simparica trio for dogs side effects

They were ok on that but the vet office is no longer going to carry regular Simperica so we took the Simperica trio that is now in its place. I will never give my dog this medication again. Only some dogs show this symptom. This has gone on for about half of the day. After a day one back leg started working and after six days the other one began to have feeling in it. I gave them their 2nd dose, and 24 hours later, the Collie mix (Bella) was throwing up, lethargic, unsteady, drinking obsessively, panting, and could hardly walk. It's now March 23, he still has falls but not like at first. We have seen signs of aging the past few months and lots of lick smacking so will also watch for the neurological symptoms. This medication is generally well tolerated in most pets. Yea so what about the 10 percent? I am taking them both off Simparica. The safe use of Simparica Trio has not been evaluated in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs. corgi lying in grass next to woman's feet. Bella is a very anxious dog and is my husbands shadow. In isolated cases, however, dogs displayed more serious reactions such as tremors, muscle twitching, and seizures. I've beaten myself up so much giving her this drug, I felt I could trust the vet and the drug company but we obviously cant and it's all about making more money. I hope and pray for no long term affects. I do believe it caused her blindness. He has no appetite. While veterinarians often prescribe medications for off-label uses, your veterinarian will determine whether Simparica is right for your pet. I am a physical therapist, and acquired Sadie to serve as a Therapy Dog in our clinic. RELATED: What You Need to Know About the Lyme Vaccine for Dogs. I researched simparica after she started exhibiting problems and I have little doubt that this is what caused her problems. Also what are you looking at giving your dog as a seizure medication?? Now that Ive read all these comments I think he has developed these issues because of this trio medication. Doubtful our dog will be given Simparica again. Same here! Simparica is available by prescription only, so discuss any history your dog has of seizure disorders with your veterinarian when determining the best flea and tick treatment for your pet. We asked our vet, but he ignored the question. This class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including tremors, ataxia, and seizures. Just gave my baby her first dose. Thirst and urination issues, Possible heart murmur this waned but there is enlargement now at the 4th month at which point Buddy went into steep decline. If so how long did it take? His immune system is destroying his red blood cells . 10 days after taking Simparica, she started having muscle tremors. It's been the worst 2 months. And she keeps whining. Simparico Trio, will not be given to my dog ever again. (which I already had read about and did not want to give this prescription to my dog), but so the two nurses at the front desk of my vet continued to say that they prefer simparica. before i even gave to my dog small doxie i asked the vet about it and they assured me it was safe since she was and i say was a healthy dog. Hopefully there are many other dogs that are unaffected, and just aren't written about here. I don't recommend anyone risk their pet's life just to be a little easier having a pill to take. In total we spend around $780 trying to control/stop the tremors & seizures. That evening after giving it to him he has puked various times. I'm just so angry that the vet prescribed this and I am mad at myself for not researching it. My dog is currently in an emergency hospital in Chicago with my daughter. We are now 2-3 weeks after our dog's dose of Simparica and are hoping for some improvement in her neurological symptoms as time goes on. Simparica trio is a de-worming medication. Now do you get the connection? We have never had issues with him peeing in the house - EVER, and he peed in my office. Some years back my husband gave vet approved & sold oral flea/tic medication to each of our 2 Standard Poodles. However a spinal tap of the fluid surrounding the spinal cord would be need to prove your dog indeed has spinal meningitis and then to treat for the specific bacterium or viral causes. I was blaming the tremors in his back legs on the fact that he has had both ACLs repaired. Im switching back to the old stuff. Daily Paws is part of the Meredith National Digital Network. So sad as he was once a happy healthy dog with no prior health issues. They don't really have an answer for why this happens at all, or why some dogs get better and some don't. Poor baby has had vomiting and diarrhoea ever since. Other signs may include: Lethargy Loss of appetite Since the weather was turning cold, I stopped giving her the Simparica until spring. For 5 years I have resisted my veterinarians suggestions for oral flea meds. When fleas or ticks bite, they are exposed to its FDA-approved ingredient sarolaner, the insecticide, and acaricide that kills parasites fast. My baby is so sick from this Drug. i know this med did this to her , she was on for a year and half , i should never ever have listened to the vet and went with my gut, but again they assured me since she was healthy be very rare she would have side effects smdh and plus been in contract with the makers of this horrible medication they all should be ashamed of themselves!!!!!!!!!!! Fortunately, no seizures but dark yellow diarrhea and puppy has been drinking water like crazy and peeing even while asleep. She had a marked alteration in balance, lost her ability to navigate stairs, and lost all vocalization for almost 4 weeks. I gave my 2 year old dog her monthly dose on Saturday and she started having tremors that night. He had never pooped in the house and now he does every time he has to be put in his indoor pen for us to leave or sleep. If this continues or worsens then discontinue using the flea and tick worm medication and speak to your veterinarian again to discuss other flea and tick prevention options. It kills heartworm larvae by causing paralysis that leads to the death of the parasite. I've spoken to emergency vets and they say they are booked solid and that I need to just monitor her through the night. My dog is 9 yrs old . He was a Shih Tzu. This is taken from the article printed above all these comments "Simparica works by impacting the nervous system of invertebrates such as fleas and ticks. I put water with electrolytes by his cage & food . Animal Drug Safety Communication: FDA Alerts Pet Owners and Veterinarians About Potential for Neurologic Adverse Events Associated with Certain Flea and Tick Products, How to Report Problems with Flea and Tick Products, An official website of the United States government, : (toy aussie & corgi). After reading all these posts that sound so similar to what we are going through. I dont like that my dog looks at me like he doesnt know who I am. The most common Simparica Trio for dogs side effects are; Lethargy Vomiting Diarrhea Loss of appetite Polydipsia Polyuria Hyperactivity Hyperactivity, polydipsia, and polyuria happened in very rare cases. The vet just gave our 16lb shorkie this on Tuesday and he still has the tremors really bad and very lethargic, Im very worried and concerned. But today, after he ate dinner and drank water, it all came back up. Im really trying to understand what happens in the brain because dog is having meningitis type symptoms but the company is denying this is neurological and saying its not one of the side effects of the drug. Simparica Trio is the brand name of a chewable tablet that protects dogs from heartworm disease, fleas, five species of ticks, and two types of intestinal parasites. It has been 20 days since I gave her the prescribed dose of Simparica. I also am seeking information as to if there is a class action suit against this company because there should be. Final Thoughts on Trifexis vs Simparica. Gave my 14 month old 88 lb. I can tell something is off with her I just couldnt figure it out. I should have kept with my gut feeling about any of these oral meds. The office girl not the vet said if it my dog threw up within one hour after eating her pill - then it is safe to give her another one. SIMPARICA TRIO (sarolaner, moxidectin, and pyrantel chewable tablets) is a flavored, chewable tablet for administration to dogs 8 weeks of age and older. We gave our 3.5 month old Aussie pup a dose of Simparica today (vet's prescription), and I did not see the warnings about giving it to dogs under 6 months. Trifexis is much safer and I really don't care about the ticks - I can pull those off. have been seen after using medications in this class of drugs. Did you ever do an MRI or spinal tap? Simparica Trio has been extensively tested on various breeds and on dogs of different ages. But today she isnt eating well, had a bout of diarrhoea and is very tired. Seriously I have had the worse luck. Gave our pup of 10 years the Simparica Trio as suggested by our vet 1 week ago instead of the Simparica and Interceptor he had been on for 7 years with no problems. So from what I understand, your dog was on this for 6 months and got the serious symptoms after that? She is absolutely miserable and we're hoping she makes it. This was one of the most traumatic things myself, my children and husband have experienced. I suppose with any drug, during trials, there will be some who have side effects ranging from negligible to life threatening. Meaning he is suppose to get it today. He had kidney failure he had seizures he had nervous system problems. A week ago I gave him Trifexis because he had been on it a few years ago.the next night he had a seizure. We started the medication on Dec. 1st and 3 days later it started with vomiting and loss of appetite. Really angry this drug is on the market and pushed by many vets. I have always been apprehensive about putting my dog on Heartworm / Flea Tick medication because of horror stories, but I thought he's 5 and it will be from the vet and it seems like the responsible thing to do. She wanted me to monitor him carefully and wait to see how he did on his next dose of Simparica before continuing to prescribe it. Same as you describe. Today she has fallen 2 or 3 times in the last 8 hours). Simparica Trio Recall can be trusted with their product. Exactly. My older dog had his enzyme levels checked after taking 5 months of simparica and they were elevated 26x the nomal level. This junk needs to be pulled from the market. So I did. The innovative formula disrupts gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate receptors, which both play a role in nerve transmissions. He had his second dose on 3rd July. He had a problem with severe biting a few months back and Vet said he most likely allergic to fleas (bites). She is lethargic and doesnt want to eat. So no Addisions. FREE shipping and the BEST customer service! If I still lived in the city, I would probably use the garlic because the previous GS never had any issues and lived a long time. Did your dog pass away? Hello! After her first dose she had diarrhea, vomiting and developed a terrible wheezing hacking cough. We go for more bloodwork today and are praying for better news. Our pup only made it 4 months after her first seizure, but this did seem to help her symptoms toward the end. Side effects of Simparica Trio observed in safety and effectiveness studies included vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia, otitis externa (ear infection), pruritus (itching), polyuria (urinating more frequently), hyperactivity and polydipsia (drinking more water). My little Billy Boy had his first visit to the vet and they gave him Simparica Trio. They gave him IV glucose to raise his Potassium level. He is a 6 month old Bloodhound so they are always hyper. It is Easter Sunday and he still has diarrhea and drinking a crazy amount of water. The Simparica was recommended by the vet. The active ingredient of Simparica, sarolaner, belongs to a newer class of flea and tick preventatives called isoxazolines. I notified my vet and Zoetis, the company that makes this drug. Hoping that these side effects dont get worse and subside soon . I fed him a diet of boiled chicken and rice for 3 days and began to introduce his food which is a limited ingredient type. It has been demonstrated to be safe for puppies as young as 8 weeks old weighing 2.8 pounds or more. Not even going to risk it . After about 35 days he was back to normal. I gave this for the first time to my hound and about 3 hours later, she was very unsteady on her feet, eyes half shut and then had 4 episodes of breathing rapidly that each lasted 30 seconds or so and all happened within a 30 minute period. I threw him his ball and he actually was interested in it. Just gave 3yr old OES first dose yesterday (her half sister got one too) and today she has uncontrolled urination. Gave Simparica to my dog yesterday. Never had them ever and she's only 3 1/2 yrs old. Doctor prescribed the salyien with some injunction but all are in labrador has same issues till datemy vet.not says anything about the side effect of the Simparica..i m now helpless..pls help me what should I do.. please help me to rid over itpls pls me. It's important to ensure that your dog eats the whole dose and that part of the dose is not lost or spit out, so I always watch my dog eat and make sure she got it all. I thought maybe he got into something. Vet did not recognize symptoms of unary issue and thirst 2 weeks after starting on this drug combo. This stuff should be banned. Charlie took the pill on Monday and could not even walk this morning. We have given him pedialyte. The Trio product by Simparica is a three-in-one medication to control and prevent flea, tick, and heartworm. Hopefully, there is no permanent damage to his brain or body. A week and a half from taking the drug, he is still on 3 meds, taking fluids and starting to gain strength and eat food and drink water in very small amounts. Hope all is well. Im going to another vet and discontinuing simparica. It all depends, sadly. Moxidectin was first approved by the FDA in 1997 for the prevention of heartworm disease in dogs. He was given fluids, anti-nausea meds, meds to assist with the inflammation of his esophagus. Her last dose of Simparica Trio was given to her on October 1, 2021. They would clear up after a round of antibiotics but would return the next month. You can use drops or a collar if ticks are a problem, or there's a vaccine for Lyme disease now too if that's your major concern. I am continuing to recover at home and have to use an oxygen tank. No simparica for them either! I am so sorry for your loss. This spring I gave her one dose, and the tremors soon were back and much worse. I feel so bad ,my 8weeks cockerspaniel hasnt been the same 24 hours of giving first dose of Simparica trio.My boy has been distressed with lethargic conditions,sleepy and peeing . I gave my dog his first dose the first week of April. I have given him bottle water but I don't think it is making it into him any longer. We are beyond sad that this has happened to him and pray he makes a full recovery. Simparica Trio also contains the ingredient moxidectin, which shifts chloride, a naturally occurring electrolyte, across the cell membrane of certain susceptible worms such as heartworms, roundworms, and hookworms. Vet said "cant be Simparica because he had 9 days ago". It was recommended by my vet and they no longer were selling anything other than Simparica and dropped having Bravecto to sell their customers. Benefits: Each tablet provides a full month of protection against fleas and ticks. MONEY!!. Im petrified after reading the comments here. In clinical trials, vomiting and diarrhea were the most frequently reported adverse reactions. . I am worried! I wish I could get this out of her system now. I even told them about the Simparica which they dont respond to. She couldnt walk straight anymore and stopped eating. Upon receiving her 2nd dose, 4 weeks later, she presented symptoms of malaise within 2 hours. four times. My 5 year old Fox Hound isnow drinking lots of water and urinating in the house! Next day she seemed different, standing slightly strangely. Simparica can cause ataxia, which is the official name for loss of body control. Im convinced the medicine caused this and now she cant walk. Seizure meds arent working. Can anyone tell me how long it takes for meds to be completely out of system? In addition to killing fleas and several kinds of ticks, Simparicais effective in preventing and treating mange and ear mites. lola weighs about 9lbs. If only one percent of dogs have reaction to these drugs and 100,000 pups are given the drugs, think how many that would be that are either killed or made unable to function. My guess is their are counting on getting the dosage exactly right where it greatly affects small creature but not enough to affect big animals, however too many variables can affect the absorption in your pet's digestive tract leading to these horrible experiences being related in all the comments here. Simparica Trio Chewable Tablets for Dogs is recommended for use in dogs and puppies 8 weeks of age and older, and weighing 2.8 lbs or more for the prevention of heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis. Took a dose of simparica trio.second rose in second is having tremors. If not, we had some success with symptom management using Prednisone. I gave my 10 pound, 6 month old very healthy cockapoo this pill 11 am today by 1 pm she was very lethargic shaking, bobbing and weaving, drooling. Not sure what effects he will continue to have. A couple of weeks later she had lost weight from not eating. I have a chihuahua/miniature pincher mix dog thats 9 yrs. Parasite prevention is not only important for your dog's healthit also protects the people around your dog. Revolution is a much safer flea treatmentSimparica should not be used on dogs at all.PERIOD !whomever approved this drug needs to be sued via a class action law suitDO NOT use this drug on your dogsluckily I was made aware of this drug before using it on my precious ones as this drug had gone public and I happened to read about it..I don't know why Vets aren't warning clients about the potential serious side effects and/or possible DEATH ! Could the issues with my dog being iffy with the steps be from the medication? I just started my 80 pound pit on this same medication yesterday. My pup is scheduled to see a neurologist Monday ( today's friday) to evaluate. I gave my yellow Lab, Sophie, her first Simperica trio. If it has been a long period of time since the last dose was given, you may see fleas temporarily during the missed time. like what??? I hope it is better. Thursday morning was an awful beginning of the day for our boy. I will never give another dose to him! Advised her to put a big note on our account that she is never to have this again. We took him to a emergency Vet Hospital that pin pointed Simparica Trio as the main facture that triggered his controlled seizure episodes in having constant all day tremors & seizures hurting him to the point of making the decision to put him down or have him continue with the pain until it killed him. I had to put him on ani seizures meds due to some being clusters so unable to tell if he is getting better or the meds are just preventing it. I would forego either unless you really have a serious flea issue that can't be solved with a flea collar. He has been eating the same organic GF food for the past several years. My 11 year old terrier mix has been weak, uncoordinated and pacing up and down the hallway most of the day, sometimes stopping and staring at the wall. She is healing and has no new rashes or sores. I am hesitant to get him tested for Addision or even treated for anything the vet might find, I fear adding some other drug to this may confuse or complicate things even worse, but I am scared of the risks both ways. He had an MRI and it came out good. I will not be giving him simparica again. She was shaking like she was freezing. It is recommended that all pets be tested for existing heartworm infection prior to starting treatment with Simparica Trio. However, the product has not been evaluated in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs. How can they put something that can cause this level of damage on the market and how do vets not even tell us to monitor our pets or tell us what the risks are. I gave my 1 year old collie cross Simparica flea and tick medication. My vet gave us Simparica for my newly adopted Chihuahua yesterday. For todays update the blood work came back MCH is low and Potassium is HI and Sodium is low. This medicine needs to be stopped. After your dog takes the chew, the drugs circulate in the blood, and when a flea or tick bites your dog, it's exposed to the chemical. All antiparasitics for dogs lower the seizure threshold. He looked like he was having a seizure. Hi, any chance you did a spinal tap? Im worried sick. I am going to try stopping the medication for a month to see if things improve. I recently switched my 3.5 year old German Shepard to simparica and about 2 weeks after his first dose he had two seizures in one night and has NEVER had them before. It is a very traumatic experience that I saw my 1 year old dog go through and now no lo ever here. He had a serious skin issue a few months back and it was blamed on fleas. This is terrible. I gave our boy, Yogi his first dose of Simparica TRIO on 11/17/2020. We did get a little symptom improvement from prednisone if they are having other neurological issues. Im now scared half to death. We administered the first dose on Wednesday June 1st to our 9 year old bouvier flanders. Consulting vet and will not give Simparica ever again. Went to a different vet, within minutes he found a large mass on my Poms abdomen. Once again peed in my office on Saturday. It's getting better and I decided to just wait and hope when this stuff clears out in 30 days he goes back to normal. My 8 month old labradoodle has had 2 doses of Simparico Trio. The king cavalier bichon mix seems to be ok just not eating much if at all. I let him back in the bedroom yesterday all went well, then this morning I woke to him peeing in the floor again. Im so terribly sorry about your puppy. His motor skills have been affected and hes been losing weight even though he eats heartily. Although much improved, she continues to exhibit left side bias, with frequent left circling. 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