allison collins daughter of allen collins

Asian Americans study over twice as much as whites in California and thus earn more money and are more than 3x as likely to make a UC. During the 1987 Lynyrd Skynyrd Tribute tour Allen served as musical director -- selecting the set lists, arranging the songs and setting the stage. Ever have one of those times where you forget what it was you were looking for when you got up but that it was really important that you write it down but by the time you find something to write with youve forgotten this importnt/juicy/sclerotic thought. telling me to read more books or stop commenting. Our meeting ended when I said, Sam, were Israel not committing crimes, there would be no need for AIPAC. Thats fair. I should not be feeling what I feel because I do not understand the concept of white supremecy. Isnt that the point? I react to this as a lifelong serious reader and writer. Check the tweets again! That just sounds weird. Hard working vs lazy. As we all know, and you wrote about so well, the list of 44 had some rather dubious additions. Every group that starts poor has to pay their dues. (That should happen at the ballot box and shes up for re-election in November 2022.) Please keep your comments short and civil. We need to be more civil there is a lot of intelligence in these responses and we can all make our fiercest points without getting personal and mean-spirited. The rich private schools wont lower their standards. That was the prophet, Samuel giving marching orders to Israels first king, Saul. Overall people just seem to get along with each other and having friends and acquaintances from all groups is the norm. When talking about Asians in America, Afghans and other South Asians are usually not included in the conversation. did i hurt your pride? This is as racist as it gets. I truly hope the Asian and Black communities can heal their differences and get back to the real issue of the today, fighting off the white devils ! She didnt get drunk and say something insulting to Asians which didnt represent what is truly in her heart. As Americans, we are so wholly UNAWARE of the true history of this nation and the very purposeful barriers put in place to keep Black Americans down. Allen originally wanted the name Horsepower for his band, but shortly after completing the new album's artwork they learned that name was already used. If she had Id be open to restoration. Their foreign policy seems fixated on out of context Middle East history, yet they seem unconcerned with active Black African slavery in Mali, Sudan, Mauritania and, recently, Libya. Does Ms. Collins ouster send a message ( I doubt it as weve been firing people over this for decades and it still happens)? People do not achieve success solely from their own individual efforts. Full stop. This is exactly backwards: the students are what make the schools elite!). Donald Trump, whose been the embodiment of the American work ethic for decades, calls them losers to which they should be summarily fired. I also want to add to Tiffany Cs comment that Colins was also unapologetic today as well. Those on the field doing hard labor had it harder, but at the end of the day, they were all still slaves and the persons position in the home was tenuous. It also included Skynyrd members Billy Powell and Leon Wilkeson, in addition to female lead vocalist, Dale Krantz. 1. She doesnt encourage black kids to study long hours. But that has no bearing on the larger systems and structures of power at play in this regard. Yet NO ISSUES for the asian man; he was not detained for hours, stereotyped, NOTHING. You assert this as if it were absolute fact. Less obvious of an enemy than Trump, but an enemy nonetheless. Gold and platinum albums followed a string of hit songs like 'Sweet Home Alabama', 'Saturday Night Special', 'Gimme Back My Bullets', 'What's Your Name? Skynyrd received international recognition for popularizing Southern rock genre during the 1970s. Even if she was a victim in the past, it doesnt give her anymore right to hurt others. Because even her ideological allies see where this could go: This could be the French Laundry moment for the nascent recall attempt of Collins and fellow commissioners Faauuga Moliga and Gabriela Lpez. Shell be more honorable and Its not. No, we dont. WebAllen's family grew with the birth of his daughter Amie followed quickly by Allison. She has actively pursued policies that specifically hurt Asian American children more than any other group. Would this justify an Asian parent casting hateful racial slurs at all black students, parents and teachers? To quote Kierkegaard, once you label me you negate me. Taking away rewards will hurt our GDP and our nation. I ask, wheres the protection for the Black and Latino community. Wrong, beneath her, and shes paying now. Probably wouldnt have been possible without Lowell. To get offended at the concept someone is calling black kids lazy, the black community has to radically transform and stay married as much as Asians, marry before having kids, save, pool resources, and spend as many hours studying. The harder one works, the more success a person can achieve. Nothing was taken out of context. 2. The crash, which killed Ronnie VanZant, guitarist Steve Gaines, vocalist Cassie Gaines, road manager Dean Kilpatrick and seriously injured the rest of the band and crew, shattered Skynyrd's fast rising star as it cut a 500 foot path through the swamp. It is why Asians are over represented at Lowell, not because they seek to align with white supremacists. So what is the model thats being modeled in the model minority? Things were looking up for Collins. WebThe younger Collins daughter prefers a quieter life, and described herself as a stayathome mom through much of her career as a bestselling author. Have you made one peep about the racist SOTA? Immigrants prove that. No need to overcomplicate every issue you come across. It assumes the worst of whites, morally, and considers Asians to be suckers, manipulated by whites. I think those on the school board are fighting for the underdog and finally trying to end some white supremacy practices. Collins must go for the good of SFUSD. Im open to being convinced with clear, hard data. She made her racist comments in 2016, not 1916. We are people , right? We cant even bring ourselves to call it what it is. Bias & racism are still a problem in our country. have more self respect!! Its not a coincidence that this topic is bringing the nerdy, maladjusted scientific racism scumbags out of the woodwork. I must be obtuse, because I do not understand the double standard at play here. You can be successful if you work hard. They were clearly dug up by people with an agenda looking for a knife to grind. Parents who feel entitled to a private school education paid for by tax payers are behind this push to recall Collins and other BOE members. Why are you assuming the best with Ms. Collins? Allison Collins is not a historical person. Initially the band was named My Backyard, then The Noble Five and by 1968 it was called The One Percent before finally zeroing on the name Lynyrd Skynyrd in 1969. The traditional family structure was historically prevalent and encouraged in African American society from long ago until at least the mid 1960s when the Great Society programs discouraged it. Is Dianne Feinstein an historical person or a living human being? Destroying Lowell was more damaging to many Asian families than a carjacking. Well played right winged SF parents and Madame Mayor. Does this represent everyone? And thats why every last vestige of San Francisco government is now calling for Collins to step down. And then, its defended unapologetically by Collins and the rest of the Board, and said historical context, nuance were not going to used in the judgements. This is further underscored by her terrible attempts at explaining why her comments were no big deal. Steve Gaines. Her main mistake was in not realizing that her audience was ignorant and racist. I thought a member of the board has to resign or be recalled (which requires 70k signatures, pen on paper). i hope her Im not denigrating them; you just appear unable to read the plain meanings of words rather than invent your own tortured and fictionalized version of what they say. Then we all gain from a thorough experience based in our compassion. We should try to get all kids to make the admirable effort Asian kids, on average, do make. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. . Moving kids around, renaming schools, stripping away academic entry.none of that solves the root cause of the academic failures of certain groups of studentswhich is family values around academic commitment and achievement, high academic standards, no entitlement mentality as if someone owes you anything, and not looking for entitlement and lowering standards to compete. Afghan Americans in the Bay Area form the largest Diasporic community in the United States. Furthermore, we want to highlight and remember how API and Black communities have historically and are currently working together in solidarity with each other against white racism. Whats even more sickening is that in Atlanta the recent shooting and at the scene of the shooting, a Latino male named Mario Gonzalez who is Mexican was stereotyped, detained and handcuffed by Atlanta police for hours. Its the American ideology of rugged individualism and hard work.. They are then forwarding to the hiring manager those applicants that are Asian. First born with lots of friends & a southern accent including disma I think were good here. A very friendly greeting and I have a 10 minute tour of the "archives"--gold records everywhere, original awards, guitars, etc. However, the pull of creating music was too strong for Allen to walk away from. Absolutely! We have to understand the contextcalling someone a house n for doing well in school and getting in to lowell and then to UC and then getting a great job is a gross distortion of what malcolm x was talking about(because he was speaking specifically about blacks).using the model minority concept and equating it to house ns makes sense only if you feel all minorities must side with certain political and racial ideologies.her entire folly is to assume that asian people must submit and further woke agendas, and if they dont they are siding with white supremacy.Malcolm spoke in the context of independence not in the forced integration and forced equity that the woke mob intends to imposethe collective freakout the bay had because of trump is not an excuse, forced solidarity is not true solidarity.blaming those that mastered the system as siding with the supposed master, and subsequently complicit in the oppression of others is a truely distorted sense of reality.inequity does not racism make just because your woke guru said so. I too want to know why are Asians afforded the privilege of choosing during their immigration process an American Name in addition to their Chinese legal name? Lynyrd Skynyrd had met a sudden, tragic end. Im not any of those things, nor am I a Republican, and I agree with himdid you look at the research they did? My parents were the help.. Web partisans unearthed some low-hanging fruit, the mainstream media picked up the story, and Collins was quickly irradiated and weaponized. To say I got (and, still do) a ton of crap for quoting those verses from the Oxford Revised Standard Version . That alone should disqualify her from a public service position. Ask these families if they would rather, in this situation, if they had the choice, A. have Lowell become a lottery school just as their child enters 7th or 8th grade, ruining their plans or B. have a criminal push them out of their vehicle or use a weapon and steal their brand new car from them, even assuming they had no insurance. Hanging out, TV, video games, social media, conversations, etc. "Alison Collins wants $87 million for damage to her career. These SFUSD employees say she destroyed theirs". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 2021-05-09. ^ Tucker, Jill (November 7, 2018). Now go and smite Amalek and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.. Its a shame that the likes of Allison Collins is what passes as representative of progressive San Francisco. This happens in an unconscious way over a period of time. mb s comments only reflect his/her ignorance, arrogance and stupidity. Your contribution is essential to our efforts. In 1963, Allen lived in Jacksonville's Cedar Hills area when an older friend received a guitar for his birthday. This is neither good nor pleasant company for Collins to find herself in. Streamline your workflow with our best-in-class digital asset management system. Please do not paint all Lowell students and families with a broad and inaccurate generalizations for which you have no evidence. However, what people accusing Asians of anti blackness fail to realize is that there is context on the other side of the equation too, whether thats seeing mobs during the Rodney King riots target Asian stores for the crimes of a white judicial system or the day-to-day casual aggression from our neighbors. I was less referring to Zhaos position than I was pointing out that elected officials, including Breed and Wiener, were steadfast in their support of her. On January 23, 1990, Collins succumbed to chronic pneumonia and was interred in Jacksonville, Florida, beside his wife. Im not saying American history should be covered up or ignored, but is this the kind of art you would want to hang in your own home? So Allison Collins was way out of line. There is no white supremist mentality here just hard work! The only thing is that Alison Collins didnt have a sympathetic audience or fans, she only had Twitter. Lily moved with her mother to LA at the age of five, after her parents split up. This is a lot to take in bc it is a broad stroke and I am trying to understand it myself. So when someone uses the term House N*****, instead of getting offended like an over-entitled douche (aka model minority), you ask, why would she say that about Asian people? what exactly is the context behind that? whats the history behind that? Then go look it up, read some books and learn something new to which you can contribute back to the community. The slaves that worked in the home were less likely to push for abolishing the system because they did not see much wrong with it, but the master could always relegated them to hard labor. addendum to my earlier post: This story sounds like its gonna be juicy, but doesnt meet the hype in the end. Larkin Allen Collins Jr. (July 19, 1952 January 23, 1990) was one of the founding members and guitarists of Southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd, and co-wrote many of the band's songs with late frontman Ronnie Van Zant. Please, check your inbox! Remove her from the board. Learn More{{/message}}, {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful. During a Board meeting to discuss Lowell, parents made the case that Lowell offers low income students a path to college that is a benefit to all SF residents. Youre suggesting that these terms have universal definitions that are widely accepted by scholars. Im saying that the scholars defining this field arent actually scholars, and ipso facto, neither you nor anyone else can say that weve defined any of these terms in a way that has been accepted universally. Everyone takes the same test to get into Lowell. She seemed to be soliciting negative stories about Asian Americans in order to push her agenda. Thats a sign she doesnt respect achievement, and as poor Asians achieve more in school tests than middle income whites, as do Nigerian immigrants, its also a sign she doesnt respect Asians for their achievements. Asians are model minorities which is a euphemism for house negro. But i was a social worker and prior educator with spanish language instruction for middle grade. Its a crisis and claiming merit is racist does nothing to solve it. The Board of Education has been in the headlines a bit even prior to the pandemic, and these were not flattering headlines. In the mid to late 1980s (as well as before and since), the UC system, especially UC Berkeley, experienced a similar concern about the over-representation of Asians. Boards are the best place to save images and video clips. we are only different, and thankfully so. If she doesnt want to sound like a fool, maybe it would help to crack a few books about the subject before she gets mad enough to start yelling online about something? How did the trauma of the car accident lead to the death of Allen Collins? Amazing stuff. Its very true that there are Asians from many different backgrounds and skin tones who also dont think in a monolithic way. The school district and Board of Education are presently staving off a lawsuit filed by the City Attorney regarding those sclerotic reopening plans. In fact, well do anything to justify and overlook your (not) racist remarks. Its antiracism to note if blacks studies as much as even low income Asians, racial inequality would end quickly. Affiliate programs and Seriously? I see a lot of ineffective boomer and millennial staff in our school board in cleveland heights and yet they are able to retire and keep getting nice salaries because they dont speak on social media about real racial issues. Thats my interpretation of the history of the approach of systems and structures of power to stewarding white supremacy. We heard her over and over again Too Many Asians! Your argument is irrelevant mainly. If she were sorry shed support KIPP and charters, restore Lowell, and spend some of the salary increase money on tutors for black kids who will encourage them to sacrifice as many hours as the average Asian kid does. Time is beyond up for Washington, Lincoln and all the troubling individuals after whom some SFUSD schools are named. And it didnt have to be this way. Sorry, you simply do not understand these terms as they are used by people who think about and discuss race as a living,. Asians need to understand that Collins is not the enemy, She is a friend and ally who pointed out the truth to us. Collins herself sends her kids to Ruth Asawa SOTA, which also has selective admissions. This hate from her is especially obvious on her attacks on Lowell. Not being there, if one is relaxing, is factual laziness. Over the four years Skynyrd recorded, the memories gradually turned into legends. According to Zhao, she took herself out of the running. Whats more, casual monolingual Chinese voters would not be able to distinguish this strategically appealing, manufactured name from a Chinese candidates actual name. Half of the people ranting here are doing so because they have no familiarity with the world of scholarship about race and no willingness to try to understand it, and the other half (like the one youre responding to) are racist wingnuts whove clicked over directly from the Breitbart/NYPost comments section purely for the purpose of posting rambling unreadable screeds about how critical race theory is the devil. Nope. The incident restricted him from playing the guitar again ever on stage. Ali calls people racist all the time. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It proved fatal for his girlfriend Debra Jean Watts, and left him paralyzed from the waist down. Anthony Fong, what exactly abt your history lesson of an academic writing is relatable to an individual like Deb? No, this is dumb. And there is the ongoing misery regarding the citys shuttered schools, spaced-out Zoom students, declining enrollment and the school boards deliberate decision to not hire a consultant to form pandemic plans. Masterful. When minority communities dont support one another, white supremacy THRIVES. If you stay married even if not getting along, dedicate yourself to your kids, study 10,000 hours more than average, eat well, avoid drugs, marry before kids, do workbooks and flashcards and long hours of reading and grammar study, the content of your character is good, no matter your race. That should be mandatory as an educator. Otherwise they were used to attack and brazenly. Their latest album, Street Survivors, had just been released to critical and popular acclaim. Notes for ALLEN COLLINS: Allen was enumerated with 6 "free persons of color" in the 1830 Hawkins Co., TN Census. We belonged here! People in this country tend to focus on those from East Asia. You would and you should see my motives as being totally racist. I mean this high school is in the company of expensive, independent high schools. Dont the door hit you on the way out! This is what Collins is pointing out. I believe there are more good than bad in each race. So what happens? You cant hide behind Malcolm, that speech doesnt lessen what was said by her in any way. The business is also launching topical and ingestible products centered around Totally agree with Steve. Thats cruel. I have to touch back on the Freedom of Our Speech earlier comment. Character was important as evidenced by Martin Luther Kings famous speech. She could use Twitter and other mediums in a positive and constructive way but she chooses not to. Allen's parents had recently divorced and times were tough for Allen, his sister and mother. She took responsibility and stepped down, which is something Collins is refusing to do I dont see the comparison here. Her statement is racist because she made negative generalizations (anti-Black) about a race (Asians) based on personal anecdotes (her friends feelings and an incident her daughter witnessed). The Freebird Foundation, Inc. It is never okay to generalize an entire group of people, to speak for ethnic group to which you do not belong, and then explain why they are wrong for thinking the way you just attributed to them. fell off. She has expressed anti-Asian sentiment to many times and never showed any curiosity as to how Asian Americans out-earn whites quickly, nor Nigerian Americans. She doesnt belong on the school board. Were these students at Lincoln, or Washington, or Balboa, or wherever they would still be the same bright kids they are, and colleges would likely notice them anyway. Scan this QR code to download the app now. They do this: study way more hours, emphasize education to their kids, marry and stay married, work, study summers, focus on grades and test scores and what really matters most, avoid drugs. Black people have been beaten, battered and abused in this country, both literally and figuratively, for centuriesput at great disadvantage through written laws up until the 1970s and through unwritten practice til present dayand when a good portion of their communities dont thrive, we blame their lack of work ethic! Both he and his girlfriend were airlifted to the hospital. But even if false, the idea is obviously not *crazy* on its face, and Lowell stans need to stop dismissing the idea out of hand without even engaging with the facts of student outcomes across the entire district. There has NEVER EVER been an instance where kids are purposely excluded from any programs or resources at either school. Its the foundational values and morals (rather than entitlement, blame, and bringing standards down) instilled in these kids that propel them to 95% graduation rate from SFUSDnot White Supramacy values. It is obvious to me that Collins used these tweets to rile Asian hate to her advantage in subsets of the African American community to get herself elected. She is unfit to be on the board and would have been fired from the private sector long ago. For whatever its worth, Id bet the NYTimes would not have run its piece on the SF school board yesterday were it not for the reporting here. Collins should indeed step down. Did she not take introductory-level college logic? She make it clear some deserved help and others do not. A community forum, pass the mic around, have Ms. Collins sit with those she hurt and be part of the solution. If shes not racist, I dont know who is. She has been very, very rude to Josephine Zhao on multiple occasions in public, at meetings, and said disrespectful things about her. It has nothing to do with racism. Maybe no wifi at home? Tap into Getty Images' global scale, data-driven insights, and network of more than 340,000 creators to create content exclusively for your brand. Its the elephant in the room. well, lets just say my life was threatened. The various public board meetings where Allison Colins has continued to single out Asians by citing time, over and over again, that there are too many Asians at Lowell and calling everyone, including Asians, on the meeting who opposed removing merit admissions racist. There are a bunch of them so feel free to dig through those meetings here: This city has been very unfair to minorities with the gentrification of many neighborhoods and the exuberant rents. There is no different standard for Japanese American vs Chinese American. You are planning an exercise that will include the m16 and m203. Parents want kids to excel. Lowing education standards not only does nothing to stop racism. Commissioner Faauuga Moliga was present. She blabbers on and on about microaggressions and systemic racism against Black members of our community, while being utterly clueless about her own microaggressions (and systemic racismever notice how few of the hardworking students, by whom her children feel threatened and who are denounced as docile and not suited for leadership positions, end up in high level positions in the US???) Because Collins is not wrong!! Years after Collins death, on March 13, 2006, Skynyrd was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Collins married Kathy Evelyn Johns on October 10, 1970 with whom he had two daughters, Amy and Allison. Kathy had a fatal haemorrhage during miscarriage of the couples third child in 1980. By signing up, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Im told the idea of killing me was broached at an SFSOS meeting. If the Negro wasnt taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I dont say that from a high horse perspective. I can think of one obvious potential benefit **even to the highest-performing students** of having to share some classes with the bottom 95%: that there are learning opportunities for them that might compensate for maybe missing out on cramming in that extra chapter of the chemistry textbook in June. The plane, according to History, was previously passed over by Aerosmith because the plane's crew made them wary. Those defending her on the grounds that Asians are racist against African Americans wake up. Yes, while Asians are only 2 out of 5 students in the district, Lowell is almost 3/5 Asian American. She punished thousands of families and openly called them racist for something a couple people they dont know did. This distinction by ethnicity is bizarre to me. Collins must resign! But black kids study fewer hours. She called everyone not agreeing with her RACISTS! Ronnie Van Zant, Bob Burns, and Gary Rossington decided to form a band in 1964. He did it and I think that she has a nuanced view of race relations. Collins studied at the Nathan B. Forrest High School. And Collins soon gave them little reason to be. Subscribe today to get Mission Local's stories delivered directly to your inbox. They worked thousands of hours and spend tens of thousands of dollars on tutoring, and spent time teaching their kids to read before kindergarten (60% of Asian American parents in California teach their kids to read before starting Kindergarten, compared to 16% of whites), made sure they read books every Summer, did workbooks and flashcards with them, read to them, met with teachers and made sure they did everything possible to get all As over other temptations. 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