four types of locusts in joel

To Be Or Not To Be In Heaven? This is what a day of judgment from the Lord looks like: scarcity, destruction, pain, wailing, fire, and drought. Each causes more harm than the other. Four basic elements comprise material creation: Earth, fire, air, and water. These three prophets are principally concerned with the status of the Temple, the new religious hierarchy, and the religious obligations of the post-exilic community. ), Moses & Elijah vs. Antichrist & The False Prophet. Part II, Seven Times Seven (to the 4th power)! The Four Gentile Kingdoms Now let's examine the four kingdoms that God specifically utilized to accomplish a good part of his plan for Israel and for all peoples. Yes, there are four seasons, four primary lunar phases, and four sides to what is probably the most perfect geometric object we can think of a square. And what the young hopping locusts left, the young crawling locusts ate. (Source: Hope 2003, p. 207). ): The Lord gave this message to Joel son of Pethuel. Outline I. Two Thirds of the Jews Killed Past or Future? Not hardly. Thus, the Lord took the initiative to deliver them; not just from bondage to Pharaoh, but from spiritual slavery to false gods. Stand Still & Watch God Fight for Israel! Messiah and the Jewish Festivals An Extraordinary Connection! As alluded earlier, there is a distinct reason why there are only four kingdoms revealed by God to Daniel: because each of these nations were used by God to accomplish his prophetic purpose for Israel. It is close at hand a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness. Superhuman Bodies for Believers / How & Why? God disciplines His people, but He also defends them. And the covenant with King David will be fully accomplished when Messiah (King of all kings) returns to the Mount of Olives and rescues the Jews from the onslaught of the ten-king federation led by the Antichrist. Four Hundred Silent Years: Therefore, in less than one generation (using 70 years as a generational measurement) God suddenly stopped all communication with his people for four hundred years. / Your Answer May Be In Jeopardy! To give us light, to distinguish day from night, and enabling us to tell time. ( Joel 1:4, 6, 7) In John's vision, the locusts are "told not to harm the vegetation of the earth.". That is until now! Although some who did return under the leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah were those who rebuilt the Temple and the walls of Jerusalem, by and large, they continued to time and time again depart from the Lord. What parent would not first warn his or her child of the consequences of disobedience, and give that child reasonable time to respond favorably? Consequently, the severe attack of the locusts does not include or involve Assyria as the instrument nation God used to punish the ten northern tribes. Up or down doesnt count; if we go beneath or above the earth, we must then travel in one of four directions. Defeat in battle by siege and by the sword is one thing. PDF Slides - Joel 1-2 27 What are the 4 types of locusts? Four major prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. This species mainly consumes grasses like sorghum . And so I will close by saying: There are three things about The Lord that are precious to meno, four: Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Persia: God caused this nation to rise in power in order to end Israels exile in Babylon, by crushing the once mighty Babylonian empire. After them came the hopping locusts, and then the stripping locusts, too!(Joel 1:1-4). Will All Children Be Taken in The Rapture? In the Bible, God afflicts ancient Egyptians with ten plagues for their sins. Joel contends that God always responds when his people repent. According to Joel 1:4, there are four types of locusts namely chewing , swarming , crawling and consuming. They promise blessings for nothing and are full of enticing words laced with emotional appeal. What the swarming locust left, the hopping locust has eaten, and what the hopping locust left, the destroying locust has eaten" (ESV). Joel Chapter 2. Only four types of locust viz., Desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria), Migratory locust (Locusta migratoria) Bombay Locust (Nomadacris succincta) and Tree locust (Anacridium sp.) Purple Robe Black Locust. Why did God use a locust swarm to punish Israel (Joel 1:4)? Separation of Church and State For or Against? Remember December (Kislev) A Hidden Gem of Prophecy! For instance, in the blooming stage, you will find bright green leaves with a tinge of purple. . The desert locust is most important pest in India as well as in intercontinental context. One Global Language Coming Soon! We know beyond any doubt that the four consecutive sets of seven times over (meaning years) resumed after the Babylonian captivity, as the Jews were once again conquered, this time by the Romans with that Diaspora exile lasting an agonizing 19 centuries. When the locusts consume the fields, the prophet Joel sees the power of their community. A locust is a special kind of grasshopper that adapts its body and behavior to swarm when environmental conditions are rightusually when there's a lot of rainfall. It appears that this swarm was unusual in that it contained four types of locusts (Joel 1:4), making it particularly severe. Four Hundred Years of Forewarnings: From the time that King Davids reign of glory ended and about half way through Solomons reign (the latter part of his kingship resulted in Solomon, himself, and Israel beginning to turn away from God) to the time of the Babylonian captivity was about four hundred years. There was loss of: grapes (Joel 1:5), figs (Joel 1:7), grain (Joel 1:9; Joel 1:10), wheat and barley (Joel 1:11), the fruit from trees (Joel 1:12, olives (Joel 1:13), and the food for the livestock (Joel 1:18). Second, the Book of Joel refers repeatedly to the day of the Lord as a time of doom and terror (Joel 1:15; 2:11), as does Amos (Amos 5:18, 20). Thus, ending Gentile domination of Israel, referred to as The Times of the Gentiles. Which is why the Virgin Birth of Christ was both natural and supernatural. (LogOut/ Scripture Says Everyone Will Die / But What About the Rapture? But God was merciful in his discipline of Judah, by allowing his people to return to Israel after seventy years. Then you will know that I am among my people Israel, that I am the Lord your God, and there is no other. 5 Incredible Locust Facts! It is also much larger than they; for it is generally three. Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth. Joel 1-2:27 The Locusts Attack. are reported in India. (Part II), One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand Messianic Jews Part I, One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand Messianic Jews Part II. . We Must Define The Terms. But sadly, ever so tragically, the religious leaders of Israel and most of the people rejected Jesus as Messiah. Answer A locust swarm has the potential to devastate all vegetation in its path and can cause economic disaster in a region. Which is why the Jews to this day celebrate the Feast of Purim. The group of locusts is usually called a swarm. Zechariahs Dramatic Description of Antichrists Fatal Wounds. (Part I), Spiritual Bodies A Contradiction of Terms? This article is excerpted from The JPS Bible Commentary: Haftarot, and is reprinted with permission from the Jewish Publication Society. The disastrous result of this denial was that the seven times over discipline of Israel would continue and even intensify in duration and magnitude; beginning in 70 AD with the utter destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple and near complete exile of Jews to what would be virtually every nation on earth. complete answer on, View 26 You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, And praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; And My people shall never be put to shame. Required fields are marked *. 2002-2023 My Jewish Learning. Satan in Bodily Form When & Why (Part I), Satan in Bodily Form When & Why (Part II). I say periods of punishmentin the literal application of actual time or years of Israels history. Interestingly, the . This in turn gets us into wrong choices and actions. Stunning Catastrophes of the Tribulation / Their Timing & Purpose. Now lets examine the four kingdoms that God specifically utilized to accomplish a good part of his plan for Israel and for all peoples. This is as abrupt an event (which is also a prophetic image) that youll find anywhere in the Bible. Only four types of locust viz., Desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria),Migratory locust (Locusta migratoria) Bombay Locust (Nomadacris succincta) and Tree locust (Anacridium sp.) Joel is writing exclusively to the southern kingdom of Judah. (as the first and third in the list) and concluding with Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi from the late sixth to early fifth centuries B.C.E. Although it may seem so at first, this article is not mainly about the fascinating subject and study of numbers in Scripture. To this day, the Jews celebrate Hanukkah. To be torn from their land and carted off to a foreign country was the ultimate disgrace and desolation for Israel. By referring to other passages in Daniel and as easily confirmed by world history, the four nations were: Babylon: The first beast was like a lion with eagles wings (Daniel 7:4). The only conscience they have is one of not getting caught so they thrive in darkness and perpetuate evil, cheering those that practice evil and detesting the children of the light. The angels for the fourth trumpet and the fourth bowl judgements change the physical laws of heavenly bodies, including the sunall part of the fourth day of creation (Revelation 8:12 & Revelation 16:8). The greatest tools used by the chewing locusts are music, television, film and the internet. One, Two, Or Could There Be Three? The great army of locusts advances like darkness spreading over the mountains. Nevertheless, there is much verbal and thematic continuityfor example, the dark and devastating day of the Lord (Joel 2:2 and 3:4) and the eventual divine gifts to Israel of natural bounty (2:24 and 4:13). God withdrew his protection and blessings from Israel enough to allow Israels enemies to conquer and/or control them. God explicitly and exclusively used these four Gentile empires to execute his warnings to Israel first given through Moses before the Hebrews even entered and possessed the Promised Land. Therefore, even if Joel is referring to a serious plague of locusts that actually took place in his time, the ultimate long-term reference is the incredible (historical) things that would happen to Israel and the nations in the future, including mighty armies that would overwhelm Israel. In fact, the actions of the four locusts strikingly represent the characteristics of the four world kingdoms. The Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1). If we look up these four words; Palmerworm Locust Cankerworm Caterpillar Four different types of locusts, entered the land of Judah successively and feasted on the land. Alright, I agree not the best takeoff of the Wizard of Oz. It is because one of the great prophecies the Apostle Peter cites on the Day of Pentecost is found in the last part of . This first description focuses on its severity. Not seven, as the seven kings of Revelation 17 are just that kings, not kingdoms. Hanukkah The Festival Born of a Prophecy! While these four words occur in Joel 1:4 and 2:25, a consideration of the book as a whole does not show that the ravages of four different insect pests are referred to, but rather a single one, and that the locust. Unfortunately in the light of this day and age, the people under the influence of the consuming locusts have penetrated the church and are this minute operating as leaders in the church. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ( Joel 2:20) Those John saw came out of an abyss. When were these predictions fulfilled? Your email address will not be published. In less than half a square mile, there can be anywhere between 40 and 80 million locusts, and a swarm can measure up to 460 square miles in size. Hopping locust: It means lapper. (Or leaps and bounds think of a gazelle or frog). I do this in my personal time of Bible study with the Lord. In short order, they can completely devastate an agricultural economy. But with obvious implication that this beast was greater and more terrifying that the three predecessors. locust (different kinds in Joel 1:4 and 2:25), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window). The devastation of the locusts swarm was extensive. Thus will God manifest His presence in the midst of Israel (2:27). The result is an apocalyptic fantasy with more than a trace of the smoldering hopes for national revival and the imagined collapse of the foreign rulers. Four types of locust are mentioned in Joel 1:4, the cutter, locust, grasshopper, and devourer. Persia: No cutting or removal here. See, the locust knows the strength that lies in, Whilst you are drawn that way, he works to get more of his hordes to swarm and lay eggs on your conscience. In this instance, it is to be used to "alarm" the people to the . Double Israels Trouble & Double Her Blessings! Messiah Jesus is a direct descendant from the fourth tribe, Judah, (son) of Jacob. The true locust is one of over 5000 species of grasshopper. Although Alexander, himself, was mostly kind to and considerate of the Jews, his successors were not. These insects are some of the oldest bugs, being relatively unchanged since the Triassic era. This verse proves, beyond a doubt, that they mistake who interpret this prophecy of a hostile invasion of Judea; for it seems to be a general rule in the . Not the least of which was Messiahs death on the (four-pointed) cross during the ascendancy of the Roman Empire, to redeem every person who would accept him as their personal Savior. Soon, even sooner, the Lord will rapture born-again believers, Jew and Gentile alike,from an earth that is lapped by terror and covered with evil. And finally, one may observe that the central horror of the Book of Joel is a plague of locusts, one type of which is called the gazam (cutter [Joel 1:4]), whereas the prophet Amos reports how God brought about a plague of gazam (Amos 4:9), among other disasters, in order to bring the people to repentance all to no avail. At this stage no amount of poking and chewing will be felt anymore as all nerves are dead to sensation. This threatens the people's ability to present offerings in the temple ( 1:9, 13, 16 ). What Is Done to Israel Will Be Done in Return / Dangers of a DividedJerusalem, What Is Done To Israel Will Be Done In Return / The Iran NuclearDeal, Turmoil, Tragedy, & Terror in Israel (Part III Terror), A Divine Solution to Global Polarization & Church/State Separation. All Rights Reserved, Isaiah ben Amoz: Political Prophet (Isaiah: 1-39), Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi: Back in the Land. Before them fire . . Your email address will not be published. What is the valley of decision (Joel 3:14)? Theres Resurrection; And Theres Resurrection! In each of these verses there are no less than four different words for locust: gazam, arbeh, yeleq, and chasil. Jesuss Stunning Statements While on the Cross A Summary of Salvation! From Gods perspective, thats one of the reasons why the Roman beast was different from the previous kingdoms. The Balfour Declaration Beginning of the Omega Generation (Part I), The Balfour Declaration Beginning of the Omega Generation (Part II), The Incomparable Power and Authority of Jesus Christ, The Magnificent Millennial Reign of Believers with Messiah, The Most Panoramic Prophecy in the Bible (Part I), The Most Panoramic Prophecy in the Bible (Part II), The Most Significant End-Times Sign Of All, The Phenomenal Thousand Years/One Day Parallel. Two-State Solution & The Seven-Year Treaty Impossible? And a really bad time: So much so, that were it not for Gods direct intervention through Queen Esther, the Persian Kings edict falsely procured by the lies of the wicked official Haman would have resulted in genocide of the Jewish people. It may be connected with Assyr. A more precise translation would be: What the swarming locusts left, the resident locusts ate; complete answer on, View Only those who invoke the name of the Lord shall escape (v. 5). inches long, and sometimes as much as four or five. Verse 3: "The land is like . Key Notes: Assyrians are like locusts. Part I, Seven Times Seven (to the 4th power)! Most commentators accept that this refers to locusts in four different stages of development. Mede-Persia: Then I saw a second beast, and it looked like a bear (Verse 5). Each day has four component parts: Seconds, minutes, hours, and day. 9:4) The locusts Joel saw came from the north. I would need to travel east from my home city of Phoenix, Arizona to get to Los Angeles, California! Joel mentions just four types of locust, but there are actually LOTS of types of locusts (also called grasshoppers). It devoured and crushed its victims with huge iron teeth and trampled their remains beneath its feet. They are completely taken over by these locusts (demons) and thereby all their deeds are evil continually with no regret or remorse at all. Italys New Government / A Thorn in the EUs Side, Jerusalems Mysterious Eastern Gate Making Headlines. instead of being harmless, as they usually are, it does a great deal of. them. First, some of the final words of Joel (Joel 4:16) rally with the opening words of Amos (Amos 1:1), and an arranger might have brought them into conjunction. Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem A Broken Promise? But the story did have four main characters: Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion. In Europe the term locust denotes large acridids, whereas smaller species are called grasshoppers. They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green plant or any tree, but only those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. Though there had been made the suggestion that stages were indicated, it had been rejected on the ground that the locust had only three stages: the hopping, the crawling, and . Greece: Alexander the Greats amazing four-year campaign that conquered much of the civilized and uncivilized world was accomplished in blitzkrieg fashion, i.e. They are false prophets whose tongues are laced with poison that continually draws the children of light astray. Most of us know this incredible account in Scripture. (1Co_5:6; Pro_9:6, Pro_13:20; 2Ti_2:16-18; Heb_12:15; 2Pe_2:2, 2Pe_2:18-20). This time Gods salvation was for Gentiles, too. / A Decisive Answer, The Shroud of Turin Real or Fake? on, View The destruction of Tyre comes to mind: begun by Nebuchadnezzar and completed by Alexander the Great. There you will find that seven times over (7 x 7 x 7 x 7) translated to years (which was the basis for Gods measuring out of his discipline) lasted exactly until 1967; the remarkable year when Israelis once again assumed control of the Holy City of the Holy Land in the Six-Day War of 1967. Such as, in all your history, has anything like this happened before?. End of the World Events In Chronological Order! The dramatic and traumatic magnitude of this locust onslaught strongly indicates that the locusts are much more than just insects that may have ravaged the land in a one-time plague. In the Ten Commandments, the fourth is to keep Gods Sabbath day of rest, which is an integral part of the creation week. One locust swarm can have close to 80 lakh locusts. Powerful Proof of Messiahs Identity & Arrival in The First Century! Does Israel Belong To The State of Israel? Its very evident in Scripture that God loves Israel, those whom he calls his special possession. However, we are going to see how the number four relates to and explains a huge portion of Israels history; in the context of Gods providential direction for the Jews and their interaction with mighty Gentile nations. . Joel's literary style, in the Hebrew text, is rich, vivid, classical, clear, and beautiful. Perhaps you grew up with many blessings, but in your heart you wanted to rebel. People will stagger from sea to sea and wander from border to border searching for the word of the Lord, but they will not find it (Amos 8:11-12). When can you wash hair after septoplasty? The Chewing Locust Moreover, the latter prophet even presents us with a similar apocalyptic battle against the nations, portrayed through images of deadly terror and dark horror. Its equally clear that his sovereign choice had nothing to do with any self-worth or intrinsic value that the Jews may have otherwise possessed. Isaiah hints at the locusts. Messiahs Millennial Reign Incredible Changes on Earth, Messiahs Return & The Rapture (Same or Separate Events? So well wrap this weeks article up with a hidden gem of prophecy that is a short, veiled counterpart to Daniels vision of the four beasts. During their four-hundred years of what turned into captivity and slavery, they also began to worship some of the false, man-made Egyptian gods. In all your history, has anything like this happened before? National tragedy, cause and effect. All rights reserved. Joel chapter 1 and our subject for tonight is "Judah, the Locust, and the Day of the Lord.". You will sow much seed in the field but you will harvest little, because locusts will devour it (Deuteronomy 28:37-38). The first locust is further described by . They are not to be equated to any of the four kingdoms listed in Daniel. Locusts (derived from the Latin locusta, meaning grasshopper) are various species of short-horned grasshoppers in the family Acrididae that have a swarming phase. Then, God acts on our behalf. The multitudes will be judged on a day when the sun and moon are darkened (v. 15). Required fields are marked *. Joel 2:25-27. Soon, very soon, Israels physical and spiritual restoration will be complete. UNESCO / Theatre of the Absurd Against Israel, United Nations Downsizing of Israel (Resolution 2334). THE LOCUST. Who Is the Antichrist & How Will He Appear (Part I), Who Is The Antichrist & How Will He Appear? by hopping and lapping and skimming rapidly over and through other peoples and nations, including Israel. They were continually disobedient to God and deceitful with each other, especially the religious leaders toward the common people. In other words, the scripture was not written for an individual. . Many prophets combine current events in Israel when they were written with future (prophetic) events. In the Book of Revelation, locusts with scorpion tails and human faces are to torment unbelievers for five months when the fifth trumpet sounds. Joel 2:25 shows equal thoroughness in restoring what each . I certainly didnt until just recently, when I read again and this time realized the following passage says exactly that. Isaiah often does this. To be sure the ten northern tribes were conquered and exiled to Assyria after only 250 years; however, the two southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin (the heart and soul of Israel if for no other reason than Jerusalem as their Holy capital) were spared from Gods punishment for nearly four hundred yearsright up to Babylons final conquest of Judah. This seed can be further fueled through the same medium unless you turn away or cut it off. The wrong choices and actions drive us further toward deprivation and the stench of our deeds is a magnet for more locusts to come over hence the swarming that ensues! Most commentators accept that this refers to locusts in four different stages of development. Removing Christ From Christmas What Are The Consequences? What are the four types of locusts? Which also exerted a direct impact on the rest of the world past, present, and future. An Army of Locusts - Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill. It was Gods eternal promise to the Jews, one that would ultimately result in perpetual possession and occupation (in the positive connotation of the word) of Israel. They could and should have returned to Israel, especially after Joseph died. There were four rivers flowing from the Garden of Eden. He did this because he knew (and so do we) that not a single person on earth ever has or ever will be without sin; thus qualified to live forever with a loving but Holy God. Las Vegas Massacre A Broader Perspective, Light of The World (Sequel To: The Incomparable Power & Authority of Jesus Christ), Major Earthquake in Israel When & Where It Will Strike. Consumer eats. Once again there were good times and bad times for the Jews under Persian domination. The Book of Joel is the second work in the collection of the Minor Prophets known as Trei Asar, or The Twelve, and is ascribed in the superscription to Joel son of Petuel. Gog/Magogs Prophetic Clock Is Ticking, Ticking. There are three types of locusts that attacked. The occurrence of Joel between Hosea and Amos puts this prophet earlier than any scholarly reckoning (see below), and many have suggested that his place in the sequence may be due to verbal and thematic considerations. As such, threats to the nation's crops were one of the main concerns of its citizens. No, it is because of the wickedness of the other nations that he is pushing them out of your way. Then the summary article, The Omega Generation, published 2-15-14. He tells the people to rend their hearts and turn back to their gracious Lordfor out of compassion He may turn and relent (2:1214). Revelation 9:3-10 ESV / 190 helpful votesNot Helpful. 9:2, 3) The locusts Joel described are driven away. Joel actually points out that these types of calamities are signs of God's displeasure that if goes ignored the future . Russias Shocking Invasion of Ukraine A Preview of Gog/Magogs Attack on Israel? The reason they are viewed as a plague by ungodly mankind is that the majority of people don't want to hear God's message, it hurts their selfish view of the world and they are plagued by. Particularly the Seleucid ruler, Antiochus Epiphanes IV. Because thats exactly how the Lord applied this discipline initially through the Babylonian destruction of Israel and Solomons Temple followed by a seventy-year exile in Babylon. Reexamination of Messiahs Imminent Return & The Omega Generation. July 01 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report Add your Answer You can find a detailed description of the distressing consequences in Leviticus Chapter 26 and a recap review by Moses in Deuteronomy Chapter 28. complete answer on, View The prophet Joel wrote about four types of locusts that caused destruction to the agriculture of Israel. The account begins with an invasion of four types of locust that devastated the land and led to a time of great calamity. Which led to their near annihilation by the Romans and second exile, this time much more severe and longer in duration. Moreover, there is no indication, whatsoever, that they would have voluntarily made any effort to once again seek their true and living God. Please read my book, Out of the Abyss, for complete clarification. Harvest little, because locusts will devour it ( Deuteronomy 28:37-38 ) his to. All nerves are dead to sensation the desert locust is most important pest in India well! 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