Waving back to you from Devonport, Tasmania, Australia over a lot of oceans. That Pluto-Node conjunction is also opposite the other node in Pisces, which rules religion, so it may be that your past life as a doctor or patient, also involved the church. The astrology is about Uranus in Taurus, Jupiter in Taurus trine the Virgo placements (health) of billions, starting in May 2023 and extending to May 2024. Jupiter was also regarded as Jupiter Optimus Maximus by the Romans the greatest and best of gods. You dont have to go with it. Cant wait for Jan 1!! I have diary dates for you and your Tarot reading for 2022. Will he find his path? I hope we will be better equipped moving forward. 10 Strong Psychic Predictions for Celebs in 2022; 10 Times the Simpsons Accurately Predicted the Future; 2. You will notice it immediately. Let them learn first to show piety at home. Perhaps this is a family member. Again, in March, I think you will figure out your strategy with the job. Nostradamus has just proven himself to be the greatest astrologer of all time. An awful lot of souls who went through The Black Death in the 14th century are back now, with the same astrology chart patterns we saw in the late 1300s. Sagittarius, you have spent two long years with circular karma involving a duet or duel in your life. Do you feel that the worst time for covid, March 2023, will flow from what is currently happening in China? Its where you are on the map, and of course that can include your apartment or house as well. This will release the strain on doctors. There must be closure and it takes time. Jessica thank you! Once Jupiter (the oversized, biggest and greatest) has left Pisces, he moves into your solar Second House of cashflow and abundance. Thank you. The worst Covid crisis yet begins in March 2023. If you ended 2021 miles apart from the other person, then in 2022 you may decide to pursue a reconciliation or peace treaty. More than that, though, you need to find the right place for it. Thats another story though! Inflation is back. To answer your questions: there will be more crashes by 2026. Happy New Year. Happy New Year. Always be aware of the kinds of people within these groups or circles and the sort of relationship you have with them. The Black Death saw a population drop in medieval Europe that led to a labour shortage, a rise in wages and a rise in prices. You have a highly unusual Minerva pattern in your chart. Psychic Astrologer Jessica Adams Shares Her Predictions for 2023, You'd Be Wise to Take Note. Happy New Year. The year 2023 is full of highs and lows. Take the highs and the lows, and the bits in between. John Cleese, October 27th No more kerosene. Hi Jessica, hope you are well & enjoyed the festive period. Leo, what Paul Weller called the Money-Go-Round is the most important feature of this year. Electric cars can only go so far. Why? Location, location, location. Big Apple soothsayers gave the skinny on 2022 to The Post's Dean . In 2022 you are almost at the end of this cycle and no doubt a great deal of emotion and a fair amount of empowerment, too, has been the result. You are solely responsible for what you post. The United Nations will be transformed and replaced from March 2023, the month when everything changes. The year of the Rabbit is dramatic, but how did astrology accurately predict 2022? This is what you read three years before it happened . THE ROYAL FAMILY March 2023 sees the biggest reshuffle in the Royal Family since King George III was replaced by George IV as Prince Regent in his place. Good things do come out of difficulty. If your marriage is on the rocks you may split, at last but create a superior life around a child. I am a Capricorn with a mortgage to pay and dont want to be caught short again so am thinking of ways to minimise any effects this time around. You can negotiate. You will have to negotiate with him. hitting in 2020 and Meghan Markle's sensational TV interview rocking the Royal Family in 2021 has made some explosive predictions for 2022 and beyond. Scorpio, with your powerful ruling planet Pluto on your side in 2022, there is no doubt that you will be taking on the map and seriously considering shipping your most promising concepts (and even yourself) into new areas. This global pandemic enters the most critical phase yet from March 2023 in every country of the world and the science is already showing that the variant I predicted in September is the problem. 00:54. So before we look 12 months ahead, for your sign, let's check a couple of past predictions that came to pass. Psychic predictions for 2023 have arrived with the help of Astrology, Tarot cards, and other forms of divination and research. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-64100007. Your forecast about new digital currencies is interesting, especially the one for providing content online. I try to keep positive but there is so much change in my life these past 6 years since I became widowed. But it is the same cycle. Clean, green and lean. From March, the kinds of networks I am talking about will begin to cross your path. You also have stelliums in Gemini and Sagittarius so should be writing if you are not already doing that (even keeping a journal or a Substack). I find it interesting that the other signs show up in the ranks of the Greens and Independents. Once again keep up the good work, its truly helpful & insightful. I have been a long time reader of your website and blogs and am worried about the virus rearing its head again as I lost my job in 2020 because of the effects on the travel industry. And you seem to be very right about COVID-19 reaching its peak in March due to whats happening now in China. In the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, as the South Node in Sagittarius brings back the year 1983, youll notice something. You have the South Node in conjunction with Pluto near 23 Virgo. Hello. I have learned SO, SO much from you and have started my own astrology business. You get an A for patience. Australia avoided a hung parliament but Josh Frydenberg lost his seat. You want to emigrate. How can you make it all work? LIBRA The North Node of stuck karma entered your Seventh House of marriage, professional partnership, serious relationships, business duets, and all kinds of double-acts or duels, back on May 6th 2020. Thats Queen. Climate change and plague. In fact, it holds in 2023. You may feel like an outsider with this group (and actually be apart from it) or very much on the inside, but a collective goal has to be clearly seen, trusted, desired and understood. Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. Who benefits from charity, the recipient or the donor? Prediction and Dreams with Jessica Adams, Jane Teresa Anderson, Tara Buffington and Dr. Maria Kempinska moves you forward with Tarot, Astrology and dreams. Aretha Franklin, March 25th It may be that in your last life you were a peasant or labourer who had no power. Your career will look and feel completely different in March 2023 when the unsettled atmosphere of January and early February 2023 is over and you will see the end of a long period of difficulty with people or organisations basically power-tripping, manipulating or game-playing. But Im having a hard time imagining how our lives can continue forward positively with the specter of Covid getting worse. Thank you. ELON MUSK AND WALL STREET This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. Dont neglect or ignore any part of your portfolio or experience or what is in the bottom drawer. The duet is about your twin souls, no matter if you are together personally or professionally. Please keep reading for dates to use with your finances in 2022 and your Tarot card for the year ahead. Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. You are concerned about your twins, who are Capricorn Millennials. Gemini is the zodiac sign which rules your Ninth House, so the worldwide web, publishing and particularly foreigners and foreign countries. Hard-work Saturn in Aquarius is in your Eleventh House of networks and communities in 2022, so you will have to stretch yourself this year. Wishing you all the very best for the year ahead Jessica. Obviously Jupiters involved here, Im trying to track the 3 generations part? By that, I mean your home town or homeland. Jessica Adams. I hope that helps. Will Saturn in Pisces remove my reliance on these types of things? In 2019, consumers spent nearly $40 million on the top 10 U.S. psychic and astrology apps, compared to $24 million . Its very similar to the cigarette companies in the 1990s. This prediction ran the day before the World Cup kicked off. Yes, Nicola Sturgeon is doomed, just looking at these astrology charts for 2023 and 2024. Please take time to read the Comment Policy of this website because it applies to you and contains important information about how commenting works on this website. Are you a Premium Member? You tend to find people who are over-the-top and too much, when Jupiter is in Aries in the Eleventh House of groups. A British-born astrologer, Jessica Adams, well known for her Covid-19 prediction back in 2019 as well as Donald Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis, has shared some thoughts regarding Prince Harry's . You will either be so wealthy that you can afford to give, lend or donate to people who have much less than you or you may find things are on the upturn, as your low bank balance is helped by a generous person or organisation. I feel really anxious about life right now and in March. This may be about your son, if you share a flat together, and perhaps the benefits for your combined souls will come from a rabbi. It sounds as if you have switched-on managers. Yes, it may do. I have some diary dates for you and your Tarot reading for 2022. This is the last full year of powerful Pluto in Capricorn, in your solar Eleventh House of groups. Teal women independent candidates will finish off the Liberal Party in New South Wales in March 2023 as Sydney votes. Keep reading if youre a Premium Member, for diary dates and your Tarot prediction for 2022. This is the UK Unification chart. If you want to move within your country, your chances are good until July when the South Node leaves Scorpio and your Fourth House of property, home and belonging. Job-sharing. Its really simple. Listen here. At around the same time we have the South Node entering Scorpio and your Eleventh House of groups, friends and frenemies. 2022 and 2023 are really challenging, but 2024 will save us. Working a partial week. You are doing the right thing wearing your N95 mask indoors. The past 10 years I have spent on self work getting over work issues and health issues. You will make new friends from March 2023 who are quite powerful people. You are quite right to wonder about Saturns opposition to your Virgo stellium in the Sixth House of workload, lifestyle and health. Thank you. I am a premium member and will be grateful you telling me based on my chart, do you see a life partner in my life from this year? One of Baba Vanga's most widely attributed prophecies in 2023 is that, somehow, the Earth . The solutions are already here for children. A supply of N95 masks is sensible, for when you are forced to go into a store. Once lit it never stops. Once one of them pioneers it, they will all compete, of course. And yet Scotland will still become independent, without her. You are a Sun Aquarius women with Capricorn, Aries and Taurus stelliums, so will lose the politics in your career, academic career or unpaid work in March 2023. We might also say, money is the root of all evil people will do anything for money. Watch the video as it has much more detail and other insights. . Looking at your chart as a whole, you are a Sun Virgo with Virgo, Cancer, Libra stelliums. It depends on your natal chart, but if you also have Taurus factors and/or Scorpio factors, Leo, you could end up far richer in 2022. It happens. "Every time Saturn (difficult days, long life lessons) passes through Pisces (Christianity) we always see a crisis for the Christian church. It is very likely that one, two, three or all four signs will be involved together in a major question about a collective, community, political party, grassroots organisation, association, society, ensemble cast, board of directors, sports team or similar. I know you receive hundreds of these requests so Im hoping that you are able to provide some feedback if time allows. Reading your predictions I am concerned about Pluto entering in Aquarius and Saturn moving into Piscis. You are a Cancer Sun with Saturn about to enter your Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries in March 2023. You may feel that you are shut out then, or shut in. The worst phase of Covid is coming from March, but the solution to Covid is also here. The Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces Your Questions We now have over 4000 people in our Astrology and Tarot Meetup groups in New York. Because of a rare, historic line-up in Capricorn. Its about protecting yourself and being sensible. This is you in 2022. They have given Covid perfect conditions for doing that and unfortunately the astrology will be right. A very good reason for this is that Jupiter vanishes then returns. Anyone like you who lives in Missouri, while Pluto is in Aquarius, should understand that collectively you can do anything. That will also help a lot. All prices are charged in US Dollars. Good point, Deborah, Mr. Morrison may emigrate to New Zealand. You are right that I have been isolated from friends due to COVID, and naturally learning through that process who are my true friends and who are superficial/taking advantage of my kindness/listening skills. Why? Some signs this year will find themselves in fated cycles with each other, this year. This reminds us that the Delta variant of COVID-19 also began in India. The result? Thank you. Youll see a global victory for women and girls begin in July 2023 when the South Node goes into Libra and back into its old Suffragette position. You do have choices to make about the daughters here, as does he about your partnership, but dont try to rush an outcome, as the wheels will spin backwards and forwards until March. Youll see more of what I am talking about after May. This idea comes from the old association of your sign with royalty. And what will the change of government be like in NSW? That was April 14th 2003 until December 26th 2004 (the first time) and depending on your age, the South Node in Scorpio would have picked up your solar Eleventh House of communities and social circles, September 12th 1984 to April 6th 1986. So, a sea-change is well overdue in terms of your approach towards other views and other backgrounds. The end of skyscrapers is something astrology also predicted. Boris Johnson - no-confidence vote. Could you also explain what you mean by VIRGO A journey, met by you, or taken by you, changes your life. Are we talking about a physical journey? This may be work-life balance or just sunscreen. Just thought this may possibly be in keeping with what you have said about breakthroughs with UVC. Hi Jessica, We will see some new female superstars in politics then. I have a cabinet full of N95s, also grabbing some pharmaceuticals as Ive noticed they are on short supply. A longer prediction for your sign will appear on 1st January. Could this be the start of the class action lawsuits you have forecasted? 2023 will be fascinating. What about Canada? In 1350 on the last Uranus and North Node in Taurus cycle, they called it The Little Ice Age. That is why it was possible for me to predict the virus, twice, and even date-stamp it (on this website) back in 2019. Several predictions for next year have already been made from an almanac, Baba Vanga, and Nostradamus.And now Nicolas Aujula has revealed what he sees happening in 2022. A memory. Call it your twelve-year big break. If you want children, or stepchildren, thats Leo and the Fifth House. Please login now to access your Premium Member content. Happy new year to you when it comes, warrior women unite! Next year looks set to be just as chaotic as 2021, according to a gifted psychic, who predicts there will be drama involving chicken soup, a happier 12 months for the Queen and a new superfood I feel he will stay in power. Its just very, very challenging emotionally. Thank you so much in advance for your time and help!!! i was wondering if there is any hope to do it before 2026 big shutdown may this new digital currencies help me save money for the journey as most of digital wallets banned in my country make it harder even to be a member of your site, also : i have thots of launching a web project for specific country may help in getting a scholarship or job offer to relocate They had one job and did not do it. Again, it will be March that is a turning point month when he really addresses the issue of his face, hair, body and clothes. Being heard and read. Thank you so much Janie Bee, I know a lot of readers will appreciate this link. Trump will vanish from the scene, but will Ron replace him? Heres to 2023 Jessica! There is a commitment, when Pluto is in conjunction with Juno on 24th January, about a week later. I know you said to be prepared. You also have challenges when Chiron is also in Aries, again in the Eleventh House of particular circles, communities, clubs and team efforts. The Queens head on the notes and coins would no doubt be overturned. Two years before it happened, this forecast named September 2022 as a date to watch: We could speculate that the pound would be devalued, replaced or challenged. Because you spend so much time pondering and preparing. Will be interesting to see if your prediction regarding healthcare will come to fruition. We have an astrology chart for the UK set for 12th July 927AD at 12.00 noon in Eamont, near Penrith. THE NEW UNITED NATIONS It could qualify as one of the most severe Mercury Retrograde events of all time. And so to your other son who says he is transgender. Will this occur with the new cryptocurrency? ( I purchased it and waiting) He really wants to retire this year. Hello Jessica, My daughters are twins born 3 Jan 2002. Happy New Year. We can laugh about the supermarket bans on bulk purchase of loo paper, but its back. Rock band. Im excited for this dramatic year ahead, Im a Rabbit so its my Chinese lunar return, seriously hoping my writing career will take off, planning to use the Astro weather to edit for the next 3 months with a send out date to agents of late March/April once things start moving astrologically. The scales will balance. In transit, Jupiter encourages you to take a lofty view of what is happening to you, on planet earth. Thank you. Youll go more than once and in fact it may become part of your life. Twitter told us the rest. Many Aries people have moved home and/or workplace more than once since 2008 when this Pluto cycle began, because its been so difficult to get the location for work or home right. Some will be Virgo, who have Uranus in Taurus in their solar Ninth House. How will these two transits work together? She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins). psychic astrologer Jessica Adams, said she saw 'a virus twice' in 2019. Thank you AJ. Happy New Year 2023 to you and yours, sincerely! Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. Wishing everyone in this community loads of great stuff. By posting a comment you grant Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited explicit and irrevocable permission to publish your comment including your name. In his pre-political life, Scott Morrison worked in New Zealand. I did send one but have not had a response. Jupiter is associated with optimism, high hopes and expansion in astrology and together with Chiron, a great symbol of getting away with it there is a feeling that home turf is not enough for you any more. Thank you for an AD FREE, CLEAN, Q&A FILLED BLOG. Dec. 31, 2021 3:15 AM PT. My family never went back to normal really. You can give yourself a reading for 2023 right away using the three card decks here. New technology will be the handmaiden of a planet that does not unfairly burden some nations with rising sea levels, unbearable hot temperatures and so on. You have him taking you higher until 10th May then he is gone from your chart, not to return until 28th October. First of all the Rising Sign is not important. Premium Member? Will you be teaching or learning at a high level in 2022? It takes two, for these signs. Anthony Kiedis, November 1st Chris Difford, November 4th Best wishes for the new year Jessica. After the deaths of Prince Philip and the Queen, it is quite concerning prediction about King Charles. Good luck! Trump collapsing is of course, when, not if. Your email address will not be published. This is now confirmed in January 2023. The old days of corporations like Pfizer making money from injections will be replaced by new proof that the solution always was, always will be, disinfected interior air. "I see for her, she's got great love . While no one can say what 2021 will look like for certain, ABC4 spoke with a few local intuitives and turned to the readings of renowned psychic Nostradamus to get a glimpse of how they think the year will play out. If you two can find common ground, then you can start working on 1-2 more people and so on. You will find yourself surrounded by intriguing points of view, and fascinating influences in 2002. hi Jessica Others will be Leo, who have Jupiter in Aries in their solar Ninth House. A psychic has claimed that she predicted the coronavirus outbreak a year before the pandemic happened. Virgo, you cant separate the two of you from a higher authority, power or guide. Have a wonderful new year. Do you see any positive change coming for me or should I prepare for more challenging years? Just like the people of 1350, you can name your price in 2022 and 2023, if you are in the right career. youre a wonderful astrologer and I follow your predictions with great interest. Now its too hot, because so many trees have been cut down forloo paper. Still more influences around you, via the world of books, knowledge, websites or wisdom in 2022 will be Jupiter types they have an elevated, highly evolved view of life and keep their feet on the ground by using favourite books (bibles) as their foundation. An ongoing issue that everybody is wondering about is the war in Ukraine. The slow build of the Gemini weather, which dominates from 2026. This comes at a time when most people are celebrating the Christmas and New Year holiday with great gusto after years of little to no festivities. What are your thoughts on Ron Desantis becoming the GOP nominee if Trump collapes? Thank you. This may be a business project involving a board. Trees replaced abandoned farms and deserted villages. Women should definitely not wheesht x. I hope youre well and 2022 has been good to you. Of course, there may be good reasons why you develop a new style in 2022 and 2023. Caring for your parents is a full-time job by itself, Im sure. Be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their exchange... Or homeland see psychic predictions for 2022 jessica adams of what I am concerned about Pluto entering in and. Take Note life right now and in fact it may be good reasons why you develop a style... Your N95 mask indoors & insightful ongoing issue that everybody is wondering about is the war in.. Nominee if trump collapes independent, without her of skyscrapers is something astrology also.... Particularly foreigners and foreign countries are able to provide some feedback if time allows town homeland! 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