Edward was then brought out and displayed briefly to the public. More was not a man to be broken by prison, but he suffered physically. By 1527, the king was in his mid-thirties, and his wife six years older. But with him away from court there were outside influences on their relationship that neither brother could see coming. Margaret Pole was restored to a position as lady-in-waiting, which helped her financial situation. It was perfectly clear to any objective observer that the marriage was unlawful before God! Higginbotham follows Pierce in refusing to vilify Henry for his treatment of the Poles. He blundered badly, hacking at Margaret's neck and shoulders until she was dead. Pope Paul III put him in charge of organising assistance for the Pilgrimage of Grace (and related movements). There wasn't any "relationship" as such. Margaret's destiny, as an heiress to the Plantagenets, is not for a life in the shadows. She was the Spanish princess, Katharine of Aragon, one of the daughters of the Catholic rulers of Spain. The story of Mores last days is terribly affecting. After her husband's death, Margaret acted as regent for her son James V, from 1513-1515. In 1487, an imposter, Lambert Simmel, pretended to be her brother Edward, and was used to try to gather a rebellion against Henry VII. In 1554, Mary reversed the attainder against Reginald Pole, and he was ordained as a priest in 1556 and finally consecrated as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1556. To ease the situation, Margaret devoted her third son, Reginald Pole, to the Church; he was to have an eventful career as a papal Legate and later as Archbishop of Canterbury. It is no exaggeration to state that its publication ensured More a stature that no other Englishman of his time enjoyed. Margaret's mother died when she was three; her father had two servants killed when he thought they had poisoned her. The king financed Richards funeral. Thomas More: A very brief history June 29, 2017; Henry VIII's Westminster Tournament 1511 June 5, 2017; As Countess of Salisbury, Margaret managed her lands well and by 1538 she was the fifth richest peer in England. Name: Thomas More. After the first round of questioning she was held in custody at Cowdray, Fitzwilliams house. A devoted Catholic, More refuses to sign Parliament's Act of Supremacy, which declares King Henry, and not the Pope, the Supreme Head of the new Church of England. Learning you may well have, his brother Montagu wrote to him, but doubtless no prudence nor pity. Reginald had compared himself to a surgeon ready to cut away diseased flesh from the body of England: not the most tactful metaphor, when your anointed king is dragging about with an ulcerated leg. A Bill of Attainder disinherited Margaret and her younger brother, Edward, and removed them from the line of succession. Her fiction is stiff and chary, as if she is too constrained by her knowledge of the pitfalls to turn her characters loose in their own lives. But it is difficult to detect in her conduct the heroic virtues assumed by Rome, and easier to see self-protective caution at work. Margarets daughter Ursula would have 13 children, and three of her four sons would marry heiresses and have large families. The National Archives, minsters' accounts, SC6/HENVIII. Thomas More was born on 7 February 1478 in London, the son of a successful lawyer. The work was a marvel of learning and wit and wholly original; it was soon translated throughout the Continent and its author hailed as one of the foremost Humanist thinkers. In 1540, Cromwell fell from favour and was attainted and executed. Fitzwilliam despaired of getting anything out of her but denials, and paid her a twisted compliment in the way Tudor men did: We may call her rather a strong and constant man than a woman she has shown herself so earnest, vehement and precise that more could not be. When he told her that her goods had been seized, she must have known it was the beginning of the end, and seemeth thereat to be somew[hat] appalled, but neither then nor at any later point did she profess anything but loyalty to Henry and regret at her familys folly. Margaret was born into the England of the Wars of the Roses and was the daughter of George, Duke of Clarence, one of Edward IV 's younger brothers and was of the House of York. In: Ghosts and Hauntings. To help with her financial situation, she gave one of her sons, Reginald, to the church. In Utopia, he identified himself as a citizen of London, and it was in London that he was born on 7 February 1477, the only surviving son of John More and his first wife, Agnes Graunger. On 27th May, in 1541 Margaret Pole, niece of Richard III and Edward IV, was executed at the command of Henry VIII. It mattered to London shopkeepers, and to great churchmen. The supposed discovery, six months after her house and effects were searched at her arrest, is likely to have been a fabrication. One does not have to share his religious convictions to appreciate his inner strength and noble character. Calculate relationship; Relationship with x x (Sosa/Ahnentafel #1) Relationship with Thomas Chaworth (spouse) More . EXECUTED: 27 MAY 1541. Margaret Poles house had been searched in the efforts to find evidence to back of the attainders of those executed. And as his own reputation grew in London, he attracted the notice of the all-powerful Cardinal Wolsey. [5] When Perkin Warbeck impersonated Edward IV's presumed-dead son, Richard of Shrewsbury, 1st Duke of York, in 1499, Margaret's brother Edward was attainted and executed for involvement in the plot. Did she, as the regime alleged, burn the evidence that incriminated her? The axe hit her shoulder instead of her neck, and she escaped the guards and ran around screaming as the executioner chased her with the axe. London Review of Books He worked eight years as undersheriff and proved himself an impartial judge and able administrator. Margaret Pole was one of only two women in the 16 th century to hold a peerage in her own right. Henry still hoped for Mores support. Her daughter Ursula married the Duke of Buckingham's son, Henry Stafford, but after the Duke's fall, the couple were given only fragments of his estates. It was Mores execution far more than those of Anne Boleyn or Thomas Cromwell or Margaret Pole which established the kings reputation for capricious cruelty. England became an embattled nation. The Editor And he was a father who insisted his three daughters have the same education as his son. Margaret reminded Reginald what they all owed to the Tudors, and urged him to give up his enterprise, to take another way and serve the king: his renegade actions, she said, had plunged her into grief and fear, and trust me, Reginald, there never went the death of thy father or of any child so nigh my heart. Thomas Cromwell, who spied efficiently on the whole family, tried to have Reginald abducted or assassinated. Only when Fitzwilliam called Reginald a whoreson did she object, saying with a wonderful sorrowful countenance that he was no whoreson, for she was both a good woman and true. When Reginald, lying abroad, heard of her death, he announced to his secretary that he was now the son of a martyr. Thomas Cromwell producerade en tunika av typen 'Five Wounds of Christ', som pstods vara en symbol fr nskan att placera . [9] Her youngest son, Geoffrey Pole, married well to Constance, daughter of Edmund Pakenham, and inherited the estate of Lordington in Sussex. So yes, the Pole family were cousins to de la Pole family. The following poem was found carved on the wall of her cell: For traitors on the block should die; On the scaffold, Margaret prayed for the royal family all except Anne Boleyns daughter, Elizabeth, whom she regarded as illegitimate. Elizabeth of York, who married John De la Pole was George's sister - making Margaret Pole, Elizabeth's aunt. Most governments with a sense of self-preservation would have regarded the family with justified wariness, and likely acted against them sooner. He was keenly interested in theology, but he was not ordained; he was free to marry if he wished, and propagate a Plantagenet family. But and of course this clause was added simply to trap More the Act also required a repudiation of any foreign authority, prince or potentate. More could recognize Anne as the crowned queen of England. Even special physicians summoned from Spain could not help the queen to conceive again. Seven years after the strange liquid death of Margarets father, her uncle Richard III was defeated at Bosworth by Henry Tudor. They married less than a month after Jane Colts death and More had to seek special dispensation from the church. He needed to convince the Spanish he was secure in his kingdom. Find out more about the London Review of Books app. She would have been a widow when the portrait was painted, but she holds a sprig of honeysuckle, symbol of love and marriage. Posted By Claire on May 27, 2012. Contact was made with Warwick; a plot began, or perhaps was manufactured by agents provocateurs; just at this time, to increase the alarm of Henry Tudor, another Warwick impersonator showed his face in Kent. The two children were of use to him; their maternal family, the Nevilles, commanded allegiance in the north. She managed her lands quite well, and became one of the five or six wealthiest peers in England. Under interrogation, Geoffrey said that his eldest brother, Lord Montagu, and the Marquess had been parties to his correspondence with Reginald. For these reasons, More had no cause to suspect his monarch of anything less than fealty to their shared faith. Margaret Pole, N B tc ca Salisbury (ting Anh: Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury; 14 thng 8 nm 1473 - 27 thng 5 nm 1541), l mt nh i qu tc Anh quc.B l con gi ca George Plantagenet, Cng tc x Clarence, em trai ca Quc vng Edward IV v anh trai ca Richard III.Margaret l mt trong s t nhng ngi ph . It was a small mercy. After Richard III seized the throne, he sent Margaret to Yorkshire with her brother. She began to write for the. But Reginald stayed in Italy through the reign of Anne Boleyn supposedly preparing a learned statement on the kings case. Her son Arthur joined them, dying young, probably in the sweating sickness epidemic of 1528. Towards the block I shall not go! His name was on the attainder and he was brought before the Privy Council in February 1534. She was no longer, though, the sort of influence Henry wished for his daughter. Biography of Anne Neville, Wife and Queen of Richard III of England, Biography of Elizabeth Woodville, Queen of England, Biography of Margaret of Anjou, Henry VI's Queen, Famous Mothers in History: Ancient Through Modern, M.Div., Meadville/Lombard Theological School, Father: George, Duke of Clarence, brother of king Edward IV and of Richard, Duke of Gloucester (later Richard III), Note: Cecily Neville, Margarets paternal grandmother, was a paternal aunt of Margarets maternal grandfather, Richard Neville. As his disgrace deepened, Margaret withdrew from court. It seems Margaret was questioned about her contacts with Barton, but she came to no harm as a result and, unlike Gertrude, she escaped without grovelling. In The Kings Curse (2014) she was ground up by the great fictionalising machine that is Philippa Gregory, and in 2003 she was the subject of a major biography by Hazel Pierce: Margaret Pole: Loyalty, Lineage and Leadership. Christ in Thy Mercy, save Thou me! Princess Mary But in 1520 Margaret was clearly in favor with the King and Queen when she was appointed governess of the Princess Mary. Since Margaret and her brother, Edward, were debarred from the throne by their father's attainder, their uncle, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, was offered the crown and became king as Richard III. The French ambassador said she was above eighty years old when Henry VIII had her beheaded, while the Imperial ambassador said she was nearly ninety. She lived one of the more turbulent lives of the 16th century, starting off as the niece of the King, and ending up nearly 70 years later penniless in the Tower, executed by an inexperienced executioner. 3. Although a jury of twelve men would have . Mores connection to Morton had earlier secured him admittance to Oxford, where he studied for two years, mastering Greek and Latin with an instinct of genius, and studying a wide variety of subjects, including music. Margaret Plantagenet, Countess of Salisbury (14 August 1473 - 28 May 1541), also called Margaret Pole, as a result of her marriage to Sir Richard Pole, was the only surviving daughter of George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, a brother of Kings Edward IV and Richard III (all sons of Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York ), by his wife Isabel . Was the family sincere in deploring his disloyalty? More would stand trial for his life. Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots. Her many fortified houses and castles, the number of tenants she could turn out, the belligerent propaganda from abroad all these brought the whole family into deep suspicion. The Imperial Ambassador, Eustace Chapuys, suggested two years later that Mary be handed over to Margaret, but Henry refused, calling her "a fool, of no experience". Henry wrote to Margaret, who in turn wrote to her son, reproving him for his "folly". This conviction meant they lost their titles and their landsmostly in the South of England--conveniently located to assist any invasion. Fortunately for the old cardinal, he died before the king could kill him. But if the great Sir Thomas More believed the king to be wrong? The accounts differ slightly; Marillac's report, dispatched two days afterwards, recorded that the execution took place in a corner of the Tower with so few people present that, in the evening, news of her execution was doubted. She answered that no crime had been imputed to her. The bridegroom Arthur was dead within months. Utopia is a complex and witty work which describes a city-state ruled entirely by reason. Best Known For: Thomas More is known for his 1516 book . "Sir Thomas More: Biography, Facts and Information" https://englishhistory.net/tudor/citizens/sir-thomas-more/, February 22, 2015, You are here: Home Tudor Citizens Sir Thomas More: Biography, Facts and Information, Copyright 1999-2023 All Rights Reserved.English HistoryOther Sites: Make A Website Hub, The Right to Display Public Domain Images, Author & Reference Information For Students, Sir Thomas More: Biography, Facts and Information, https://englishhistory.net/tudor/citizens/sir-thomas-more/, House Of Tudor Genealogy Chart & Family Tree, Mary, Queen of Scots: Biography, Facts, Portraits & Information, Catherine Howard: Facts, Biography, Portraits & Information, Queen Elizabeth I: Biography, Facts, Portraits & Information, Jane Seymour Facts, Biography, Information & Portraits, Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk and Princess Mary Tudor, Anne Boleyn Facts & Biography Of Information, Katherine Parr Facts, Information, Biography & Portraits, King Henry VIII Facts, Information, Biography & Portraits, Thomas Cromwell Facts & Biography Information, Mary Boleyn: Biography, Portrait, Facts & Information, Thomas Wolsey: Biography, Portrait, Facts & Information, Sir Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury (1563 1612). Richard III sent the children to Sheriff Hutton Castle in Yorkshire. Or was there, as she claimed, nothing worth burning? In Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, 1473-1541, Hazel Pierce was unable to corroborate Richard Morisyne's assertion that as a young widow Margaret Pole made her home with the other Bridgettine nuns at Syon abbey.However, the household accounts of Lady Margaret Beaufort (held at St. John's College, Cambridge) reveal that this was indeed the case, recording payments to her from . Our Lady of Lourdes in Harpenden, Hertfordshire. And More determined that their daughters would receive the same education as their son. [18][19][20][21][22] Margaret was buried in the chapel of St Peter ad Vincula within the Tower of London. We can't imagine how Margaret was feeling, she was 65 years of age when brought to the tower in 1539, an advanced age by the standards of the day. Higginbothams narrative begins with this bungled beheading so either the jacket designer was in the dark about the contents, or someone at her publisher has a mordant sense of humour. After she had redeemed her dead brothers lands from the crown, she owned property in Calais, and estates in Wales and 17 English counties. It was sumptuously furnished and built of brick a modern material but moated, crenellated, archaic in form. Sweating sickness epidemic of 1528 no longer, though, the son of a successful.. Quot ; relationship with x x ( Sosa/Ahnentafel # 1 ) relationship with Thomas Chaworth ( )... T any & quot ; relationship with Thomas Chaworth ( spouse ) More the family! Clearly in favor with the king and queen when she was the princess. Worked eight years as undersheriff and proved himself an impartial judge and able.. ; their maternal family, the son of a successful lawyer Mores last days is terribly affecting no,! 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