Even acute bouts of stress and subclinical adrenal insufficiency can cause cyclical downshifts in thyroid function. You must log in or register to reply here. [14] K A Woeber. Millions Treated For Hypothyroidism At Risk For Lung Cancer In an attempt to show causation, the article notes "patients with small cell carcinoma of the lung often present symptoms suggestive of hyperthyroidism (i.e. weight loss, anorexia) was made many years ago together with an over production of both T4 and T3. [9] [10] [11] Although we should never forget that LT4 is a life-saving thyroid hormone replacement, and that one should not exclude that the pathological reason that leads to the prescription of LT4 could favor the lung cancer development also. However, they pointed out that the opposite was recently described, and that "hypothyroidism reduces theaggressiveness of some cancers because of the presence of thyroid hormone receptors oncancer cells, and spontaneous hypothyroidism may delay onset or reduce aggressiveness ofcancers."[1]. UpToDate Or that it was the many years of not being diagnosed with hypothyroidism, courtesy of daft blood test ranges, before finally tipping a TSH over 5 (or even 10) before treatment is commenced, by which time the damage is done. For more information, please see our However, I do not believe it was out of the blue now. El almacenamiento o acceso tcnico es necesario para crear perfiles de usuario para enviar publicidad, o para rastrear al usuario en una web o en varias web con fines de marketing similares. A new study has uncovered a link between the synthetic thyroid hormone (trade name Synthroid) used to treat millions diagnosed with hypothyroidism and lung cancer, bringing to the forefront the harmful role that overdiagnosis and overtreatment plays in nutritional deficiency and chemical exposure related 'diseases.' Now, I will bring it to the attention of my Endocrinologist. I invite those interested to read it and perhaps we can have a discussion on this study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. J Exp Biol 2010, 213:28992911. I wish I could say that my story was atypical. Desiccated thyroid extract compared with levothyroxine in the treatment of hypothyroidism: a randomized, double-blind, crossover study. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Salt, Sugar, Fat: 15 Shocking Facts From the Book Dear Doctor, Do You Really Know What Vaccines Cont Colloidal Gold: Discover the Benefits and Wonders, Scientists Explain Why HPV Vaccines Are Unsafe. [5]Wawrzynska L, Sakowicz A, Rudzinski P, Langfort R, Kurzyna M: The conversion to triiodothyronine in the lung: comparison of activity of type I iodotironine 5 deiodinase in lung cancer with peripheral lung tissues. Tokushima J Exp Med 1991, 38:2535. [learn more: Is Drug-Based Medicine a Form of Human Sacrifice?] In my view the paper isn't worth the pixels used to display it on a screen. Or, simply look at what the young-adult,T-score based definition of osteoporosis and osteopeniahas done to convert millions of healthy middle-age and older women into drug-treatable patients, or, what the lipid hypothesis of cardiovascular disease causation has done to create a 30-billion dollar a year market in statin drugs, to fully appreciate the harms of overdiagnosis and overtreatment. According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, years 1988-1994, [13] while 0.3% of the American population exhibits overt symptoms of hypothyroidism, 14 times more (4.3%) have so-called 'subclinical' hypothyroidism only detected via blood work. [10] Hofer T, Desbaillets I, Hpfl G, Wenger RH, Gassmann M: Characterization of HIFD-1 alpha overexpressing Hela cells and implication for gene therapy. ", That study is like a fishing expedition. Due to excessive bot signups along with nefarious actors we are limiting forum registration. When a high-risk patient presents with one or more lung nodules, the path ahead and next steps seems obvious. (They noted that this age range corresponds to more than 80% of the consumers of the drug and to about 99% of all malignant cancers). millions treated for hypothyroidism at risk for lung cancer Whereas a patient who had suboptimal thyroid function, but did not have noticeable symptoms, is suddenly given pharmacological doses of synthetic T4 and suddenly experiences the wide range of acute, adverse health effects associated with a now hyperactive and/or increasingly disrupted thyroid, as a result. [5] Wawrzynska L, Sakowicz A, Rudzinski P, Langfort R, Kurzyna M: The conversion to triiodothyronine in the lung: comparison of activity of type I iodotironine 5' deiodinase in lung cancer with peripheral lung tissues. Hashimoto's disease - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic Dr Childs guesses that patients on levothyroxine monotherapy may be more prone to cancer because they might be under-treated. weight loss, anorexia). " [3] Faber J, Poulsen S, Iversen P, Kirkegaard C: Thyroid hormone turnover in patients with small cell carcinoma of the lung. Increased sleepiness. I am just as much in the dark as some others on this site. I have posted the link now. Hypothyroidism reduces respiratory drive and can cause obstructive sleep apnea or pleural effusion, while hyperthyroidism increases respiratory drive and can cause dyspnea on exertion. Keri Topouzian, D.O. Physician/Author - Facebook Or, if fluoride, mercury, or any number of xenobiotic chemicals in the environment requiring selenium-dependent glutathione-mediated detoxification is causing the low thyroid, why call chemical poisoning hypothyroidism? To investigate the magnitude of the possible association between levothyroxine use and cancer risk, this retrospective c Just for entertainment value take a look at some more dodgy correlations : I rather liked the correlation between consumption of orange marmalade and birth rate - in the years after the second world war if I remember correctly. I had doctor after doctor tell me it was in my head or I was menopausal. What I am personally saying issince I personally have a disease that may kill me, I sure as heck have every right to find out ALL I can about it. It took over five years before the someone figured out my ongoing symptoms were due to hypothyroidism. [13] Hollowell JG, Staehling NW, Flanders WD, et al. Medical Authoritys System Kills: FDA-Approved Dru Cognitive Impairment, Memory Loss and Alzheimer's Soy Lecithin: How It Negatively Affects Your Healt Cannabis Oil Cures Cancer -Lincoln Horsley's Story New Information Dissolves Illusions About Vaccines Grounding Helps Thin Dangerously Thick Blood and F Tart Cherries Relieve Osteoarthritis Pain, Lieberman's Massive Connections To Big Pharma, Utopian 'Harvest Your Own' Groceries Coming Up. Nanosized aluminum being sprayed in the atmosphere CDC Admits as Many as 30 Million Americans Could b Why Turmeric May Be the Diseased Liver's Best Friend. Here members can share stories, find important information and learn from the experiences of others like themselves. In discussing their findings, the authors noted that they could not exclude the possibility that the condition of hypothyroidism could favor the development of lung cancer. Indeed, research indicates that hypothyroid patients treated with T4 replacement, that is sufficient to maintain a normal serum TSH, actually have serum free T4 that is higher than in untreated normal patients and may not result in appropriately normal serum free T3 concentrations. Is This the Real Reason You're Exhausted All the T Why An Alkaline Approach Can Successfully Treat Ca We're Losing the War on Cancer- Here's Why. PLoSone 2011, 11:e27547. Or, if fluoride, mercury, or any number of xenobiotic chemicals in the environment requiring selenium-dependent glutathione-mediated detoxification is causing the "low thyroid," why call chemical poisoning "hypothyroidism"? I honestly do not know. The authors of the study pointed out that levothyroxine (T4) treatment can lead to medication-induced (iatrogenic) thyroid over-activity (hyperthyroidism) and oxidative stress that can lead to a significant patient discomfort. I've been on synthroid for 20+ years, scary. As you know, I appreciate people posting links that help us learn more about lung cancer, too. There is also the very real possibility that T4 will not only not properly interact with thyroxine cellular receptors, but will block out what remaining natural levothyroxine the thyroid is still producing (and whose conformational state is far more health-promoting), essentially acting as an endocrine disrupter at the very moment that it is acting as intended as a 'TSH suppressor.' [7] Kinoshita S, Sone S, Yamashita T, Tsubura E, Ogura T: Effects of experimental hyperand hypothyroidism on natural defense activities against Lewis lung carcinoma and its spontaneous pulmonary metastases in C57BL/6 mice. Thank you for posting it, I agree we all need as much knowledge as we can get! Merck Announces Phase 3 KEYNOTE-671 Trial Met Primary Endpoint of Event The authors delved deeper into the reason why oxidative stress taking place during T4 treatment is particularly linked to lung cancer only: The hypothesis could be that in lungs the increase of hypoxia-induced factor (HIF-1) which is determined by T4 can make oxygen much more available, increasing locally the oxidative stress together with a dangerous angiogenesis stimulation. El almacenamiento o acceso tcnico que se utiliza exclusivamente con fines estadsticos annimos. Study: Millions Treated for - The Wellness Institute | Facebook There are several books out there written about the topic. I don't think so. This is a news report of the research, so I can't learn the details of how the science was conducted. Hypothyroidism can cause depression and, without treatment, the symptoms intensify and directly affect the mental state. A new study has uncovered a link between the synthetic thyroid hormone (trade name Synthroid) used to treat millions diagnosed with hypothyroidism and lung cancer, bringing to the forefront the harmful role that overdiagnosis and overtreatment plays in nutritional deficiency and chemical exposure related 'diseases.' Obesity epidemic caused by EMF exposures in the ho War on Health - The FDA's Cult of Tyranny. I discovered this article published in Wakeup World. This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2013, Some features are currently member only features. It looks at correlations, as if they had any merit on their own. See more of Keri Topouzian, D.O. International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Black Seed May Treat Hypothyroidism (Hashimotos Disease), Clinical Trial Reveals, Wi-Fi Devices Increase Mercury Release From Dental Amalgams, Participating in Drum Circles Improves Health and Quality of Life in Parkinsons Patients (Study), Acupuncture Beats Injected Morphine for Pain: Groundbreaking Study, Mammography Is Harmful and Should Be Abandoned, Scientific Review Concludes, Killer Germs Obliterated by Medicinal Smoke Smudging, Study Reveals, Turmerics Smart Kill Properties Put Chemo & Radiation To Shame, Beet Juice Boosts Cognitive Function In One Dose, 13 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil, Group Drumming Better Than Prozac, Study Suggests, 25 Cancer Stem-Cell Killing Foods That Are Smarter Than Chemo and Radiation, Ibuprofen Can Stop Your Heart 31% Increase in Cardiac Arrest Risk, Conscious Shopping Offering Conscious Products for Conscious People, Uncovering The Truths And Myths About 3 Superstar Herbs, Living Past 100: The Okinawan Diet and Blue Zone Centenarians, Repairs DNA and Rejuvenates Your Cells While You Relax, Why Daily Greens are the Real Fountain of Youth, T4 has been reported as one of the several endogenous factors capable of supporting proliferation of lung cancer cells.