Another area where God can put us to the test is our patience and endurance. Challenges keep coming. Financial Challenges. It is like a wind or current. God May Be Delaying Your Breakthrough as a Way of Making You Weak Enough to Receive It. 2. Want help deciding if a word is truly from God? Notice inJohn 15:2Jesus said that even when you are bearing fruit for God, he will cause you to grow even more fruit for him by pruning you. Though our outer self is wasting away,our inner selfis being renewed day by day. Flunk these tests or do poorly with them, and God may have to hold you back for awhile until you can see what He is trying to teach you and show you. However, Joshua and Caleb, who were 2 of the 12 spies, came back with a different report. And if God tested His very own Son with a specific test, then you can rest assured that He will test each one of you out if you have a specific type of calling in His perfect plan for your life. Finally water baptised and spirit-filled. A lot of times our dreams really don't make much sense. As Paul famously said in Philippians 4:11-13, which states: Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This was a hard read but encouraging at the same time. 2. Gideon asks for three specific signs, and God completes e. And what happens next? To God all glory & praise is given. Jesus could have come and healed Lazarus when he was still alive. We have another article in our site titled Obedience to the Lord.. They had just seen God miraculously deliver them from the Egyptian rule, so they knew God would have no problems in taking out the giants and strongholds they saw in this Promised Land. I made that promise to God that if He got me out of that bed,I was going to serve Him in every capacity the duration of my life. You feel led to list and then pray for certain qualities in a spouse. The first test I will show you, and this one was very severe, is what I call the obedience test. But whatever God may be asking you to do for Him, realize that this is an obedience test being sent your way and that you must fully obey the Lord with whatever He will be asking you to do for Him. He is the One who will be making all of the major chess moves on your chess board. 8. Now here are 4 very powerful and dramatic tests that God the Father had arranged for some of His people to pass back in both the Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible. You are content and peaceful being single. Many may be facing depression and mood disorders, or mental illness. Dreams are from different sources. And this isnot your own doing;it is the gift of God, not a result of works,so that no one may boast., 5 Things That Will Happen When God Is Leading You, 5 Things God Will Do When Someone Is Playing Mind, 4 Signs God Is Preparing You to Be Used Publicly, 5 Signs Satan Is Trying to Get You Stuck in, 4 Reasons You Will Be Amazed When God Puts You Two Together. Do you want to love and know God better and better every day? That is why God will test you in this specific area to see if you will have the strength and character in your personality to be able to override the desires of your flesh and ego, and be willing to obey God over all of your wants and desires for these material and lustful objects. I just need Him to tell me what to do next. In fact, our very salvation as Christians is based upon our acceptance of our own inability to save ourselves. It states: I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser.Every branch in me that does not bear fruithe takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes,that it may bear more fruit. I have read the word less and prayed less. If prayer has been difficult and you suddenly find breakthrough in your prayer life. Feel free to email me with any questions or comments at September 13,2017 I had a heart attack,couldn't breathe,sweating like crazy. Illnesses. But instead of sending all of them immediately in, He sends in only 12 spies so they could first spy out the land so they could see exactly what they were going to have to face once they actually entered into this land. You desire a companion and not an idol that will replace your need for God. We can't go into our new season with the practices from our previous season. You conquered death in your resurrection. Gods Presence: Discovering Intimacy with God in your Daily Life, Psalms the Ultimate Guide to Prayer (David). One common sign God is preparing you for a breakthrough is when distractions begin to flood your environment, physically and spiritually. But take heart and know that God is accomplishing things through your trial that you cant even see. The grace to give. Please help. You may also be learning that people are completely different from you and there is ALWAYS something to learn and get better at in human interactions. Protection. The Israelites got to where they were so done with the oppression that all they could do was cry out to God. But God may not let you get married. The trials of life work together and move us forward in sanctification, and becoming more Christ-like. He tells people what they want to hear so that they will keep coming to him and listening. To gain true freedom, you wish to go beyond the ego and find your soul, and this is a huge sign of a breakthrough. Why would God send His Son Jesus out in the desert to let the devil tempt Him with three specific temptations, knowing full well that He was going to pass this test anyway? In the Greek the word 'fast . You have given sacrificially, in obedience to God One day, Jesus observed a woman who gave two small coins into the temple offering (Luke 21:1-4). After my baptism about over a year ago I was great. Called my children to tell them I was dying. The main ingredients in a healthy marriage are two imperfect people that are committed to being perfected by God. I give You all the praise, for You have done great things in my life. Pursuing your purpose and shining brightly has become a non negotiable for you. Getyour copy of The Ultimate Guide to Christian Singleness and access to all of our eBooks. Youre excited for a relationship, but youd still love God without one. What you will have to do is override your flesh and your own impatience, and simply rely on Gods peace through the Holy Spirit and Gods perfect timing as to when He will want to open up that door for you. A Guidebook for Every Phase of Christian Singleness, So we do not lose heart. God could have made David become king the day after he was anointed. 6. There is no place better to be than in the arms of the Father when you're going through seasons of testing. God May Be Delaying Your Breakthrough Because Your Breakthrough Will Actually Come Through Your Development of Radical Acceptance. At your name, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that you are Lord. You would be confident in walking away from any relationship that would distract you or take you off course from your purpose and relationship with God. You are who God says you are NOT who people say. This specific test was given to Abraham way back in the beginning of the Bible in the Book of Genesis. I guess I've just got to be patient. Flunk this test, and you will either lose the call all together and then be forced to settle for Gods plan B for your life, or you will be demoted and set further back until you are ready to pass this kind of a test at a later date. 11. 1. Pride is being stripped in your life and you are aware that you dont know everything. An idol is anyone or anything that we put before God. That is unbiblical. The delay may be unpleasant. God may be tempering your faith with the trials of life to ensure its strong enough for the next flight of faith or spiritual breakthrough. God's throne is a throne of grace ( Hebrews 4:16 ). Here are 23 other signs that God is preparing you for a relationship: 1. When you're frustrated. As Mark 10:45 reminds us "For even the Son of Man did not . 13. God is a God of hope, so for these grandchildren, its not goodbye, but see you later. My point is that before God does a mighty work in your life, there will first come a season of preparation before the victory comes. Most of you have heard of this test. I want to be forgiven for my failures, and I still want to be used in the future. When I think back God was showing me that my situation was getting worse. They come back telling the rest of the people that the people who dwell there were strong, that many of the cities were fortified, that it was a land that devoured its inhabitants, that all of the men they saw were of great stature, and that they were like grasshoppers in the face of these types of giants.. Your spouse should not be the only person your are learning resilience, patience, forgiveness, and conflict management with. Pass this sin test and do not succumb to any demonic temptations, and you will then be trusted by the Lord, and He will then promote you into your true calling for Him. Supernatural visions Sometimes, as you pray, God can give you a vision of victory. 2. They're simple and easy to miss so open your eyes and pay attention to what God is doing in your life. " While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.". In fact, our very salvation as Christians is based upon our acceptance of our own inability to save ourselves. It is either you give up and quit or the obstacle or failure gives up and makes way for your success to come through.". The Bible is very clear in that we have to forgive everyone who has ever trespassed against us in this life and that if we do not, then God will not forgive us of our own trespasses. He did it for me,and He'll do it for the rest of the world. For example, marriage is good, relationships are good, get married in your 20s is good. This may translate into a career shift. You're restless and questioning everything You will either have to fully believe that God is calling you to go through this door, and that He will then anoint you with His power to be victorious in this calling or you will let fear and intimidation get the better of you, and you will then walk out on the call that God has set up for your life. This is where you will be shown all of the Goliaths and strongholds that you may have to face and engage with once you cross over into the actual calling. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. My family were amazed, and they praised God for only He could create a job with all duties perfectly align with my skills and interests. The pains started again,it was as though life was leaving my body. You would be confident in walking away from any relationship that would distract you or take you off course from y our purpose and relationship with God. Here is the verse that will tell you what the ramifications were as a result of Abraham perfectly obeying the voice of God on being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac: In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have OBEYED My voice. (Genesis 22:18). You are not seeking a partner to fill your needs and expectations. God finds that so beautiful! In our human reasoning this seems like a very encouraging message. quiz! Powerful Prayer for Breakthrough in Life. 1. Posted on Last updated: February 23, 2021. And the test was can they believe in God and His supernatural power to defeat the enemies and strongholds they would have to directly face or will they want to turn around and go back into the desert, never giving God a chance to show them what He could miraculously do for them? You are seeking to understand the purpose of a Godly relationship. You may have a deeper sense of purpose and vision for your future and a desire to budget, organize, plan, and practice better hygiene! Lord, bless me and keep me, make your face shine upon me. God is trying to shape you. My gift to you. When I opened my eyes I was in emergency. This is happening because God has put a burden on your heart to explore this subject in hopes of being properly prepared. 7 Causes of Pride: How to be More Humble! There will be hard moments in life which will be hard to endure in marriage, but with God in both of your hearts you will withstand. 4 Specific Tests From the Bible. God may delay you from getting into a relationship. Stay pliable in His hands and remember His promise: If you are . If you can agree to do things Gods way rather than your own way in this life, then you will be promoted into Gods best for your life, and you can then proceed to leave your mark in this world in the specific calling that He will be setting up for your life. If God Is Removing Harmful People, Places, and Things from Your Life, This Could Be in Preparation for a Breakthrough God doesn't build on uneven ground. God May Be Delaying Your Breakthrough Because the Delay Is an Important Part in the Creation of Your Breakthrough. Thank you Holy Spirit for placing this article in my path. If you have hid Gods Word in your heart, or memorized Scripture (Psalm 119:11), its like youve got a flash light for every curve in the road and every hazard in the way. 3. 1. Today we will sing, pray, and study Lessons on Calling For Life In the World from Luke 4:1-14. I feel that he has a big purpose in my life but I just can't grasp what it is. Here are 4 possible reasons God is delaying your breakthrough. It means you're about to have a breakthrough!" This type of test could occur to some of you right before your big breakthrough with the Lord. It is during these periods that you will begin to come into contact with people or situations that are likely to make you feel downhearted or defeated. ), There are expectations for your partner to fill you needs, You both avoid confrontation or have explosive confrontations. When we practice biblical love only in the context of marriage it can be VERY overwhelming. Is divorce, addictions, silent treatment, un-forgiveness, depression, anxiety, control, manipulation, and other unhealthy behaviors present? God can use correction, direction, inspection, for our protection, and for our reflection, as Hes working us toward perfection, and that push sometimes hurts, but Gods corrections are done from affection. Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or anothershowing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way. Life Challenges. You are bearing fruit for Christ. You probably feel that God failed you, and He does not care about what you 'need'. There is obviously always full forgiveness and full restoration for you with the Lord if you confess and repent of these sins, but what you could lose is that open door into the heart of your true call for Him due to the consequences that may result from you falling into a heavier type of sin. Flunk this kind of a test, and you could completely lose your entire calling in the Lord, just like Adam and Eve managed to do in the Garden of Eden. God's trying to give you more blessings. However, since Joshua and Caleb had a different spirit about them and fully believed that God could take out all of these giants and strongholds, He tells them that both of them and all of the people under 20 years of age would be the ones who would be allowed to enter into the Promised Land all because they had enough courage, faith, and belief in the Lord that He could give them the victories once they had crossed over and started to possess parts of the land that He wanted them to have for themselves. I just wasn't able to obey though. As we all know, Jesus passed this test with flying colors and the Bible says that He did not commit so much as one sin when He walked among us for those 33 years. Answer (1 of 52): When He takes the Holy Spirit away from you. You are realizing that right now is the time to build on your dreams and become the best you possible! Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc Used by permission. If God is calling you to be a great pastor, a great Bible teacher, or a great evangelist, rest assured that you will have a big test coming your way right at the point that you are actually getting ready to walk right into that actual calling. At your name, demons flee. I wrote this testimony for all the brothers and sisters who are now in suffering, anxiety and even desperation, I want you to remember that Our God gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things . Breakthrough happens when we take the first offensive step against the barriers in our life. You may have a deeper sense of purpose and vision for your future and a desire to budget, organize, and plan. 22. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. 21. I say, Yes! He is a God whom we can trust because only He can see around the blind corners of time. Often times, when we desire a partner to make us feel complete we end up making them our IDOL. Most of you have heard of this test. Those heading for breakthrough are ministering out of a fresh word they receive daily from God (Isaiah 50:1-4). 19. The grace to pray. One of the signs that envy is in your heart and needs to be eliminated is that you constantly use this phrase: "It's not fair.". Bottom line God is our Shepherd, and we as His sheep are to fully follow Him in this life and every single directive and command that He will be giving us along the way. God may ask you to give something or someone up. The Bible is where you'll find your blueprint. The Bible tells us that we are to be led by the Holy Spirit in this life not by our own wants and our own desires. From time to time, the Bible says that the Lord will test the righteous. I gave into the fear. Your breakthrough will often start after an extreme test. in Public Policy. Three weeks in the hospital flat on my back,looking up I knew what I had to do. Therefore, God could be delaying your breakthrough because you are not yet weak enough to receive it. Here are 13 signs that you're about to break through an obstacle: 1. Ironically, the very things we see as obstacles to our breakthroughs are often Gods hidden gateways to those breakthroughs. Love One Another The Overlooked Commandment. Family Issues. Also, my faith in God is badly damaged, because all of the good promises to the faithful aren't true for me anymore, and I can't apply the warnings of the Bible as a guide because I already failed. If He closed the door to something seemingly wonderful, imagine what He really has in store for you. Look how many modern day ministries have been brought down by adultery, fornication, and the misuse of money and funds. The Spirit of God knows what is best for us, better than we do ourselves, so try to listen to the Spirits prompting of His telling you to do something or to stop doing something. And you are learning to run to God with your pain and not away from him. Changing . 2. God's Unstoppable Breakthrough gives you the answers you need to live in constant and consistent breakthrough. Obey God's Voice Your intentional obedience to the Lord will cause you to abide in the Lord. As we all know, these 10 spies flunked this test not only for themselves, but for the rest of the men and woman over 20 years of age. I then called 911 screaming for help. Take a look at the brokenness in your family. Below I will give you 4 very powerful examples from the Bible where God the Father did this with 4 different people, with one of the tests actually being done to His very own Son, Jesus Christ Himself. Flunk this test and you will either lose the call all together, or you will cause a major delay to occur as to when you will be actually released to move into that calling. Your email address will not be published. The doctor had given a time when the surgery would be over,but 8 1/2 hrs. I am trying to come back to him. 6. 7. Are you guarding your vulnerability, boundaries, and the access you give the opposite sex to your heart? Certain qualities in a spouse Singleness and access to all of the world & # ;. Then, I thought like a child ingredients in a healthy marriage are two imperfect people are! Every day when I opened my eyes I was great practices from previous! Purpose of a fresh word they receive Daily from God ( Isaiah 50:1-4 ) inner selfis renewed. Fresh word they receive Daily from God ( Isaiah 50:1-4 ) abide in the world Luke! The brokenness in your 20s is good, get married in your prayer life sake Christ... Promise: if you are aware that you dont know everything persecutions, and plan attack, could n't,... Big purpose in my life but I just need him to tell them I was dying make your face upon... The delay is an Important Part in the Creation of your breakthrough are 4 possible reasons God preparing! 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