They are not proficient with armors and use Wisdom as a bonus to AC. Zen Archer is one of the easiest archers to build because it gives you a bunch of the necessary feats as class progression/bonus feats instead of making a new player figure out all of the necessary archery feats. It affects how we think, feel, and act. you, but I'd argue that an archer is exempt because once you let go of Precise Shot allows ranged combatants to attack another target in melee without taking the -4 penalty normally associated with firing into melee. Feat Type(s): C: Combat; Crit: Critical; F: Faction; G: General; Grit: Grit; T: Teamwork; IC: Item Creation; MM: Metamagic; P Performance, Space, Reach, & Threatened Area Templates, Use a single revelation more times each day, Target a creature with a hex a second time that day if it made its save the first time, Failed grapples against you cause attacker to fall, +1 damage and weapons are considered magic, Cast a 0-level spell 3 times per day as a, Reduce your arcane spell failure chance by 10%, Reduce your arcane spell failure chance by 20%, Gain +2 on damage and attack rolls when you have concealment vs. foe, Make a bluff check to feint with concealment vs. foe, While concealed, miss chance increases by 10%, Learn to bounce thrown hammers off of your opponents so they return to you, No penalties for improvised melee weapons, Can exchange channel positive energy to create pool of damage dice, Enhance your shield and the shields of allies adjacent to you, When you successfully avoid damage, spend 1 ki point to redirect attack back at opponent, Disarmed weapons are knocked away from your enemy, Successful acrobatics check allows you to feint, Enemies dont notice theft until after combat, Throw opponent into adjacent square with a, Exchange later attacks to reroll missed first attack, Take a 5 penalty on later attacks to reroll missed attack, Make one melee attack against all foes within reach, Take the damage of a successful attack upon an adjacent ally, Opponents that take 5-foot step or withdraw provoke attack of opportunity from you, Channel energy can be used to control undead, Create an elixir that allows another to use a, Pick the spellblight inflicted by a critical, May impale and deal extra damage to an opponent with a, Impaled opponent must succeed at a grapple maneuver to pull your weapon out, Become more efficient at switching combat styles with the, Upon successful dispel, opponent must save or is, Tumor familiar dies in place of its master, May take any additional actions remaining after using, Increases the DC to cast spells adjacent to you, Enemies provoke attacks if their spells fail, Reduce range penalties for thrown weapons by 2, Sacrifice a spell to force an enemy to reroll a successful attack against your ally, Attacks with selected weapons do not provoke, After successful tumble through opponents square, gain +2 on, Use ki to provoke fewer attacks of opportunities while moving, When a foe more than 5 ft. away from you makes a melee attack against you using reach, you gain a +4, If tripped, move 5 feet as an immediate action, Make ranged attack at any point during movement, Make 5-foot step immediately after an opponent misses, Ignore up to 5 due to distance on visual, Natural weapons treated as magic and silver, Automatically stabilize and remain conscious below 0 hp, Foes must reroll critical confirmation attacks, Once per day, delay onset of harmful condition for 1 round, Once per day, gain new saving throw against harmful condition requiring. Growing number of next-gen businesses continually trust EnKash for creating value for their businesses. Focusing Chant [SpC] Grants a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks for 1 minute. 10 Best Ranged Feats For Pathfinder First Edition, Snap Shot/Improved Snap Shot/Greater Snap Shot, Ranged Feats for Pathfinder Second Edition, Mithral Breastplate in Pathfinder RPG: Stats, Costs & How to Make One, Cold Iron Items in Pathfinder 2.0: How They Work, Costs & Benefits, 10 Best Feats for Paladins in Pathfinder 2022, Best Pathfinder Sorcerer Spells and Cantrips, Pathfinder Core Classes Overview Roles and Ranks (Plus How They Fit Into a Group). Boa Jangles This Optimized Bard (Arcane Duelist) Archer Build has so many options that he is really like playing three different characters in one. allows your Rogue and Scout levels to stack for the purpose of determining the "Some monks seek to become one with another weapon entirelythe bow. He enjoys most dancing and dodging while shooting the bow, thus, his name. Gain a deflection bonus of +1/3 caster levels against one attack. It may look cool to bat an arrow out of the air with your gauntlet or block a sword with your elvencraft bow, but it's still not a great idea. Zen Archer is a class in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. Knight Phantom level. Feats: 1) Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot; 2) Deadly Aim; 3)Weapon Focus (Longbow Comp); 4) Weapon Specialization (Longbow Comp); 5) Point Blank Master; 6) Cluster Shots; 7) Manyshot; 8) Greater Weapon Focus (Longbow Comp); 9) Combat Reflexes; 10) Snap Shots; 11) Improved Snap Shot; 12) Greater Weapon Specialization (Longbow Comp). In addition, this type of archery works well within the dungeon, where mobility may be hindered, and hiding spaces plentiful. Not the most useful feat. damage. Ease of Play (8 out of 10) mainly because even poor play cant mess him up; Niche Effectiveness (10 out of 10); Weaknesses (Reflex Saves). It should come as no surprise that the jack of all trades class can do archery as well. You expend one use of Wild Shape to boost your base land speed to 50 feet per round for one hour and sprint like a cheetah once during that time. In addition to the +1 bonus to attack and damage for close-range targets, a powerful boon for low-level characters, it is the prerequisite for 23 separate feats using ranged weapons. Feats often have a number of prerequisites that must be met in order to select them during level ups. Fiendish Facade. Quick draw costs an action. The following table lists all feats, showing prerequisites in tree form.