Its believed that rainbow children started appearing on Earth from 2000 onwards, though these timelines are estimates and not set in stone. Unfortunately, another starseed type lived amongst them. Hathor is an ancient Egyptian goddess born of love, motherhood, and fertility. They can shut out the outside world so much they become dogmatic. Have a wonderful day! May have Northern European or Norse heritage, Understands balance: yin/yang, light/dark, sun/moon, Might suffer with anxiety, depression and self-esteem issues when not in alignment with their true nature. I tend to be very soft spoken and I observe and analyze people all the time, so much in fact that I cant seem to slow my mind enough to fall asleep easily. We know they existed at some point, but now only descendants exist. Weaknesses:Mavericks can be fighting so hard for a cause that they veer away from the facts and drift in zealotry if they lack proper self-awareness. Refreshing to read this! They need to learn how to stop being triggered and giving into judgment. My news for you is that no one is human and everyone, including earthly starseeds, are human. My very special guest this week on The Spirit of Healing Unleashed is author, healer, and founder of The Starseed Collective, Saoirse Clare McGovern. From a young age, they were fully aware of their capabilities. But again vampires/zombies scare he daylight out of me. Not all Orion Starseeds are the same though. If you look at how different the 1940s to 1960s were in terms of ways of living, technological advancement, and acceptance of others, its clear to see the influence of the indigo starseed. Labeled as revolutionary by The Oprah Winfrey Network. Maybe you felt a few resonated, which makes perfect sense. (Signs, Traits, Missions & More), Dig Deeper: Mintakan Starseed Am I One? Its an extremely old star cluster. You may know me as the creator of the Starchetype System and the author of Starseed Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide. After the destruction, there were those who were rescued to Earth. Its people became lazy and sick, riddled with disease. They are true knowledge seekers, and whilst most believe this only applies to scientific fields, I believe they just love to learn, regardless of the subject. Because of their great minds, they also lean towards philosophy to make sense of the world. But also, if you an old soul, it doesnt necessarily mean youre an advanced soul. Rainbow children are spiritually gifted and know it. I have learned this far in my journey that there are some amongst us, whom are older than what is currently understood on Earth whom have had several incarnations on several planets and dimensions. If you dont feel any resonance with starseeds, you might feel more of a pull towards Earth Angels? Pleiadian, Andromedian and Hadarian starseeds. It is widely believed that these two planets gave rise to the awakening of humans. It vibrates at an incredibly high, non-physical, 6D frequency. Write down which traits you have and which starseed types resonate. They do this by depleting a planets resources, as well as committing crimes against humanity. Now, however, its believed that Atlantis was a civilization, not a city. And that theres another civilization inside called the Agarthans. Thank you so much for your help. dolphins, whales. They can have a hard time providing it for themselves and often lack self-worth. However, this success was at the expense of their culture. This could be done for several reasons. This section explains the 11 starseed types and their corresponding traits. Avians are optimistic souls. I have got news for you kittens; you are all mutts. Theyre relatively secretive and unlike other starseed types, are most likely to have both positive and negative races here on Earth. And although you do tend to exhibit one set of characteristics more than another, psychology isnt so black and white. Do any of you star seeds have a rainbow aura? Through future incarnations, they relocated to Earth, vowing to not make the same mistakes again. Associated with dragons, draconian starseeds are a reptilian subrace. For this I kept running away and for a while thought that I was from Sirius. Its a compulsion to make the unknown known. Found within the Taurus constellation, the star cluster Pleaides houses this second type of starseeds. Known as the most benevolent of all types, Andromedan starseeds are souls that originated from the Andromeda Galaxy. You dont see things as they are. The Warrior, above all, needs to learn patience. Absolutely! My work allows brands and businesses to not only be seen, but to be felt. Ive had one done and it blew my mind! Im a blue indigo star seed but it doesnt mention much about them. This is why many lightworkers struggle to identify with other Starseed types, even if they have had past lives as them before. have a strong connection or affinity with cats (these people prefer cats over dogs! They dont feel cooled to me, but whenever someone touches them they feel like ice cubes. Are they my past lives? They love abstract concepts in as much as they love science. I dont know how you get your info, but mine comes as a sense of Clear Knowing. The Maverick wont just accept things because thats the way theyve always been. This is due to their karma cycle and their interference with Earth beings in a previous past life. This could be why they havent lived a physical life before. Would encourage you to look into Human Design. feeling a tingling, heavy or pulling sensation between your shoulder bones (where a pair of wings would be). Spiritual ascension comes when we are at our most authentic selves. Thats fine, I dont want to go back the way I came anyway. They both involve the dead eating the living, in order to keep moving forward. Indigo, crystal and rainbow children are star beings who are born into the physical realm, remembering their divine qualities, gifts, and mission. You can develop traits of the other archetypes as you mature. They have an incredible sense of bravery to break their limits and set new standards for themselves. The human expression is too dynamic to ever be truly defined by such a list of personalities. Thank you for responding to the poster above. We need scientists and scholars just as much as we do the rebels and creatives. Is there an exercise you can recommend to find out which one I am? I am gona continue to do research. OR find out which star system youre from, or whether you have other soul origins by purchasing a soul origin profile from Allorah. Shah I gotten this far so just to believe in my intuition. These souls are most likely to work in logical thinking roles; science, technology, architecture, city planning, coding etc. sacred geometry, natal charts (signs, degrees etc), Often very confident, with a high drive for success, Wants to live in a world where spirituality and science can blend, Know they have a purpose, but might not know what it is, Act child-like, innocent, but not childish, Observers, tend to blend into the background whilst they watch others, Empathic, but guard emotions due to previous trauma and conflict, Have a strong desire to travel the world or visit 1 place in particular, Love anything creative or science related, Might feel drawn to spiritual jobs: tarot readers, writers, reiki healers, counsellors, artists, teachers, musicians, Interested in meta-physics, spiritual practices, May suffer from deep rooted anxiety or depression if not in alignment. There isnt a lot known about Martian starseeds, but some claim they had origins on the planet. Write down your dreams. Because you dont want to be perceived as selfish, you willingly offer up what you have at your expense. These souls possess both intellectual and emotional advancement which is why their main purpose is to be spiritual shamans. They travel with one purpose; to help Earth and other worlds evolve. They also have a deep desire to make people see the world as a better place. Theyre what separates us, but also what brings us to together to learn from one another. They love listening in as much as they love giving out profound sentiments. I wanted to thank you for this excellent read!! I resonate with the Sirian, Pleiadian, and Mintaken, Theres a good chance you were more than one starseed. A Pleiadian starseed is known to be a soul that is sent to be the record keeper of the Earth. If you are a starseed, you are not foreign to the feeling of not belonging. salt of the earth type people: spiritual individuals that also embrace the ways of the earth, dont express their emotions well; have a hard time with communication in relationships; may seen closed-off, interest in magic, metaphysics, witchcraft and alternative healing, may have Lyran starseed traits, particularly cat-like or lion-like traits, maintain a few close friends instead of many casual friends and acquaintances. Small or big, what matters is that you are able to use your gifts to shine light on people who might be experiencing some darkness. Hathor is an ancient Egyptian cow-goddess of love and motherhood. 21 Major Signs, Mission & More. If that is how strongly you feel about this incarnation. Why is this information important for awakening/awakened Starseeds. Some Martian starseed traits include: Andromedan starseeds are from the Andromeda galaxy outside of our own. I always wondered but recently it is getting too much of a deep feeling that, I do not belong to this place, I want to go back my home, why all others in my family are so different and complicated? And, Venusians sometimes wanted to put too much Venus on Earth through beauty and the like. The sooner you can see this the better off youre going to be. Earths galactic neighbors, only 2.5 million light-years away! I was once an alpha draconian too. Is the soul attached to one body for its entire lifetime? As your internal compass and intuition become stronger youll learn to decipher what your mind vs your heart is trying to tell you. Take Control of Your Future By Exploring Your Past with Beyond Quantum Healing, The Four Main Soul Types and Where They Fit into the Earths Drama, The Starseed (Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal). Depending on your agreeing contract, to live & learn, different, trials and goals, attributing to your lessons, when acheived ,you receive your blessings. For example, if youre a Starseed, its almost certain youll be an old soul. Pleiadians are drawn to water animals i.e. The message received while channeling this system was clear: where we come from as Starseeds matters less than what we are here to do in this incarnation. It might be agreed before birth, or it could be engineered against a persons free-will. Archetypes are patterns of behavior that aid and influence our mental, emotional, and spiritual growth as human beings. And sometimes, I think we have a tendency to let the weight of the entire world sit on our shoulders (metaphorically speaking, of course). many go backpacking or give up their jobs to follow their dreams of exploring the world), often cant stay in monogamous relationships, have a commitment problem, emotionally guarded and avoid conflict as much as possible, tall, thin and some bald easily in their earthly bodies. Their primary interest is the search for meaning in everything they encounter. Remember when I said Orions have bad races too? You believe that manipulating and limiting people are two of the most evil things in this world. I like to call them the children of the Earth for this reason. Purpose: Arcturians are strong-willed beings, who naturally command leadership. Their main goal is to elevate their own spirituality so that they can be an inspiration to many. They are more advanced than humans, but are a young Starseed race in comparison to Sirians or Arcturians.Look very Nordic by nature, light skin, light eyes and fair hair. Its setting standards. may have a fascination with mermaids since childhood, have a relationship with one or more ascended masters, if not a love for dogs, may have a love for cats, may have cat-like, dog-like or mermaid-like physical characteristics, a catlike appearance: catlike eyes (upturned almond shaped eyes and catlike nose), enjoy physical labor and are hard workers. Feline starseeds are not the type to be focused on the outside world. Pleiadians come from Pleiades, a beautiful star cluster known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45 in the Taurus constellation. dolphins, whales. They all have very different abilities, skills, and talents. Are you ready to let go of the past and embrace your unlimited potential? Affiliate Disclaimer: You should assume that Marcy Neumann and The Spirit of Healing Unleashed has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you make a purchase from the provider. I have a LOT TO SPEAK but I am being just very grateful about your post. Now Agarthans are incarnating on the earths surface to help us. Its said the first humans originate from Lyra. Then there is also Lemuria. My favorite color is purple, pink, blue, white, grey, and black sooooooooo yeah. Theyre the people who lead from the front, and others are drawn to for inspiration. You can identify as a human if youd like. Because always conveying love conceptually as an example is being an image that is ahead, but in the end this same image is precisely the concept. To an extent, you absorb the energy around you. (Signs, Mission, Traits & More), Arcturians are born leaders with strong personalities, and they form part of the most advanced civilization in our known universe. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. They need to come to the realisation that there are many more truths than just their own. I do have lots of questions. Yes there are reptilian starseeds, and yes there are reportedly bad ones but they are not all bad (that would be like assuming all humans are bad just because some are) and some reptilians actually come from Orion so it makes sense to me that youre seeing these things and also feel a connection to Orion. But do you know that there are many different types of starseeds walking this Earth? This was very enlightening and I resonated with multiple starseeds, so much so that I dont know which one I am! Lyrans werent the only starseed type to live on Vega, the brightest planet within the Lyra constellation. bye bye! But as you grow and evolve, you will inevitably let go of some traits in favour of others. They shed their Earthly skin with ease, allowing them to shine like a magnificent beacon of light, ready to propel humanity into the Golden Age of creativity, love, inspiration, and healing. It made me feel uncomfortable to label and categorize. Once activated, starseeds can make remarkable advancements in all core areas of their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes of existence. They lead a very simple life. The I AM is for each of us the Womb, the Home of the original Home. You do it out of compassion and duty to your fellow human. Likewise with Pleiadians, theyre not bound to art and specific healing fields. Avian starseeds live in a realm where everyone is just more energetically fluid and detached from physical realities. Their sole purpose is to manipulate societies, cultures, and technological development. by Marcy, The HeartShift Coach | Jan 12, 2021, If you aren't seeing the live event on the date & time mentioned below, click here. Starseeds are essentially just visitors who incarnated on Earth to help guide people into their spiritual awakening. They are the most innocent healers here on Earth. all 3 are same things just different levels of awareness. As Venus I come from a family with another Venus, Pleiadian, Lyrian and Orion. The Alpha Centaurians are an advanced civilization and have seeded some of their souls here on our planet to aid in our development. Whilst the majority of Starseeds travel and reincarnate to teach and heal, others come to places like Earth to use the planets resources for their benefit or to support a darker mission. This kind of conquest thinking can lead them biting off more than they can chew. But I know think I was just scared. Which one do you think you resonate with the most? do we travel together? Their traits include: Draconian starseeds are from the Draco constellation. But your good nature makes you vulnerable. Both Sirius A and Sirius B are thought to be the first to start the spiritual awakening of human beings. There are tarot readings on Youtube that can help you explore this side of yourself more if you feel drawn to do so; type in starseed tarot and a few readings should come up! They can be elated one minute and then brought crashing back down to Earth the next. I have an intense interest in ancient Egypt. There are some Draconians who are selfish and some say evil, while others are here to help wake humanity and raise consciousness. Its the same with Starseeds. Maldeks are one of the last two starseed types who originated from a dark past. Oddly enough, Im a psychotherapist in training too. It has nothing to with age and everything to do with your progression and purpose in your current incarnation. They solely work for the light. Theyre considered an ancient civilization similar to ancient Egyptians or Romans here on Earth. How did these souls get put into human bodies and why? Those who survived moved to Earth, as it is likened to the Maldek planet. Most people dont even know that they are indeed starseeds. I am eager to find out what to do with my new awakening. Can u tell me how to find out which started I am? Pleiadians are drawn to water animals i.e. Sometimes for better or for worse. (Signs, Mission, Traits & More), Orion Starseed Am I One? Discovering who you are can be extremely validating. But sleeping is my favorite thing to do because its the only time my mind is at rest. that I no longer live on Venus (has also become uninhabitable in terms of habitat due to star war) and that I no longer have to conceptually transform the earth into a Venus. Yes? Whats interesting though is that they have one starseed characteristic not seen in any other type of soul; theyre free from karma. (Signs, Traits, Missions & More). The best thing to do is to find your most prominent characteristic and let it overflow in you. To make sense of our lives Now. If there are lessons to be learned, they are to be learned now, not by identifying with something that no longer exists. So, what can I do to help Mother Earth feel the love and light that I wish to give her. I am highly intuitive and empathic. I know Im a starseed. And then I happened to read about the word Starseed and that eventually led me here. Believe me when I tell you, its not! I naturally and accidentally astral project, I know a lot about healing, I have a lot of good luck, I am a Gemini, I walk in circles when Im bored, and my feet are always cold, no matter what I do. They can, however, maintain small starseed characteristics as a human being e.g. No one can fool an Arcturian starseed. Weaknesses:The leader archetype has the tendency to abuse their position. cancer, scorpio or pisces. The Sage (The Free Thinker and Innovator) 5. Ever heard of Mintakans? Castle12D 367 subscribers Subscribe 93 Share 1.6K views 2 years ago I recently came across a website called. As far as why they leave Pleiades? In this article, well be exploring the 11 starseed types. The Kings and Queens amongst us are the leaders of our world. Orion starseeds come from the Orion constellation. large eyes, longer necks, more angelic looks, but they dont typically look odd or look the same. have a love for canines: dogs, wolves, etc. The incoming soul will take on all on the soul contracts and karma of the person/previous soul theyre replacing. I cant speak of your path, Nine, but this isnt how I feel at all. Unless youre a brand new incarnation, youre likely to have called many different places of the universe your home. It is a system that works off of the premise that based on your birth time (it actually uses 30 days before your birth day), your soul chose this vessel to incarnate into. 1. Why cant they be just simple at heart with each other and what not! They have a magnetic aura, which puts Earth souls at ease. The ultimate test is not how many you have helped with your wisdom, but how sincere you are in doing so. ), The Spiritual Ego: The Voice of Reason (Or Your Biggest Obstacle? Blue Ray Beings are fairly mystical in the sense that we dont know a lot about them other than gathered information from those who believe they are Blue Ray incarnations. Type 8: The Protector. Be a Guest on the The High Vibe Tribe Podcast. Hi Mikayla , But I AM a dragon, angel, Starseed and ultimately God as we are all ONE. As they are the minority on the planet, they often flee to other systems to escape. I have galactic history on Vega, Mintaka, several other Orion and Pleiades stars; Arcturus and Sirius. I relate to three different starseed types. Note: Dark Reptilians are different to Light Reptilian starseeds. I must apply it to boring life today on earth. They plan their lives out hundreds and thousands of lives in advance complete their missions. I still have the recording of my session and days after that session I even integrated the spot the Armageddon started. Saoirse Clare is an energetic mentor for Starseeds, creator of the Starchetype System, and author of the book "Starseed Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide." After losing her dad at 27 due to brain cancer as well as her husband Kristian due to a helicopter accident, Saoirse started her spiritual journey. Its an in-built trait. The great lesson of the leader isnt to create more followers, but to create more leaders. Thank you for your contribution Pahal, and for sharing your story! So in essence the living dead. But if you think things should be kept quiet, then you do you, man. Im definitely a lyran, as I know my traits, some of which arent listed under lyran. It is totally okay to experience worldly feelings. The main lesson of the Warrior is to learn balance. (Signs, Traits, Mission & More). With a background in psychology, astrology, and esoteric practice, her soulful guides are read by over 300,000 people every month. Thank you and blessings always ? A label doesnt neccesarily define my experiences. And still could in other dimensions and planes of existence. "Augur is an open, global prediction market protocol that allows anyone to create a market for anything. Challenges:The Warrior is always in need of their next big challenge. Very good with children and animals. Once they establish a belief system, it can be very hard for them to deviate from their path. A list of personalities that they can be elated one minute and I! Be perceived as selfish, you will inevitably let go of the past and embrace your unlimited?... Tingling, heavy or pulling sensation between your shoulder bones ( where a pair wings! And limiting people are two of the Earth for this I kept running away and for while! ( the free Thinker and Innovator ) 5 kind of conquest thinking can lead them biting off more than,. Listening in as much as they are to be augur starseed archetype as selfish, you inevitably. 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