You can test it on your skin before ingesting. It is excellent before meditation, as it resonates with the third-eye chakrayour center of clairvoyance. Rhodium has a balancing and harmonizing effect on all levels of body, mind, and spirit. Iridium visors have a colored mirror like appearance from the outside that reflects a lot of light, they are essentially tinted visors best for use in bright sun. National Library of Medicine. Its specific gravity is 22.562 (at 20C). Aluminium - The magician's "invisibility metal". acetic acid), and ignition tips for spark plugs.[77]. As in energy magic alloy making you are dealing with at least 31 x 31 possible combinations, and infinitely more if you vary the relative measure of the mixes in the alloys, or mix more than just two, alchemical alloy making is in essence, infinite. Potential health effects: Eye: may cause eye irritation. Die technische Speicherung oder der Zugang ist unbedingt erforderlich fr den rechtmigen Zweck, die Nutzung eines bestimmten Dienstes zu ermglichen, der vom Teilnehmer oder Nutzer ausdrcklich gewnscht wird, oder fr den alleinigen Zweck, die bertragung einer Nachricht ber ein elektronisches Kommunikationsnetz durchzufhren. K), Abundance of crust: 0.4 parts per billion weight, 0.05 parts per billion mol, Abundance of the solar system: 2 parts per billion weight, 0.01 parts per billion moles. As of 2003, world reserves have not been estimated. The very rare metal awakens our psychic abilities dormant in us and activates the pineal gland. Iridium Uses & Properties. As practiced by Syngenta on the scale of 10,000 tons/year, the complex [[ [Ir(COD)Cl]2 in the presence of Josiphos ligands. Actual dosage will vary based on individual needs. They required burning more than 300 litres (79USgal) of pure O2 and H2 gas for each 1 kilogram (2.2lb) of iridium. It is believed to increase the electrical transmission across the synapses within the brain to improve memory, increase mental alertness and promote general tissue regeneration of the neurological tissues. Chromium is primarily a catalyst that helps lift us up and out of ordinary places and into the extraordinary. It has therefore been linked over the millennia with everything to do with health, wealth, and growth. I took this product and my dreams were so vividI could remember even small details and I vaguely remember alot of my dreams before this precious gem. The colloid particles of this liquid dispersion can technically only be produced by high-voltage electrolysis, which has a significant influence on the properties, quality and bioavailability. It is necessary for upgrading your tools fully and for making extremely useful items such as the Iridium Band or. Iridium is not affected by acids, bases, or most other strong chemicals, according to Chemistry Explained. That property makes it useful in making objects that are exposed to such materials. A variety of Iridium rich in Platinum. This is the perfect metal for "black space" meditations. I order the gold & platinum and was doubtful the first few days in the week. Iridium compounds are used as catalysts in the Cativa process for carbonylation of methanol to produce acetic acid. Updates? It can be dissolved in concentrated hydrochloric acid in the presence of sodium perchlorate at 125 to 150 C (257 to 302 F). Iridium and Rhodium will Awaken Your Kundalini Shakti Energy. Instead, you can power it up in just a few seconds and finish the task. On the other hand, Iridium already has global coverage which also spans across oceans due to its technology, which in contrast to Globalstar's use of a ground-based phone network to relay phone. It's a good metal to use for a magic wand because of this. Super-strong jewelry is also made of an iridium and platinum alloy. Iridium has been reported to help build this protection! It is a dense metal and has a relative density of 22.42. There are a variety of perspectives on Kundalini provided by current texts and experts, each with their own special contribution. Real-Time Connectivity. ), Be the first to review Monoatomic Iridium, Monatomic Orme Products Monatomic Gold and Elements, Sensu Being, C60 in Oil & More. Within this raiment, Kundalini Shakti resides in either a contained or a released state. and changes in LED technology. Tennant usually gets the credit, though. Gallium challenges our idea of the established and asks us to let go of preconceptions, stretching our receptive abilities to discover the truth about reality, which is always multi-dimensional. Wholesale discount available: Spend$250 on Monatomic Elements, and receive 10% off your order! Protection: Ginger can be used to create a protective shield around the body, helping to ward off negative energy and evil spirits. At room temperature and standard atmospheric pressure, iridium has been calculated to have a density of 22.65g/cm. I'm a pilot and that's important when monitoring critical instruments during difficult landings. It was used in making the standard metre bar, which is an alloy of 90% platinum and 10% iridium. Use Indium for meditations of the true unknown, the unfamiliar, and to expand consciousness. Those who are uncertain if they are allergic to iridium should apply a few drops to the back of the hand to see if an allergic reaction results. Made with the highest purity, sterile reagent grade deionized water. Like silver and gold, Rhodium and Iridium assist in the efficiency and performance of the neural circuitry, in the synaptic connections. For instructions on how to enable cookies, please see the help section of your browser. The alluvial deposits used by pre-Columbian people in the Choc Department of Colombia are still a source for platinum-group metals. Do not take if you are allergic to iridium. When you make the switch to iridium spark plugs, then you may notice an immediate improvement to your acceleration profile. The first time I tried it I instantly felt changes on a energetic level. Germanium is an excellent metalloid for stimulating finding the truth beyond the form and is therefore a particularly useful addition to truth potions, and to cut through mental confusions and prejudices. A 2021 buyer's guide comparing the features and benefits of Iridium prepaid SIM cards and Iridium monthly pay-as-you-go satellite phone plans, published by Roadpost. Iridium's principal use is to harden platinum by making a platinum alloy. [10] The first use of an alloy of iridium with ruthenium in thermocouples was made by Otto Feussner in 1933. Fortune theme by Pixel Union, powered by BigCommerce. It has a density of 22.65 grams per cubic centimeter. Ida is the upflowing channel and is benefited by Iridium, and Pingala is the downflowing channel which benefits from Rhodium.The two together are known to really get the Kundalini Energy going since they flow around the chakras. JavaScript is disabled. It is extremely complex and when added to an alloy, increases the complexity of the mix by its very presence. The fine central electrodes of the iridium spark plugs will work hard to make sure that you get the best ever experience in the ignition. All human beings, regardless of era, religion, or culture, are vessels of this holy omnipotent, luminous presence that ardently urges us to cooperate with her efforts to increase our spiritual awareness and growth. Uranium is the shape shifter metal. - Does not interact or interfere with any medications. However, soluble salts, such as the iridium halides, could be hazardous due to elements other than iridium or due to iridium itself. ", "Densities of Osmium and Iridium Recalculations Based upon a Review of the Latest Crystallographic Data", "Densities of osmium and iridium: recalculations based upon a review of the latest crystallographic data", "Iridium Platinum Alloys - A Critical Review Of Their Constitution And Properties", "The Hardening of Platinum Alloys for Potential Jewellery Application", "The Synthesis of Iridium Disulfide and Nickel diarsenide having the Pyrite Structure", "Polyhydrides of Platinum Group Metals: Nonclassical Interactions and -Bond Activation Reactions", "Several Papers concerning a New Semi-Metal, Called Platina; Communicated to the Royal Society by Mr. Wm. Tennant discovered iridium by dissolving crude platinum in diluted aqua regia (a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids), then by treating the black residue left behind in turn with alkalis and acids, according to the Royal Society of Chemistry. [deleted] 11 yr. ago Performance. Plutonium is alive, active and extremely complex. Mercury is in essence a flow of crystals, a crystal river. New York, Please note: These are essential properties of metal as used in ENERGY MAGIC. Manganese has interesting effects on its environment and belongs to the group of metals used in shape shifting. A compound of osmium and iridium, called osmiridium, is used in fountain pen tips and compass bearings. Iridium is indeed the "Alchemy of the Sages!". [60] By 2015 very little is known about the toxicity of iridium compounds,[100] primarily because it is used so rarely that few people come in contact with it and those who do only with very small amounts. The fact is they just degrade slower and last much longer. Iridium is found mostly in meteorites. Here is everything you need to know about the two lenses to help you decide. Buyer is responsible for return shipping costs. As people have said, plastics scratch regardless, its just the iridium visors tend to have more visible scratches. In her released state, Kundalini Shakti is dynamically active and strives to improve her spiritual status and complete her rising, pressing to elevate to the One, despite whatever blocks may impede her ascent. In high-spin conditions, this monatomic element has even been known to have antigravity properties and has been used in levitation experiments. Iridium is 100 percent powerful, it already has made my visions and dreams more clear and I only been taking it almost a week now May God bless you Naazir and your family, keep doing what you do. Well before we even get to its spiritual side. Spiritual benefit from cannabis was reported by 66.1% of the sample, and 5.5% reported it had sometimes been a spiritual hindrance. Instructions:1-2 tablespoons per 70 lbs body weight daily as needed. [c][47] Discovery of the new elements was documented in a letter to the Royal Society on June 21, 1804. Like the other metalloids, there is a whole lot more to it than meets the eyes, and bismuth particularly combines a great many "wonderful" properties of the other metals, crystals and metalloids, such as multi-faceted refraction, flow, regularity of structure and metaphysical expansion. The name iridium comes from the Latin word iris, which means rainbow. Spirituality can help improve overall mental health. Die technische Speicherung oder der Zugriff ist fr den rechtmigen Zweck der Speicherung von Prferenzen erforderlich, die nicht vom Abonnenten oder Benutzer angefordert wurden. Meditations and potions invoking rhodium have the power to move the world in a very different way. If you can clear your mind of the general ideas about tin, you will find it a very helpful, compliant and co-operative element for symbol making especially. When working with gold, bear in mind that most things sold as gold these days are alloys. [50] This phenomenon, known as the Mssbauer effect resulted in the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1961, at the age 32, just three years after he published his discovery. NY 10036. Iridium is the most corrosion-resistant element on the Periodic Table of Elements. All products are made from 99.99% pure metallic elements alchemically transmuted into monatomic form, then mixed with ionized water. Because of its ability to be silent in and of itself, it makes a good barrier to all forms of energy, and can be used to keep things in, as well as out; however, that is not its main purpose in energy magic but indeed, it is about "the silence within". The right column lists one representative compound for each oxidation state. The GoE MONEY!!! [96], Iridiumosmium alloys were used in fountain pen nib tips. Activates the pineal gland and the 3rd eye, Increases concentration, intuition and sensitivity, Improves signal transmission between synapses / nerve cells. Iridium spark plug: This type of plug with an iridium tip can cost anywhere between $20-$100 per piece. A range of installation kits available for on-the-move and fixed installation applications. It has a boiling point of 4,428C. (Discount applies to Monatomics only. Because of difficulties in preparation and fabrication, the pure metal has few applications. Useful for magical protection if worn as jewellry. Because it resists corrosion, it is used to set standards in weights and measures. It is very dense and rare and is used in platinum alloys. ga('send', 'pageview'); New Iridium GO! Therefore, you can use iron as a grounding tool for earthbound work and at the same time, as a universal tool for other work. [10] Since 1944, the famous Parker 51 fountain pen was fitted with a nib tipped by a ruthenium and iridium alloy (with 3.8% iridium). Spirituality. PolyMVA puts energy back into the DNA structure, tightening the DNA coil and turning off cancer-producing gene activity. As it clears blockages of sluggish energy, it will help to connect your higher spiritual aspects with Mother Gaia. Cloves are wonderful aids for soothing tension, frustrations, and worries. Rhodium is found in many plants, one of the most important of which being aloe vera. Iridium is the most corrosion-resistant material known. Iridium is helpful when absolute resolve is required; and through this resolve remaining steady, the environment becomes changed instead. Iridium is known to have levitational properties so you can imagine what great benifits it will have by ingesting it since you are what you eat: As with all of the platinum group metals, iridium can be found naturally in alloys with raw nickel or raw copper. Some may also begin spiritual practice due to simple love for God. It strives to answer questions about the meaning of life, how people are connected to each other, truths about the universe, and other mysteries of human existence. [57][58][59] Within Earth's crust, iridium is found at highest concentrations in three types of geologic structure: igneous deposits (crustal intrusions from below), impact craters, and deposits reworked from one of the former structures. It is good for a base, and a launch pad to far journeys, providing a grounding or beacon back home, as well as an ongoing "ladder" of unfoldment points to go further and further from home. Many of the spiritual benefits of holy basil are derived from the herb's . The best passive way to farm Iridium is to unlock the Statue Of Perfection, which produces 2-8 ores every day. Lakshmi is known as the Mother Goddess. They'll also increase the vividness of dreams, and help with recall of them. Tin is an amazing substance that is a reminder that metals are made of crystals and that they are only experienced by us as "metallic" and "hard" because the circumstances of our world hold it in that state. [73], The main areas of use of iridium are electrodes for producing chlorine and other aggressive products, OLEDs, crucibles, catalysts (e.g. Iridium is known to have levitational properties so you can imagine what great benifits it will have by ingesting it since you are what you eat: With its many aspects, it can become whatever the observer is most interested in and it has aspects of all major metals combined within it. Read "7 Spells That Will Change Your Life" by StarFields, For best results, please first read StarFields's. Last updated months ago. Here are some of the health benefits to help inspire your spiritual practice. They apparently perform essential tasks as superconductors in a sort of nutrient-of-consciousness role. Learn more about the application and dosage of colloids in the FGS info portal. From our perspective, Kundalini is not a path in itself but a universal process. She has multiple health, safety and lifesaving certifications from Oklahoma State University. Alina Bradford is a contributing writer for Live Science. Man-Down Functionality - Geotab integrated a Panic feature with the Iridium add-on that, when triggered, sends a top-priority . (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), Most common oxidation states of iridium are in bold. I research Iridium and to my surprise, it is also used for high tech communication devices like satellites! For others, it's about non . Iridium promotes improved cellular metabolism. [60] Iridium is also found in secondary deposits, combined with platinum and other platinum group metals in alluvial deposits. Her ultimate goal is our spiritual fulfillment. All rights reserved. Radiant, powerful and extremely psychically active. [51], Along with all elements having atomic weights higher than that of iron, iridium is only naturally formed by the r-process (rapid neutron capture) in supernovae and neutron star mergers. English chemist Smithson Tennant, French chemists H.V. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ Platiniridium. [90], The radioisotope iridium-192 is one of the two most important sources of energy for use in industrial -radiography for non-destructive testing of metals. A precious, silver-white metal, iridium is hard and brittle, but it becomes ductile and can be worked at a white heat, from 1,200 to 1,500 C (2,200 to 2,700 F). [19] In the nickel and copper deposits, the platinum group metals occur as sulfides (i.e. [93], Iridium complexes are key components of white OLEDs. [63], Iridium in sediments can come from cosmic dust, volcanoes, precipitation from seawater, microbial processes, or hydrothermal vents,[63] and its abundance can be strongly indicative of the source. Here are 20 spiritual uses of ginger: Spiritual cleansing: Ginger is believed to have a purifying effect on the body and can be used to cleanse negative energy. - You should not use this product if you are allergic to iridium! [64][63] It tends to associate with other ferrous metals in manganese nodules. Haritaki is a proverbial spiritually rejuvenating herb that relaxes your mind and suppresses the ego voice. Smaller reserves are found in the United States. It is known to help to combine the energies of the heart chakra, base and solar plexus chakra to create a more intense vibration within them. Originally reported from Urals Region, Russia. Skin: low hazard for usual industrial handling. He doesn't give her gold because he feels one should take that after healing the body. Iridium accelerates the metabolism and will clash with indium which calms things by fixing every endocrine system problem in the body. - Contains no iridium ions. Both radiant and reflective, it can be used as a portal for extradimensional travel. The abundance of iridium in seawater[61] and organisms[62] is relatively low, as it does not readily form chloride complexes. Though rare, iridium does occur in natural alloys with other noble metals: in iridosmine up to 77 percent iridium, in platiniridium up to 77 percent, in aurosmiridium 52 percent, and in native platinum up to 7.5 percent. Blue iridium is more suited to night riding than silver iridium. National Center for Biotechnology Information. For some, it's primarily about a belief in God and active participation in organized religion. Glassdoor is your resource for information about Iridium Satellite benefits and perks. Forms of Iridium, and its twin Rhodium account for some 5% or more of the dry weight of the brain. ", "Radioisotope Brief: Iridium-192 (Ir-192)",, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 17:02. Scientists are not aware of any health benefits or risks associated with iridium. Spiritual practices such as meditation or mindfulness have the potential to trigger . In order to shop on this Web store, you must have cookies enabled. Because only with this high quality technology, when used correctly, we achieve the best possible quality of colloids: smallest particle size, highest energy content, bioavailability, long shelf life, suspended state. I got these benefits and that was the most logical explanation I could come up with. Iridium does not interfere with medications. It is recommended that Alkaline Supreme Platinum be taken when using this product for best results. Between synapses / nerve cells receive 10 % off your order eye irritation nickel and copper,! By current texts and experts, each with their own special contribution with health, safety lifesaving... Every day per piece with an iridium and to expand consciousness 'pageview ' ) ; iridium... The brain purity, sterile reagent grade deionized water compound for each oxidation.. 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