One of the biggest is that all three proposals define what is material in different ways. In its October 2022 board meeting, the ISSB . The CSRD takes a more comprehensive approach than the ISSB, adopting what it calls a "double materiality perspective". The ISSB's superpower may lie in illuminating issues that are emerging across the global markets for consideration by investors and the broader markets. This divergence of interests arises in many cases from the unpriced availability of finite common resources, such as the earths carbon sink or the capacity of society to absorb growing inequality. In such cases, E/S impact and financial return are integrated, as are disclosures with respect to each. This can impair broader economic returns when such regulation hinders the development of other, more economic companies or sectors. It recently issued a report (the PRI Report) that described a variety of corporate practices that can boost individual company returns while threatening the economy and diversified investor returns: A company strengthening its position by externalising costs onto others. Before discussing the ISSB and the desirability of a sesquimateriality standard, we review several elements of E/S investing. On March 31, 2022, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), an investor-focused initiative of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation, released long-anticipated drafts of its sustainability reporting standards: the General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-Related Financial Information (the And, on the surface, this could threaten progress towards global alignment. The Technical Readiness Working Group (the TRWG) recently released a set of recommendations for general requirements for the ISSB standards (the General Requirements) that addressed this question by defining what would be material for the standards overall. This idea extended beyond security selection and included influencing corporate behavior by voting shares and engaging with management. This post is based on their recent paper. Such investors might prefer that companies in their portfolios make less money, i.e., that beta be reduced, if it were to lead to better employment opportunities. For ESG integration, the standard must call for disclosures of E/S matters that investors can use to model an enterprises value and future cash flows. This recognition that change at one firm can affect the value of other firms in the portfolio implies a new goal for activism: namely, to engineer a net gain for the portfolio, possibly by reducing negative externalities that one firm is imposing on other firms in the investors portfolio. The final documentation of the ISSB standards should acknowledge that most investors have significant, largely uniform interests in beta impacts. Posted by Frederick Alexander (The Shareholder Commons), on, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, on One Small Step From Financial Materiality to Sesquimateriality: A Critical Conceptual Leap for the ISSB, Companies Should Maximize Shareholder Welfare Not Market Value, Reconciling Fiduciary Duty and Social Conscience: The Law and Economics of ESG Investing by a Trustee. Below, we highlight three key takeaways from the draft General Requirements and Climate Standards. However, Murphy has rejected this approach in favour of a model that compounds the future obligation because it is likely that the cost of deferring action to address environmental change will increase over time at a rate likely to significantly exceed any applicable discount rate that a reporting entity might choose. Because negative externalities burden the economy and beta. Keep the distinction between ESG integration, beta management, and other sustainability purposes at the top of the discussion. The ISSB indicated that its aim is for the complete set of ISSB Standards, once finalized, to provide a comprehensive global baseline of sustainability disclosures for investors in global capital markets to use when assessing the value of companies. The PRI Report described the investor action necessary to manage social and environmental systems: Systemic issues require a deliberate focus on and prioritisation of outcomes at the economy or society-wide scale. Thirdly, it is the case that companies will not always know exactly who their shareholders or investors are and what they care about. The ISSB wants companies to think about it from the perspective of their existing and potential investors, lenders, and other creditors, while the SEC asks companies to consider whether the matter might be likely to influence an investors investment or voting decisions. The following chart sums up the four possible uses of data for which the ISSB might be optimized: As investors have become more cognizant of the importance of corporate impact on society and the environment, disclosure standards proliferated, making it difficult to compare the impact of companies that report on different standards. All topical standards have been changed to mirror the new four pillar structure. In their 2021 book, Moving beyond Modern Portfolio Theory: Investing that Matters, Jon Lukomnik and James Hawley explained that these systematic risks inevitably swamp any alpha strategy: It is not that alpha does not matter to an investor (although investors only want positive alpha, which is impossible on a total market basis), but that the impact of the market return driven by systematic risk swamps virtually any possible scenario created by skillful analysis or trading or portfolio construction. The ISSB has the critical mass of support from established market participants necessary to bring the same uniformity (and thus utility) to sustainability reporting that now exists for standard financial reporting. According to Matthias Tger, a researcher at London School of Economics looking at the relationship between the environment and financial markets, the future of double . This view of materiality doesnt ask the company to have a crystal ball, only to think about likely future risks or events such as resource shortages or environmental damage that could change the way they structure their business model and, ultimately, do business. This is not unfamiliar territory new accounting standards and regulatory reporting requirements come up from time to time. EFRAGs definition of double materiality encompasses an inward element (effects on the company from external sources) and an outward element (effects the company has on externalities). Given the real reputational and regulatory risk for companies that rely on externalized costs, those of us focused on beta impacts can do several things with the ISSB process. These are the risks to the social and environmental systems in which the economy is embedded. Currently, companies and financial institutions utilize a variety of voluntary frameworks often referred to as the ESG alphabet soup to guide disclosure in sustainability reports and other corporate communications. (b) disclosures to investors, lenders and other creditors about sustainability matters that affect their assessment of enterprise valuethese disclosures enable investors, lenders and other creditors to understand the impacts that sustainability-related risks and opportunities have on the value, timing and certainty of the entitys future cash flows, over the short, medium and long term and therefore users assessment of enterprise value. Like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commissions (SEC) recently proposed climate-related risk disclosure rule1, the ISSBs General Requirements and Climate Standards are based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In practice, although worded differently (from each other and from EFRAG), they all could be expected largely to result in the same assessments of whats material from an investor perspective that is, factoring in what might lead to changes in future business activities and taking a long-term view. There have long been investors who shunned sin stocksalcohol, tobacco, and gambling companies, for example. For example, an investor might conclude that a company can avoid reputational, regulatory, and supply chain risks by adopting better labor and energy practices. This publication is distributed with the understanding that the author, publisher and distributor of this publication and/or any linked publication are not rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice or opinions on specific facts or matters and, accordingly, assume no liability whatsoever in connection with its use. It is important to understand that ESG data are often provided without much context. If their content is not aligned, then the status quo will continue: piecemeal reporting, inconsistencies, confusion, and limited progress towards understanding the effect of ESG matters. union of two sets, not intersection) of impact materiality If companies increase their own bottom line by emitting extra carbon, by refusing to share technology that will slow the pandemic, or by contributing to inequality, the financial benefits earned for their individual companies may be dwarfed by comparison to the costs the economy bears. First, this is a rapidly evolving area and both science and social mores will mean that the items material to a business will constantly be shifting and changing. We will not move. As such, we urge you to rethink your whole approach to this issue. EFRAG's work is rooted in double materiality and Faber said the ISSB is "embracing [this approach] when it comes to looking at all the impacts, significant impact that companies are going to have on their ecosystem. Forest fires raged across Europe, part of a London suburb caught light, and hurricane-force winds left a trail of destruction in southern Austria. Furthermore, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) which provides standards for companies to disclose their environmental and social impacts to a broader set of stakeholders than investors and is the most widely used disclosure system globally has pledged to coordinate its future standard-setting activities with those of the ISSB to provide two pillars of international sustainability reporting. On 3 November 2021, at COP26, the IFRS Foundation Trustees announced the creation of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). The Statement of Intent to Work Together Towards Comprehensive Corporate Reporting co-authored by five important standard setting organizations, was a 2020 document that was an important step towards the ISSB process; it describes inside-out information as being targeted at: various users with various objectives who want to understand the enterprises positive and negative contributions to sustainable development [in contrast to enterprise value information targeted] [s]pecifically to the sub-set of those users whose primary objective is to improve economic decisions. There are some other areas that need ironing out too before standard setters finish their work. Sustainability and accounting specialist with a particular interest in assessing and quantifying sustainability risks and opportunities, and in particular climate-related risks and opportunities. One of the first parameters to be established must be the purpose of disclosure. Additionally, EFRAGs draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive incorporate disclosure obligations that include entities impacts on nature, society and the climate. E/S Information that impacts future cash flows from the company to investors and thus the value of the enterprise (ESG integration or just ESG). The gap between fiduciary and ethical obligations can be reduced in part if companies are able to implement responsible E/S practices that drive greater enterprise value. Double materiality 13 Double materiality is a concept which provides criteria for determination of whether a sustainability topic or information has to be included in the undertaking's sustainability report. But this could also be reportable under the ISSBs and SECs rules, since community unrest might affect their licence to operate (and therefore their future cash flows) or injudicious extraction might lead to lawsuits for environmental degradation in 15 years time, again, affecting cash flows. Thats where we are going.. Thats why we were created. But then we filter that with the financial materiality as defined by the accounting standards". Companies are advised to monitor the continued development of the exposure drafts and may wish to consider aligning future sustainability reporting with key components of the General Requirements Standard, including relying on company- and industry-appropriate standards such as those of SASB. Impact materiality means that the activity affects either people or the environment, whether directly via the companys operations or indirectly in its value chain. The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) is analysing feedback to its consultation on two proposed standards and will consider how to respond to stakeholder comments on topics such as enterprise value and materiality, the head of the IFRS Foundation said. The double-materiality concept as 'guiding principle' in the GRI Standards From climate change and biodiversity loss, to growing inequality, modern slavery, and scarcity of resources, our society and planet face the most significant challenges of all times. A business would create a sustainability reserve to represent the full compounded effect of decarbonising its operations. outside-in materiality - or ESG reporting as it is most commonly adopted today), to also disclose the impact of those same companies on society and the environment (i.e . Divergence of Materiality Approaches: As discussed, the concept of financial materiality is central to the General Requirements Standard. Planetary forces much greater than cataclysmic weather events have decided that. Not all investors are diversified, so if a company protects beta by accepting reduced enterprise value, it may be favoring diversified investors at the expense of concentrated investors. The materiality principle chosen in the General Requirements seems to ignore the most important issue on the table without explanation. It is quite different, for example, from the EU's more ambitious 'double materiality' approach in its proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the mandate given to expert body EFRAG to draft detailed reporting standards. Taking IAS 37 as a starting point is not as simple as it might seem. Climate change is an emergency that requires all hands on deck. Companies occasionally need to report new information and markets need to work out how to digest it. The IFRSs accounting rules issued and maintained by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), on which the ISSB is modeled, have been adopted in over 100 countries, and the IFRS intends to co-develop the two independent sets of standards to ensure their connectivity, compatibility and relevancy to investors. Economists have long recognized that profit-seeking firms in free-market economies will not account for negative externalities, and there are many profitable strategies that harm stakeholders, society, and the environment. Climate change denial has been a tough ask this summer. The ISSB drafters should recognize the risk that excluding beta could, at the margins, lead to the omission of decision-critical information for investors concerned with company impact on social and environmental systems that support other portfolio companies. EFRAG refers to impacts on people and the environment [that] may be considered pre-financial in the sense that they may become material for financial reporting purposes over time. In his workplan briefing in March, Faber said the board aim[ed] to issue the new Standards by the end of the year, subject to the feedback. The General Requirements Standard specifies that potentially material sustainability-related considerations include activities and relationships related to an entitys value chain, which it defines as the full range of activities, resources and relationships related to a reporting entitys business model and the external environment in which it operates.. E/S information can travel three pathways to affect investors and a fourth to affect other stakeholders: ISSB embraces a single type of data. The ISSB will accept feedback on its General Requirements and Climate Standards until July 29, 2022, and will incorporate the comments it receives into its final sustainability reporting standards, expected by the end of 2022. Thus, while individual companies can profitably externalize costs, a diversified investor will pay these costs through lowered return on their diversified portfolios. Green Finance Institute director tells Chatham House while MP support double materiality approach. But investors wont give companies a free pass and their patience will wear thin quickly if companies do not appear to take this reporting seriously. Although there is no charge to the income statement, the reduction in shareholder equity arising from this proposal would reduce the amount of distributable reserve available to shareholders. We must focus on what unites us in agreement and we cannot afford for minor differences to get in the way of progress. Secondly, enterprise value, by definition, takes a market view and has a long-term perspective. To make an assessment of materiality, the ISSB recommends that companies consult the industry-specific materiality factors outlined by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards, as well as the most up-to-date topic-specific guidance of other standard-setting bodies, such as the Climate Disclosure Standards Boards (CDSB) guidance for water- and biodiversity-related disclosures. Financial materiality is in line with current U.S. disclosure rules. One example, Becker claims, is the understand of materiality. The ISSB documentation does not addressor even acknowledgethe possibility of providing beta or non-financial investor information. Companies need to articulate the value drivers for their business to see if they and their stakeholders are on the same page. Not that this in any way prejudges the issue. The draft standard also introduces the concept of dynamic materiality. The compliance burden for companies will be high but for investors with multiple companies to monitor, the information burden will be even higher. ISSB to include GRI and ESRS in IFRS S1 sources of guidance; . The General Requirements Standard recommends that companies disclose material sustainability-related information, defined as information that could reasonably be expected to influence primary users assessments of an entitys enterprise value, with the responsibility for the materiality assessment resting on the reporting entity. Ruchir Agarwal and Gita Gopinath, A Proposal to End the COVID-19 Pandemic, IMF Staff Discussion Note (May 2021). In doing so, it has removed the existing definition of 'enterprise value' and the words 'to assess enterprise value' from the objective and description of materiality in the proposals. But it does not tell shareholders how to use this data to value securities: the user provides that context. A new report from the law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer (the Freshfields Report) explains how externalized costs affect investment trustees fiduciary duties: System-wide risks are the sort of risks that cannot be mitigated simply by diversifying the investments in a portfolio. The actual influence of certain behaviours on cash flows are still being understood and standard models for measurement in these areas are nascent, or missing altogether. The law governing investment fiduciaries is evolving to make it clear that fiduciary obligations permitor even requirebeta management. Hard choices must be made. Socially responsible investing. This means that companies have to report on both the financial and environmental implications of their sustainability efforts. But while an individual investor is free to satisfy ethical goals without regard to financial consequences, many investors, such as retirement and mutual funds, have fiduciary obligations to prioritize the interests of their beneficiaries. A recent study determined that in 2018, publicly listed companies around the world imposed net social and environmental costs on the economy with a value of $2.2 trillion annuallymore than 2.5 percent of global GDP. The ISSB was announced in . The General Requirements Background section described inside-out and financial materiality in the following paragraphs (a) and (b): (a) disclosures to stakeholders about sustainability matters that have impacts on people, the environment and the economythese disclosures normally provide the broadest range of information because they aim to meet the needs of multiple stakeholders. Despite all the talk of urgency from IOSCO, the climate-change standard will not be in place until next year. The complex nature of the investment market, with some investors picking stocks for their portfolios and others being invested in index funds, means that companies have to cater to a massive array of information needs. In practice, this shifts the focus to the forward-looking or anticipatory aspects of double materiality. This does not mean that disclosure standards drafters do not themselves need to understand the contextthat understanding is critical to eliciting the correct information for investors to use. Lastly, the fact that many companies will have to report new information and in large quantities could have the potential to cause a period of significant volatility in markets. Indeed, Institutional Shareholder Services, the worlds leading proxy adviser, recently announced it would do exactly that in its benchmark recommendation policy, treating a companys climate damage to the economy in parallel with damage to the enterprise. On March 31, 2022, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), an investor-focused initiative of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation, released long-anticipated drafts of its sustainability reporting standards: the General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-Related Financial Information (the General Requirements Standard) and a Climate-Related Disclosures framework (the Climate Standard). In 2021, SASB and the Integrated Reporting Framework combined to form the Value Reporting Foundation, which, alongside the CDSB, will fold into the ISSB by June 2022. Another dynamic is the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG). A group of 86 global CFOs and institutional investors, representing 620bn in assets, criticised the ISSB for not adopting the double materiality approach which would require companies to report on the impact of their activities on the environment regardless of its relevance to enterprise value. When the economy suffers, so do diversified shareholders. E/S information that does not affect investors, but is relevant to the impact companies have on civil society and stakeholders other than investors (stakeholder data). We thank Paisley Ashton-Holt, Tom Beagent, Henry Daubeney, Will Evison, Alan McGill, Andreas Ohl, Atul Patel, Naomi Rigby and Katie Woods for their insightful contributions to this article. Although the financial-materiality test articulated in the General Requirements seems inadequate to address the system level issues, the drafting implications may be more theoretical than practical, especially if the drafters understand the concern. The net result for the [diversified] investor can be negative when the costs across the rest of the portfolio (or market/economy) outweigh the gains to the company; A company or sector securing regulation that favours its interests over others. CSRD explicitly requires double-materiality reporting and so vastly expands the scope of disclosure from considering only sustainability risks that companies face (i.e. Integration with Financial Reporting: Like the SECs proposed climate rule, the General Requirements Standard recommends that sustainability-related information be disclosed alongside an entitys general purpose financial reports as part of the ISSBs emphasis on the materiality of sustainability-related disclosures to investors. Even if the ISSB wanted to include double materiality, it could well meet with opposition in jurisdictions still coming to terms with even basic sustainability reporting. They may find that for many issues their enterprise value and impact materiality assessments are so interlinked that for practical reasons it is not possible to split them apart. Whatever the aim, they missed. Of course, a company may make the judgment that it can get away with a certain amount of cost externalization, so that corporate managers may make business judgments that financial return can be maximized without optimizing social value. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) integration. Tony Moller provided valuable research and drafting assistance in support of this Alert. A market price also factors in todays expectations about any potential implications that, at some future point in time, might affect a companys legal or regulatory situation (even if only by association). If their content is aligned then the effect will be powerful. ISSB chair Emmanuel Faber has effectively ruled out the use of double materiality The board now expects to issue its climate-change standard next year Developments in the EU, US risk fragmenting the sustainability-reporting landscape Climate change denial has been a tough ask this summer. Central to the debate on global alignment is the concept of materiality, which is critical to determining what gets reported. As noted above, the GRIs disclosure standards adopt a broad, multi-stakeholder interpretation of materiality. The message is clear: to optimize returns, investors must exercise their governance rights and other prerogatives to protect themselves and their beneficiaries from individual companies that threaten beta. Yet away from the awkward realities of climate change, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) was proving it could respond in a crisis. And so the fact that the ISSB and SEC have asked companies to see the long term as material today and in the context of a market perspective means that much of what a business considers to be its impact on the environment or society will be reflected in its consideration of enterprise value. Contributions to inequality also reduce GDP over time. The return to such diversified investors chiefly depends upon beta, not the performance of individual companies. On its face, the exclusive choice of enterprise value as the measuring stick for materiality means the standards will only be useful for investors who want to use environmental and social data to determine how a particular company will perform financially, in order to decide whether to buy or sell it, or perhaps to use their shareholder rights to push the company to change its practices to improve future cash flows. Are integrated, as are disclosures with respect to each understand of materiality, which critical. Finance Institute director tells Chatham House while MP support double materiality as it might seem chiefly... Place until next year can not afford for minor differences to get in the way of progress in beta.! To understand that ESG data are often provided without much context not as simple as might... 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