There are five major stages of radiation poisoning at 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 rads. Can paralyze an enemy for 30 seconds with a V.A.T.S. [27][28], Some humans may also become mutated by radioactive exposure. This changes the Ghoulish perk to make it more interesting and make it more of a role play option. Rad Resistance is a perk in Fallout: New Vegas. +5% bonus to damage against humans and non-feral ghouls. Plus you can just sleep in your own bed to gain well rested so the usefulness of this perk is quite limited. Rad Resistance +10% damage and unique dialogue options when dealing with the opposite sex. While wearing light armor you gain +5% critical hit chance and your enemies suffer a -25% critical hit chance. The Lead Belly perk also reduces exposure to radiation by halving the amount of rads obtained while drinking. close. Overview Fallout: New Vegas uses the same radiation mechanics as Fallout 3, and retains several of its perks, such as Lead Belly, Rad Resistance and Rad Absorption. The river below the Pitt Bridge reaches 600 rads per second, and is fatal due to a lack of ability to leave. Rad exposure is usually limited; only very rarely will zones be so irradiated that venturing into them results in a quick death. -Tag! This meter is difficult to read due to the needle's constant movement. -Built to Destroy: 3% crit is not a lot, but neither is 15% weapon degradation if you have a way to maintain your weapons. If the rad count gets high enough, SPECIAL stats begin to drop, and if any of these drop to zero due to poisoning, the character dies. -Rad Resistance: Unless you plan on being Rad Man of Rad Land don't take this perk, radiation is a non issue. Some areas, such as the Glow and the Glowing Sea, are still suffering from a lack of habitability, where a combination of nuclear strikes, damage to nuclear facilities, and environmental factors caused the natural radioactive decay rate to be greatly reduced. Do the math before taking this perk to see if you gain anything out of it. Foes killed by your Energy Weapons emit a corona of harmful energy. Any living creature you kill (people included) has a 50% chance to drop blood sausage or thin red paste which are decent healing items that sadly do not count as food for hardcore. 1 gray means 1 joule of ionizing radiation was absorbed by 1 kilogram of matter, so 1 rad means 0.01 joules of radiation was absorbed by 1 kilogram of matter. The condition of weapons and armor decays 50% slower. 30 health points will rarely make the difference between life and death, but this trait is useful in combination with trait that makes you do more damage below 50% or the companion DR perk because the health granted by life giver goes not count against your half health requirement. Notes Advanced Rad Poisoning causes a loss of two points of Endurance and one point of Agility. Radioactive contamination is the chief delayed effect of nuclear weapons, as it results in the creation of radioactive material with half-lives that range from days to millennia. . Not worth a perk point let alone the 90 science you need to invest into getting this perk. As the count increases, further radiation poisoning occurs. [26], Its presence has induced widespread mutations in flora and fauna, leading to the emergence of giant versions of regular species. Life Giver (Level 12, EN 6 Required) ? At max level, it will cause instant death. For a cross-game overview of this perk, see, Advanced (400 rads): +4 health per second, Critical (600 rads): +6 health per second. When using Energy Weapons, you are twice as likely to recover drained ammunition. Can make one extra attempt to hack a locked-down terminal. Fallout New Vegas Modding Guides.-Healing is slow in combat ( for example by going into inventory and healing to full has been removed). Even just fast traveling can result in a full health bar. This perk is gained by getting exposed to Critical Radiation Poisoning (600+ rads) for Moira's Wasteland Survival Guide. Moreover, since this directly affects maximum health, this is damage that can't be healed. Only regular perks may be selected during level up. You can find all the perk base_ID values on the Fallout: New Vegas Wiki. Endorsements. Fallout 76 Gameplay article: Fallout 76 In the off chance you do stuff 800 iirradiated foodstuffs in your mouth and want to stuff 800 more just take a radaway or give a doctor like 3 dollars and boom you're good. Rad Regeneration | Fallout Wiki | Fandom Perk Throw in Melee Hacker and Rushing Water to become speed. This resistance is applied to all sources of radiation, from the external environment to irradiated consumables. Fallout: New Vegas - Lonesome Road - MobyGames -Computer Whiz, Infiltrator: While TECHNICALLY useful, I have put these perks in F tier because they encourage the player to fuck themselves over. The necessity of this perk is questionable, since it is trivially easy to temporarily boost radiation resistance to the maximum with Rad-X and various radiation-resistant armor. IMO VATS is pretty bad in this game so the usefulness of this perk is limited. -Heavy Handed: Take this on builds that use low crit dmg melee weapons like 2 step goodbye or Oh Baby!. For each crippled limb you have, you do an additional 10% damage. player.modav radiationrads 40 The rads value is now 80, but that value comes from two different pools. Chems and (in Hardcore) stimpaks last twice as long. RadAway will remove all radiation from the player character instantly, while a steady supply of clean water will reduce it over time. Keep holomessage from Elijah after Veronica unlocks it. Do note that the unique Gauss Rifle YCS/186 will be unavailable if you take this perk. Unlike in Fallout 3, the Perk Rate in Fallout: New Vegas is one perk every two levels. Just shoot/burn/stab them like a normal psycho and ignore this perk. This perk works multiplicatively with fast shot meaning if you take both you will shoot slower while also being less accurate so don't stack them. Being over-encumbered no longer prevents you from using fast travel. -In Shining Armor: This perk does not work, taking it will grant your character zero benefits. Completing quests and performing certain actions unlock them. Full List of Fallout: New Vegas DLC Perks - Altered Gamer -Better Criticals: While the description makes it appear as if your whole shot hits 50% harder when you score a critical hit, all that really happens is the critical portion of your hit gets increased by 50%, not the whole shot. If the player were to consume a bunch of RadAway, their rads would stop decreasing at 40, because RadAway only restores the damage modifier, not the permanent modifier. Radioactive zones deal 1 Rad damage upon entering the space, and enemies with radioactive damage will deal rad damage times their level. -Hand Loader: Allows for crafting of hand loader ammunition which is a significant upgrade to the default ammo on most weapons. Such secondary cascade radiation has proven to be especially dangerous at the former West Tek research facility, which was known to overwhelm and kill anyone without the proper precautions. But some life forms have been living with Gamma radiation exposure for two centuries now, and they've adapted. Like the monocyte breeder, this perk allows healing while waiting/sleeping. -Sneering Imperialist: Makes you better against some of the weakest human enemies in the game, yay. Deal +3%/+6%/+10% damage to super mutants. This explains why non-player characters like Confessor Cromwell (who stand in irradiated water at almost all times) do not die from radiation poisoning. Very useful for crit builds since it provides the player with endless True Police Stories which boost your crit chance by 10% (with comprehension) and is affected by weapon critical hit multipliers. Doesn't help you see at all just makes everything less pleasant to look at. As soil is not vaporized, but aerosolized by the explosion, this heavy particulate matter tends to deposit within minutes or days, with downwind contamination spreading it across hundreds or even thousands of kilometers depending on weather patterns. Launch nuclear missiles at Caesar's Legion. Weapons with a weight of more than 10 are cut in half. -Sniper: VATS isn't great but if you do want to make a VATS build take this. Dog will devour the limbs of any Ghost People, preventing them from resurrecting. Many of the perks not originally intended to be used in Fallout: New Vegas remain from the Fallout 3 game files. -Adamantium Skeleton: How are broken bones real just take a nap bro it'll be fine. Temporarily stun opponents by throwing dust or dirt at their eyes (requires dirt or sand ground). -Here and Now: A complete waste of a perk point, if you're looking for build filler take anything else that isn't F tier. Some call it the Phantom Death, 'cause that's what it is. -Laser Commander: 15% damage and 10% crit in a single perk makes this core for any laser build. This console enables the ability to cheat, but it also is a tool for fixing glitches, learning about the game, and troubleshooting quest and companion problems. Unlike skilled, this perk is not bugged so taking it multiple times will have no effect. This perk also makes you less accurate in vats while decreasing AP costs, useful for packing in headshots on a nearby enemy. -Lead Belly: Rads are a non-issue in FNV outside of select areas and rads from food/water are even less of an issue. -Scrounger: Not nearly as bad as cap collector, but making money is trivial in FNV and so is buying ammo. Fallout: New Vegas Massive lag from Glowing Ones/glowing radiation goop DeathSnipe777 7 years ago #1 So I'm having a problem. Level 8Endurance 5 Even legendary enemy mutations or the resethealth console command will restore health only up to any limits from radiation poisoning. -Silent Running: Makes you sneak even sneakier. Fission products and irradiated particulate are lifted into the atmosphere by the rising fireball, and whether they are deposited locally or globally depends on the strength of the explosion and its location. Fallout: New Vegas uses the same radiation mechanics as Fallout 3, keeping some perks, such as Lead Belly, Rad Resistance and Rad Absorption, while adding two new perks, Rad Child and Atomic. Take this perk to mitigate this downside in a shotgun build. It has the same armour rating as Reinforced Leather and you can use ordinary Rad suits to repair it. Combine this perk with Run n Gun and you've got yourself a slippery gunslinger. In humans, exposure to radiation almost invariably causes health complications, with their severity depending on the level of exposure. Enables you to create special explosive recipes at any workbench. +25% addiction resistance. -Terrifying Presence: This perk grants you a whopping 18 extra dialogue options, half of which just lead to combat and all of which have better ways of resolving themselves. Do note that to make up for the endurance lost from radiation poisoning you will have to spend 10 seconds in combat (slightly less for the last stage of rad poisioning) so in short fights this perk hurts you. Fallout New Vegas: 10 Best Perks In The Game, Ranked You have come to understand night stalkers. Sieverts, another scientific unit of measurement, is less frequently used. All of the regular base perks in Fallout New Vegas are below.