the seller life. If the item is damaged while it's being returned to you, you may qualify to give them a partial refund. If the seller ignores the return request I know that in some cases ebay will refund on their behalf without requiring a return. '':'/new_ad_server/www/delivery/ajs.php'); 04-18-2022 eBay may automatically accept a return from a buyer on your behalf if an eBay postage label is available. This can be useful when the buyer isn't completely satisfied with their purchase. It's really gotten to the point of embarrassing on their part and they don't even realize it (or just don't care). When a buyer reports that an item doesn't match the listing and the transaction meets our eligibility requirements, we will look for all of the following: If we determine that the seller did not meet their return requirements: If we determine that the buyer did not meet their return requirements, the buyer may not receive a full refund for the item and/or shipping costs. If the item is returned used or damaged, you may qualify to issue the buyer a partial refund. But I certainly won't be surprised if I have to allow a return anyway. Well which one is it? I am not saying that's what OP was doing, just informational, since they are new to SNADs. It means buyers can get their money back if an item didn't arrive, is faulty or damaged, or doesn't match the listing. A few days later I receive a not as described PayPal claim. If you respond to the request but don't come to an agreement with the buyer after 3 business days, you or the buyer can ask us to step in and help. if (document.mmm_fo) document.write ("&mmm_fo=1"); You can also find more information in our full article below. if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; Select your reason for the return. If the item arrived damaged, broken, or faulty, add up to 10 images relevant to the reason you're returning the item for, and showing any scratches . Buyers and sellers are subject to the eBay Money Back Guarantee or other buyer protection policy (if available) of the site where the buyer completed checkout, regardless of the eBay site used to list the item or the registration details of the buyer or seller. Sellers are required to deliver the item to the address in the Order details, unless the buyer selected a local pickup option. Thank you very much for your help! Once the return has been resolved, the hold is lifted and you'll receive your funds in your next scheduled payout. Up until fairly recently, eBay would close a case quick if it was clearly a case of buyer's remorse. For returns and exchanges less t We know that our sellers want to provide buyers with a great experience, but sometimes you're not able to reach an agreement. Returns for final sale purchases are only eligible for coverage under eBay Money Back Guarantee when: Final sale definitions by product category, Trading Cards - opens in new window or tab, Luxury bags & accessories - opens in new window or tab. Need to report a problem or not sure about the next steps? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. See Evidence of successful delivery to the authenticator below. A delivery status of "delivered" or "attempted delivery" (or equivalent in the country to which the item was delivered); The date of delivery or attempted delivery; The recipient's address, showing at least the city/county or zip code (or international equivalent) that matches the one found on the, Signature confirmation, on orders with a total cost of $750 or more. The itemwas collected by a third party on behalf of the buyer, Withdrawal of the items in your Collection when stored in the eBay vault. You'll also be responsible for covering return shipping costs. When listing an item, it's important to includeyour return address. If eBay determines that a buyer is entitled to a refund under this policy and issues a refund to the buyer on the seller's behalf, eBay may seek reimbursement from the seller by invoice, or by collecting the amount of the reimbursement from the seller as described in the Payments Terms of Use - opens in new window or tab. Carefully check the returned item before giving the refund. We described it as having a crack up top, the photos show it with a crack up top, and the buyer asked to return it because it has a crack up top. Read our article on, Need help with return shipping? Ebay closes in buyers favor and tells me buyer completed the return within guidelines. If we're asked to step in to help, we may ask the buyer to return the item to you. 01:47 PM. Ebay has never been the best for buyer protection, my advice is make sure you note serials before sending off etc and be prepared to take returns even for BS reasons. If you stated in your listing that you don't accept returns when a buyer changes their mind, you're not obliged to accept their return request. If you and the buyer haven't been able to resolve the issue within 3 business days, we're always ready to step in and help. You can choose to add a message to the buyer. Tip As you may already know or will find out after watching this . See our Partial refund guidelines for more details. The above applies whether or not a seller accepts returns. You are the seller. Give a full refund The buyer will receive a full refund, including original postage costs, and they'll keep the item. Give a full refund The buyer will receive a full refund. Offer a partial refund:You'll issue a partial refund to the buyer, and they'll keep the item. IMO as a seller its always better to accept returns, as you then have some control. We know that our sellers want to provide buyers with a great experience, but sometimes you're not able to reach an agreement. When you receive an item that does not match the description or arrives broken the money back guarantee overrides any return policy the seller may have. But that doesn't answer my question ti @iartas to how a 'no returns' listing can benefit a buyer. If the listing states that the seller offers returns, the buyer may return the item for any reason, including if they change their mind about the item ("remorse" returns). Enter the amount you wish to offer the buyer. How to handle a return request as a seller | eBay eBay may step in without the buyer asking if there is no valid tracking information available. If the purchase is covered by the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy, you'll have to accept the return, even if you have a no returns policy. Tip Offer a partial refund: The buyer will receive a partial refund, and they'll keep the item. How to go about returning an item when a seller doesn't accept returns? See our page on, Would you like us to help with an open return request? //]]>-->,