Lucius Aelius Seianus (20 p. According to all three accounts, the executioner raped Sejanus' daughter Junilla before killing her because there was a rule against or a lack of precedent supporting the execution of a virgin. BookThreeLII BookThreeLIII BookThreeLXIV BookFourXXX Tiberiuss cruel treatment of her, and her banishment to Pandataria. It was the capital therefore of the Ptolemaic Empire of Egypt. One of Caesars legates during the Gallic Wars, massacred with Titurius Cotta and their troops. In 36BC, he was made king by triumvir Mark Antony, whom, however, he deserted after Actium. While Dolabellas fleet was destroyed, Antonius was shut up in the island of Curicta and forced to surrender. He married Cornelia Sulla, daughter of Lucius Cornelius Sulla, and may have been (the evidence is inconclusive) princeps senatus in the Sullan senate. He may be the same as the Lucius Aemilius Papus, decemvir sacrorum, who died in 171BC. BookTwoIX Augustus (Octavian) involved in civil war there. In 39AD, Agrippina and her sister Livilla, with their maternal cousin, Drusillas widower, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, were involved in a failed plot to murder Caligula, and make Lepidus emperor. Julia Drusi Caesaris Filia (Classical Latin: IVLIADRVSICAESARISFILIA, 5-43) was the daughter of Drusus Julius Caesar and Livilla and granddaughter to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. A. Chaulk (1923), A later fictional treatment of the historical episode appeared as the first story of Edward Maturin's Sejanus, and Other Roman Tales (New York 1839). Arrecinus Clemens, Marcus was brother to Arrecina Tertulla, the first wife of the Emperor Titus. [74][75] His fall is elaborated upon by Seneca the Younger, in his letter to Cordus' daughter Marcia To Marcia, On Consolation. Aesculapius was a god of medicine and healing in ancient Greek and Roman religion. Agrippina the Younger, Julia Agrippina, or Agrippinilla (Little Agrippina) after 50AD known as Julia Augusta Agrippina (c. 16AD 59AD) was sister of Caligula, niece and fourth wife of Claudius and the mother of Nero. Ambrani: possibly a Ligurian tribe of the coastal region of north-western Italy around Genoa. He was betrothed at one time to Octavians daughter Julia the Elder. Agrippina was married to . I don't know too much about Antony's children. BookThreeXIII Augustus recalled Tiberius in 2AD, with Gaius agreement. [45] Even the imperial magistracy was not exempted from Tiberius' wrath. Afranius, Lucius, d. 46BC was a legatus and client of Pompey. BookSixXX The rhythmic clapping of some Alexandrians appealed to Nero. Apollophanes, one of Sextus Pompeys admirals. Aurelia Cotta (120BC - 54BC) was the mother of Julius Caesar. BookTwoXXXIV BookFourVII Her children by Germanicus. BookTwoXVI Mentioned as being on Octavians staff in Sicily. You may accept or manage cookie usage at any time. BookFiveXLII The Musaeum, or Mouseion, at Alexandria which included the famous Library was founded by Ptolemy I Soter, or Ptolemy II Philadelphus. BookSixIX Nero founded a new colony there, relocating the wealthiest of the leading centurions, and building a harbour. Antistius was a physician who examined Caesars body after his assassination. [38] Agrippina and two of her sons, Nero and Drusus were arrested and exiled in AD 30, and later starved to death in suspicious circumstances. He was a friend of Augustus and an opponent of Tiberius, who had him arrested in 30. The city was destroyed but his life was spared, and he was sent by Octavian to Spain as governor. BookEightXXX Titus attended the Apis bulls consecration ceremony at Memphis. [45] Modern historians consider it unlikely that Sejanus plotted to seize power and, if he had planned so at all, rather might have aimed at overthrowing Tiberius to serve as a regent to Tiberius Gemellus, son of Drusus, or possibly Gaius Caligula. Ampius Balbus, Titus was first tribune of the plebs then held the praetorship in 59BC. According to the Bingham dissertation, while the Guard had been formally established by Augustus in 27 BC, the first prefects were not appointed until 2 BC. He supported Vespasian as emperor in 70AD, but in 72AD, was accused of conspiring with Parthia. Sejanus was an ambitious soldier, friend and confidant of Emperor Tiberius; Almighty Prefect of the Praetorian Guard from 14 CE. In 2BC, when Augustus acted against his daughter Julias promiscuity, Antonius was exposed as her lover. Didyma was the largest and most significant sanctuary near the great classical city of Miletus. Aelia Paetina was the daughter of the consul of 4AD, Sextus Aelius Catus. BookFiveXXV Armenian envoys at the court of Claudius. Marsh believes that L. Arruntius,legate of Spain from 23/24 . Sejanus' children were led off to be executed as sympathizers, his daughter Junilla having no idea what she'd done wrong and in tears pleading to be beaten like other children who'd been naughty. He was consul for a second time in 42BC. He was consul in 77BC, the year after Sullas death. W. Thomas, Wilfrid Laurier University 2006. Sejanus is particularly notorious for his role in the deaths of the family of Germanicus, a popular Julio-Claudian prince and Tiberius' adopted son. Sejanus had three children, and Sejanus' daughter Junilla had been betrothed to Claudius' son (Ann.3.29, Suet.Claud.27, Dio 58.11.5) BookOneXXIII He attempted to bring Julius Caesar to trial. Sejanus' brother Lucius Seius Tubero, who became suffect consul in AD 18, was thought to have been a paternal half-brother, from his father Strabo marrying a daughter of Quintus Aelius Tubero[3]:p. 76 but Syme has rejected this, instead he believes that Lucius Seius Tubero was Junia Blaesa's son from a marriage to Quintus Aelius Tubero whom Strabo adopted upon marrying Junia. BookTwoXIV His brother Lucius in alliance with him. Aricia lies in the Alban Hills of the modern Lazio (Latium) region and could now be considered an extension of Romes southeastern suburbs. Augustus had a villa there, as did Maecenas and both Caligula and Nero were born there. However, he died at Misenum before he could set out for Rome. His fellow rebel, Marcus Junius Brutus the Elder, the father of Caesars assassin of the same name, remained at Mutina, in Gaul. Lepidus served as a Roman Senator, and was executed by Octavian (Augustus), as a leader in a conspiracy against him. In that year, he raised an eight-legion army to fight against Octavians unpopular policies, subsequently marching on Rome, driving out Lepidus, and promising the abolition of the Triumvirate. Eques prin natere, Sejanus a ajuns prefect al Grzii Pretoriene, pe care a condus-o din anul 14 d.Hr pn n anul 31 d.Hr. He became governor of Macedonia, where he made himself so detested that he was forced to leave the province. In 43BC, Octavian joined forces with Mark Antony and Lepidus in the Second Triumvirate, which was eventually torn apart, Lepidus being driven into exile, while Antony committed suicide after his defeat at the Battle of Actium by Octavians fleet commanded by Agrippa, in 31BC. Marcus Junius Brutus and the other assassins, however, chose Macedonia as refuge from Octavian and dispossessed Antonius of his governorship. Aetolia is is a mountainous region of Greece on the north coast of the Gulf of Corinth, forming the eastern part of the modern prefecture of Aetolia-Acarnania. Tiberius detested Gallus, not least because Gallus claimed that Drusus was his own son. Like Dyrrachium further north, it was an important port on the Illyrian coast as the most convenient link between Brundusium and northern Greece, and as one of the western starting points of the Via Egnatia leading east to Thessaloniki and Byzantium in Thrace. [47], Further details concerning Sejanus' fall are provided by Cassius Dio, writing nearly 200 years later in his Roman History. Later published by the Catholic Publication Society in New York in 1872: Drusus the Younger (Drusus Julius Caesar), Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, "Staging Roman History, Stuart Politics, and the Duke of Buckingham: The Example of The Emperors Favourite",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 19:16. He served with Pompey during his Iberian campaigns against Sertorius in the late 70s, and remained in his service through to the Civil War. Meleager who lusted after her awarded her the boar-skin. Sent to administer Transalpine Gaul, he ultimately brought his army back to Rome, where he was defeated by Catulus in a pitched battle on the Campus Martius. Autronius was implicated in Catiline's failed conspiracy to overthrow the government in 66BC. [65] Henceforth the Guard was at the disposal of the emperors, and the rulers were equally at the mercy of the Praetorians. His father was also the second cousin of King Priam of Troy. The defeat of the Roman army by the Senones under Brennus opened the way for the Gauls to sack Rome. In 55AD he received orders from Nero to make war against Parthia, and in 61AD obtained parts of Armenia. Between 40 and 36, he lived with his father, stepmother, Octavia the Younger, and siblings in his fathers mansion, in Athens. Winning a war doesn't give you that right. He died in AD 19, possibly poisoned by an agent of Tiberius himself. By AD 23, he exerted a considerable influence over the decisions of the emperor, who referred to Sejanus as "Socius Laborum" (my partner in my toils). Massalia however backed Pompey; and when Caesar emerged victorious, Massalia was stripped of its possessions, which were transferred to Arelate. Season 1. It's easy! [39] Only Caligula, the youngest son of Germanicus, managed to survive the purges of Sejanus, by moving to Capri with Tiberius in AD 31.[40]. In 52BC he probably murdered Publius Clodius Pulcher and was later unsuccessfully defended by his friend Cicero in the Pro Milone speech. BookEightLVI The library of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, and the Pergamese library stored in the Temple of Serapis, may both be intended. Agrippa traveled to Mytilene on Lesbos, from which he administered affairs in the East. BookSixLIII Nero flatteringly acclaimed as his equal in music. Start studying The Julio-Claudians. Some hold that Sejanus seduced Livilla (sister of Germanicus and wife of . Cesarion was the son Julius Caesar and as such a was a threat to Octavian, whose entire political career was base on the fact who was adopted by his great uncle. At dawn, he entered the Senate; while the letter was being read, Macro assumed control of the Praetorian Guard, and members of the vigiles, led by Publius Graecinius Laco, surrounded the building. Aurunculeius Cotta, Lucius, see Titurius. [23] In practice it was still Sejanus who was the second man in the empire, and he was ambitious to further expand his power. BookTwoXIX He was executed by Augustus in 30BC for conspiring against him. According to Festus, Marcius gained the appellation Ancus from his crooked arm. His most important literary work was the Libri posteriores a systematic exposition of the common law. They included Jean de Magnon's rhyming tragedy, Sejanus (1647) and Henri van der Zande's De dood van Elius Sejanus of Spiegel voor der vorsten gunstelingen (The death of Sejanus, a mirror for the favourites of princes, Amsterdam 1716). Nero, who was Germanicus's grandson not son, wasn't born for another fifteen years or so after Claudius Drusus was betrothed to Sejanus's daughter Aelia Junilla. In the book version of I Claudius there is a reference to executing a boy in his toga virilis (which Graves translates as "Manly Gown" haha)as a mock coming-of-age ceremony. His last campaign initiated the conquest of the upper Danube region, which would become the Roman province of Pannonia in 13BC. During his consulship, Julius Caesar bribed him for his support. BookSevenXLVI Vitellius assumed the office of High Priest on the anniversary of the battle. His father, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, had been involved in a rebellion against the Republic which led to his death. [9] Much more than a guard however, the Praetorians also managed the day-to-day care of the city, such as general security and civil administration. Albano is located in the area in which, according to the legend, Aeneass son, Ascanius, founded Alba Longa. In AD 29 Sejanus orchestrated the trial of Germanicus' widow, Agrippina the Elder, and her sons Drusus and Nero, on a charge . Many believe that Augustus forced the succession of the Empire onto Tiberius, and that he hated him for it. BookSixIX Nero turned over his affairs to her, both public and private, making her the major power in the Empire during his initial reign. A wing was added by Claudius in his name. [82] The prudent need for anonymity is suggested by the arrest of Sir John Eliot, who was sent to the Tower of London for his outspoken criticism of the Duke in the 1626 parliament, comparing him to Sejanus. BookTwoLXXXVI Augustus praises her accomplishments. BookFourVIII A letter of his quoted regarding Caligula. Aequiculi, Aequicoli, or the Aequi, were an ancient people of northeast Latium and the central Appennines of Italy who were defeated by the Romans, after which substantial colonies were established. It is likely that Sejanus' father Strabo came to the attention of Augustus through his father's connection with Maecenas. BookThreeLXX Tiberius made a filial sacrifice in his memory. Agrippina and Livilla were exiled by their brother to the Pontine Islands. BookThreeLXVIII His comments on Tiberiuss mannerisms. The son of a freedman, Accius was born at Pisaurum in Umbria. BookOneXXV His death mentioned as an example of a setback for Caesar. This was done after "A Civil War Precedent" does anyone understand the Reference? Some hold that Sejanus seduced Livilla (sister of Germanicus and wife of Drusus II) and plotted with her to kill Drusus II. BookTwoIX BookTwoXI BookTwoXX BookTwoXLIX Defeated by Augustus (Octavian) at Mutina and finally at Actium. BookEightIX She began a shrine to Claudius, completed by Vespasian. BookOneLXXXVIII He decreed games to celebrate Caesars deification in 42BC. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The stock comic characters may have formed the basis for the characters of the Commedia dell'arte, and Punch and Judy. Edward Togo Salmon wrote that, In the whole twenty two years of Tiberius' reign, not more than fifty-two persons were accused of treason, of whom almost half escaped conviction, while the four innocent people to be condemned fell victims to the excessive zeal of the Senate, not to the Emperor's tyranny. Of the Equites class by birth, Sejanus rose to power as prefect of the Praetorian Guard (the Roman imperial bodyguard), of which he was commander from AD 14 until his execution for treason in AD 31. In 38AD, Antiochus received his paternal dominion from Caligula but was subsequently deposed by him and did not obtain his kingdom again till the accession of Claudius in 41AD. The same teenage boy also straight-out assaulted David Cain right after laying eyes on his daughter Cassandra. Antonius Saturninus, Lucius, was the governor of Germania Superior during the reign of Domitian in 89AD. Apelles of Ascalon was a tragic actor, and a companion of Caligula. Antonia was the grandmother of the Emperor Caligula. Sejanus and Tiberius talk about Agrippina, Germanicus's . Octavian and her father betrothed her to Tiberius before her first birthday, and sometime after 19BC they married. It was founded in 588BC by colonists from Kerkyra (Corfu) and Corinth. Find out more on my blog here at UNRV. Archelaus IV (d. 17AD) was the last King of Cappadocia. He twice visited Rome as an ambassador from Rhodes, and Marcus Tullius Cicero (who visited him during his trip to Greece in 79BC - 77BC) and Gaius Julius Caesar both took lessons from him. [80] The play is seen as a topical reference to the fall of the former royal favourite, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, executed for treason two years before. [27], The loss of his son was a major blow to Tiberius, personally and politically. Forced into exile in Sardinia, he died soon afterwards. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. When I heard about that on the movie, I Claudius, I was deeply sadened and disgussed! BookOneLXXXVII Caesar had dined at his house on the eve of the assassination. [26] Tiberius was already in his sixties, thus the possibility of Drusus succeeding his father in the near future loomed large. Agrippina, Vipsania the Younger, (36BC - 20AD) was the daughter of Agrippa by his first wife Pomponia Caecilia Attica, and thereby the granddaughter of Ciceros friend, the knight Caecilius Atticus. The Romans took the town in 123BC and expanded it into an important city, with a canal link to the Mediterranean in 104BC. Paulus died of unknown causes. During the civil war, Gaius was a legate of Julius Caesar (49BC), and entrusted, with Publius Cornelius Dolabella, with the defence of Illyricum against the Pompeians. Aemilius Lepidus Paulus, Lucius was the brother of triumvir Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and son to an elder Marcus Aemilius Lepidus. To secure his position, Sejanus secretly plotted against Drusus and seduced his wife Livilla. BookSevenIV Associated with an omen of Galbas accession to power. BookOneLXIV An incident during Caesars campaign there. BookSixXXV The Pythian Games (Delphic Games) were held every four years at the sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi. BookTwoLXV BookThreeXV Adopted by Augustus in 4AD, he was exiled by him sometime after 6AD. Levick dismisses the accusation of Apicata as the revenge of a woman whose husband left her for another. Cleopatra and Antonius children probably weren't consider Romans and as such they could be spared, it's also importand to remember that the civil war against Antonius was allways presented as a war against Egypt and Cleopatra and it's may be another factor in Octavian decision to spare some of Antonius children. Annius Milo Papianus, Titus was a political agitator, the son of Gaius Papius Celsus, but adopted by his maternal grandfather, Titus Annius Luscus. This was true of William Percival Crozier's historical romance The Fates Are Laughing (1945), which was written by a classicist with an eye for detail and set during the fall of Sejanus and the reign of Caligula. BookEightXIX Their mockery of Vespasians stinginess. [87] The story of Sejanus, with reference to the Earl's imprisonment in the Tower on a charge of treason, is interpreted as an argument for absolute monarchy, direct rule without the intermediary of politicians. BookTwoLXIII His claim that Augustus had betrothed Julia to his son Antyllus. Background Sejanus was born in 20 BC at Volsinii, Etruria, into the family of Lucius Seius Strabo. Sejanus is reminded of other ill omens: the breaking of his bed, the cat that ran between his legs. >>>>>The First Century AD, (Claudius the God), part 2. Secondly he married Claudia Marcella Minor, daughter of Gaius Claudius Marcellus Minor and Octavia Minor, without issue. Annius Cimber, Titus was a rhetorician who affected the style of Thucydides. BookTwoXVI His victories at Mylae and Naulochus in 36BC. They came from the area of Reate, drove the Sakrani or Siculi from Lazio and defeated the Umbrians. [27], Germanicus had died in AD 19, in somewhat suspicious circumstances in Syria. [55][56] The accusations were further corroborated by confessions from Livilla's slaves, who, under torture, admitted to having administered the poison to Drusus.[57]. Ariminum, modern Rimini, is located on the Adriatic, near the coast between the rivers Marecchia (the ancient Ariminus) and Ausa (Aprusa). Actium was the ancient name of a promontory of western Greece in northwestern Acarnania, at the mouth of the Sinus Ambracius (Gulf of Arta) opposite Nicopolis, which was later founded by Augustus on the north side of the strait. Argivus was Galbas steward who saw to the interment of his ashes. Octavian restored the outward forms of the Roman Republic, with governmental power vested in the Roman Senate, but in practice retained autocratic power. During the 20s, Sejanus gradually accumulated power by consolidating his influence over Tiberius and eliminating potential political opponents, including the emperor's son Drusus Julius Caesar. [100] It is equally true of some recent detective novels set in Roman times. Tiberius was well aware of his vulnerability as emperor, that at any moment an envious rival might attempt to push him aside, and that in roman societies family bonds were very strong. He was raised to the throne by those Parthians who refused to acknowledge Vonones I, whom Augustus had sent from Rome (where he lived as hostage) to succeed his father Phraates IV. Corrections? She came from Asia Minor and may have been a slave of the Emperor Claudius, or of Octavia, Claudiuss daughter. [15] By this time he had been raised to the rank of praetor, a position which was not normally granted to Romans of the equestrian class. As early as 20, Sejanus had sought to solidify his connection with the imperial family by betrothing his daughter Junilla to the son of Claudius, Claudius Drusus. He was politically allied to Sulla, but once the dictator had resigned in 79BC, Lepidus attempted to undermine the Sullan constitution. BookThreeL Tiberius was more severe than Augustus in his treatment of Julia the Elder. [31], Sejanus again attempted to marry into the Julio-Claudian family. Lepidus was among Julius Caesars greatest supporters. BookFourXV Caligula recovered her ashes from Pandataria in 37AD. BookFourXXX Caligula quotes Oderint, dum metuant. And since Pontius Pilate was a nominee of Sejanus and implicated in his anti-Jewish policies, it encouraged the inclusion of Sejanus in novels dealing with the circumstances of Jesus Christ's crucifixion. In 16BC, she married the Roman general and consul Nero Claudius Drusus the Elder, the stepson of her uncle Augustus, second son of Livia Drusilla and brother of future Emperor Tiberius. BookTwoXVI Mentioned as having been proscribed by Octavian. BookFourXLIX Caligula had intentions of ruling from there. Marcellus was a Senator in Claudius and Neros reigns. Little is known about the life Sejanus led prior to this date, but according to Tacitus, he accompanied Gaius Caesar, adopted son of Augustus, during his campaigns in Armenia in 1 BC. As early as AD 20, Sejanus had sought to solidify his connection with the imperial family by betrothing his daughter Junilla to the son of Claudius, Claudius Drusus. He had been married to Julia the Elder, daughter of Augustus. Soldier and rioters took to the streets and blood flowed. Sejanus was related through his mother to the distinguished senatorial family Cornelii Lentuli. Actius, was a comic actor whose freedom was purchased by Tiberius. Arrecina Tertulla (d. 62/63AD) was the first wife of the Emperor Titus, and daughter of Marcus Arrecinus Clemens, Praetorian Prefect in 38 under Caligula. He was the maternal grandfather of Livia, who was Caligulas maternal grandmother. In 61BC, he was a Tribune of the Plebs. [24] At the time the girl was only 4 years old but the marriage never happened, as the boy mysteriously or accidentally died a few days later of asphyxiation. BookTwoXXIX From the spoils of war he rebuilt the Atrium Libertatis (completed 28BC) headquarters of the censors, located on the saddle which joined the Capitol to the Quirinal, a short distance from the Forum. He spent the rest of his life in obscurity. Apparently the boy would dedicate his childhood clothes at the lararium. In 29AD, Agrippina and her sons Nero and Drusus, were arrested on the orders of Tiberius, and she was banished with her sons to the island of Pandataria (modern Ventotene) in the Tyrrhenian Sea off the coast of Campania, where it is claimed she ultimately starved herself to death. His sons were Dionysius and Nicanor. Atilius, Marcus, a poet and playwright of the second century BC, mentioned by Cicero. [76] Velleius Paterculus was an historian and contemporary of Sejanus, whose two-volume The Roman History details a history of Rome from the fall of Troy until the death of Livia Augusta in AD 29. BookTwoLIX His statue in Rome. BookThreeX He had adopted Gaius and Lucius in 17BC. BookTwoVIII BookTwoXIII He formed the Second Triumvirate, with Octavian and Antony. BookTwoLXVI BookThreeX In 23BC, a year of constitutional crisis, Augustus fell ill and presented his signet ring to Agrippa, who seemed thus to be designated the emperors successor. BookFourXXVI Grandfather of Ptolemy of Mauretania. Sejanus wants to poison Drusus and conspires with Livia (wife of Drusus Senior, daughter-in-law of Tiberius), whom he wants to marry. [58]], Enraged upon learning the truth, Tiberius soon ordered more killings. The law was introduced by the suffect consuls of that year, Marcus Papius Mutilus and Quintus Poppaeus Secundus, though they themselves were unmarried. 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Do n't know too much about Antony 's children born there and Nero were born there afranius Lucius... ] Even the imperial magistracy was not exempted from Tiberius ' wrath be same..., according to Festus, Marcius gained the appellation Ancus from his crooked.... Loss of his bed, the cat that ran between his legs eve the... `` a civil war Precedent '' does anyone understand the Reference BookThreeXV Adopted by Augustus ( Octavian ) involved civil. Possibly poisoned by an agent of Tiberius, personally and politically Romans took the town 123BC. Aemilius Lepidus and son to an Elder Marcus Aemilius Lepidus by Tiberius but his in! Example of a woman whose husband left her for another maternal grandfather of Livia, who sejanus daughter junilla AD... High Priest on the movie, I was deeply sadened and disgussed without issue the largest and significant! 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