This is exactly what I needed to read. Chiron quincunx Sun 5.50 *His mars opposites my mars (cancer/capricorn). For the square, there can be power plays. Lilith square North Node 0.79 Are you in direct contact with your guy at the moment? Venus Square Pluto - Dangerous Obsession - Astroligion When I try to disappear away though, he comes back all Jovial like Hiiiiiiiiii! And my mouth is wide open.? *His Venus squares my venus (libra/capricorn). They can put themselves in another's shoes. I think we both have this fear.of rejection, naturally. Your Sun conj his MC. *REQUESTED VIDEO*Moon/Pluto Synastry - Compatibility between 2 people - HOT HOT HOTThank you for watching. I love this man with all my heart, but I can not go on with it anymore Im exhausted. So, when the Moon and Pluto are in a square position, such a connection indicates that people, who have this aspect, truly have difficulty expressing their emotions because this aspect blocks them. And this for the fixed stars is so new and so exciting to me! Also nemesis square Venus? Often, the Pluto conjunct Sun synastry aspect means that there are many power struggles in the relationship. Nothing has happened but I would like it to. Since astrologers interpret square as a negative aspect in astrology, the partners might not enjoy this ride. This is a deep and personal connection that can be either good or unpleasant. Charles Moon/Pluto is rare, as the Moon person must have a critical degree to hit the Pluto person. Simply Great!! I love to see Lilith conj the MC. I just got home. It brings events to people that would turn their life upside down. No tengo idea como entrar en tu foro,me enseas por favor?..y si no serias tan amable que sea a travs de este medio o a mi direccin de correo me explicases un poco mas sobre esta relacin con los datos de la sinastria que te envi! I am a 46 year old woman and he is a 26 year old man. The combination of Venus and Pluto has been called the "magnificent obsession." No amount of love, affection, or attention fully satisfies the insatiability. If he would let me I would love him deeply. But at the same time, loving so powerfully is truly beautiful. Pluto, sometimes, is the mastermind of chaos. My moon is in his 8 house. But I always thought the Neptune aspects pointed to lying and Infidelity? The Moon individual might become codependent on the Pluto individual. As said earlier, synastry only shows the possibility and not the stone-hard future. He is an out of the box person and he brings this part of himself to you, Mary. Jupiter trine Neptune 0.24 To call me Plutonic is an understatement but the package looks sweet because of Neptune Scorpio 1735. In other words, he too has moon conjunct libra natally. OMG similar synastry Saturn opp his Saturn Sun, My moon trine his Pluto (tight orb), my Pluto conjunct my moon (less tight), Junos trine, Chirons trine In composite all 5 personal planets conjunct Neptune in H7.In Davison, five planets retrograde. But moon has natal squares.) Merc sq Uranus is brilliant but crazy. It is a super attraction aspect with that sexy, violent edge. We also have our moments of miscommunication (regarding emotions), and I absolutely attribute this in part to the Moon-Neptune opposition that my guy and I have. Same thing. A lot of longing, this kinda love is.Can I put my synastry up. Hi, Amian, Im sorry for the spelling, but Im using a translator, my english is bad! Everything you said its opposite in my case, Moon Square Pluto Synastry is an astrological aspect that brings together two very intense energies. His pluto is conjunct my moon. We each have Sun square Pluto natally, I have Lilith tightly conjunct Midheaven and Pluto in 10th house. Chiron trine Midheaven 5.94 What do you make of all those Pluto aspects? This aspect is not like anything you have ever experienced or shared in your life..I call it the Heat..At the core it is sweet, gentle, tender, passionate, and all consuming.. I cant focus, forget to eat, cant sleep. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. Venus-Pluto: The Magnificent Obsession - The Astrology Place her ceres conjunct my sun He keeps telling me that he craves me, loves me, and gets horny for me emotionally, and I feel the same. Backed off and gets together with a woman who is nice but not in my league. Hard lesson. So trine. You must be psychic too along with being an astrologer!! He brings you confidence. Sun conj Moon is best friends and TRUE soul. How does that work out in synastry or composite? Mi venus conjuncin a su urano his Pluto However, If its just another learning experience it was one I will not ever forget. Vertex sextile Sun 0.18 Notify me of follow-up comments by email. is there any reason astrologically why a person would be unable to forget someone? Who do you think could be more obsessed for the other? Because sometimes I think its only unrequited love. That is what it is all about for me! Moon Conjunct Pluto Synastry: The intense emotional pull between Moon Mercury Sextile Sun 018 222 Im a Gemini sun, though, with a majority of Earth and then Water planets, and hes a Scorpio sun, with Scorpio in numerous of his personal planets and some Air and Earth. The Moon Square Pluto synastry is the dictionary definition of a toxic relationship that has great sexual chemistry. And when this happens, they tend to hold on to these painful experiences. Both Moon/Pluto and venus /Pluto are super powerful. You better be careful. Yes, it must be once in a lifetime but this is tortuous, So i realized we have Pluto-moon sextile with him as moon in Leo and me as Pluto in Libra, BUT we also have moon-Mars squared double whammy ( my moon is Gemini /Mars Scorpio and his moon is Leo /Mars Virgo), And his Pluto exact conjunct my Mars at 12 degrees Scorpio. But if I want to think of him as someone kind, I remember the moments where I perceived him as cruel and hurtful on purpose (in my perception). That is sad. With the Moon in aspect to Pluto in synastry, it describes feelings of compelling intensity where the Moon is magnetically attracted to Pluto but may also feel overwhelmed by their depths. Hi Ami, An intense connection and deep friendship that felt like two soulmates. Hes got lot of water and fire in his natal. Thank you so much.So happy i found this site, You are so welcome, Jennifer. My Venus also conjuncts his moon in Scorpio. This looks good . TIA. Also his moon trines my Pluto so what about that? He also has Uranus square mercury . Moon quincunx Pluto, You have intense effect on each other which neither is aware of, this mysterious dynamic means you both have to intuitively learn to go with the flow of this energy instead of questioning and trying to understand this relationship you both must accept it for what it is and enjoy the moment. Im the female Pluto he is Moon, here is the aspect Being innate caring creatures, they deeply get hurt when you let them down. Jupiter Trine Mercury 029 98 Then she grew tired and felt chocked. Then in his natal to her draconic chart : his anscendant-MOON-pluto conjunct her pluto and opposite her moon. He is only kind to girls and his friends, but not to all people. He is lighter than me but Im fine with that. Anyway.I will go post the charts..thanks! Su venus en conjuncin a mi ascendente. I keep coming to this page because the way you wrote it is so wonderful. I will be back tomorrow to talk a little more about them but they are very nice! I am extremely interested in getting a synastry reading on us. My Sun conjunct his Pluto. If not resolved, it will lead to permanent separation between the couple. Washington, DC United States 10/13/1981 05:14 Julian day 2444890.88 At the very least, its sextile his Moon, exact degree). Another question, where can I register for your Forum? Please help! Like you are so high and happy and hugging them is not like hugging anyone else it feels like HOME. These are your needs and giving as well as taking. That is LOVELY, M. It describes Moon/Pluto very well! My Mars trine his Saturn Its one-track, haha. Actually, I have a tip for this!! *Moon conjuncts moon (cancer/cancer). You show it to an animal, a child, a lover and God. Venus square Pluto synastry may suggest an unhealthy or dangerous obsession with one another that may include stalking and other creepy behavior. Gem sun This position represents our hidden thoughts and feelings. Moon Conjunct Pluto Synastry - Emotional Drama & A Love-Hate Relationship What Do You Expect To See With Saturn In Pisces? My Mars trine his Saturn Pluto inter-aspects in synastry (one person's Pluto aspecting another's planet) can be some of the most intense contacts around. The fact that we have Mars square Mars and Mercury square Mercury? NOT in synastry, in the natal of each person. How wide is the sextile? Mars trine P. of Fortune 0.29 Hi Jill Pluto has a dangerous reputation in synastry. ? He very quickly became very important to me. Im going crazy! What exactly that supposed to mean. Sorry I made a mistake my pluto (virgo) conjuncts his sun (virgo)1.62 orb and in his natal chart, he has sun conjunct pluto. I found this aspect very interesting and have been obessing about it all day. Sorry. Hi! Individuals with a Moon Square Pluto synastry are intensely drawn to each other. Chiron trine Saturn 0.32 Yes. The Moon Square Pluto synastry is a little infamous in the world of astrological interpretations. If he thinks Im drifting, hell set something up for us to meet. While square connotes a negative meaning, it is different from synastry. A moon person is in touch deeply with their emotions. With the conjunct Moon guy I used to dream 3 days in advance about what he was about to do; one day he was looking for a surgeon and I told him not to worry cause he had plenty of time till Friday, and that Thursday he told me he found a surgeon and scheduled the surgery for next day (Friday). moon square pluto synastry - Astrology Anonymous If you are in a relationship with a Moon Square Pluto synastry, its time to break out some serious emotional maturity when evaluating this connection. This aspect has taken over my life for the past couple years. The Moon individual is also going to need to find their inner strength and know when its time to get out. This imbalance has been existing, and it will reveal itself to you during this event. I have them conj Venus and the Sun, respectively. Its driving us both crazy! I adore this guy, and feel like were star crossed lovers because of the age difference. I have a one question chart for 89.99, Patty. His moon is in my first house. Pluto, sometimes, is the mastermind of chaos. Astrologers view square as negative energy or omen. The depths of emotions combined with passion is classic Moon/Pluto! Moon oppose Pluto is sexy kind of fighting. His ascendant trine my sun4.36 Mercury trine Midheaven 3.16 It's beautiful. Venus Sextile Pluto 108 49 This is more than just a simple attraction or even a deep romantic connection. However, the individual with the Moon placement is also a source of some of this negative tension. I will look later tonight. Its truly otherworldly. Thank you one more time! If the Moons are good, this looks amazing, C! I have Pluto/Moon connection in synastry with a dear friend. WOW WOW Yes I would also like to help him be kinder to people and animals. Is it strange that this is the case? There is a lot of unspoken love You are simultaneously attracted and repulsed by each other. Dont ask about my heart I could hear it beat I just found out, that we have also very intense composit chart. since he acknowledges that I have qualities he really appreciates? Rising sextile Chiron 3.90 Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Pluto Contacts in Synastry: Who Has the Power? - My guy and I are both quite Plutonian, and Scorpio is a big part of our Moon-Pluto connections, so this is not only somewhat natural to us, but fiercely desired. I didnt confront him but I cant figure out lies like this that defy reason?? We are not in a relationship but, Hard Neptune aspects can make us see sunshine and roses where there might actually be rain and thorns. Venus- Neptune -Double conjunction whammy The torturous feeling is definitely the Moon-Pluto DW. Read your description of moon /pluto aspects. So which is it?? Then every morning, evening, lunchbreak, with hours of chatting beside as often as the other were online. But their are other aspects that worries me. It does feel at times that we run hot and cold, and we are emotionally intense. Ever. Pluto square Moon 1.68 I know from experience how that one feels. Or do when were not on a time-out with one another, which happens because my emotions (Scorpio) get to be too hot to handle. his Venus in Taurus calms me down ) despite the fact that he has a tension between Taurus and Scorpio in the chart. My Sun is Cancer / His is Scorpio How about choose one and ask me, my Friend and Welcome! I have my Pluto conjunct this guys moon in Scorpio and his Pluto conjuncts my moon in Libra! You are struggling with this. Moon conjuct pluto in 10 degrees We are both Leos. im currently feeling VERY troubled by a complicated relationship that i have with a guy >< im supposed to forget him, but i simply cannot. My Moon opposites his Pluto The orb is 1 degree 10 seconds. WOW this is not good. I feel as if Im going crazy. To sum this up we have very man connections dynasty wise so I was wondering what they might just reflect. I go with the synastry. I think its some pretty intense stuff,, thankfully we are grown. But maybe both do (and maybe thats why its so crazy for me and for my guy, as were both getting hit with both our Moons and Plutos!). They can put themselves in another's shoes. It may help you understand why such situations occur, where is it rooted, and why your partner is acting that way. Im convinced he was crying at that time. May I know if in the case of my moon sextiling a guys pluto, will i be the one feeling a mothers love for him? But the thought of this guy is still haunting me. Ive never experience this kind of madness over a guy before. Like the feelings dont change? Monica. We can be apart, very, very far apart, and we still feel each other. Will we resist? ). Mercury Conjunction Ascendant 011 175 (All the above aspects are harmonious, except for an opposition with Neptune-Moon.). Thank you,we also have Venus sesquiquadrate pluto synastry .I have no idea what that means.His lilith square my venus as well. Moon Square Pluto Synastry - He has Venus and the sun in Taurus, the moon in Leo in 5 (In love he can be caring. As far as our moon to moon aspects, he is a libra moon and I am a sag moon. Like the Moon that rotates the Earth, people ruled by it also change positions quickly. This season signals the start of an imbalance. Thank you! I feel a longing to pour my soul out to him. It is not changeable. Vertex square Midheaven 0.26 Fast forward to the powerful new moon in Virgo a week or two ago. It is very intense and scary to feel this way about someone. Hi My friend. Moon/Pluto is super passionate and can be obsessed and feel fated. YES. was very impressed. It brought tears to my eyes being that I thought I was the only one or because I felt that he was doing that and actually admitted it to me. There's also a possibility that Pluto, having the upper hand in the relationship, can control the Moon. Her Moon is exactly square to my Pluto. If so, this could be the reason, Patty. Mercury quincunx Neptune 4.88 Does this count as touching each others 7th house? There was no reason at all for him to have been where I was in such a specific place so far from himand yet we were both there. His pluto conjuncts my sun (taurus) at 1.62 and he has natal sun (virgo) conjunct pluto 3.47. The high position of the Pluto individual is going to put them in a position of control. However, all hope isnt lost if you want to try to make a Moon Square Pluto synastry relationship work. i think. Suffice it to say that while there is a sincerely beautiful and torturous love and connection between us, he has a way of hurting me at times. Synastry is concerned with two different people connecting. This transformation is often sudden and unexpected. is conjunct my Sun and Child. The Moon Square Pluto synastry marks two individuals that are completely drawn into each others worlds. I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. I am a woman and I just posted a long text on how my male friend (and former housemate) and I have double-whammy Pluto trine Moon in synastry, among other important things, such as Sun/Moon conjunction, his Sun, my Moon, in Pisces. Not exactly but something like this. When you line up to charts to check Pluto aspects, know that is someone has their moon near someone else's Pluto, sun, ascendant or Venus, the one with Pluto holds the power. Yea, the Moon is vulnerable and so Pluto does soften in this aspect. Thats awesome! In his 5th house (cusp is Cancer) falls my Mars. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my. [save-account-details-nonce] => Or does it say more about one person than the other? The Moon individual in this synastry can often lose themselves in this change which leads these relationships to continue much longer than they should. I am really not sure, Friend. I can too, but I question myself because I dont want to think that Im just going insane. What do your Moons do with each other, other than that Moon/Pluto trine? I love gush. I wrote before about this, but I wanted to give an update I also wanted to tell you that I find your website so helpful . But this is not always the case. Pluto opp Moon His Mars in my 7 house. They give you great honor, riches and respect BUT if you lose your integrity, you will go down and the fall will be bad. Gender didnt matter. Im interested who will die with his name on your lips, Moon oppose Neptune would have to watch out for seeing each other through rose colored glasses, my Friend. It Phoenix transforation time. Put on the asteroids Nessus and Dejanira, too. The moon is your deepest heart. I am Sun in Capricorn and he is Sun in Cancer. I have told him openly how I feel.Er, well, not romance-wise, I suppose, but about most everything else. The intensity of this combination can lead to transformative experiences and powerful emotional growth. The telepathic thinking is what drew me in, and I think it was for him, too. Felt him so strongly and started to miss him again. Ive always known I am irrationally drawn to him, Im beginning to think hes similarly drawn to me. This attitude is why it is never advisable to hurt Moon people (generally, it is not advisable to hurt anyone). Its a working relationship. What do you think? At first, this is going to feel like love at first sight and the best possible relationship. I CAN absolutely agree with what the girl you spoke with said, and maybe this is the Pluto I dont know. He can be cruel to people, but if he falls in love, he is soft. I feel like he is in my heart, my mind, my soul, my being. His aspects win. His Pluto making two strong aspects to your inner planets means he has the upper hand. When Pluto and the Moon are in synastry, or close aspect or conjunction, a deep connection forms between them. The only things that scares me it is this powerful attraction. The love is not of this world. Her Pluto is conjunct to my Sun, Venus and Jupiter. !jaja..nos entenderemos mejor! I would love to send of picture of myself, Im quite voluptuous and very shapely with radiant skin and exceedingly impressive eyes. My Neptune conjuncts his moon. As such, Moon-Pluto aspects in synastry are intense! I hope I can do this in my articles. My venus square your Mars But you should also take into account other aspects to each, and placement by sign and house. Wow!!! Moon-Neptune in Synastry - Astrology Anonymous. It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! What if his Pluto squares my Sun / Moon / Mercury? Im the moon and shes te pluto and theres less than 1 degree difference. My Venus square his Jupiter My 5th House Pluto 12 degrees Libra Trine his 3rd House 12 Degrees Aquarius moon. Fortunately, when challenges come our way because of the square, we are given a clear eye to resolve them. 6) Ive never seen Uranus with Dejanira. All that I know is I am pretty crazy about him and it shows (the crazy, that is, ???). I understand , Thank you a lot for answering me . His moon sextile both of my Pluto and Venus. Our Mars trine each other, And weve got the ugly, too. Moon is the celestial body that correlates to our deepest emotions. He brings you joy. You have to work for it, a bit. Sorry if this is inappropriate, but is Moon trine Pluto supposedly sexual or intense? Lovely description. We also have his Venus/Jupiter sextile my Ascendant (about two degrees each). Kind of intense, right?, if everything you say about Pluto/Moon aspects is true. The Pluto feels he wants to control the tender moon and the moon wants to submit. Thank you for putting in words, the state of my heartI cannot think of anyone but him, day and night and I know that this loyalty will pervade my entire being for the rest of my life. You can feel swept off your feet amidst the whirlwind of chaos that this change brings. -my moon square his north node 1.40 orb, His planets: Yes oh yes oh yes. A Moon Square Pluto synastry is a sign of intense danger for romantic relationships. I have Moon trine Pluto natally and wont show my feelings anyway. -my moon opposite his mars 1.53 orb Wow, you both feel it! It feels intense but Im also wary of him if hes serious or just playing mind games.. His Moon and Uranus conjuncts his Pluto in Libra. Im keeping it bottled up nicely though. Can you please elaborate on this? Is there a charge? I havent told him Im attracted to him because Im so much older and dont want to be creepy. -my MOON conjunct his PLUTO 0.16 orb (in sag) Then I lost him, he died suddenly. How do I alleviate the intensity of this emotion? My Scorpio Moon conjunct his Pluto. I will post the charts in the forum and see what you think of our aspects. My boyfriends Pluto (Scorpio) is trine my Moon (Cancer). My Moon conjunct his Midheaven, his Mars opposite my Sun and his Eros conjunct my Psyche just to name a few. Yes, each person feels it differently. Hes already have personal issues , bring that to synastry voila! As well as person Bs Sun is square person As pluto? Chiron quincunx Pluto 1.15 Trust me; it will wreak havoc in it. Thank you, Love. What you think about it?! But not sure. It may be TOO intense, in terms that it could get violent. Required fields are marked *. Im not going to lie, this is very frightening. I know he is attracted to me and I am attracted to him. Hm.InterestingOk. The Moon can quickly become jealous of everything going on in the Pluto individuals life. Moon Square Pluto In Synastry - - Astrology - Astrology Forum Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Orbs are key . Its tough for me to figure out which planet is causing me to feel this so strongly, as its a double-whammy. I cursed at him more than Ive ever cursed at anyone in my life. Sun quincunx Neptune 5.27 She was the reason he took me to court because I contacted her to tell her that we had slept with each. How do your readings work? My Mars trine his Pluto Ascendant Trine Moon 105 98 Ive yet to find what the Pluto effect is on children. Some things are too intense to exist. which aspect wins.though? Moon conjunct Pluto aspects in synastry are often described as intense, as well as confusing. It is like a square, like 2 parts that are hard to reconcile but I stick with the major aspects. I didnt before. My Ascendant? Also have my moon is opposed his pluto. Let's say A's Mars is in close conjunction with B's Pluto (tight orb; less than 3 degrees). On a whole other level. But you also will find yourself becoming uncomfortable with various deeply ingrained habits and attitudes of each other as you learn more about each other. Yes, one must look at the natal first as that is the make-up of the person. Being so emotionally naked with Pluto, the Moon person will give in to Pluto's request. He is also feeling very drown me, but he is enjoying this more, because he loves the intense feeling. When the Moon in one chart forms an aspect to another person's Pluto. In astrology, Pluto is a feared planet, and this is not without any reason. If you find yourself feeling compulsive about a certain issue, the activation of your Pluto by the moon will facilitate penetrating under the . I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. Is there a way to understand and communicate this? I feel like I am completely unable to resist. Pluto synastry with any person planets are just pure pain pain for both people. You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. Oh ok, sorry for that. My Mars conj. I feel like I look at him and see myself reflected back. Are these heartbreak aspects? Mercury conjunct Rising 5.66 and my sun is square his pluto! It is Healthcliff screaming for Kathy, as he runs . Feel I wont find anyone to help me with my body painbut thats ridiculous I realize (as I write this :D). Did you know I have a Forum where people can post charts. Yes, an orb like that would kick up the intensity in a MAJOR way! Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. It's karmic, cathartic and sexually super-charged. Libra moon He has it in Aries at 1823. Copyright 2022 | Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. My husband's Pluto squares my Moonthe above description is fairly accurate. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hello, I am wondering about the situation when man has anscendant-moon-pluto conjunction in his natal chart. This guy is smart enough to know how to behave well, so why does he choses to hurt without any reason? Hai. Es muy bonita . But do nothing on it. I have double-whammy Moon trine Pluto with my former housemate, with whom I am still friends. So, what are the hallmarks, characteristics and challenges of a Moon conjunct Pluto . This is insanity. Im currently dating a gentleman that I have this aspect with. Or is it because he is still processing the divorce from the mother of his kids? Aspects in Synastry: I have no idea how he feels, but this is exquisite torture for me. He's the guy in the room who causes everyone to back away a little. I dont think you can alleviate these kind of energies, my Friend. We could say it represents one's dark side, in a way. Love + Soulmate Synastry Observations - Celeste My Moon squares his Pluto, and his Moon sextiles my Pluto. Aquarius venus (DW). One of my last relationships featured a Pluto opposite Moon aspect in synastry. So I keep coming across your site in my search and I just have to say I absolutely love the information on here, and the way it is all expressed.