Yet just thinking about the hulking monster made his knees weak with desire. Looks like the little boy cant stand up to a real man. The minotaur taunted. I bet you like wearing that collar like the bitch you are.. martin brothers customs hourly rate. The power he had over Superman was intoxicating. In a flash, the creature had wrapped a tentacle around one of Superman's ankles. He knew that he had no choice, but to check in with Perry to save his job. Quiet! Luthor ordered as he concentrated on teasing the most powerful mans cock with his breath. idea but had all but dismissed it as improbable, thus I did not bring the All you've got to do is learn what this guy is made of! Because when that rock of yours gets rid of Superman. Like an alcoholic desperate for a drink, Superboy opened his mouth and started to kiss and lick the monsters foot. Im going to make you my bitch. Supermans first reaction was to push back. No Love 4 pages May 16, 2016 Slytherin Queen With every passing second, the hero's cock twitched harder and more frequently as the pump did its job. Screams of panic rang through the air as cars squealed to a halt crashing into one another. What was it about that man that turned him on so much? His mouth opened and his tongue darted out to pierce that puckering hole. With a mighty roar, the minotaur slammed his huge cock into the virgin ass of our hero. Get the fuck out of here. He said with his voice deadly calm. In fact let him get a taste of all your cocks!. The clown pressed his smiling grin close and softly ran his finger down the heros cheek. "Miami Control Their eyes briefly met and Xander knew the idiot had no clue that it was he who had done what no one else was able. The light suddenly blinded the defenceless hero as he was flung right on his ass. They curled around his mighty biceps and held them from struggling free. will be easy now that I have him where I want him. He lifted the dazed hero up and ripped his jeans right off his body revealing his sweat stained white briefs to the public. Green Arrow started licking the cum stains clean desperately afraid that he was going to be kicked out. His tights were tented with his arousal, but he didnt care. The heros cock bobbed up and down with excitement as he yearned to make passionate love to the maniac. and places them in the lead box in the anteroom and secures the cover back onto To think Superman actually has a weakness. Now, is there any reason why you'd object. He was on the verge of blowing his load when the criminal finally ended the call. She felt as if she didn't really belong anywhere. Robin did not look happy being flung like a ragdoll. Need a hug, little boy? The villain laughed as he wrapped his thick arms crushing the heros body against his own. The knife flew through the air and embedded itself right into Ollies thigh. LEX The hero bellowed as his shout of pure ecstasy shattered every window for a few blocks around him. The chair he had been sitting in flew across the cabin as the man raced towards the door. Now you said you would do anything?, Green Arrow crawled on the floor to kiss the clowns shoes. The S shield was completely destroyed leaving his chest bare. The humiliation would be too much for him to bear. Xander knew that he could easily kill the hero if he so desired, but controlling the big boy scout suited his plans better. Superman's cock grew larger as the suction from the pump increased. Read along and witness as he does stuff! You did alright with the knife throwing, but we need to continue your training if you are going to be worthy enough to perform in my circus., The clown left the office with Green Arrow trailing behind like a puppy dog. I already hacked into Lexcorps main computer drive and got the code that should allow you to get inside.. A small swarm of wasps burst from her arm, clustering around the faces of both Aquaman and Batman. His face burned with anger at the thought of all those people seeing their hero batted around so easily. Gasps filled the air as his powerful erection tore through the thin cotton and slapped against his bare muscled abdominals. Try to hold them off until I can get Kid Flash on the scene.. The hypnotist had accomplished his mission as he walked to the ferry waiting for him. Thats it for Jokers circus tonight. The men took turns throwing knives at him with Joker shouting out instructions. I could send Bart back here tomorrow and The Mayor leaped on the helpless hero and rolled him on his stomach. Xander put everyone under including Superman. His eyebrows shot up in surprise as he set the pipe aside. Even now he was fighting the urge to jerk himself off in front of all these people. It was everything he ever wanted, yet part of him was also disgusted. As soon as he saw the chalk white skin and hideous red grin, his cock came to life and within seconds he was completely hard. Never before had anyone even come close to defeating the Man of Steel let alone penetrate his virgin ass. Clark didnt even notice as he started at the photo of his most dangerous nemesis. With a snap of his fingers, every guard in the room stood like robotic statues. Fear captured the heart of the once awe commanding hero. The Titans are worried about you. Drained Heroes. There is always another monster. Despite his inexperience, it was the best blow job that these thugs ever received. He makes a horse look small! The longer that his head was trapped in the smelly pit, the less Superboy struggled. The immantes all jeered and booed the hypnotized hero slightly swaying on the stage. At the Jokers whim, 10,000 volts would arc into his balls completely frying them. Xander was sure that the hero had been forced to wear the collar since his arrest on the top of the destroyed Lexcorp headquarters. Superman then remembers He will be conscious but powerless and A quivering sigh escaped his lips as his leg was finally released. What? Otis demanded. Green Arrow gasped not only because another man was touching his balls, but also because he could feel the clowns joy buzzer resting against them. The obsession to destroy the hero was replaced in exploiting Superman for his own personal gains. enjoy tormenting that muscle bound kid as he gathers the samples. The pain was intense but as he looked at the beautiful face of the man he loved, he knew that he could forgive him anything. Each nipple was clearly visible through the leather straps with two thick metal rod piercing them. Reaching up he grabbed onto Green Arrows hard cock and pulled on it. Her shrieks of displeasure brought the entire floor running to Clarks desk. Steel. Please let me explain., A look of disgust came over the chief editors face as he shook his head. Let me suck your cock. Val-Zod is one of the last Kryptonians of his universe and the second to use the mantle of Superman. The hero grunted as he fell down to his hands and knees. I want to be left alone., The Boy Wonder shook his head. With a strangled cry, Supermans knees buckled as he went over the edge. The lead protects me from its radiations. You're a little late. His cock throbbed excitedly at the prospect of getting another hit of the musk scent. These The hypnotist acted like he was mortified as the guards sprang into action. past the naked man and retrieves the shackles. It started out as a normal day. Even if there isn't any more Kryptonite in the world. Please, sir, The hero begged nuzzling his face against the leg. A surge began to build deep in his balls even as his ass turned every color of the rainbow. Superman grunted as a wave of pleasure hit his body. He ended up later manipulating the heads of the genetics lab, Cadmus, but ended up dying in that confrontation. Oh thank you, thank you! The hero sighed with relief. Even his nose search for more of the delicious musky scent. Listen to me carefully, Superman, Xander instructed. Definitely alien in nature, it was nothing like he had seen before. me to collect priceless and irreplaceable samples. We've all known what kind of a man this Happy King is. His eyes rolled to the back of his head at the same time as his body hung helplessly on the target. At the end of it was what looked like a reservoir with a glowing green substance. Then Id simply leave the dead carcass Before he could even come that close. The pump pulled the blood into his cock and it slowly engorged within. He couldnt die like this, but at the same time he couldnt reveal a fellow heros secrets. it's addressed to Superman, in care of Mr. Kent. Many looked shocked and disbelief, but there were a few trying to hide the lustful looks on their faces and expanded bulges in their pants. Perhaps a trip to Gotham City was in order. The last thing he needed was his greatest enemy to be able to order him around. No other new agency would hire him leaving Superman without a way to make money. YOU USED ME!. The clown stepped back with disgust as cum stained were now on this purple striped pants. The blood gushed out as Ollie hung weakly in his bondage. If Superman is really from some other planet. His fingers slowly traced the massive rod that felt harder than any substance on earth. Post on Monday; update us on Friday! Only his throbbing cock felt the freedom of movement. The villains burst into applause once again at the thought of their hated enemy being part of the show. exhaustion and lies motionless on the floor with his face buried in the dust. He slammed his fists against it and winced in pain. The hero was conflicted between what his sexual desires were telling him that he needed and the morality of the situation. Hey Smallville, I need. The worst part was there was nothing he could do about it. He couldnt believe that the clown managed to manipulate his mind like that. Sort by: Hot. I cant hear you, you fucking blue fairy. Supermans breath caught as he felt his body start to react. up. The other boys will be scared. The minotaur laughed as he stepped forward pointing down at the teens cock. The business tycoon of course leaped at the chance of controlling Superman and a deal had been struck. What about the Superman story? He asked more intently than his Clark Kent persona usually let him. Ive never juggled anything before let alone plate., Joker slapped the heros naked ass as he laughed. Green Arrow felt a rush of joy as his cock rose up to full hardness again. Dramatic Music rocks. He could feel all of his cum shoot out of his cock at forces that would destroy buildings on Earth. They'd better be. He is also a founding member of the . Splayed out with cock dangling in the air and cum covering his face, no one would have identified him as a hero if they saw him. His plan had succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. The wet spot on his briefs doubled in size. The brute shook his head with disgust. He thought wildly as he slammed back down to the ground. Superman, The Beginning of the End [Illustrated version.] Why was he having a hard time controlling himself? His admiration was quickly transcending to love. One long minute later, Spidey finishes 'eating' Venom which he's pretty big here: after all, in this story, he's twice taller and more muscular than the hero. The machinery hummed and whirred. Although the giant wore no shoes and his feet were completely bare, tight leather bands circled his ankles with matching bands around his wrists. Beaten-up heroes. Superman was still pumping and cumming as he collapsed on the street his naked body thrashing uncontrollably by the powerful orgasm not realizing what he was doing. and he is able to begin to collect his thoughts. The hero shivered with fear as he stared into those hateful eyes. He could see the audience pointing and laughing as his face turned beet red. Licking his lips nervously, Ollie tried not to move. With a surge of strength, Superboy knocked the giants arms aside and shot through the air. Oh. Ill do anything you want., Otis kicked the hero off of him and sneered. Whats wrong, Superman? He roughly compresses The thought of Joker being armed with that knowledge scared Green Arrow half to death. With a surge of strength, he swam like a bullet until his head broke through the surface of the water. examine Superman ever so closely my interest in cloning a Superman has been He even flipped the still cumming teen on his back so that his pretty face would be covered as well. Lets grease the wheels, now.. He could feel the pleasure build stronger and stronger as he sucked while being fucked. all loyal to me and minus his man Scout tendencies. He stared at his nemesis with open lust as his hand wrapped around his thick and long erection. His seed tore through the building destroying walls, furniture, and everything in between. I dont know why Superman is acting this way., Xander hid a secret smile as he shook his head. Boys, meet our newest recruit. To have it in such a perilous situation would cause anyone to be drenched in cold sweat, let alone Superman who is seeing it inches away from his precious manhood. Superboy flew through the air at top speed trying to find the source of the chaos. His confusion intensified as his mind said no, but his body screamed yes. Robin motioned for the muscled teen to follow him into the main computer room. His loins swelled and burned for release. You think to yourself that maybe, just maybe, those are the only monsters that you'll ever have to face. Green Arrow didnt have time to react as the Mayor leaped to his feet grabbing the hero by his blond locks. I mean you no harm!". Toyman giggled as he reached forward and suddenly grabbed the heros erect cock through his jeans. Is this a new look, alien? With his cape billowing in the wind behind him, he moved to the large window that framed Lex Luthors office. Electric pleasure flooded his body as he could not help but to moan with delight. For research or for more evil purposes, Superman did not know. I tore up that note. The volley of cum shot right through Luthors chest like a knife through butter. What did you say your name was again?. With a beastial cry, he ripped open the nearest thugs pants and started to suck his cock. Well, I'd like to get your story now, Mr. King. Superboy picked himself up feeling the rapidly reddening mark on his face. Oh. The answer to his problem must be there. Combined with the mocking of these low life criminal scum, the hero was completely confused. Everyone is really looking forward to the show., Xander smiled as he shook his hand. until a man named Clark Kent gave her a home. It felt strange wearing his black t-shirt and jeans after hiding in his bed for days. Youre way out of your league here.. Even in the darkness without access to the yellow sun that powered his alien cells, a strength slowly began to return. Nor do I stand a chance of obtaining Kryptonian technology. Still oozing with cum, his cock dripped down his blue spandex suit, past his signature "S" and onto his face. As the paddle smashed against his exposed cheeks, the hero bellowed in pain. Incidentally, we'll throw their car down there Everything is perfect, and checkers win out. reminded that he has been somehow stripped of his super strength. My name is The Minotaur and I am FUCKING king!, It is so good of you to volunteer your time to perform for the inmates, Warden Stevens said warmly as he escorted the guest deep in Strykers Island. Turning to the audience, Xander flourished his hands. For the sum of five million dollars, Xander would make the indestructible Man of Steel lust after Lex Luthor. Grab your costume and lets go.. Was this a utility tentacle?! They didnt talk during the journey which gave Superboy time to think. I can investigate what cause him to react that way., Oh no, Perry exclaimed shaking his head. A drop of sweat rolled down the heros cheek as he realized what little choice he had. Otis pushed against him again and this time Superman fell right on his ass. A little bird is on his way and I promise that it will be a show to remember!. Otis grinned as he pressed his foot on the heros tent. No one aside from my nephew Action Found Family Reunited Family Superhero Family Trigger Warning As Well During The Black Widow's training, she fell in love with James Barnes. Let me out of here right now! He demanded. FUCK ME!. He needed to man up and prepare to confront The Minotaur once again. He sneered as he spat at the hero. He was naked and hard, but didnt give a damn. If these idiots can do it, anyone can.. Superman is Superman is here, call Lex Luthor before it is too late.. The large door slams shut The knock ceased and Connor sighed as he fell back into his pillow. past the naked man and retrieves the shackles. If I dont see you in my office in 20 minutes, you are FUCKING fired.. Like I said there is nothing to it. Joker giggled as he handed a set of plates to the nervous hero. Darted out to pierce that puckering hole slowly engorged within straps with two metal. What looked like a reservoir with a surge of strength, Superboy opened his mouth and started to the... 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