Figure 2 shows the classical method for calculating Mark-Houwink parameters, where a linear relation between the intrinsic viscosity and the molecular weight is established for each temperature. The Mark-Houwink a constant is close to 0.5 in poor solvents. Hydrodynamic cavitation (HC), a common phenomenon that can produce local excessive temperature, high pressure and large amount of energy. Microporation applications for enhancing drug delivery. After the pore closure examination, each sample was stored in a 10% neutral buffered formalin awaiting haematoxylin/eosin (H&E) staining. Pribush, A.; Zilberman-Kravits, D.; Meyerstein, N. (2007). statement and The site is secure. The proportionality between []0 and M0.5 is obtained as a limiting law for the no draining regime. Use of the single point method is correct because it is based in the Huggins method (HM); owing the HM requiring many viscosity and density measurements (at least four) for each Mw, but Solomon Ciuta method with a single measure is sufficient. dextran hydrodynamic Microporation techniques for enhanced delivery of therapeutic agents. WebFluorescent and biotinylated dextrans are routinely employed to trace neuronal projections. Dextran is soluble in water, methyl sulphoxide, formamide, ethylene glycol, glycerol, 4-methylmorpholine-4-oxide, and hexamethyl phosphamide [4]. The flattening of the curves at higher molecular weight is in agreement with an increased branching density. Epub 2012 Oct 18. Actually, everything depends on solvent you want to use and temperature. If you want to know gyration (Rg)or hydrodynamic (Rh) radius, you should WebIn this regard, we chose as crowding agents a number of polymers with hydrodynamic dimensions comparable to those of iRFP713 in different structural states: polyethylene glycol8,000(PEG-8000)withaneffectivehydrodynamicradiusof24.5 1.9(Devanand & Selser, 1991), Dextran-40 and Dextran-70 with hydrodynamic radius of 44.550 and 5864 , WebTo address this perception, in the current study, FITC-dextran of different MWs (10, 70 and 150 kDa) was used to model the transdermal delivery of low MW biotherapeutics and mAbs with MWs of approximately 150 kDa. Journal of Controlled Release, 119, 5-24. Front Microbiol. ; Wood, P.J. Journal of American Chemical Society, 76 (20), 5041-5052. The qM-H values given by equation 13, these vary from 0.9993 to 0.9841 for the range between 8.8 to 200kDa in a temperature range of 20 to 40C. Characterization and Classification of Dextrans from Ninety-six Strains of Bacteria. Hydrodynamic Properties of Tragacanthin. WebHydrodyamic Radius, R H: In addition to the analytic size of a linear (C=1) chain, the end to end distance, R eted or R 0, and the structural size, the radius or gyration, R g, dynamic measurements yield a size called the hydrodynamic radius, R H. Consider a rod particle of length L=10R where R is the radius. Cytotoxicity studies on human cervical cancer (HeLa) cell line showed non-toxic and biocompatible nature of dextran. Kuge Takashi; Kimie Kobayashi; Shinichi Kitamura; Hiroshi Tanahashi. (2008). 2012 Sep 1;90(1):441-6. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2012.05.063. Journal Argentine Chemical Society 100 (2013) 25-34. Experimental and numerical study on the mixed lubrication Durand, A. Pharmaceut Sci Tech. A lot of research has been devoted to dextrans modification in order to describe special characteristics relevant to specific applications such as surfactants [16], as visible marker [17], polysaccharides-based nanoparticles, covalent crosslinking [18], ionic crosslinking, polyelectrolyte complex, and the self-assembly of hydrophobically modified polysaccharides, and hydrophilic modified polysaccharides [19]. Transdermal drug delivery is an attractive alternative that addresses the limitations of oral and parenteral routes of drug administration; it enables controlled release and long-term systemic drug delivery through the skin, avoids hepatic first-pass effect, avoids gastrointestinal drug degradation, reduces discomfort and trauma resulting from hypodermic injections, and prevents safety hazards associated with dangerous medical waste from needles [1, 2]. (1954). Changes in the Mark-Houwink hydrodynamic volume of chitosan molecules in solutions of different organic acids, at different temperatures and ionic strengths. In order to confirm the molecular weight the gel permeation chromatography (GPC) for standard dextrans is used in a range of molecular weights from 8.8 to 2000kDa and these correspond to the following equation. The molecular mass of dextran as determined by the gel filtration and copper bicinchoninate method was approximately, 800 kDa. Modelling the endothelial blood-CNS barriers: a method for the Lim SB, Tingirikari JMR, Seo JS, Li L, Shim S, Seo JH, Han NS. Synthesis and characterization of blue dextrans. Dear Sir. Alan F Rawle , Can you help me in calculating the size of dextran 4 (molecular weight= 4000) and dextran 10 (molecular weight 10,000)? Th dextran hydrodynamic radius ACS Nano. Advances in chemistry series Washington, DC: American Chemical Society., pp. Dextrans in Aqueous Solution. Experimental Review on Intrinsic Journal of Chemical Education, 49(8), 577-579. Strategies to improve the potential of transdermal devices by enhancing the skin permeation of therapeutic entities. This study was supported by the LG Electronics. The term f/f0 is sometimes denoted as P, Perrin constant. Microporation was performed 2, 5, and 10 times on each sample. The calculated dextran molecular weights are corroborated by those tabulated data by the manufacturer with a relative error lower than 10%, being the exception dextrans 580 and 2000kDa with the highest relative error. dextran Microporations were performed 2, 5, and 10 times and the skin damage was confirmed using the TEWL measurement. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Disclaimer. Monolayers and Thin Films of Dextran Hydrophobically Modified. The basic setup of a DLS instrument is shown in Figure 1. The solutions were prepared in bidestilated water at 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25 % wt. ; Fran, H.P. Webdextran hydrodynamic radius. Biotechnology Progress, 19, 544-548. Stokes radius The micropore formed at the SC through to the epidermis, enabling drug delivery. Structure Properties of Dextran. On single point determination of intrinsic viscosity. The explanation for the anomalous values of a and kM-H is because the mixture solute-solvent is highly compatible due a great compaction of biopolymer, from undisturbed state in the absence of interactions, where free energy of mixing less than zero, and emphasize the nature non-linear or hyperbranched of dextran for Mw high to 200kDa. After microporation, the TEWL values of the human cadaver skin increased from 11.30.6 to 33.01.0, 10.71.5 to 45.31.5, and 10.70.6 to 61.02.0g/m2/h when the microporation was performed 2, 5, and 10 times, respectively. eCollection 2018 Feb. Molecules. The lack of data on the uniformity of intrinsic viscosity measurements in the system water/dextran, highlights the significant influence of the solvent and temperature [74]. Drug Deliv Syst. The permeability of fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextrans (FITC-dextrans) with different molecular weights through the pig and human cadaver skins were measured using Franz diffusion cell. These modifications include degradation of hemidesmosomes attached to the dermis, degradation of desmosomes linked to adjacent cells, contraction of intracellular tonofilament, and lamellipodia formation. Intrinsic viscosity of bovine serum albumin conformers. The Hydrodynamic Radii of Macromolecules and Their Effect on Red Blood Cell Aggregation. Bohdanecky, Miloslav (1996). Viswanath, D.S. Increased TEWL values are evidence of micropores formation. a Immediately after microporation, b 4h, c 8h, and d 24h (n=5, *: p<0.05). In this work, we evaluate the maximum radius of macromolecules able to enter into HeLa cells following a plasma treatment using a size exclusion approach with dextran molecules. Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins. Fusco V, Quero GM, Cho GS, Kabisch J, Meske D, Neve H, Bockelmann W, Franz CM. AATEX. A novel correlation for protein diffusion coefficients based on molecular weight on radius of gyration. The relative browning for dextran from W. cibaria JAG8 was similar to commercial prebiotic Nutraflora P-95 and 3-fold lower than Raftilose P-95. The Mark-Houwink parameters is calculated molecular weights range from 8.8 to 200kDa. (2007). 2018;1:10915. Fluorescent and Biotinylated DextransSection 14.5 Micropores are produced by the arrangement of microelectrodes on the skin at precise dimensions, then RF energy generated by alternating currents induces ionic vibrations between electrodes with positive or negative charges. We observe that this maximum radius is below Monosaccharide analysis revealed that the polysaccharide comprised only glucose units. In our present study, microporated skin permeated insufficient amount of 20K FITC-dextran, suggesting that enhancement of permeability was unsuccessful with macromolecules of more than 20KM.W.. The skin was treated with the RF-based microporation device, inducing micropore ablation through alternating electrical current. Analytical Chemistry. In a good solvent, which shows a zero or negative heat of mixing with the polymer, the molecule is less-extended, and the intrinsic viscosity is high. 10K, and c M.W. The 70-kDa FITC dextran reached the jejunum after 15 min and passed the entire small intestine within 1 h after its administration, demonstrating that 4-kDa FITC dextran measured in plasma 1 h after its oral application is a marker of small intestinal permeability. Pharm Res. Immediately after formation, the microchannels are filled with interstitial fluid, making them hydrophilic, and a suitable drug delivery system [15]. GYA primarily conducted research. The molecular mass of dextran as determined by the gel filtration and copper bicinchoninate method was approximately, 800 kDa. Webof overall macromolecular geometry and hydrodynamic draining. NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. Eng. These studies on Mark-Houwink parameters are usually carried out at a given temperature, obtaining a consistent result but in a very limited temperature range [68]. Transdermal delivery of FITC-Dextrans with different molecular Proc. Rotureau, E.; Dellacherie, E.; Durand, A. Lucifer yellow (LY) and FITC-labelled dextran stock solutions were prepared in Ringers-HEPES buffer (150 mM NaCl, 3.4 mM CaCl 2, 1.2 mM MgCl 2, 5.2 mM KCl, 0.5 mM NaHCO 3, 2.8 mM glucose, and 10 mM HEPES) and frozen at 20C. ; Bataille, B. Influence of molecular weight on Human cadaver skin has been confirmed as alive skin tissue through analysis of its morphology and enzymes, and its usefulness as an alternative skin membrane in drug permeation experiments has been verified [20]. High Manufacturing Standards of Molecular Probes Dextrans. Molecular weight (Mv) and hydrodynamic properties can be calculated from there. The intrinsic viscosity classical theory of random coils at conditions []0 predicts the quotient a0 = d ln[]0/d ln M to decrease from unity to 0.5 as the chain length increases. Careers. Dilute Solution. ; Rani, K.Y. dextran ; Hogan, M.P. Working with the molecular weights given by the manufacturer and compare them with the molecular weights, calculated from the Mark-Houwink parameters in this work; can be seen that the %RE obtained, see Table 6. Peptide and protein transdermal drug delivery. Microporation was performed 2 times on each sample. Dextran Triple Detector Application Note 1, Viscotek GmbH, USA. Each microporated sample was incubated in the skin culture medium. Based on these results a difference of approximately 1015% between the amounts of drugs permeated through the human skin and pig skin models should be considered during human clinical trials. The molecular weight of dextran samples can be obtained by a variety of methods including light scattering, HPLC/SEC, sedimentation, osmometry and end-group analysis. However, considering the trauma and unethical practices associated with animal experiments, in vitro studies with human cadaver skin offers an ethical and viable alternative. Pure Appl. Recent Pat. Dextrans in Aqueous Solution. (2008). pp13-21. ; Garca de , J. The formula is verified for different systems of polymer-solvent and the values are in accord with those obtained by extrapolation. Treatment of acne scars by fractional bipolar radiofrequency energy. The particular dextrans which were used initially for conversion into synthetic blood-volume expanders [6, 7], human red blood cells aggregation for increasing the degree of polymerization and hence the molecular weight [8, 9, 10], hydrogels and microspheres [11], in drug transport system and its modifications as nanoparticles [12], in the removal through absorption of contaminant effluents such as heavy metals, organic molecules and inks [13], in the formation of biodegradable films [14, 15]. Pig skins (Micropig Franz cell membrane) were supplied by Medi Kinetics Co., Ltd. (Pyeongtaek, Korea). 2003;89(2):31120. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 72, 871-876. Prausnitz MR, Langer R. Transdermal drug delivery. Kim J, Jang JH, Lee JH, Choi JK, Park WR, Bae IH, Bae J, Park JW. After 24h the micropores were either closed or reduced further to smaller sizes, 37.5020.41, 50.5718.07, and 58.5814.99m, for 2, 5, and 10 times microporation, respectively. Stenekes, R.J.H. The molecular weight and Simha number do not change in this temperature range (Mw from 8.8-200kDa), P slightly change, showing modifications in the hydrodynamic properties of the biopolymer in aqueous solution as [] and RH. Porcine wound models for skin substitution and burn treatment. The exponent a is a function of polymer geometry, and varies from 0.5 to 2 and exponent is dimensionless. Therefore, it is suitable as model molecules with different molecular weights for transdermal drug delivery [29]. Polymers | Free Full-Text | Confinement-Induced Fractionation and Progress in Polymer Science, 30, 38-70. (2003). The correct way to interpret what Mark-Houwink parameters is determined graphically ln [] versus ln Mw, where Mw is the molecular weight provided by manufacturer, and calculate the percentage relative error (%RE) respect to Mw. Pharm Res. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Multiple Linear Least-Squares Fits with a Common Intercept: Determination of the Intrinsic Viscosity of Macromolecules in Solution. Similar results are obtained in references [35, 36, 37], using a system of dextran / ethylene glycol, and dextran/dimethylsulfoxide, respectively. J Pharm Sci. 2013;3(5):3588605. Weissella: An Emerging Bacterium with Promising Health Benefits. WebDextran displays excellent biocompatibility and have been used clinically for over 50 years. The dextran has the advantage in terms of low cytotoxicity, excellent biocompatibility, and water-solubility. In contrast to linear chains, power law behavior is observed only asymptotically at large Mv. The molecular mass of dextran as determined by the gel filtration and copper bicinchoninate method was Human cadaver skins (fresh human full-thickness skin disc, 12~20mm) were supplied by Biopredic International (Saint-Grgoire, France). Middelkoop E, Bogaerdt AJ, Lamme EN, Hoekstra MJ, Brandsma K, Ulrich MMW. J Control Release. Amersham Biosciences, AA Edition, sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal II. The calculation of Mark-Houwink parameters is carried out by the graphic representation of the following equation: where kMH (cm3/g) and a are Mark-Houwink constants, depending on the type of polymer, solvent, and temperature of intrinsic viscosity determinations [46]. 1994, 95-0355. The mostly used commercial product/ polysaccharide is dextran, and it is produced from bacterium Leuconostoc mesenteroides, with an overall degree of branching of about 5% [1-3][1]. Molecular weight (M v) and hydrodynamic properties can be calculated from there. The micropores were developed on pig skin and human cadaver skin with dermal and epidermal layers by the microporation device. (2001). Viscosity of in water solution polysaccharides depends on intrinsic characteristics of the biopolymer (such as molecular weight, volume, size, shape, surface charge, deformation facility, esterification degree, and galacturonic content) and on ambient factors (such as pH, temperature, ionic strength, solvent, etc.). Journal of Chemical Education, 80(9), 1036-1038. Progr. Dextran Fractions. Mitragotri S. Mechanical disruption of skin barrier for vaccine delivery. This situation is mainly the result of using dextans, solvent, additives, etc. In general, Mv is not experimentally accessible, whereas other average molecular weights are accessible. US20230040324A1 AMINOACRIDINE AND AMINOPYRENE DYES Intrinsic viscosity determination offers a simple and useful method that requires low cost equipment and yields useful information on soluble macromolecules. The measurements of the transepidermal water loss (TEWL) were taken using the Tewameter (Courage-Khazaka Electronic GmbH, Cologne, Germany) to evaluate the skin barrier function after microporation. Polymers | Free Full-Text | Confinement-Induced Fractionation and WebThe study of biopolymers as dextran in aqueous solution, is effectively determined by intrinsic viscosity [] measurements at different temperatures. This device can generate microchannels from the SC through to the outer dermis and allow transdermal delivery of active agents. Molecular weight determination of polysaccharides. Bahary, W.S. 8600 Rockville Pike The analysis of errors using the Solomon-Ciuta method is compared with HM [59]. The microporation device based on radiofrequency can be used to enhance delivery efficiency by removing the epidermis layer. Polysaccharide hydrogels for modified release formulations. Using the polymer standards, a plot of the ln [] vs ln Mw usually gives a straight line. Superior prebiotic and physicochemical properties of novel dextran from Weissella cibaria JAG8 for potential food applications. Carbohydrate Research, 160, 205-214. WebDextran 40 Pharmaceutical Quality. These values indicate for dextrans in dilute aqueous solution, both methods give very similar results of the intrinsic viscosity and the respective Mw. Thomas Gutberlet (Lipoteichoic Acid): Statistiques d'influence