in high humidity a wilting cutting will perk up within hours and not wilt. The leaves may recover or may not. The solution is a boost to the plant's . It may not display this or other websites correctly. There is no set rules to cloning. Some totally wilt over limp and others show signs of low humidity stress (the leaves curl up to a crisp on day 2-3 after transplant) The clones are rooted in rockwool cubes and hardened off gradually from day 5 -10, removing the dome completely for a day or 2. Then moved on to jiffy pellets and got to thinking. they could be eaten to recover the plant. I cant find guidelines on how much to mix anywhere. In perennials, trim back about one-third of the plant. The leaves are still green snd soft though, No you didn't come off as a dick at all, I'm the dunce for not realising this was the same Transplanting young marijuana clones or seedlings is one of the first things novice gardeners need to master. Bunz. hiboy May 4, 2017 #2 Vonkins said: I explain how to properly acclimate the babies in my cloning article. because this is a thread for my Banana Kush hahah. My issue is everytime I bring my Clones home from the store and transplant them, they wilt and the leaves drop. Join 420 Magazine and our collective mission of activists promoting Cannabis awareness since 1993. I generally run 2.5 sqft for a 24 inch sativa dom. THats your best one and has the least issuesthe OGxSD has nothing more then a deficiency get that one going!! it just needed some water and light. #2. You are using an out of date browser. i've noticed that if i run the humidifier thru the dark cycle it can reach 80-90% humidity, or if i leave it off it stays around 40-50, which is better? JavaScript is disabled. Vapedogg223's Got a Brand New Bag! They are all short indicas btw, 2 fire og, 1 banana og, 1 kandy kush. Today they are looking so good. I had it sitting outside for a few hours in the sun today. they could be eaten to recover the plant. It only helps with some plants but, as this will not harm the plant, it is worth a try. For these young plants the first transplant could be equated to a baby's first taste of solid food. I would use either CFL or T5 for cloning, if you can't use a aero-type cloner then you should have a humidity dome over these or be foliar feeding them. I have poked my fingers into the soil of a few of them and although it's dry for at least an inch or two, there is moist soil towards the middle and bottom of each container. I'm a freak about babying my clones before they get promoted to open air. unfortunately i gave them some tea and nutes and they aren't really rebounding like i had hoped. Always make sure the rootball stays moist when transplanting For this transplant shock preventer, when moving the plant make sure that the rootball stays moist in-between locations. While there is no sure-fire way to cure plant transplant shock, there are things you can do to minimize the transplant shock in plants. I remove the plant from the coco to check the roots and theyre 100% white and fat: no browning or discoloration, rot or thinning. Clones always do the looping at some point but the clones will bounce back.Get hold of a propagator and put the clones in for about the first week i keep the lid on and mist the clones and the inside of the lid with the vents closed.Sometimes the clones look like there a goner but that is why i like to do them in rockwool so i can see the Water this in well. It makes the plant stop focusing energy on photosynthesis and refocus on rooting. Step 1: analyse symptoms. Is there ever a good time to ignore these guidelines? Are you using nutes? ohspyro89 Feesh. I don't know enough about clonex to say wether that would help or not, I think they just need a chance to get established in the soil, you just need to have the soil throughly moistened so it's not pulling the water out of the cube. Step 2: analyse your watering schedule. The soil itself had a decent moistness to it to begin with, but maybe I just need to add more water? I don't know how far a MH/HPS should be hxvoc Resistance Commander You would get them 5-8 days after they were pulled up bare root and they grew into fantastic plants. Any advice welcomed! In perennials, trim back about one-third of the plant. A genetic replica of its parent or clone. Once hitting top of dome, transplant to happy frog in 1 gal for 3-4 weeks, then 5 gal and flower time. 60-65% is ideal RH around 80 F. In all that, I forgot to mention a key point as to why drying back too much in an autopot, What do you mean by dryback? Are these things accurate at soil pH? But they do look pretty bad for sure need to be in the ICU. OK, so i've been letting them dry out for the last couple days and they don't seem to be getting any worse at least. JavaScript is disabled. It turns red at 3, and all the plants were at about that level. They would yank them out of the groud at about 5-6 inches tall bundle them in bunches of 50 and ship them out by UPS. Sent from my iPod touch using Forum Runner. That's when I remove the dome for 10 - 15 minutes, 2-3 times a day. what are your average times from cut to root? How much would i put in per litre? by HypnoticJUD | Aug 3, 2021 | Grower Questions | 5 comments. Spider Mites Gone Wild! If they are in Rock Wool cubes and they have new roots growing out of them, (not just a few small roots, but a good number of them), then they should be ok to transplant. Hey guys, the Banana is doing EXCELLENT. Make sure you give it a good watering so that all of the soil is moist, and then you might have to give her some water right on top of the cube, as needed until the roots get established in the soil. Transplant to the dirt and mist the dome/pitcher and put it over the clone for the first two days. Isn't the ideal around 6 for the soil? Place the seed. If the small leaves are hanging in a downward direction, and have yet to perk back up, then chances are pretty good that its still way too early for transplanting. This goes for both seedlings and clones. Try it, you'll be surprised. You could easily do this by a double clone tray. Purpletrain. I use CFLs tho. These two fine strains have been doing great up till about now :( I did the final transplant into their last pit's, and they look like they hate it and are dying. Powdery Mildew Under the Microscope! Temps are around 76F and RH @ 60-70%. Thanks JMystro. Chronichemphog's Ongoing Indoor and outdoor grow, Cronichemphogs advanced led indoor-perpetual, Chronichemphogs dwc advanced led's time-grow-grow, Hawaiian Hemphog Cronichemphog's first outdoor grow, The Mountain - Grow Support From The Over 50 Club, Buy Dessert Mix feminized seeds by Herbies Seeds - Herbies, Marijuana Seeds in USA Cannabis Seeds For Sale in the US Buy Weed Seeds Online - Herbies, Clones drying up and sagging after transplanting them, All Content Copyright 1993-2023 420 Magazine All Rights Reserved. Meet expert cultivators sharing grow journals, tutorials and pictures in our gallery, while helping others answer frequently asked questions. Am I overwatering or doing something wrong? Photo Courtesy Heartland industries Automated Transplant Maybe shade it a day or 3 until it perks up. Read more articles about Environmental Problems. I've seen this before with clones in rock wool. Iv got some clonex , would this help the roots do you think? You are using an out of date browser. Either you enjoy my company or you are trying to troll me after I called you out for being a negative influence and lack of knowledge in another thread.. lol now i press new posts from looking at op's picture looks like he has shit load of perlite i thought of compaction Also but that is not the case .. That will do it least you learnt something next time start with 1 - 2 " seedling pot let it grow until you see roots coming out the bottom or sides .. Let soil dry out so root ball and soil stays together.. take out gently and transplant into a pot 2 times as deep and wide as leafs . I use T5s and CFLs for mine, then outside to veg in summer, or HO T5s in winter. Put a plastic baggie over the plants for a few days after transplant. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! All Content Copyright 1993-2023 420 Magazine All Rights Reserved. They are in a grow tent, and Im using a full spectrum LED that puts out 200w. Why didn't you water straight after transplanting like everyone said to with your others? Well, the one looks like it's drooping from a lack of humidity. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Please help me if there is anyway I can make life better for these two. i just misted them with warm water. So when do you not consider a clonea clone? Step 7: inspect your plants for pests. Please Welcome New 420 Sponsor MJ Wholesale, Graytail's 4th Perpetual: 4x4 Samsung Panels, Graytail's 3rd - 4x4 - Latest LED Tech - Lotsa Light, Graytail Goes LED - 810W Programmable Panel, Graytail's Cupwinners in High Brix Soil - 4x4 - 600W HPS - Perpetual - closed, All Content Copyright 1993-2023 420 Magazine All Rights Reserved. try NO SHOCK (plant supplement by Advance nutrients)when you transplant. i have just given them water the last couple of days but they aren't showing any signs of recovery. Step 5: analyse your environment. Just remove the humidity dome from your clones for a couple hours and watch all your clones wilt away. Newly rooted clones need cool temps and modest light for the first few days after transplant. PH on clones is higher then plants need to in the 6.8 ranger.also you need to gel your cutting as soon as you make them to stop Embolism or air thats stops the clone from getting any nutes.temp need to be 75 to 78.light need to be around the 150 to 200 watt floro need a good cloning solution oliva or your choice and keep them wet 24/7 lights on 24/7.clones can be tricky but once you are on your game its not a problem.I don't cut my leaves and i don't mist my clones.But thats me i think outside the box.If they tell me thats how its done ill look for a better way.lucky its been working so far lol. International Marijuana news, reviews and forums where you can utilize our scientific and medical articles, helping you to grow your own Cannabis. Now that you know a little more about how to avoid transplant shock and how to hopefully cure plant transplant shock, you know with a little plant preparation, preventing shock should be an easier task. thanks lefty, appreciate the help. that be like at least 80% humidity yo. Clones dont exactly change color just from being cut away from the mother plant, but once theyre established, they do tend to brighten up a bit in color. Seven or more days for established roots. JavaScript is disabled. If it is a plant with a main stem, cut off half of each leaf. low humidity is why they are wilting. A whole week??? Loving the show! This is my 2nd attempt, starting my first grow In my 44 tent. They will more than likely come around in soil without a dome if they have decent roots and the soil is wet. International Marijuana news, reviews and forums where you can utilize our scientific and medical articles, helping you to grow your own Cannabis. The thing I noticed as being off was the pH. Ph at 5.9 res temp 65 degrees F Air temp 72 degrees F humidity 35% Do you think the nutrients might still be a little high or is this normal during the transplant. What can that mean? There is a science to drying back and if, But you can use the leaf trichomes as an indicator of when you may be needing to start your flush,, 2023 Dude Grows LLC || MADE WITH IN COLORADO, Unless you transplanted into dry soil and didn't water at all? All times are GMT-5. Meet expert cultivators sharing grow journals, tutorials and pictures in our gallery, while helping others answer frequently asked questions. The normal tray with no holes at the bottom having perlite spread out evenly and heavily saturated with water. Nice lefty, some of those clones are looking real good. You can trim off the half of the fan leaves to reduce area or take smaller cuttings. You would Cut the leaves at the ends to Help , if they are wilted? I have not had a seed not germinate. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Thanks for the help guys , iv taken the rockwools out of the soil , to try and stop the moisture being absorbed. or should i leach them to get the toxins out of the soil? When you first make clones, its a shock to the small piece of the marijuana plant, and understandably so, as it was just freshly chopped away from safety and comfort, and this tends to cause significant dropping and to wilt that is easy to see by eye. when you clone using rooting plugs or rockwool under a dome you cant just take them out and transplant them after they root take the dome off if it wilts spray down and re-cover dome when it looks good do it again until such time as the plant can stay looking good and healthy with the dome off and not wilting It can also be used as a transplant shock preventer if applied at the time of transplanting. There are extraordinary circumstances in which it may be best to transplant your cannabis clones early, and one good example of that is if you see mold begin to form on the surface of the soil, or pest start to nest around the stem. Also- any quick advice on space? But using this method I can usually have them happy in the open air after two weeks and once they've proven they like it .. that's when I transplant. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The cuttings may be too large with too much leaf mass. However, in the majority of situations, you should do everything within your power to ensure that it rests long enough to recover from the traumatic process, so try your best to be patient and wait unless danger is imminent. during the light cycle with the humidifier it stays 50-55%. They were in rockwool when I got them, rooted, and I immediately transplanted them into a basic organic potting soil. Agreed. Get back to it tonight. I think your problem is that the soil is pulling the moisture out of the rock wool cube faster than the roots can. I agree it's a water issue, most likely too much water, not enough O2. Clones dont take very long to transform into a nice and stable little marijuana plant, but if you try to transplant them too soon, there will be sudden disruption to the root system that is trying so hard to grow and establish itself. The top tray of exact same size but its shallow and it has a grate like surface. I found my clones do better with out humidity domes. Signs Of A Root Bound Plant: How Do I Know If A Plant Is Root Bound? The tips are starting to get black and curl. Lets face it, plants were not designed to be moved from place to place, and when we humans do this to them, it is bound to cause some problems. Transplanting Honeysuckles: How To Transplant A Honeysuckle Vine Or Shrub, Pittosporum Transplant Info: How To Transplant Pittosporum Shrubs, How To Create A Secret Garden In Your Own Backyard, Reasons For No Brussels Sprouts On Plants, Chipmunk Control: Eliminating Chipmunks From Your Garden, Root Knot Nematode Disease: A Stunted Plant Growth Cause, Caring For Yucca: Tips For Landscaping With Yuccas Outdoors, Home & Garden Marketplace: Advertiser Info. That gets me 2.5 oz. Good luck, Transplanting is pure bro science in my humble opinion. I totally agree with Steve. When they are ready to be planted, simply fill the pot halfway with your dirt mix, then dig a small hole about 2in wide 1-2 in deep, and simply hold your clone with one hand by the stem, and put the roots down into the soil, back filling the soil you dug out of the hole to cover the roots. The roots are absolutely imperative for your marijuana plant to absorb water and nutrients from the soil, and if theyre disturbed before theyre ready, that one simple decision could be enough to stunt or kill it, and the best way to avoid that, is by waiting at least 7 days before making the big move. But sometimes cubes is what I have on hand so I use them. Clones Wilting When Removed From Aerocloner Vonkins May 4, 2017 None 1 2 Next Vonkins May 4, 2017 #1 My clones will have great roots, then I will remove them from my aerocloner and put them in premoisten soil. 2 days after transplant the two smaller ones are starting to wilt, one of them very badly. Maybe this is the main culprit? I watered them, they both came back up, then this one stopped and starting wilting again. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Step 4: analyse your growing medium. Join 420 Magazine and our collective mission of activists promoting Cannabis awareness since 1993. Meet expert cultivators sharing grow journals, tutorials and pictures in our gallery, while helping others answer frequently asked questions. You're currently browsing the forum as a guest. JavaScript is disabled. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Day three cut a bigger hole in the baggie. After reading this I think I fixed a couple kinks in my rockwool game. Life finds a way my friend, I just read half of that. Get a clearish juice pitcher tall enough to use as a dome for your clone, or something smaller I don't know how big of clones you take, dollar store should have em. It has a meter going from 1-9 (dry-wet). Marijuana Plant Problems Wilting Clones and Slow Growth after Transplanting into Soil rydintoker May 24, 2009 R rydintoker Member May 24, 2009 #1 Im currently working on my third crop of clones takin from my snowcap plants. Back on in time and they perk right up. Join 420 Magazine and our collective mission of activists promoting Cannabis awareness since 1993. I just moved the wilting ones closer to the light, hoping that may help. So thsts what I started and to this date. Mark the spot with a tooth pick or something. I used to soak, sprout in napkins blah blah. Starting a seed in a jiffy is no different than Starting it in the final container. And what soil did you plant them into? but as we all know, it can be a one of a million things. We put together a short transplanting video outlining some of the details listed below. They need to be acclimated before leaving the dome. Are you PH'ing your water? They are going into shock from the low humidity. should i keep them wet or let the soil completely dry between waterings? It is just like hardening off transplants when we take them out of the greenhouse before we transplant them into the field. The roots are gunna be relatively small so watering the base is essential. U do this and decrease ur chances of wilting from dehydration. I know the dispensaries say that the customers prefer clones in the rock wool cubes, but I personally can't stand the stuff, unless I'm using it for insulation or sound absorption. You seem to appear in most all of my friends posts or anywhere I post.. Bring your dying weed plant back to life. 50% is usually a little too low for most varieties out of a dome. That's how i see it. I assume that it is best to wait until this is dry as well before the next watering? The more roots that come with the plant, the less likely transplant shock in plants will set in. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. mix it in water use to presoak soil (mix well, don't make dirt to wet or too dry) also place plant in the dark or dim light ( no grow lights) for 4 or 5 hours to rest. i fed them with AN's suggested feeding ppms around 480 ph is 5,9 water temp 70 air temp 75 they havent had there rest period, that will hapen in about a half hour or so for six hours! Drooping leaves after a transplant can result from a lack of water, even if the plant has been given the same amount of water it usually needs. should i wet the inside of the plastic wrap? However, my mother/veg room humidity levels have drastically tanked to low 40s which generally isnt the case. You could put a humidity dome on the plant to perk her back up. They are in a grow tent, and Im using a full spectrum LED that puts out 200w. These clones were taken from the mother plants after two weeks of flowering. That will do it least you learnt something next time start with 1 - 2 " seedling pot let it grow until you see roots coming out the bottom or sides .. Let soil dry out so root ball and soil stays together.. take out gently and transplant into a pot 2 times as deep and wide as leafs . I have used Olivia's in water before and that seemed to work fine. A wireless transplanter can drastically cut down labor in your propagation process. I can get more pH'd water at the hydo store but they don't open til tomorrow morning so i guess a half cup will have to do for now. International Marijuana news, reviews and forums where you can utilize our scientific and medical articles, helping you to grow your own Cannabis. You cant grab just any old soil or dirt from the garden and hope it will be good enough, because this is a developing seedling that needs some extra love and care, and that is why, we highly recommend waiting until you have nutrient-dense soil, lights, and everything else you might need for it to flourish before you start. You will not see any new growth until well after the root system is established, because, in order to flourish like this, it needs to be able to eat, which it cant do until it has a grasp on the soils and nutrients inside of the pot. My nutrients levels are at 470ppm which was about half of what the bottle recommended dosage is for seedlings and clones. With fox farm i typically dont feed during veg until 1 week before flower. o.k., that covers the whys, but what to do about it? Clones don't take very long to transform into a nice and stable little marijuana plant, but if you try to transplant them too soon, there will be sudden disruption to the root system that is trying so hard to grow and establish itself. Took your advice and just picked up a pH/light/moisture reader from the garden center. Generally, cannabis clones are temporarily placed into small pots that allow for hundreds if not thousands to be lined up in a very small space while they get themselves established, but most growers cant wait to switch their new babies over to vessels that are more suitable for a long term stay. After over 10 days in the clone dome, misting twice a day, they start the "harding off" process for a couple of days. Trim back the plant Trimming back the plant allows the plant to focus on regrowing its roots. And you'll be in business. My first time grow is having problem help please! Just put some carnations in the garden outside and yesterday they looked like they would die. It doesn't come from seed. When I relocated one of my outdoor plants, some of the. Is there a formation of roots and if so are they wet?have they been under that light for a while? The transplant may be causing the wilting, not the dome. The humidity hopefully will help keep the clone from wilting. Check the other thread. It's not uncommon nor a big deal. Lots of time for outdoor grow, lots more leaf will take it's place then remove when they get yellow. Can this process go faster with the help of fertilizer? Water every 3 days. Home Made Clearex for Pennies! Even the most helpful nutrients and chemicals can be abrasive, especially if they're poured directly onto an open wound that remains from the cutting, so avoid fertilizers and additives that are not intended for cloning at all costs. Once the water has drained, dig out a . Ive always had 100% success rate once my clones achieve nice large roots and planted in coco now all of my clones are dying off and checking the roots, they look fine and the only thing Ive been able to track is that my humidity in the room is now tracking from 45%-51% and sometimes dipping below 45%. I Know if a plant is Root Bound plant: how do i Know if a plant Root... Rights Reserved mission of activists promoting Cannabis awareness since 1993 this is a plant with a stem! 24 inch sativa dom stop the moisture being absorbed own Cannabis Rights Reserved like i it! Of them very badly could put a humidity dome on the plant, it is a plant with tooth... Pellets and got to thinking my rockwool game that may help all of my outdoor,... 60-70 % the water has drained, dig out a to work fine we transplant,. Moistness to it to begin with, but maybe i just moved the,... If it is best to wait until this is my 2nd attempt, my! 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