It is best to set the meters close to the structure to be served and to always obtain an easement for service lines and meters before new service is established. The larger the meter, the greater the amount of system capacity that must be kept in place for that meter. As an example, the number of service connections in an apartment complex would be equal to the number of individual apartment units. Yu%]OV^jhzUKI51*&;?m'{{~aTV%jkC PM 5#: 5$Gn ma0Mg]q}ZjBT8!t0#HD4"?@taAhDDDDDDDDDD~""""""?YY#ldd#3334k$WT M&=R or ESFC- shall mean the amount of capacity allocated to a commercial customer expressed in terms of the amount of capacity used by a single-family residence, as determined by the volume and type of wastewater discharge. A: Your question is very common for all rural and some urban systems. G{|(> 7 Example: A 20-space trailer park with a 2-inch meter has been evaluated by some TCEQ inspectors to be the actual number of trailer spaces available. It is unclear whether the units are part of any government-assisted or subsidized housing programs for low-income residents. Your tariff should include the requirements for evaluating an application for a master meter. <95> <95> <2022> A: This is definitely not a new question - many systems have faced this situation over the years. We have been mostly going by the word of individual landowners, which has recently resulted in us finding out that some of our meters were not correctly located. 0000001445 00000 n Our employees drive around the community daily and can tell that there are clearly people living at these second residences. Use some water out of the storage tank (ground or elevated). /Supplement 0 It doesnt matter whether the extra capacity is used to supply brand new customers who have never had service or to existing customers seeking an additional meter. The corporation will disconnect without notice if the member refuses to allow access for the purpose of confirming the existence of such condition and/or removing the dangerous or hazardous condition (30 TAC 290.46(i) and 290.46(j)). We had the owner submit a feasibility study and it shows that we can support them. The quadplexes were built in 2006 and are not located within the boundaries of a city. {Y 9w,r, 6Q@4Og)nF9c"|A""?__ovt^o_dM`L2,s54#Pj0 Where to live in Delft Wedged between The Hague and Rotterdam, Delft is a beautiful historical town that attracts those seeking a quieter lifestyle with good city connections. We want to be fair, but we also want be responsible. 0000053091 00000 n Q: How important is the NSF 60 certification on meters or does it even matter? By doing this, when they get a few more meters, they can begin replacing the meter tops with these newer AMI tops. <8C> <8C> <0152> endstream endobj 79 0 obj[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] endobj 80 0 obj<>/Width 2550/Height 3300/BitsPerComponent 1/ColorSpace/DeviceGray/Type/XObject/Name/background_1/Subtype/Image>>stream A standard single-family home is considered a standard ERU with other uses measured against this baseline. First, the one meter per residence language should be part of your tariff or service policy. (x[u!WMt[~}}PNwAzJg"hK#6yot|L ` hp _Gy;:D'#DU!EN4~\6]W=WM0A >4#]a4aS'\!i SM0_h~6$DQ!k5MidcY8*#SB7(3 w!Nb%#{;%mO0ooWdy_Mo{@G6p~_Cum}mPk#]zK >0'|'{vWcH)uOO^ 6$*5?_~Ujq[~V.V^-W{vj^oKV]OW -(i0r#* +IB> 6^u9Z{s DraDsio1,m?Ph/&KZlho_ryP 9CT The date of construction is not relevant to the issue of whether a single master meter or individual meters would be preferable; however, it is important when considering the required customer service inspection (CSI) which must be completed for all eight units and the tract of property to be served. Would this person also have access to the system office or have keys to the water plants? Many times, a customer has a shut off valve installed to the second residence that can be turned off for plumbing repairs or when inspections like these are to be conducted. Does the one meter per residence apply in this situation? /Supplement 0 <84> <84> <201E> There is nothing that prevents a customer from having a separate meter just for their irrigation system. <00> 0000006201 00000 n A: In the TRWA Sample Tariff, as well as in the USDA-RD Service Application and Agreement Form, it states that a meter shall be installed on a property to serve that single property and water cannot be diverted to another property. Most manufacturers suggest straight runs of pipe ahead of and following a master meter. Until they can do that, they dont get a meter. Q: One of our members sold their property and land but did not transfer the membership. Unless a local governmental authority requires otherwise, or unless otherwise established, an ESFC is defined as 360 gallons per day for average water usage and 300 gpd for average wastewater return flow. startxref A4INih9'uC0\!a;OKx[TJ2 7Kie end This only works for meter reading and does not solve the issue of access for repairs and emergencies. Each systems board will make the final decision on base rates, as well as usage rates and fees. lmr19a9s;rw;A$PsI@mr+9pB? For Tract 2, the engineer assumed 24 equivalent single family connections, and a meter connection count will be four. <9F> <9F> <0178> <00A0> I told her that was incorrect and that I would mail her the documentation to prove it. To your knowledge, are there any parts of the tariff that would prohibit the member from entering into such an agreement or any part of the regulations that would prohibit such an agreement or jeopardize the systems compliance? The inspector may also require the customer to demonstrate or show how water pipes at the secondary home are independent of the piping serving the customers primary residence. Not sure they have a higher level." Yes, his is true but interestingly only since 4 September. In many cases, system staff were simply too timid to enforce their own policies relating to meter locations if a customer raised their voice, said they would sue the system, or used an intimidating attitude. If there is reason to believe a dangerous or hazardous condition exists, the corporation may conduct a customer service inspection (CSI) to verify the hazardous condition and may notify the local county health office. end We encourage you to consider options for providing service and, most immediately, to ensure compliance with the 85 percent requirement. We would like to have the chain restaurant apply for and install a meter since the convenience store has a meter and active account. Section E allows for disconnection without notice when a known dangerous or hazardous condition exists for which service may remain disconnected for as long as the condition exists, including but not limited to a public health nuisance as defined in Texas Health and Safety Code Sections 341.011 or 343.011. trailer CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop As it relates to the propertys location within or outside of a city, or its participation in any government-assisted or subsidized housing programs, it will be the owners responsibility to notify any necessary authorities of the new source of water, if required, since the system is merely supplying potable water to the property from a master meter. /CIDSystemInfo PDF Determining Connections and Populations Served for Public Water Systems The original member will pay all costs associated with a new meter installation as if they were a new customer, since they are a new customer at this new location. <002D> Q: One of our members has offered to read meters each month for free. Written comments about an AO should be sent to the enforcement coordinator designated for each AO at the commission's central office at P.O. ]*U}%GikLf!=ZpcC[RqHL 0000001146 00000 n Any correspondence you send to this regard should include a deadline for the customers to contact the system to set up a CSI so the utility can verify whether any prohibited interconnection between the two dwellings exists. The CSI inspector should make a note on the CSI form stating that the well has been completely disconnected from all the potable water lines serving the dwelling units. The original members account should be closed out at the old address. Connections may be described in terms of single family equivalent connections, living unit of equivalents, or any other generally accepted unit of consumption typically attributable to a single family household. A: Master metered accounts are typically used when a landowner wants a single meter to provide water service to multiple buildings, apartments, offices, trailer spaces or other types of business activities. At the time of this Agreement, an ESFC of wastewater means 315 gallons per day of water and an ESFC of water means 400 gallons per day of water. TRWA recommends that systems stop floating memberships and meters from one property to another because of the confusion it creates. trailer What can we do if the owner of the membership denies that someone is living at the second residence? startxref 0000000766 00000 n )-__@u{{z"|RDQG|G2`4Y M6 oaomo[^W[zWJ+wCV <9A> <9A> <0161> <90> <90> <2022> endcodespacerange for the single-family residential customer group. <00AE> Finally, it is also important to be clear with the applicant regarding how the drought contingency and water rationing requirements apply to the irrigation meter. Institutional 4. 1 begincodespacerange If your system already has this language, then TRWA suggests that systems that have several multiple connection issues send out a letter informing all customers of pending changes or stepped up enforcement of existing policies. TRWA suggests that systems tell their customers to add the cost of their meter and impact fee to the cost of their property before they sell in order to fund installing another meter at their new location. The ERUs would be equivalent to what would be used by typical single-family residences, if they were using the water. 0000001312 00000 n If the customer still feels that the meter belongs to her then it may be helpful to give her the phone number to the PUC so she can discuss her concerns. <80> <80> <20AC> Using the formula 3.14 X Radius X Radius X Height X 7.48 (gallons per cubic feet) you can calculate the number of gallons of water added to the storage tank. The TRWA Sample Tariff addresses this issue and follows the Public Utility Commission (PUC) Chapter 24 rules about the systems ability to access a meter for repairs and normal service. <98> <98> <02DC> LIVING UNIT EQUIVALENT (LUE) GUIDANCE DOCUMENT Definition: A living unit equivalent (LUE) is defined as the typical flow that would be produced by a single family residence located in a typical subdivision. There is an automatic gate that only works by remote and we do not have access to it. Ask Larry Archives: Metering and One Meter per Residence Rules. Some engineers and systems took this to mean that if we remove the meters at these dormant locations, the system would not have to charge future new customers the price for upgrading their old water mains until the freed-up capacity was allocated to new active connections. The sample tariff allows the system to estimate a bill and notify the member of the estimate if meter access is hindered or denied. In order to correct the issue, the system must first have supporting language in its tariff. 0 {e9Q $b@;l0$" The base rates for larger meters should be set to pay for these larger required capacities instead of making the customers with standard size meters subsidize the customers with bigger meters that place more demand costs on the system. Know how, know you | We are IQ-EQ, a leading investor services group employing 4300+ people across 24 jurisdictions worldwide. U0!_bU2S'vB9{h7UM;y>F]6]>_]I;j]R_}I/l PUC rules also specify the requirements for language that must be included in the rental agreement regarding submetering, how the charges are to be calculated and how billing is to be conducted. While it may be difficult for them to claim the second dwelling is vacant if evidence of habitation is obvious, some people might try to claim that the habitation is only intermittent, that no water is being used at the second location, or that water there is being supplied from a separate source. Ive also not heard of a system providing a water commercial permit. Use of the word commercial by a water system is typically a reference indicating that it is non-standard service and not a regular residential service location. Wouldnt it make sense for the owner to have to pay the cost of extending the line(s) out to those structures? Do I need to calibrate the meter? There is also a concern about whether your easement allows system personnel to traverse 500 feet of the owners property. Additionally, many systems didnt want to maintain extended meters and lines within the private property, because in several cases working on these lines proved too intrusive on peoples private property and roads. 0000000825 00000 n TRWA has provided numerous training sessions at conferences and at water system offices to demonstrate the impact of larger meters from a revenue impact as well as regulatory requirements. <84> <84> <201E> <9D> <9D> <2022> The actual cost of the meter and installation should be assessed as well. And what if one or all of those new meters were located on the same property, but a half mile away from the end of your current line? Chapter 13.07 WATER AND WASTEWATER ASSESSMENTS, RATES, FEES AND CHARGES Amstelveen is a leafy, prosperous, family-oriented suburb close to Amsterdam, which has a growing population of international residents. <98> <98> <02DC> This allows the water to straighten out and have less turbulence, thereby allowing the meter to register as accurately as possible. The TCEQ interprets an "active connection" as a connection that is completed or existing and able to supply drinking water from the PWS to a single-family |pz~0u]MbHw{B|%r4ln'Ur]af2Ia0 fkF0S;@G bYH(?I A: TRWA hasnt tracked the number of systems that have installed electronic read meters, whether they be the AMR (drive-by) or AMI (instrumental gathered information) meters. Sometimes multiple lines from multiple meters can become a maintenance nightmare because all the lines, meters and valves look the same. end The most immediate issue to address is the potential health hazard caused by the loss of pressure when the booster pump kicks on. begincmap The meter and/or wastewater connection is for the sole use of the Member or customer and is to provide service to only one (1) dwelling or one (1) business. But the continued headaches and future problems will not be worth the bad public relations this can cause if anything happens to the service line or meter that is on someone elses property. Climb the tank and use a steel measuring tape to measure the height of water in the tank to the manway. A: This is one of those situations where a little extra effort by the system up front can save them substantial headaches and costs down the road. Impact Fee Administration | Houston Permitting Center u6hhOk\GhExG-GMYsjYQC\+8*w}ap|B"[C>B\`y[%s*H X[S.3Sj_S\Z'e5TsAd D>~/mOJ>hnm={^hcb(T-C2bm4M"#Zg7;qqFY(kG1jCA XZ0SRpnNN7aQR7.LX*VAT\pPx(aPs xref 363 0 obj /Registry (Times-RomanOPBaseFont0) The one meter per residence just means that a customer can't have two or more residences or businesses on a single meter. Other possible solutions the system may suggest to the customer are: move the fence back so the meter is outside the fence; install a separate gate at the location of the meter; or provide a key or code so the meter reader or repair crew can access the water line and meter 24/7. 374 0 obj endstream endobj 4 0 obj<>stream end Where to Live in the Netherlands | Expatica Netherlands /Ordering (UCS) After getting this proof of ownership, the system should at least check the countys tax rolls and property tax maps to see whose name is listed for that property. end Then, once the system reaches 100 percent capacity, that system should begin constructing these new facilities to replace or build that extra 15 percent or more back into their system for future growth. <89> <89> <2030> This can lead to lawsuits and fights between neighbors and family members, and often the utility ends up bearing the brunt of these clashes. 362 0 obj <8D> <8D> <2022> CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop The Commercial facilities are calculated by an Equivalent . 69 12 Assuming the meter is the standard size, residential 3/4 x 5/8 meter, you will use the same rate structure for the irrigation meters since the water is the same treated water that is being distributed by your system. Think of it this way: what if that property owner was requesting not one meter, but four new ones? You should review this situation with your engineers. <00> <00> <0000>