At first glance, a Scorpio-Aquarius couple may seem fairly odd, with Scorpio's somewhat dark, alluring personality standing in contrast to class-clown Aquarius. Pisceans are exceptionally sensitive, and the unexpected nature of an Aries could be a test for them . Both women and men born under this sign are tagged with being distant and rebellious. Aquarius is a sign of Air, while Scorpio is a sign of Water. Scorpio, while also fact-based, requires an emotional connection as part of intimacy. It takes a lot of effort and dedication to get to the emotional core of Aquarius, and it is impossible to do so without trust and spontaneity. They love to learn and expand their knowledge. Instead, both challenge one another to move outside of their comfort zones during physical intimacy. That is what helps them build a harmonious relationship, although not immediately. Their dynamic is edgy, inconstant and their moods around each other can go into extremes at the drop . Its important to state formulation of this bond is not instant. If you are one of these signs, you will need to arrive at a place of acceptance on this front while owning your own behaviors. Aquarians are also fact-based people, meaning at times their dialogue can be dispassionate. Aquarius loves Scorpio men because they are magical. The Aquarius woman will be no exception. They believe that whatever happens, happens for a reason. She enjoys probing and riding other people's emotional waves. Scorpio's intensity may be met in a cool, dispassionate, highly rational way - or simply by a total lack of comprehension - by Aquarius. She is extremely emotional and passionate. As you read through each area, keep an open mind. That said, I am a Scorpio man who has been trained in the field of psychology. 7 Ways Taurus and Pisces Are Compatible In Relationships! When it comes to sex, a Scorpio loves to go deep and is deeply protective of those he loves. Like Scorpio, airy Aquarius enjoys intellectual conversations, learning, and exploring new ideas. Easy she's devoted to Seratopical's line of products, especially its Revolution Radiant Face & Neck Anti-Aging Serum. This Moon sign sure likes a dignified, self-confident woman. If you want to impress a Scorpion, make sure that you know their emotional maturity level. Scorpio tends to be a sign of intense emotions, seeking close bonds with people, while Aquarius is an air sign that desires space, independence, and detachment. On the other hand, the Scorpio woman is the complete opposite of what an Aquarius man is. Typical traits of water signs include: There are only three water signs. Still, the differences are minor when compared to the big picture. The Scorpio man is a moderately emotional person. Instead, the sign much prefers sexual versatility with a penchant for trying new things. On a first date, follow these Scorpio love tips : Keep the conversation neutral but interesting. Can Aquarius forget Scorpio? Aquarius men are more intellectual and practical than emotional or soft. Scorpio is the investigator of hidden secrets and Aquarius is Mr. Uranus flitting in and out. Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian, so an Aquarius lady likes studying people and trying to figure them out. Aquarius Man and Scorpio Woman: It's possible that someone will assert that this is a karmic relationship, that these people competed against each other in a past life, and that they will continue to battle until one of them passes away. Scorpio prefers a handful of intimates with whom to share the soul's journey. It also gives Aquarians the ability to see new possibilities. 2 2. Aquariuss rebellious nature and unconventional approach to life can intoxicate Scorpio, but they cant help but be captivated by the water bearers frankness and unflinching individuality. All of this does not fit with the Scorpio mans ideas about the ideal wife and mistress of his home. Thats not to say the two signs dont prioritize spending in different ways. When we met, I liked her very much and I felt the attraction and it continued. I am a Scorpio man, met an Aquarius girl on the internet. Youll want to look your best to make him fall in love with you, but dont let that fool you; hell find out that youre just trying to impress him. It is, for this reason, they the pairing makes for a highly intellectual couple. If you were to walk through the door of this house, you would immediately detect energy that vibes out a sense of openness and comradery. Thanks for reading this article! Scorpio has one advantage over Aquarius. Faced with this, Aquarians should be careful not to affect the susceptibility of these natives too much because they can get revenge if some words have offended their ears. In general, together we are fun and interesting. Whether its a love affair, friendship, or marriage, these two signs have a lot in common. Beware of the Aquarian's jealousy! That is something that Scorpio should learn from his "forgetful" partner, to be able to flow better in a relationship of harmony. He enjoys writing on men's topics, outdoor activities, grooming, and wellness. Probably the only sex where we achieve harmony. But lets be honest. Conversation during intimacy is usually limited to playful talk with Aquarius focused on exploration and Scorpio on passion. He is a believer in freedom and his enthusiastic nature turns him on. Embrace their quirks and let them know that you value their individuality. Make sure that you are not overly prescriptive or controlling when interacting with your Aquarian flame. But they are also passionate and empathic. He is extremely jealous and regards women as his property. When Aquarius enters your life, he or she will bring a sprinkling of healing and restoration. Related Article: Capricorn Obsessed with Cancer. Never silence a problem or something that bothers you, everything must be discussed in a civilized manner. This is another area where a healthy bond is shared between the two signs. Your relationship may seem like a romantic comedy. In this way, the good comes from allowing one another space to engage in various interests. Throughout their relationship, there is a battle between Aquarius intellectual analysis and Scorpios emotional needs. They don't want folks getting too attached and being in their business. The Scorpio must avoid being so stubborn and domineering. Now, identifying our zodiac sign weaknesses isn't exactly an easy task, so that's why we've done it for you! Although both signs are incredibly attractive, the relationship between a Scorpio and an Aquarius can become toxic if not handled properly. In addition, loyalty is exactly what Scorpio man is looking for in a romantic relationship. Scorpio and Aquarius Love Compatibility; . But what suited you in the past may not be as relevant or helpful now. These signs combined represent the ultimate sexual freedom, a place with no restrictions or taboos. Cultural journalist with great interest in education and technological innovation in the classroom. Moreover, both enjoy the outdoors, with Aquarius gravitating towards mountainous regions and Scorpio towards large bodies of water. Although it may take time for him to fully introduce himself to her, once that happens, she can be sure of having a faithful partner for the rest of her life. Now I met another Scorpion. Because it is gifted with a strong sense of intuition, the sign is able to to read what Aquarius is thinking and feeling. Thats because this post is all about Scorpio and Aquarius with the insight youll get nowhere else. She is firm and confident in her actions. The relationship between an Aquarius and a Scorpio is one of the strongest astrological matches. It wont work and could backfire. A Scorpio female is a skeptical being who would take her time trusting her friends or lovers. More stories. Her focus on materialism. Patient work must be done in this direction, and the Scorpio man will get used not only to protect the Aquarius woman but also to respect her decisions. 3. His haste is something that confuses him. One final point here both are naturally athletic and enjoy exercise and team sports. Taurus and Pisces Match More Than Some Think Taurus and Pisces are said to be super compatible but few reasons are ever given why. The horoscope gives the Aquarius-Pisces bond a very good love compatibility. Because Scorpio wants to make his wild dreams come true, hes drawn to this air sign. The most likely scenario, if they fall in love, is for Scorpio to develop obsessional feelings for their uninterested Aquarius partner. Innovative and curious, these eccentric water bearers refuse to simply accept life at face value. This fixed air sign offers Scorpio a new perspective on life that breaks free from stale traditions and routines. The Aquarius man and the Scorpio woman are a power couple under the covers. All zodiac combinations have both constructive and destructive qualities, and this one can be both. . possessive nature may feel too restrictive to the independent-minded Aquarian. In astrology, Scorpio and Aquarius form a square aspect, which means they're 90 degrees apart in the zodiac wheel. But it's exactly that dark and mysterious personality that an Aquarius can't resist! People who are born under the Scorpio sign fall under the eight house of the zodiac. Also, the Scorpio needs to possess his partner, something that the Aquarius does not want and this can destroy the relationship. Aquarius man and Scorpio woman relationship is a combination of the Air sign and the Water sign which may work wonders or cretae hurdles in the relationship between the Aquarius and Scorpio, depending on how they manage themselves. I am Scorpio, My Lover is Aquarius. Aquarius can be quite blunt and tough in fights, and Scorpios may not be willing to forgive or forget what Aquarius says. Although they are a bit crazy, they are calm and dont get easily upset. The small difference being Scorpios deep interest in the afterlife. Scorpio needs security and safety. But when it comes to feelings, Aquarius has only one state. Simply put, Scorpio (by nature) is a distrustful creature whereas Aquarius is more open. She Must Limit Her Relationship With Other Males. The first secret to know about a Scorpio in love is that it does NOT refer to a sun-sign Scorpio person. This opens the doors to share hobbies and deep conversations with each other. For example, it is misunderstood. Cancer June 21 - July 22; Leo July 23 - Aug 22; Virgo Aug 23 - Sept 22; Libra Sept 23 - Oct 22; Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21; Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21; Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19; Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18; Pisces . It may seem hard to believe, but two of the most independent zodiac signs, Virgo and Aquarius, can also make a good match. Both signs can become so consumed in their own interests that they run the risk of letting their physical connection turn atrophy. She is successful in life, her fate is favorable, but she also makes many efforts to have a prosperous existence. Here's Jimm, Jimm Parker! The halo of magnetism that surrounds these two personalities initially attracts both signs. They may struggle to bridge the gap between them and take their time to decide if the relationship is worth preserving. Aquarians like helping people. They are charming and philanthropic in nature. This is where Aquarius and Scorpio strangely bond. But for that to happen, there needs to be a high degree of communication (see number 4 above). Whether a Scorpio is a control freak or a humanitarian, they will probably have problems in relationships. Aquarius is a sign of freedom and can be an excellent partner if the Scorpio is content to let it work for itself. Those born under the sign of Aquarius are very brave, while those born under the sign of Scorpio , very difficult to address. The Scorpio man appreciates comfort and leisure, but in this union, he will have to support himself. Aaron McBride is a Seattle based freelance journalist. In the workplace, it is an excellent combination; They will be perfect collaborators at work or in an area related to art. If you were married, then it must be for life. While Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed, it is usually Aquarius who acts as the catalyst for trying new things. Related Article: Aries Obsessed with Virgo. The relationship between Aquarius and Scorpio will last for a long time. The Scorpio are always displayed on the defensive. Many signs cannot handle this vibration because it is simply too much. Aquarius is known for being social and humanitarian and wants to engage in a variety of activities, which will make the Scorpio jealous. They are reliable, loyal, and enjoy deep conversation. Still, the relationship has great potential for growth and evolution if both partners are willing to accept each others differences. 7 Ways Leo and Pisces Are Compatible In Love and Sex! Generally, they like to give more and take less. They are also highly focused and at times struggle with being obsessive. Instead, encourage them to explore their interests and share their brilliant ideas. The Scorpio man in communication very often uses caustic expressions, and the Aquarius woman is one of the few who is not afraid of the sly comments of the Scorpio. If done well, it's an incredible and beautiful journey and an amazing pairing. I met such a man, on the whole, a funny guy, but very secretive. You're obsessed with all things astro. Libra wants to balance all . Be secure in the knowledge that your bond is strong enough to sustain distance without negative repercussions. These natives have a seemingly calm walk but in reality it is never well known what they are thinking, instead the Scorpions, cheerful and talkative, are even more disturbing, because they know that they are effectively hiding something. In general, the Aquarius woman will not be dominated, something that the Scorpio man wants this can lead to terrible crises. They must find support and protection among themselves. Gemini's can also find it hard to get along with Virgos, since their perfectionist nature is often seen as condescending by Gemini's. Additionally, Scorpios and their intense emotions can be too overwhelming for any Gemini, leading to arguments or breakups. Time spent together behind closed doors tends to be extended and passionate. For reasons that I do not fully understand, I am drawn to the world of ancient mysticism. A Scorpio and an Aquarius can create a wonderful combination. Thats because the air sign also requires space to partake in creative and inventive projects. Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility. This allows the water sign to penetrate Aquarian logic and tap into the air signs physical needs. Yes, a loving Scorpio man is capable of much for his beloved, but his character will always remain with him. 3 3. What Challenges would Scorpio and Aquarius Face in a Relationship. Aquarius wants someone special by their side, someone who doesnt play by societys games. Related Article: Capricorn Obsessed with Aries. Scorpio finally sees Aquarius as emotionally superficial and distant. 4 4. Remember that such conversations can and should be repeated. As expected, protectiveness and possessiveness make a Scorpio a great partner but, at times, a little difficult to manage. Aquarius is represented by the elemental sign of air. This will give him a chance to reflect on his relationship with another person, which is a good sign for your relationship. Strangely enough, these two signs tend to have a strong attraction towards one another. Related Article: Capricorn Obsessed with Libra. It brings me wisdom when I need it most and guides me through the darkness. Unlike what happens in a Fire-Water combination, in which one can destroy the other; In this case, Water and Air are not able to do this. The attraction between Aquarius and Scorpio will be immediate. Scorpio may become obsessed with figuring out why the Aquarius acts the way they do, which can lead to further conflict. They will also take the time to trust someone and let someone get close to them. For this reason, it is likely that in the face of a conflict, they will adopt a rather disregarded attitude, that of struggle as happens among other combinations. One reason why a Scorpio male would be obsessed with an Aquarian is because she is in his sign. For the record, Mars is 141 million miles from our sun. An Aquarius man and Scorpio woman might be a difficult pair to attract. 5 5. In a relationship, they will be compatible because both share a deep respect for freedom and commitment. Hopefully, this piece helped to shed insight about a pairing in astrology that is widely misunderstood and mischaracterized. Is it all based on wishful thinking or is there some [], Leo man in bed, revealed by a Leo man Wondering what the Leo man is like in bed? They don't show a lot of passion. Scorpios are extremely fierce and loyal being. If any sort of manipulation occurs, things could quickly spiral out of control, and unspoken tendencies could rip them apart in a matter of minutes. On the flip side, Scorpio is often portrayed mysterious, often pegged with being overly sexual and vindictive. He could begin to manipulate an Aquarius woman, to pressure her, forcing her to obey his rules of the game. For Aquarians, standing out is more than just a passing whim; its an obligation to make their mark on this world. An Aquarius woman isn't swayed by the typical flirting techniques and tricks. The difference between them lies in their different energy fields. Even at a respectable age, this fact will be valid. 02 /13 Aries- Pisces, Cancer & Capricorn. I dated a Scorpio man for 2 years. Aquarius love Scorpios darkness because Aquarius is just as dark as Scorpio and Scorpio loves that Aquarius thanks deeply like them Scorpio also likes that Aquarius is the humanitarian Scorpio also likes power and guess what Aquariu. Be Confident. Therefore, the Scorpio man communicates with her, trying to be jealous and hold back the wind. My Scorpio has constant mood swings. This turns out to be favorable for his Scorpio lady, as she may be happier than worrying about being virtuous. They are charming and philanthropic in nature. They also prefer smooth relationships and do not want to hurt their partners feelings. The ruler of Aquarius is exalted by Scorpio, so their relationship offers room for growth for both of them. These two energies create conflicts when they are forced to exist in harmony. They often march to the beat of a different drummer and could care less if others like that beat beat or not. Related: 5 Potent Ways to Make an Aquarian Man Obsessed with You. They are likely to idealize each other, which can lead to disappointments when they begin to make contact with the real defects of the other. Aquarius loves Scorpio males because they are a magician. The main problem of the compatibility of the zodiac signs Aquarius and Scorpio - they have different temperaments. All Rights Reserved. In this way, one signs strong traits compensate for the others weakness. The truth is, both of them have intense personalities and intuitive abilities. Both Scorpios and Aquarians enjoy social activities. But, one should always keep things in line because if he believes otherwise, he can easily walk out of a relationship. Scorpios are attracted to women who look and feel beautiful, but are also confident and strong. She is mysterious. See Disclaimer. There Are Six Styles Of Love. Aquarius, however, understands this dynamic. Both are drawn to each other because they are fixed signs, and neither is willing to change. Scorpio and Aquarius are compatible because they are intellectual signs and are open-minded. The Scorpio man can have certain follies that the Aquarius woman cannot bear. The Aquarius is kind and generous; This is something your partner will like, given that the Pisces man is just as human: altruistic and tolerant. 5 Skincare Products Every Guy Should Have! They strive for a fulfilling relationship and crave excitement. Here are a few reasons why a Scorpio male would be . I know one Scorpio man closely. 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