In the majority of cases there is no statutory appeal process after the local authority has decided to turn down an application (Footnote 9). This may mean making arrangements to see the child, although this should not be necessary if the childs paediatrician is able to write a letter outlining the childs medical condition and any special equipment they need to use. When you apply you will need to provide an original award letter from the Department of Work and Pensions which shows your entitlement for this benefit. When a badge is retained in scenarios (a)-(c) above we would expect the local authority to destroy it in due course, as it would no longer be valid (if the authority recovering the badge is not the badge-issuing authority, we would suggest they liaise with the issuing authority in this respect). The applicants driving license should be coded as either of the following: Each Blue Badge application should be treated on a case-by-case basis and the final decision about whether an applicant meets the criterion is for the issuing local authority to make. in disabled parking spaces. Individual badge holders should not to be in possession of more than one badge because this would undermine the scheme and increase the opportunities for abuse. The detailed requirements of the photograph are provided in the guidance accompanying the application form. Please call 01792 637366 to explain the circumstances. Offenders can be prosecuted and face a fine of up to 1,000 on conviction. Local authorities should also keep a record of the procedures used and the outcome of applications. You have received money under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme Tariff 1-8 (inclusive) and includes Permanent Mental Disorder under Tariff 6. Depending on the circumstances and local policies, the vehicle may also be removed to a pound. Part of: Parking, Blue Badges and road offences. It is important that there is effective communication between issuing departments and parking enforcement teams or other enforcement agencies. This includes: The Welsh Government cannot intervene in individual applications. Appropriate declarations need to be incorporated into the Blue Badge application form in order to enable applicants to give their permission to the local authority to access existing records. are not in themselves a qualification for a badge. When a badge has been lost, stolen or destroyed, or has become so damaged / faded that it is illegible, the local authority can issue a replacement badge. It is also important to gather photographic evidence, including people in or getting out of the vehicle. If you already have a Blue Badge and its nearly expired, or if you want to check if you're eligibleyou can apply or re-applyonlineon GOV.UK. Youll also need a photo or scan of your: You need to reapply for it every 3 years. Applicants will need to demonstrate that their ability to walk is affected to the extent that they would be unable to access goods and services unless allowed to park close to shops, public buildings and other facilities. Your local council decides on the charge for a Blue Badge and you pay the money This model is recognised by disabled groups and was formally adopted by the Welsh Government in 2002. If you think you might have difficulty accessing the Civic Centre, please mention this to the Blue Badge team when you telephone, and we will tell you about the arrangements we have made to help you. You are not Registered blind or do not have a severe sight impairment. Please note, we do not accept cheque, cash or postal orders. Please note: For applicants in receipt of PIP, a local authority should not base a decision to award a badge under the PIP criteria on a combined score of the mobility descriptors i.e. Applicants should be asked to provide contact details for the person certifying their application. Healthcare professional evidence should be used to form the basis of this decision. Please note that some police forces will only issue an incident number when there is evidence that a crime has taken place. Blue Badge application processes It is for the local authority to decide their own procedures and these may include drop-in centres, telephone, postal and online Welsh Government understands that some local authorities may offer further assessment of the applicant by an occupational therapist or other health professionals. WebApply for or renew a Blue Badge Check your eligibility and apply for a Blue Badge. WebBlue badge holders are being reminded to check their badge is still valid and to get it renewed if it's within a month of expiring. In order to help determine eligibility of applications, local authorities could ask the applicant organisations: The Regulations governing the scheme does not specifically mention actual numbers to be cared for in order to qualify for a badge. Eligible organisations may apply for an organisational badge in their own right, however, Welsh Government recommends that where relatively few people meet the eligibility criteria for a badge that the eligible people themselves or their carer /relative should apply for the badge. This then allows the eligible person to use the badge independently of the organisation in any vehicle they travel in as a driver or passenger to visit family/friends or medical appointments etc. 2000/1786) (the 2000 regulations). If you are eligible for a Blue Badge you can use the link to go straight to the application form on the website. The Blue Badge Digital Service enables data sharing and enforcement checks quickly and easily. 17. This is unnecessary if the applicant gives consent for the local authority to check council tax records, the electoral register or school records to confirm the address. It is more difficult to verify lost badges, because very few police authorities will provide an incident number for lost articles. Bear in mind that healthcare professionals do encourage mild exercise to improve certain conditions so these cases will need to be looked at and considered on an individual basis. This training covers the following topics: The Disabled Persons Parking Badges Act 2013 (the 2013 Act) supported by the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 provides local authorities with further powers to take enforcement action against abuse and misuse of the scheme. Please note that some police forces will only issue an incident number if there is evidence that a crime has taken place. For example, because of the nature of the condition they have only experienced mobility impairments for a very short period. BBDS has a system of reminder letters to badge holders when a Blue Badge is approaching its expiry date. See regulation 9(1)(d) of the 2000 regulations.. You can follow the link provided here to tailor your experience, or accept all and continue on this page. antibiotics), or by subcutaneous injection (e.g. Local authorities should ask for a copy of the original letter if the HRMCDLA has been awarded within a period of 12 months prior to the date of the application for a Blue Badge. The individual should have a copy of their CVI(W), and should be encouraged to register if they have not already done so as they may also be entitled to various other benefits. You can also contact your local authority to apply for a Blue Badge. Once you apply, your local council will process your application. 14. 2012/309 (W. 50)) for circumstances in which an appeal to Welsh ministers will be considered. You do not have a terminal illness that seriously limits mobility. However, applicants will need to provide healthcare professional supporting evidence and need to show that they have considerable difficulty walking. In all cases, it is important that the applicant signs a declaration to state that this is a true reflection of their condition and that they are aware that fraudulent claims could lead to a criminal conviction and fine, of up to 1,000. If you do not agree with the decision not to award a Blue Badge to you and have information or evidence that was not given with your original application, you should send it to us within one calendar month of the date of the decision letter we sent you. If there is a further challenge this should be considered by an independent person within the local authority such as the Monitoring Officer. An applicant receiving the WPMS will have an award letter from Veterans UK. GOV.WALES uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. Photographs do not need to be provided for organisational badges. Provided that the applicant can evidence one of the criteria listed and can satisfy identity and residency checks, a badge should be issued. No pavement or road is absolutely flat therefore a degree of incline and decline should be considered in the course of a mobility assessment. You have a child under the age of three who has a medical condition which requires bulky medical equipment or needs to always be near a vehicle. Some applicants may find it difficult to provide the appropriate documentation, so it is recommended that local authorities are more flexible in assessing the proof of identity of transgender people. insulin to control diabetes) this can be given by using a small pump known as a syringe driver. See regulation 8 of the 2000 regulations. WebThe Blue Badge scheme provides a national range of parking concessions to help people who are severely sight impaired, or permanently physically impaired, travel By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. The normal recovery time for simple lower limb fractures is three to four months and applications in these cases should be declined without referral to IAS, but using healthcare professional evidence as the main component of the decision-making process. In all cases, entitlement depends on the applicants difficulty in walking. Get further help with a Blue Badge. Other considerations such as difficulty in carrying parcels, luggage or problems getting in and out of vehicles are not to be taken into account. Youll need a recent digital photo showing your head and shoulders. Assessing applications under discretionary criteria can be challenging. providing false information on the application form or making multiple applications) or using a badge obtained fraudulently, using someone elses badge (with or without the badge holders knowledge) without the badge holder being present in the vehicle, using a badge belonging to someone who has died, they do not produce the badge for inspection by a civil enforcement officer or the police, they use a badge when they are not entitled/no longer entitled, they are using a badge which belongs to another person with or without consent, they are using a badge which a local authority has requested be returned, allow their badge to be used by someone not entitled, use a forged badge or has one in his possession and, provide false information to obtain a badge for himself or anyone else, use a badge when they are not entitled/ no longer entitled, are using a badge which belongs to another person with or without consent, are using a badge which a local authority has requested be returned or, the organisation using the badge has ceased to exist, a replacement badge has been issued where a badge is lost/stolen and that badge is subsequently recovered, the badge is no longer required by the holder, there exists a relevant conviction in relation to misuse of the badge or, the badge was obtained by false representation, the Theft Act 1968 (in particular sections 1 and 22) may be used to prosecute anyone found guilty of stealing or handling stolen badges, Section 329(1)(c) of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 may offer another means of obtaining a conviction where someone is in possession of a stolen Blue Badge or uses a stolen Blue Badge knowing it to be stolen, it is possible in certain circumstances for Courts to disqualify persistent offenders from driving for a period of time under section 146 of the Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000 and, there have been cases where people have attempted to sell badges through web-sites and social media platforms. However, like other successful applicants, it is recommended that organisations issued with a Blue Badge are sent a copy of the leaflet The Blue Badge Scheme: Organisational rights and responsibilities. A list of the relevant legislation is at annex a. The badge must firstly be returned to the issuing authority by the enforcing authority and then to the holder. A Spica cast can be either plaster or fibreglass and will encase the child from the chest down to cover one leg or both. If the award letter is more than 12 months old, local authorities should ask applicants for a copy of the annual uprating letter as proof of their receipt of HRMCDLA. The BBDS has an on-line facility to allow a badge holder to notify their local authority of a lost or stolen badge. See regulation 7(1) of the 2000 regulations. An applicant with the above award and certification will have an award letter from theService Personnel and Veterans Agency confirming that they are in receipt of the appropriate award and any qualifying criteria with regards to mobility. The most commonly reported problems tend to relate to misuse of the Blue Badge by the friends and family of the badge holder. experience. In these circumstances, where a local authority receives an application and refuses to issue a badge they are required to issue a notice stating the grounds for refusal to the applicant (Footnote 11). When making an assessment under this criterion, local authorities will need to consider whether the applicant meets all of the following: For this purpose, a parking meter includes a machine for issuing pay-and-display tickets which shows that a charge has been paid and the period of parking paid for, as well as a parking meter which itself indicates that a charge has been paid and whether the period paid for has expired. Such locations include commuter hubs, colleges, stations, shopping centres, sports grounds and entertainment venues, or anywhere that parking is in high demand. because it has expired, the holder has died, the holder is no longer disabled, a replacement has been issued, the badge has become damaged/faded, the authority has written to the holder requesting return of the badge either following a relevant conviction for misuse or because it was obtained by false representation) or, was being misused (including by someone other than the holder when the genuine holder is not involved in the journey), the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales) Regulations 2000 (as amended) and, the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (Wales) Regulations 2000, Section 21A (Recognition of badges issued outside Great Britain) of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970, Section 117 (Wrongful use of disabled persons badge) and 142(1) (General interpretation of Act) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (provides powers to tackle parking related abuse of the scheme), Section 19 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000 and. Local authorities have discretion to charge a fee of up to 10 for an organisational or replacement badge. They will still be expected to sign the declaration form. The fact that a walking aid is or is not used may be relevant to the eventual decision, but this alone should not determine whether or not a Blue Badge is issued. If they applied for PIP they would be assessed as meeting Mobility Activity 1, descriptor f (12 points) because they are unable to follow the route of any journey without the assistance of another person. You do not receive the higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA). Changing or handing back a This includes full pocket book notes (or electronic equivalent), such as descriptions of any persons seen, who parks the vehicle, gets out of the vehicle and where they go upon leaving. You can follow the link provided here to tailor your experience, or accept all and continue on this page. These employees should be reminded that if they use the badge to take advantage of the concessions when there are no passengers in the vehicle who are themselves eligible for a badge they could face a fine of up to 1,000. A local authority will need to ask the applicant to provide further evidence. A shorter model application form has been provided for use in this type of case and the requirement for a photograph can be lifted. Councils can charge up to 20 for a Blue Badge. Further information is available at:BBDS guidance (confluence). Healthcare providers are likely to be a good source of evidence to help the local authority to determine eligibility for a Blue Badge. Where an applicant requires lower limb joint replacement but is not suitable, for example due to their age or level of fitness, the application should be considered under the permanent discretionary criteria, regularly drives an adapted or non-adapted vehicle, is unable to operate, or has considerable difficulty operating, all or some types of parking meter, 79, restricted to vehicles in conformity with the specifications stated in brackets, a child who, on account of a condition, must always be accompanied by bulky medical equipment which cannot be carried around with the child without great difficulty and, a child who, on account of a condition, must always be kept near a motor vehicle so that, if necessary, treatment for that condition can be given in the vehicle or the child can be taken quickly in the vehicle to a place where such treatment can be given, Ventilators:drive air through a tube placed into the windpipe. See regulation 9(1)(f) of the 2000 regulations. This would be a cost to the local authorities, Welsh Government do not provide additional funds for this. Blue Badges are not renewed It's worth doing this if you can't walk more than 80 metres - about the length of 7 double decker buses, or if you can't use a parking meter because of problems with your arms. WebThe City and County of Swansea is a Council in Wales Here are some links which you may find useful. Local authorities can verify the eligibility of an applicant by contacting Veterans UK on 0808 191 4218. Where suitable, local authorities can accept electronic photographs in a similar style to passport photos. Under section 21(4BA) of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 (the 1970 Act), a police officer, parking attendant or civil enforcementofficer can approach a person in a vehicle displaying a Blue Badge (or a person who appears to have been in or to be about to get into, the vehicle) and require them to produce the badge for inspection. Following any report of misuse, the Welsh Government suggests that a letter be sent to the badge holder informing them of the report of suspected misuse, reiterating their rights and responsibilities and the repercussions of abusing or misusing the badge. The Welsh Government is responsible for the policy and legislative framework for the Scheme. Parking Impairment is the thing about the individual that is different, affecting their appearance or how they function and possibly causing difficulties such as pain or fatigue. Disability, by contrast is the disadvantage experienced by people with impairments as a result of the way the environment is constructed, the way in which a service is delivered or the attitudes of those providing services. For example civil enforcement officers may use hand held Personal Digital Assistance type devices, or use the Global System for Mobile Communication network to check the national database for key information about the status of individual badges. Badges can be abused or misused in a number of different ways and it is important that local authorities are vigilant. It may be advisable where visitors from another country have contacted the local authority about using their Badge in the local area that details and possibly an image of that badge is shared with enforcement officers to avoid advice conflicting with the issue of parking tickets. When using the power to retain a badge being misused by someone other than the genuine badge holder ((d), as above), enforcement officers should establish that the disabled badge holder is not part of the journey. There is a wide range of legislation available to enforcement authorities to enforce the Blue Badge scheme. Local authorities are responsible for checking that applicants have provided relevant and sufficient evidence in support of their application. We follow guidance set by the Welsh Government but they do not have the power to intervene in the assessment of individual cases. Applicants will still need to provide the appropriate photographs, any supporting documents required (i.e. In practice, the local authority should hold written documentary evidence of authorised officers and should ensure that all officers carry some form of identification authorising them to carry out inspections/badge retention. Publicising the consequences for people with impairments who meet the eligibility criteria who are unable to park close to where they need to get, and publicising the potential consequences for offenders of misusing badges, could reduce the number of offences. Wherever possible we recommend that this process involves the badge holder collecting their replacement badge from their local authority offices or a nearby contact centre, so that it can be exchanged for the damaged badge. Blue badge disabled parking permits BBC Shared Data Unit made this Freedom of Information request to Swansea Council as part of a batch sent to 216 Check if you are eligible for a Blue Badge, Please select the option that applies to you. If this evidence is not available then it is recommended that the local authority accept a benefit award letter. Proof of both award of a lump sum benefit at tariffs 1 to 8 of the Armed Forces; Reserve Forces (Compensation) Scheme and certification of having a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking; or is in receipt of Armed Forces Compensation Scheme at tariff 6 for a permanent mental disorder, causing severe functional limitation or restriction. We use cookies on this site to enhance the user experience. If you need further advice then please contact us on 01792 637366 and we will be pleased to help you. 10. emphysema, heart conditions, etc.) You should reapply 12 weeks before your badge expires. See regulation 6(4)(b) of the 2000 regulations. hospital re-enablement teams involved in patient care, local authority social services who assist in patients rehabilitation, health professionals providing specialist services, and these may be paid for privately or, the Independent Assessment Services (IAS) funded by Welsh Government, A good indicator is if the applicant is undertaking a course of rehabilitative therapy, for instance physiotherapy, then the application will merit further assessment by IAS. However, local authorities are reminded that badge holders must have given their consent to sharing their personal information under the UK General Data Protection Regulations. All relevant evidence presented as part of an application for a Blue Badge, must be considered fully and as part of the Blue Badge assessment process. It is for local authorities to make this judgement, based on their local knowledge of the organisation concerned. If a person collects a badge in person from the local authority this can be an opportunity to highlight to the badge holder key facts pertinent to the use of the badge. In cases where this is not possible badges may be delivered to the local authority office for collection. This includes: the application process and help to apply. Find out if you qualify for a Blue Badge. WebBlue Badge Scheme in Wales: guidance to local authorities 2021 Guidance for local authorities on how to deliver the Blue Badge Scheme. Respect for the individual and privacy of gender history are of paramount importance and it is recommended that a Gender Recognition Certificate not be requested as proof of identity. Click 'Accept all cookies' to agree to all cookies that collect anonymous data. A Blue Badge usually lasts for 3 years. A badge can only be permanently withdrawn from use if a relevant conviction for misuse has been obtained under regulation 9(2) of the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales) Regulations 2000 or if it was obtained by false representation. Blue Badge charge The charge for a Blue Badge can be up to 20. People with epilepsy will need to show (by providing healthcare professional evidence) that any fits were brought about by the effort required to walk. You appear to be using an unsupported browser, and it may not be able to display this site properly. Some local authorities enable the general public to report abuse or misuse. Reports from some local authorities in England note that conventional enforcement complemented by additional preventative measures are likely to be the most successful and effective in the long term. It is used to monitor where a child may need access to oxygen, Casts and associated medical equipment for the correction of hip dysplasia: between birth and six months of age, a brace called a Pavlik Harness can be used to hold the babys hips in position. unilateral or bilateral hip, knee, etc.). Local authorities have been asked to supply information to Welsh Government based on their BBDS standard management report. It will be important to identify people at the earliest opportunity and if possible whilst they are undergoing initial treatments and therapy to aid their recovery. You haven't used this form for a while - to protect your data, the form session will expire soon. This can assist with enforcement if such action were to become necessary. You can reapply for a Blue Badge yourself, for someone else, or for an organisation (such as a care home). If an applicant wishes to challenge a decision not to award a badge you should explain that these descriptors and qualifying scoring are detailed in regulations. They can be contacted via the free-phone enquiry number: 0808 191 4218. Where badges are subsequently reported as stolen by badge holders, some authorities will request the badge holder provides a crime investigation number (issued by the police), before providing a replacement. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. any questions or problems you have after you get your badge. An applicant can only appeal to the Welsh Ministers against the local authoritys decision not to award a Blue Badge or to request the return of a badge where the grounds for refusal / return are: The appeal must be made within 28 days beginning with the date of the local authoritys determination. Welsh Government considers it important to establish procedures for the return of expired badges; it may be a case of simple exchange, an expired badge for a new issue. This non-statutory guidance has been prepared by the Welsh Government to assist local authorities in administrating the Blue Badge Scheme. With certain restrictions, a blue badge enables the holder to park: Free of charge at a parking meter or pay-and-display bays. Local authorities will need to carefully consider the evidence provided by applicants. You have severe cognitive impairment. You will need to re-apply for a Blue It allows public sector workers to share good practices, ideas and practical tips: This kind of approach may require some joined up working with private land owners or developers as without this local authorities are not empowered to enforce the scheme off-street. See regulation 8(2) of the 2000 regulations. Common examples of organisations that may be eligible include residential care homes, hospices or local authority social services departments that transport groups of people who would meet the eligibility criteria for an individual Blue Badge. Following the investigation, the council has agreed to offer a proper assessment to more than 25 people and review its policies to avoid similar issues recurring. You can also use this service to reapply for a Blue Badge. Further information may be required from time to time. This could include a direct employee of the local authority or a contractor. The act of returning the badge does not preclude the relevant authority from prosecuting any offence that has been committed, if desired. WebUse our checker to find out if you are eligible for a Blue Badge. 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