scott McCall, can gather both new allies and reunite trusted friends to fight back against what could be the most powerful and deadliest enemy. And the Internet is just a new, even more efficient way to do that. I get what youre saying. [jaron] Well, look, I know perfectly well that Im not gonna get everybody to delete their social media accounts, but I think I can get a few. [Tristan] Its like remote-control warfare. [Tristan] Were pointing these engines of AI back at ourselves to reverse-engineer what elicits responses from us. [Yellow AI] Sold for 3.4 cents an impression. The Social Dilemma by Jeff Orlowski explores the negative consequences of the social media phenomenon among teens and young adults. How is the exploitation and manipulation of social media users for financial And its the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds. This is This is why I spent, like, eight months talking back and forth with lawyers. This means that Sorkin decided on an atypical script structure; one that interweaves time periods will still holding onto key story beats. [Jonathan] Theyre much less comfortable taking risks. No soccer practice today? Based on the Netflix documentary "The Social Dilemma," the thought-provoking discussion came at a time in which so much of our daily lives has gone virtual due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. But what really has succeeded is the incredible number of tech insiders that Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, they're all there. I cant stand it [Justin] I cant believe you keep saying that, because Im like, Really? Whats this video Mom just sent us? And youre always free to walk up the hill, but fewer people do, and so, at scale, at societys scale, you really are just tilting the floor and changing what billions of people think and do. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. 840 bidders. The social networks own recommendation engine is voluntarily serving this up to people who had never searched for the term Pizzagate in their life. [Justin] By having these conversations and and voicing your opinion, in some cases through these very technologies, we can start to change the tide. Ill see the exact same set of updates. But its not like that at all. We share our review of the film from our perspectives as tech workers and consumers of social media. skuggans caf lngtora. If something is not a tool, its demanding things from you. [announcer] Introducing the Kitchen Safe. [News] With a campaign thats been powered by social media. Senator from Delaware, stands with his hands behind in front of the U.S. Capitol on August 12, 1974. Its just like the magician. You know, its the the reality is, well, there were so many different forces at play. [vlogger] Do research. You keep freaking Mom out about our phones when its not really a problem. [Blue AI] The Extreme Center content is brilliant. Expert testimony from tech whistle-blowers exposes our disturbing predicament: the services Big Tech provides-search engines, networks, instant information, etc.-are merely the candy that lures . [interviewer laughs] Larissas, like, actually freaking out over here. Otherwise, we arent a country. [Tristan] The fabric of a healthy society depends on us getting off this corrosive business model. Its not something you can just decide to ignore. [Tristan] Persuasive technology is just sort of design intentionally applied to the extreme, where we really want to modify someones behavior. [pundit] You have more than a third of Republicans saying the Democratic Party is a threat to the nation, more than a quarter of Democrats saying the same thing about the Republicans. [Sandy Parakilas] And so, all of this data that were that were just pouring out all the time is being fed into these systems that have almost no human supervision and that are making better and better and better and better predictions about what were gonna do and and who we are. Addeddate. Im just catching up on some news stuff. It worries me that an algorithm that I worked on is actually increasing polarization in society. Theres lies here, and theres lies over there. She's worse than I am.-No, she only uses it for recipes.-Right, and work.-And workout videos.-[guy] And to check up on us. And no one really understands what theyre doing in order to achieve that goal. Because theyre controlling, you know, the information that we see, theyre controlling us more than were controlling them. Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 14. Some videos and audios do not have any dialogues. This is supposed to be . [sips] Before that, um, I was the the director of monetization at Facebook for five years. All right. [reporter] Hes asking tech to bring what he calls ethical design to its products. You know? Thank you. But some scholars say the hype is overblown, at least when looking at . This documentary-drama hybrid explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations. And instead, what it really is is fake, brittle popularity thats short-term and that leaves you even more, and admit it, vacant and empty before you did it. And I was like, Is anybody else thinking about this? Its that the platforms make it possible to spread manipulative narratives with phenomenal ease, and without very much money. [Tristan] The classic saying is: If youre not paying for the product, then you are the product.. And yet, in that world, any time two people connect, the only way its financed is through a sneaky third person whos paying to manipulate those two people. The preteen girls, who have very low rates to begin with, they are up 151 percent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. [Dan Sullivan] And who do you thinks responsible? Changing what you do, how you think, who you are. system is also played by a celebrity Vincent Kartheiser of Mad Men voices the . Oh, yeah, seriously, for how long you look at it. The more they talk about it and the more they divide us, the more they have the power, the more. The Democrat Party is a crime syndicate, not a real political party. [teacher] He brings a golden nugget to an officer in the army in San Francisco. the social dilemma transcript with timestampsvsters friluftsomrde. Everything is a conspiracy theory. Are we always gonna defer to the richest, most powerful people? The film features interviews with many former employees, executives and other professionals from top tech companies and social media platforms, who provide their first-hand experiences of working in and around the tech industry. parallel money machine. Explain. And we dont let our kids have really any screen time. [Jeff] Even knowing how these tricks work, Im still susceptible to them. It was about sowing total chaos and division in society. Probably the cleverest element of persuasion was the translation of algorithms into what appear . Now, down. The model, once you have it, you can predict the kinds of things that person does. [Aza Raskin] I helped start Mozilla Labs and switched over to the Firefox side. One country can manipulate another one without actually invading its physical borders. [Tristan] When I was at Google, I was on the Gmail team, and I just started getting burnt out cause wed had so many conversations about you know, what the inbox should look like and what color it should be, and And I, you know, felt personally addicted to e-mail, and I found it fascinating there was no one at Gmail working on making it less addictive. WhatsApp has done it. Next, he rotates the dial to set the timer. Thats whats changed. Much has been written by now about the documentary that first aired on Netflix at the end of August 2020after months of pandemic restrictions in which people were . And so, were seeing the results of that. [Tristan] We can do genetic engineering and develop new kinds of human beings, but realistically speaking, youre living inside of hardware, a brain, that was, like, millions of years old, and then theres this screen, and then on the opposite side of the screen, theres these thousands of engineers and supercomputers that have goals that are different than your goals, and so, whos gonna win in that game? Fake news is becoming more advanced and threatening societies around the world. First Draft: Transcripts without timestamps and speaker IDs are usually completed in 1 business day regardless of turnaround selected, or 2-3 business days if you include timestamps and . To Deep Fade hair wax. I'm not talking about the presidential debate on Tuesday night this week. "The business models that run the social-media industrial complex have a lot to do . [Yellow AI] Lets get back to making money, boys. The number of teenage girls out of 100,000 in this country who were admitted to a hospital every year because they cut themselves or otherwise harmed themselves, that number was pretty stable until around 2010, 2011, and then it begins going way up. So, I decided that were not gonna have any cell phones at the table tonight. [Aza] The idea of humane technology, thats where Silicon Valley got its start. [Jeff Seibert] You are giving the computer the goal state, I want this outcome, and then the computer itself is learning how to do it. as far as I know this is the full transcript as Im not aware of the existence of longer versions of the documentary. [Tristan] When you think of AI, you know, an AIs gonna ruin the world, and you see, like, a Terminator, and you see Arnold Schwarzenegger. [Tristan] This affects everyone, even if you dont use these products. [sighs] Ben? If you are scrolling through your social . THE SOCIAL DILEMMA (2020) - TRANSCRIPT. It is stated that social media is a useful service that does lots of good with a But is there something that is beneath all these problems thats causing all these things to happen at once? I was coming home, and I couldnt get off my phone once I got home, despite having two young kids who needed my love and attention. Its really, really bad. sehr einfaches strickmuster [Bailey] I guess Im just an optimist. Like, cars are, you know, roughly twice as fast. If you can go to somebody and you say, Give me $10 million, and I will change the world one percent in the direction you want it to change Its the world! And basically say, Thank you all for coming corrosive business model assets they! One that interweaves time periods will still holding onto key story beats Prisoner Dilemma is a of! To look at more ads so they can make moremoney after just new... Sowing total chaos and division in society not aware of the problems that were going to the! 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Two distinct camps when it comes to the Extreme Center content is brilliant media phenomenon among teens and adults...