Darkhold with MLF passive level 6 can easily deal with Dorm/YA. Scarlet Spider Slows the enemy, applies Defense Down, and prolongs those negative effects. That way, he can have a better chance to avoid debuffs if his Omega plays first. Infinity Watch needs to be a bit stronger to be able to win. Ghosts passive will always target Phoenix, allowing her to quickly summon Dark Phoenix while all her allies are alive and fully charged. It is important to say that they can beat Dormhold even without Dormammu (due to ZIMs ability to prevent Revives) but the punch-up cannot be as high as usual. Their kit is made so they can prevent Mercenary Riot Guard from using Taunt and Taskmaster from executing ultimate on start. I will do it in the next couple of days but for now, you can see counters and punch-ups. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. TL;DR Character Farm Lists, SWGoH 101: Soloing Heroic Pit Raid (Rancor), SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo Breaking Down Raid Enemies, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo The Solo Process, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo Best Raid Toons and Why, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo Sample Heroic Rancor Solo Teams, SWGoH 101: Unlocking 7* Commander Luke Skywalker, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War Phoenix Gear, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War The Battles, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War RNG and Patience, SWGoH 101: Exponential Explanations (Character Levels), HSTR Farming Guide Phase 2: Leia Spam, Sith, Troopers, and others, HSTR Farming Guide Phase 4 Nihilus: Nightsisters, Territory Wars Guide The Defensive Teams, Using Undying in Alliance War to counter Darkhold, Heroes for Hire & Young Avengers, How to Beat the Web-Warriors in Alliance Wars & Cosmic Crucible, SWGoH: Gaming-fans.com Releases Rise of the Empire Territory Battle Walkthrough Guides, Corsair HS60 HAPTIC Stereo Gaming Headset. If your Omega Red is playing the first target opponent Omega Red, focus on him with other characters and try to turn rewind Silver Samurai (with Lady Deathstike). During an Alliance War or Cosmic Crucible, you may have to defeat the Web Warriors, which have powerful enemies, one of which is Spider-Weaver. On another note, Black Order would have a tough time too (to some extent) since some of their utility comes from Prox and Corvus assisting in removing buffs. It will depend on RNG and whose Stunners will be effective first. You have teams like Shadowlands or Power Armor that are designed for WAR. As long as she is alive, he will keep reviving. The idea is to present teams that can win with the greatest Punch up, so everyone can make their roster effective. Possible Defensive Teams in rooms 1 and 2 (click on the teams name to scroll to team): Darkhold with MLF passive level 6 can easily deal with Dorm/YA. For example, Echos strength is in mimicry. Below you will see the list of viable counters. After those two things are done dealing with Mercenaries is easy regardless of team composition. Offensive Counters - Gaming-fans.com Bionic Avengers is a natural counter for Axmen. That opens a possibility to prevail on pure strength, but you cannot expect a bug punch-up with them against Uxmen. The Underworld in War Attack > Underworld in War Defense simple as that. If you use Dormhold, a punch-up can be significantly higher, and the strategy is the same. Unlimited X-Men and Eternals will probably make overkill when facing a Mercenary team, but frankly, with them, you dont have to worry about Mercenary strength because you can afford insane punch-ups. The only thing I can say is that Fantomex, Gambit, and Rogue are mandatory. To her surprise, she was bitten by the spider and was overcome with a fever. You should thus ensure that you make the most of her attacks. Taskmaster will create chaos on the enemy team with his ultimate. Infinity Watch starts with Immunity meaning that they will be fully safe from any Ability Block Bionic Avengers has to offer. To beat Infinity Watch with Infinity Watch you must focus on Moondragon first and Phyle-Vell second while trying to place Stun with your Adam Warlock before the enemy does the same. MSF: Echo Joins the Young Avengers Continuing the trend of tapping into the latest Marvel hype, Scopely is introducing Echo to the game as a new Young Avenger. Shadowland can fight with Symbiotes with ease. Gamers should keep in mind that you have a limited number of attacks for each room, so you have to plan accordingly. Is there something recent where Echo and Kate are hard to take out? The synergy between Absorbing Man, Kang, and Titania is insanely powerful for all game features. Does anyone have some practice reps against them yet? It is therefore advisable that you attempt to defeat Spider-Weaver as soon as possible. Bionic Avengers is a new synergy and there are definitely more teams that can deal with them and save you the teams I already proposed for other enemies. After winning the battle, players will get gold, war credits, and access to exclusive character shards. I was really craving Spider-Man 2099 myself, but Ill keep that on the dream board. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Once that happens, there is nothing that can save Web Warriors from Dark Phoenix, Cyclops, and Storms AOEs. Iron Man Zombie and Hela are a powerhouse for War Offense, and they will win easily with anyone on their side. With upcoming changes and New Horseman teams, the list will need an update definitely, so it is best to bookmark it and check when you need help. After OR is out of combat, everything is easy. After that with your Skirmishers remove Immunity from Dormammu and use Omega Reds ultimate on him as the primary target. MLF will initiate a fight with permanent Abi Block on Kate Bishop, while Agatha can stun Squirrel Girl before she starts to heal her allies. Underworld is a justified counter to Emarauders. The importance of YA is high enough to justify using Weapon X against them in war. Moreover, Underworld is also a natural counter for Young Avengers. However, many players decide to put New Warriors in Defense combining them with other Mystics such as Silver Surfer, Supernaturals, etc . Even improved Nobu is still almost harmless and can easily be replaced by Dormammu. Even combinations that allow Ikaris and Sersi to play first are fully harmless against Darkhold even in the Arena. It is important to say that an easy answer for Darkhold/Dormhold is Darkhold without Scarlet Witch and with a character who can grant your MLF to play first (Emma/Loki/Cable). The objective of the activity is to outscore your opponents in a 24-hour battle by eliminating opposing forces and Helicarrier rooms. Nonetheless, the chances of winning are on an extremely big leash. At the Top of the page, you have a list of Teams and with a simple click on the teams name, you will be instantly transferred to their list of counters with a brief explanation for each counter. Mr. Young Avengers form a powerful team. She used this power to become the warrior called Echo. In that case, it would be best to Abi Block Archangel. However, their strength outside CC should not be underestimated. Having that in mind, it would be a mistake to forget to mention the team who is assembled to be the counter for BO. The rest is easy. Below you will see the list of viable counters. Uxmen are the best team for Cosmic Crucible without a doubt and only Infinity Watch has the real answer for them. AI will never be fully effective meaning that you will be the one who controls the battle. Every knockout in a match will net Crucible Credits, which you can use in the Crucible Store to purchase items. Learn more. She's got a variety of abilities to help her along, from enhanced speed and strength to flight. Unlimited X-Men in particular, as long as you incapacitate Thor with Rogue. In theory Dormhold in the right circumstances can defeat GAMMA. When that happens, you can turn on the auto-combat. As long as players are able to withstand the Web Warriors first attack, they will have no problem crushing this team. As an alternative, dont care about war because its roughly 50% chance youll win anyway and then you dont have to worry about it. Introduction Magik happened with only one purpose so X-Men can counter BO. It is sufficient to say that Ultron will not be your first priority and that he will build his permanent turn rotation unopposed. With the introduction of Hero Asgardians, many players tried to find a way to boost them up by replacing Heimdall. Mass Blind on start and constant removal of Pym Techs buffs make things really easy for Magneto and the company. At the moment 3 teams that I mentioned should grant you victory 100%. Keep in mind that players who unlocked new levels for MLF do not necessarily need Dormammu to beat Dormhold they can do it with full Darkhold. This is a work in progress and we will be adding to this list and editing regularly. Marvel Strike Force: Introducing Echo and the Web-Warriors! Darkhold/Dormhold is no exception. However, to be sure that your Eternals will be victorious make sure that they will play first by adding Loki and Emma into the equation. Bionic Avengers are considered the perfect counter for Spider-Weaver. Allegedly, Darkhold with MLF passive level 6 can easily defeat a Dormammu and Young Avengers team. However, for higher Punch Ups you will need Doctor Doom and his ultimate. In Alliance War, Weapon X is the most justified counter for them, but in this case, you need to use Dark Hunters to heal with H4H. Aside from Eternals, existing Horseman teams can also easily beat HA. Even outside of War, unlike many specialized War teams, the Young Avengers save most of their War synergy so beating them in Cosmic Crucible is not an easy task, on contrary. The higher your placement is, the better the rewards you will receive. The tactic to beat Dormhold with WX in Alliance War is kinda tricky you cannot do it in the first attempt due to the fact that you cant prevent Wong from taunting which will be your doom in the end. If they are boosted by Dormammu, the only thing you have to do is add Dormammu to the Underworld team. Just be sure to place Ability Block on the right opponent (Spider Weaver) and spread it with Hela Ultimate. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Your main focus should be taking down Dormammu as soon as possible, after which you should prevail on pure strength. . The Underworld team in War is quite capable of countering Darkhold. On the other side of things, pairing Doom with 4 members of YA for defense is hilarious, as Squirrel Girl can purge AB from Doom right before his turn so he can Ult if he's taken damage. Because of Brawn, both teams will have Immunity, therefore, a team with more Skirmishers who will penetrate Immunity with Vulnerability and leave enemy members open to control will prevail. Marvel Strike Force " has been published on September 26 2021. The natural counter for Eternals is Darkhold. Since we already mentioned them as a justified counter against Darkold/Dormhold, it may sound strange that MLF and company can be used against Weapon X in the opposite direction. Well I hope this helps you take your Squad from a D+ to a B- Commander! For more information, please see our Young Avengers & X-Factor 5th, Hellfire Club & More! Next to each counter team, you will see a symbol that represents possible Punch Ups. In theory, you can afford a certain slight punch-up, but even if you are a lot stronger nothing can guarantee you success. You must use Emma instead of Stitcher or Bruiser to grant yourself cleansing, though. In War, Weapon X is a viable solution for YA. What makes the Web-Warriors so great is that they are a designated Raid team. in War, they will place Trauma, Heal Block, and Blind the entire enemy team, which should be more than enough for everything H4H has to offer. We don't know who will be the fifth character to fill out the team yet, but my money is on Hawkeye favorite, Kate Bishop. The presence of Crystal grants healing to your Inhumans while Eternals are doing the job and BB is here only to exploit his passive and finish out enemies earlier. Depending on the enemys strength, the initial Abi Block from Omega Red should be focused on either Valkyrie or Sif depending on your ISO-8 class. Gamma is Gamma the best War team in the game. They are natural counters for Young Avengers. As long as Thanos focus is high enough to flip buffs on Mercenaries you can afford almost any punch-up. I know that it is easier said than done, but you can expect a video guide as soon as possible. The idea behind that request is that content is more user-friendly and that users dont have to check if the mentioned counter is good enough for the feature they are playing at the moment. Gamma is also an obvious counter. Trauma and Heal block are everything you need against Young Avengers. In AW, Weapon X is another answer for IW. Press J to jump to the feed. One thing I do know, however, is that my Bio-tag team is simply not up to the challenge of Doom Raids. Having that in mind, I had to pinpoint them as a justified pick. Uncanny X-Men with Magik is another team that is a natural counter to Web Warriors. Secret Avengers synergize perfectly with Skil Heroes, therefore Kestrel and Nick Fury are logical choices for assembling a dangerous Defensive set-up. Gaming-Fans.com is your source for honest, easy to follow reviews, guides, walkthroughs, and opinions on top mobile games, including Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, Marvel Strike Force, and more. That means they get additional buffs and bonuses whenever theyre fighting Raid battles. Each member has unique skills that can be used to defeat enemies. He channels energy through the Muramasa Blade, which, when charged, delivers a series of powerful strikes, This mutant is armed with adamantium claws that ignore armour, but they also allow him to tear his enemies apart. After that, everything is much easier depending on who accompanies your Eternals. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Id rather have the flexibility of choosing War Defense or Offense, because I want to play with these fun teams! Players can advance to the following Division by achieving high rankings in tournaments, which increases your Tribunal Rating. It is hard to get used to the fact that you cant beat them with previous counters (Power Armor, Brotherhood, etc ) but once you accept it, the answers will become obvious. Characters with low opacity are characters you've set on War Defense. If combined with Doctor Doom, A-Force is fully equipped to deal with YA. Her passive attacks will destroy Web Warriors one by one. Players can enjoy exhilarating role-playing in Marvel Strike Force (MSF). Cookie Notice Astonishing X-Men is another pick against New Warriors. Donning the spider clothing that she wove earlier, Spider-Weaver followed this beings path to protect her allies. When Captain America is dead, you practically won the battle and in most cases, you can turn on Auto-Combat as well. You can see all available counters, but the description and combat tactics are not yet written. Outside of Cosmic Crucible, Wakanda is not that strong, but there are not many counters against them (except the ones we already mentioned) that can expect any luck unless there is a significant punch up in their favor. Taskmasters and Mr. Negativitys kit together will tear apart Emarauders with an insane punch-up. The secret when fighting Young Avengers is to prevent Squirrel Girl from healing while controlling Kate Bishops turns. When DD is with Brotherhood, Magnetos initial Blind and Blobs Taunt prevents most teams from controlling Doctor Doom with Ability Block, so the secret is to cleanse that Blind before you are about to place Ability Block and to remove taunt from Blob. Although you have to keep Squirrel Girl controlled by Agathas Stun in the first turn while Scarlet Witchs ultimate focus is on Dormammu. Feel free to browse the latest game news, discussions, strategy, and quality creator content that our community offers. Horsemen teams are designed to be meta for specific features. However, many players are curious about what the perfect counter is for her. It is important to keep in mind that the Alliance War only unlocks when you reach Commander level 45. Since the game is based on the classic Marvel series, you will likely encounter similar aspects in the game to those in the movies, comics, and series. Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania: A Fitting Third Ant-Man Tale or MCU Filler? Underworld is a new WAR counter for AW META defense. However, before knowing for certain about turn rotation, I cannot accurately give you advice.At the moment, it is instantly obvious that Infinity Watch has everything that should grant them victory. She uses her cybernetics to slice at enemies while applying a Bleed effect, Omega Red uses his Mutant Death Aura to apply a Trauma Status to enemies. They have the best self-sustain in the game and they seem immune to debuffs. In Marvel Strike Force (MSF), you can step into the well-renowned Marvel Universe to protect it from dreadful foes. To enforce this, Scopely, MSFs developer, uses a Victory Point system. Usage: ~counter <target team: optional > <power: optional >. Keep in mind, that Magik will grant Phoenix additional Revive, so eliminating Magik should be your priority in a kill rotation. Many players prefer to combine Kestrel with Secret Avengers due to Sharons passive. One of the teams that are fully equipped to deal with them is Darkhold. I saw on youtube a punch up 230k with XFactor+Zemo. To avoid doing that, there are two quite simple solutions Web Warriors and Brotherhood. As long as you are focusing on Shang Chi and prevent Luke Cage from Taunting you have a real chance to achieve a win. However, not all players know which members form part of the Weapon X team. It's easy to default to "the team that beats everything", but in this case you'll have better luck using a different team. Unfortunately, with Axmen you cannot expect wins if punch-up is significant (50k+). He is a synthetic being that can avoid enemy attacks. The trick is to wait with Thanoss special until Emma uses her special. I had my doubts if I should put Darkhold/Dormhold in the list of justified counters against WX, but since there are only 3 possible options at the moment the decision was obvious even though the RNG will decide the outcome in the end. The Undying duo is a hard counter for Darkhold. Killing him first is mandatory. - MARVEL Strike Force - MSF " has been published on April 10 2021. Not only that he will Revive fallen Asgardians, but Valkyries passive will affect also the character that is revived making your killing order significantly trickier. That way you will flip Immunity and Defense Up on enemies as well as every other buff they have. Weapon X in War is capable of miracles because its kit allows you to do almost anything. Marauders with Madelyne Pryor and Emma Frost are no longer an unsolvable enigma in MSF. Web Warriors can be a formidable opponent but there are several teams that can help you not use META teams against them. MSF: Young Avengers counter - gamerswiki.net If Shang Chi resisted Ability Block, the outcome of the battle will not be so certain. SWGoH: Quick Tips for Success in Conquest 26 February/March 2023. It is still early to accurately suggest which teams are justified to be used against Death Seed in WAR. The list of Counters we provided will be updated and improved constantly. Weapon X is one of the few specialized WAR teams that have all benefits in both Offense and Defense. Tauna posted two videos about it. Heck, our Alliance has a lot of trouble even getting past some of the first nodes because of their difficulty. SA with Kestrel can also grant you a similar punch-up due to Maria Hill and her cleansing. Dormammus Resistance is insane; therefore, you cannot expect the usual punch-up with Eternals against Hero Asgardians but as long as the odds are not unreal, you should have nothing to worry about. Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? Unlimited X-Men is another natural counter. The principle is always the same control Captain Carter with Ability Block or stun, and focus all your damage against Captain America. Over the past several weeks, weve gotten reworks for our original beloved web-slingers, Spider-Man and Spider-Man (Miles Morales). She allegedly becomes more powerful with Hero Brawler allies. Mainly because we didnt have a chance to test them versus Underworld (Mister Negative is still not farmable in the game, and 99% of players keep the Underworld team for Attack). Just like our popular. Recap and Review of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S1E8: Ribbit and Rip It, Recap and Review of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S1E7: The Retreat, Recap and Review of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, S1E6: Just Jen. However, you may be in a tricky situation if Spider-Weaver stuns Viv-Vision on her first turn. There is no stronger team for War and they will easily beat Death Seed, even with considerable Punch Up. He is a soldier reanimated with cybernetic technology. The names of the teams for which I will suggest counters will be highlighted in Info Boxes. Our Web-Warriors are comprised of Spider-Man, Spider-Man (Miles), Ghost-Spider, Scarlet Spider, and Spider-Punk. We have a recap and review of that episode here if you dont mind spoilers. Not only does this attack do a lot of damage, but it also increases the blind durations of Viv-Visions initial attack. Note that many of these counters that are effective in Alliance Wars can also double as counters for Cosmic Crucible in MSF as well. When you have a character that will harass them and use their buffs against them you can afford a big punch-up. Ravagers are an ideal team for countering Brotherhood + DD. It also looks like Young Avengers will be relegated to War Defense instead of including War attacks, thanks to the wording of Echos Special Ability. A team that can be used against them in both Cosmic Crucible and War is Eternals + New Warriors. Players can enjoy exhilarating role-playing in Marvel Strike Force (MSF). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Continuing the trend of tapping into the latest Marvel hype, Scopely is introducing Echo to the game as a new Young Avenger. Young Avengers DESTROYED with this Counter | BIG Punch Ups | MSF Eternals and Tangled Web have everything required to avoid being stuck by Absorbing Man. You can collect numerous characters in the game, including the Young Avengers. Their strength must be significantly higher though because they dont have a way to control GAMMA in War as they control other teams. You should not have any difficulties and you can allow yourself a punch-up of at least 100k. MARVEL Strike Force - MSF.gg Moreover, you will benefit from the Kamehameha blast along with unavoidable area-of-effect (AOE) skills from Vision, Hulkbuster, and Deathlok.