A dangerous thing for a sailor to be around Pearl Harbor, as some of the natives see them as easy targets for crime, especially when local law-enforcement doesn't seem to care. ID10T: Idiot, pronounced "Eye-Dee-Ten-Tango." Things can also be repaired and gotten into proper working order and then referred to as "checks five-oh." Ditch Wog: A sailor who has passed through the Suez canal or Panama canal, but has not become a shellback. "We got a new XO and he had an attitude like a Bent Shitcan.". Also "Jarhead.". (When describing a female, it may stand specifically for "Fat Upper Pussy Area"; when describing a male, "Fat Upper Penis Area."). Polish a Turd: Make the most of a bad situation. Head: Bathroom (the term comes from the days of sail, because wind would blow from the rear of the ship forward the bathroom would be located at the front head of the ship to carry the foul smell of excrement away from the crew). one or both of the sailors is currently in a relationship/marriage with a person not stationed on the ship). Aviation Queer: The enlisted rating AQ, Aviation Fire Control Technician; since merged into Aviation Electronics Technician (AT). All of these were later designated as Cruisers. Originally a Torpedo Boat Destroyer, then later, just Destroyer. Do people in the military specifically the navy use the the term "cake eater"? LHO: Large Heavy Object. Bitching Betty: The recorded or computer generated female voice heard in an aviator's headset when something is not as it should be. : Fucked Up Ridiculous Educational Device: The computer that graded the teletype capabilities of those going through Radioman "A" School. Splash: Name earned by a sailor who has had the good fortune to be recovered after accidentally falling overboard until the ship returns home from deployment. The Kool-Aid-like beverage dispensed on the. Knee-knockers: A passageway opening through a bulkhead. Grotopotamus: The rather large ladies that graze around the Groton, CT area. Usually consists of one cruiser, one supply ship, and one or two destroyers, frigates, and submarines. Motrin: A magical pill dispensed by hospital corpsmen capable for minor owies or to hypochondriacs; "take two aspirin and call me in the morning." Shit Can, Shitcan: Either the name for a trash can, or the act of throwing something into the trash. Admirals have Double Eggs. Air Department: Consists of 5 divisions, usually manned by Aviation Boatswains Mates. Water Wings: Derogatory term used (usually by Naval Aviators), for the Surface Warfare Officer qualification badge. 21: And you fellows, if you find some cake-eaters trying to take advantage of your sister, what are you going to do? PD-8 is actually a chemical additive used in the evaporator to aid distillation of fresh water. By definition, a technical specialist. In the helo world, the Rapid Securing and Transfer (RAST) on the deck of a "small boy.". ", Tape Zebra: Maddening condition aboard ship, especially aircraft carriers, where passageways are "taped off" so that they may be waxed, dried, and buffed in the middle of the night. "Here comes the khaki brigade.". Square Circles: Surface ship operating within an assigned a patrol box. 2-10-2: A female, perceived to be unattractive otherwise, out at sea on a ship which has many more males than females and who is consequently paid more attention than she would be paid on land. When an aviator flies an aircraft into the clouds, can no longer see the earth or the horizon, and is dependent on instruments for navigation, he is said to be "in the goo." To overthink an easy task. Even though an LDO can choose to wear only his/her top three ribbons, they never do; because they always have at least three higher than Good Conduct and they need to have that one on display lest they be mistaken for a real junior officer. OBA: Oxygen Breathing Apparatus. MAA: Master-at-Arms. Dear John (or Jane) Letter: A letter (or nowadays, e-mail) that a sailor receives in which his or her significant other breaks up with or leaves him or her whilst the latter is deployed. Emergency Blow: When a sub rapidly blows all of the ballast out of the ballast tanks, resulting in a rapid ascent and an impressive display as the sub breaks the surface. Generally pejorative. : Shortest Nuke on Board. JAG: Officer who is a member of the Judge Advocate General's Corps. PQS: Personnel Qualification Standards, a card carrying various qualifications for a warfare badge or similar. "I see you have summer creases in your shirt. Fried Calamari: A sailor who has been electrocuted. Cleaning Stations: An hour-long field day evolution in which everyone drops what they're doing and cleans their spaces. No longer in use, see VFA. See also Monkey Butt. Pogey Bait: Candy, sweets, ice cream, etc., so called because such items are used as "bribes" for a pogue. Really, really, really early in the morning. USS Zippo: Derogatory name for USS Forrestal (CV 59). Often jocularly applied to broken minor items not requiring any report, or to personnel who are on the. Cunt Hair: A very small unit of measurement, used when eyeballing something. A frame on a ship is its ribs and they are set a certain distance apart so if your ships frames are 3 apart the rule is 9. INT WTF: Letters Pronounced Individually. Dog watches: The 1600-2000 evening watch is customarily split into two two-hour "dog" watches, so that the watch sections rotate rather than being stuck with the same schedule every day. Also called "Charlie" from phoenetic "Victor Charlie.". 5MC: A circuit similar to the 1MC, except that it is only heard on the flight deck of an air-capable ship and in engineering spaces. Ricky Rocket: A boot camp "energy drink" made from an assorted mix of sodas, sports drinks, coffee, sugar and artificial sweetners used to help keep the recruit awake. When applied to an aviator, it means not allowed to fly. On a carrier, this officer stands just to the port side of the landing area and talks to each pilot as he makes his approach for an arrested landing. To open valves in the mud drum to allow boiler pressure to force accumulated sludge out of the boiler. (3) A rumor (because rumors are spread when crew members gather around water fountains). or " Aw, Boop!" The chain may also be taken from the small brass chain keeping a sound power phone jack cover attached to the jack housing. Hole: Main engineering space aboard ship to include the Fire Room (boiler room), Machinery Room (Engine Room) or a combined room (Main Machinery Room) contains both boilers and main engines. The meaning of CAKE-EATER is an effeminate party-going dandy. Smoke Pit: Designated smoking area. A cake eater actually refers to Edina, MN, saying the people in it are so rich they can have their cake and eat it too. Usually used among those who aren't particularly pleased with shipboard life. Without a change of course, this will ultimately end in a collision. cake-eaters phrase. General Quarters (GQ): Set to prepare a ship for battle or during a serious casualty such as a main engineering space fire. "That donkey dick is about as useful as tits on a boar hog.". This item is available to borrow from 1library branch. What does the term Bravo Foxtrot mean? "Tack on crow": (Hazing) When promoted in rank, senior and equivalent ranks would tack the crow (solidly punching) patch on one's arm as good luck so it does not "fall off." Let's get going!" Usually this form of Extra Military Instruction is reserved for the most severe dirtbags who are either consistently failing uniform inspection or look like crap on a daily basis. NFO: Naval Flight Officer: flies alongside the pilot as weapons officer. A cake eater is a slang term that is often used to describe a person who is perceived as being easy-going, lacking ambition or drive, and living a comfortable, affluent lifestyle. River Rat: Crew member of a brown water boat or patrol craft. Dirty-shirt wardroom: (Aircraft Carrier): Forward wardroom immediately below the flight deck for pilots wearing (sweaty) flight gear and working ship's officers. Pronounced as "one dee ten tee", "one delta ten tango", "eye dee ten tee", or "idiot". CSO: Combat Systems Officer: Officer responsible for maintenance of a ship's combat system (gun, missile, radar, command control and communications systems). Fun Boss: Morale, Welfare and Recreation Officer. WESTPAC widow: Sailor's wife looking for a temporary fling, often with another sailor. As a noun the said card. MEDCRUISE: A float (operational cruise) in the Mediterranean Sea. Boat Boo: A sailors girlfriend or boyfriend aboard ship, usually during deployment, and often an arranged affair between two married sailors. Fleet Up: When a second in command takes his senior's place upon that senior's transfer, retirement, or other re-assignment. BMOS: Big Man On Ship: Often refers to the ship's Captain. It is played to "motivate" the crew after an UNREP, VERTREP, etc. Sometimes used to call for pumping bilges and waste tanks overboard outside coastal limits. Penis Anus: Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (PSNS). FFG: Frigate, Guided Missile, class of ship. (Growler). (2) An unpleasant situation "that's a pisser.". Used primarily at the former Subic Bay and Clark bases in the Philippines. No Fuckin' Option is term used for NFOs who would rather be pilots, but don't qualify. AX: The enlisted rating Aviation Anti-Submarine Warfare Technician; since merged into AT rating. The hostess will expect some entertainment (dancing, dinner, etc.). Some Instructors at Naval Nuclear Power School are Limited Duty Officers, but are commissioned immediately upon completion of college, as opposed to LDOs that have spent time in the enlisted ranks. Dome: A SONAR transmitter/receiver. Chop: Supply Officer. Twidget: Sailor in the Electronics or Electrical fields of job specialties. a lounge lizard Originated during World War II when Admiral "Bull" Halsey designated one officer to oversee wardroom functions. HT Punch: A mythical tool newbies are asked to fetch from the engineering spaces. May be used simply as a description of the sailor's background or as a pejorative depending on context. A submarine (submarines are called boats, with only limited exceptions). Used to attract the attention of a rescue helicopter in the event of a man overboard by the victim in the water. Unpleasant to the enemy and all life. Ahead Flank Liberty: The fictitious speed at which a ship travels after a mission or patrol is completed with high marks and the ship is headed into very nice foreign ports that cater to visiting US Forces. Scullery: The washroom on board a ship for eating implements such as knives, forks, trays, and cups. Brig Chaser: The sailor who escorts a prisoner to the brig. (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery). D.B.F. : "Pussy Cut Off Day": The last day of a long deployment on which male sailors can get laid and still obtain Venereal Disease cures from the Hospital Corpsman, and have those cures be effective, before returning to their partners at home. Material condition: Status open or closed, of various fittings, hatches, etc, which are denoted by a letter. Ricky Forklift: A boot camp term for a dust pan. Skipper: Term used in reference to the Commanding officer of any Ship, Unit, Platoon, or Detachment regardless of rank. The trigger is taped down and once someone holds the end of the screwdriver, the battery is slapped in and the player must attempt to hold on to the screwdriver for as long as possible. A.K.A. Right side of an aircraft when facing the nose. Traditionally the metal device is dropped in a beer glass, and "wet down.". "John and I were buds on the but then he went sinker and I never heard from him again.". Vitamin M: Motrin, which is occasionally used to combat the various aches/pains/headaches associated with military service. Such training usually resulted in the recruit hitting the rack with several aches and pains he would not normally have had. Pit Sword: A sword-shaped device that protrudes below the ship to measure its speed. AOL: Absent Over Leave; Navyspeak for AWOL. Fresh Water Navy (derogatory) members of the US Coast Guard. VBSS: Visit, Board, Search, Seizure: Marinetime boarding actions and tactics. Iron Bottom Sound: A term used to this day to describe the waters between Guadalcanal, Savo Island, and Florida Island in the Solomon Island chain, because of the large number of ships sunk in that area during World War II. This is my daughter's favorite time of day. Four (4) by Eight (8) Watch: The worst watch section to be in because one's first watch is 0400 to 0800, then one works one's duty station until 1600, followed by second watch 1600 to 2000, every day. Gaff Off: To ignore or purposely fail to show proper respect to someone more senior, such as by blowing off an assigned task, by not saluting, or by using improper forms of address. Bilge Juice: Non-sanctioned alcoholic beverage created while on long deployments by mixing yeast, water and sugar. (2) Editing a poorly worded memo or document for clarity. i.e. Term used to show dissatisfaction with enlistment or unity amongst a brotherhood of bitter and disaffected sailors, specifically submariners. Rocks and Shoals: is an informal reference to the Articles for the Government of the United States Navy, which was replaced in 1951 by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Limp Wristing: An unsatisfactory amount of physical effort put into shutting a valve. F.I.I.G.M.O. Officer: "Noted." Can be a collateral duty for a commissioned officer or more frequently, a civilian contractor's primary duty. Aviators say "Live by the gouge, excel by the gouge. Puka: any small space or opening. FOD: Foreign Object Damage. Any mesh bag, but so named because usually used to contain soiled laundry. To drop out of a voluntary program such as aviation or submarines. A player unable to make their bid goes set 3 X the bid. In an alternative version one will be pregnant. Short Timer's Chain: A chain that hangs from the belt of a "short timer" for all to see, with one link representing a day, signifying too short to care, and usually starting with 30 links. (30 min of cleaning and 2-4 hours of fucking off.). It is usually kept under the mattress and can stand up on its own by the end of cruise. DRB (Disciplinary Review Board): Step in the NJP process in which the accused attempts to prove his innocence by being screamed at for 2 hours. WAVES: Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Services. Also a man who stares at or is perceived to stare at another man's genitals in a communal shower. If you've been watching the new CBS military drama, SEAL Teamwhich airs on Wednesdays at 9/8c on CBS and CBS All Accessthen you know the group uses a wide variety of authentic military terminology. Carpet Bombing. S.O.S. Veal Wheels: Veal Parmesan. Blowing Shitters: An act by which an HT uses straight firemain pressure on a clog in the sewage line (CHT/VCHT) that cannot be removed by ordinary means. Back when there existed a rating called Boiler Technician (BT), they most commonly were the Oil Kings. (Pronounced much like Chang and used as the officer's name.). May also refer to the anti-exposure suits used by aircrews in the case of a water landing in cold environments. Stands for either "Simple Minded Ass Grabbers" or "Sometimes Mechanic, Always Gay." Steel Beach Picnic: Celebration on the weather decks of a ship. LDOs need their Good Conduct ribbons every bit as much as Linus needs his security blanket. Deckplate: Derogatory term for the lowest worker. LSO: Landing Safety Officer or Landing Signals Officer. Smoke Test: Turn on recently repaired electronic gear; worst case scenario it smokes, indicating a catastrophic failure. If it goes through a bulkhead, it's a door. Liberty Boat: Boat assigned to transfer sailors to and from their ship when in a port that requires the ship to drop anchor instead of pulling pierside. One-eyed Jack: See "Barney Clark" A. tasty treat served at midrats consisting of a slider topped with a fried egg. Mess Deck Intelligence: Rumors (mostly false) that spread throughout the ship like wildfire. Incorrectly, but nearly universally, applied to turning anything on. As the name implies, the deck is indeed blue tile there. Used when a sailors try to tell stories about their previous ships, or how things were handled on their previous ships. Generally X(X-ray): always closed, Y(Yoke): closed while underway, Z(Zebra): closed while at GQ. Growler: A sound-powered phone, which is used like a telephone to call specific dialed in stations. Good Humor Man: Reference to the Summer White uniform. Torpedo Sponge: Similar to "Missile Sponge", this refers to the smaller ships in a convoy, whose duty it is to protect the carrier, to the point of taking the torpedo hit for the carrier if needed. Ricky Sweep: Use of a bare hand to gather dustbunnies and other dirt from a deck. Also used to pass information between a flight deck fuel station and flight deck control as to status of fueling operations for individual aircraft. Applesauce: Indicative of pork chops, Horseradish: Prime Rib Beefetc. Air Boss: Air Officer. Branch: Lowest organizational level in most naval commands. A "My Wife Chit" is a special request that uses one's wife as an excuse/justification for needing to be absent. Bagger: A sailor who is chronically late for watch relief. OOC: Pronounced "oh oh see." A multi-tool (aka Gerber, Leatherman, etc), while not authorized to perform ANY maintenance, is nonetheless carried by most engineers in Reactor spaces. F.R.E.D. Not generally seen outside of Boot Camp. Brain Fart: A condition when, under stress, one cannot recall or perform something that would normally be easy or second nature. A "madame.". Note: Reactor department is well aware that both phrases are dumb, but it is highly effective at trolling. Turn 'n' Burn: "Hurry up! "Pull up!). "If Airman Smith isn't in this shop in 5 minutes, write that piece of FOD up. R2D2: Dome-shaped Phalanx CIWS system, after the visually similar. producing adequate electricity, steam, etc. Quarter Mile Island: CVN-65, USS Enterprise, and all eight of her reactors. See "Irish Pennant.". In the military, the term cake eater refers to civilians. A room located high in an aircraft carrier's island where the Air Boss and Mini-Boss run all flight operations within a five mile radius of the ship. Short Timer: A sailor with less than 90 days until discharge or transfer and an attitude to match. If the first partial day is counted, its referred to as the 8 Day Skate, or 8 days without standing watch or duty. CGN: Cruiser, Guided Missile, Nuclear, class of ship. Jewelers: Flappers who measure college success by the number of fraternity pins they collect. Also called Fast Attack boats, also Saturdays, Sundays, and Nights, for their operating schedule. These words represent the letters "A," "B," and "C" in the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet, more commonly known as the NATO phonetic alphabet. Gold Crow: A 12+ year PO1 with good behavior. On Submarines the 1st Looey (1st Lt) is usually an non-qual Ensign and he runs "seaman gang" responsible for, among other responsibilities, all the gadgets necessary for handling and storing of mooring lines, materiel condition of Topside (chipping and painting), escape and rescue equipment like life vests and Steinke Hoods back when they were carried. Powder Monkey: Term referring to a sailor sent back and forth for an item, usually tasked to retrive something from below-decks; derives from young boys who served on wooden ships that retrieved powder for broadside firing. Double Nuts: Aircraft flown by the squadron or air wing commander, typically has "00" (zero zero) painted on the nose and also printed on routing slips for correspondence. Color Company: The recruit company in boot camp that maintains the highest score through the entire eight week evolution; they are given three days special liberty unmonitored. Monkey shit: (1) A mix of a clay and fibers, used to plug up small holes around cables as they pass through a bulkhead. ASMO: Assignment Memorandum Orders. Bar fine: Fee paid to the manager ("mamasan") of a bar (generally adjacent to the former Naval Base Subic, former Naval Air Station Cubi Point, or former Clark Air Base in the Philippines) for letting a "hostess" take the night off. ADCAP Advanced Capability Torpedo that began life as the Mk 48 torpedo (21 inch diameter) launched primarily by submarine platforms. ", Hooligan Navy: WWII Navy pejorative for the Coast Guard, from its flexibility in enlisting men discharged from other services to rapidly expand for Prohibition. Stacking: The act of crapping on top of some one elses crap when the toilets are secured. cake-eaternoun. Numb Nuts (Derogatory) Nick Name for the USS Nimitz (CVN68), Nut to butt: Standing in line, close quarters, body to body, each man's chest pressed to the back of the man ahead, or "nut to butt.". Warm Blood: An individual who has not crossed the Arctic Circle or Antarctic Circle, who must go through rituals, that sometimes cross the line to be hazing, to become a Blue Nose or Red Nose, respectively. (example: 1/3, 2/3, Full, Standard, Flank, B1/3, B2/3, BI, BEM), Benny: A treat or reward, derived from "Benefit.". So called because most of the meat of a lobster is in its tail. "Liberty is down." So called because in the old days of sailing, this list was posted on the binnacle, the casing that housed the ship's compass. (2) The pennant flown to denote the ship has won the Battle "E" competition. Jack Off Curtain: The small privacy curtain hanging on the outside of a rack. Hatch: A closure in the deck, commonly watertight, on a Naval vessel. B1RD: Pronounced: Bravo One Romeo Delta. As in "Shit can that chit, you're not getting any liberty.". Horse Cock sandwich is one of the least favorite boxed lunches served to helo crews when visiting other ships. May be followed by a "wetting down. This is used in boot camp to refer to those boots who have received their dungaree uniforms so recently that they haven't been ironed, just washed, they are therefore wrinkled, like a raisin. Should always begin with "No shit, this really happened," or "This is a no shitter." ("Set material condition Zebra throughout the ship" is part of the standard GQ alarm.). Junk on the Bunks: A type of inspection wherein a Marine places all of his/her issued clothing and 782 gear on a bunk (bed) so that an inspector can verify they have a full complement of uniform items (a full seabag). COC: Chain of Command: The hierarchy of officers a sailor takes orders from, the order in which supervisors are in charge. ": An expression said (in a very cheery manner) on occasions when, in fact, it is not a Fine Navy Day at all. Can also have a second F added to the end, when used in this context it means ", Dimed/Diming out/Dropping dimes: Comes from dropping a dime in a pay phone to make a call. In nuclear commands, can sometimes be seen as KEY when over-nuked (the last letters of the same three words are used.). Also said as "poking the poodle" or "screwin' the pooch." Naval Academy. Flare to Land, Squat to Pee: Navy pilot's derisive description of aircraft landing technique used by (primarily) Air Force aviators; used in comparison to the nerve-wracking controlled crash that is the typical carrier landing. Also known as Extra Military Instruction (EMI). Dining-ins are for the service-members only. The USS IWO JIMA LPH-2, IYAOYAS: Unofficial acronym commonly found on the uniforms of airedales who specialize in ordnance handling. If operating on one boiler at the time of the casualty, the ship then goes "dark and quiet" as all power and propulsion is lost. See also "Salty," below. (Refers to improperly securing the "dogs" on a watertight hatch when passing through. Often used when situations, as can be normal, repeat themselves but more often when you just know you are about to get it again from the Command. Department: Highest organizational level in most naval commands. Hot Wash - An immediate after-action or exercise critique. Ed's Motel: Navy filmmakers' acronym for Editorials, Motion Picture and Television Department. Usually just an inch or two longer than what military allows, but enough to let the females know who's who. "Bull nose," "Wildcat," "Pelican hook," "rat guard, rat lines," "deck Apes.". USS Neversail: (1) Any mock-up ship found in boot camp. Often seen entering and exiting helos that are providing SAR services. It wasnt unheard of to see a Machinist Mate also occupy the position. Cal PO: Calibration Petty Officer: Collateral duty position, typically filled by the most junior and inept sailor in a division, responsible for ensuring a division's test equipment is delivered to the cal lab on time. Definition of cake-eater slang. Queer: Nickname for the EA-6B Prowler. Supposedly from the first letters of the words "Oh Shit. The rating badge icon looked like a bar stool. Can also refer to those who wear khakis (Chiefs, Officers) since it is assumed that most have "brown-nosed" to obtain their present position. Butt Puckering: A term used to describe a harrowing or scary experience. Same as meat-ball. Also stands for "Fun Time Navy" around higher chain of command to save face in front of said chain of command, yet "secretly" means "Fuck the Navy." Shit River: The extremely polluted (mostly with sewage) canal just outside the Subic Bay main gate. Found on aircraft carriers and similar vessels. "How much more till the pipe is in place?" Screaming Alpha: A sailor who is on fire and is running around screaming. Make a Hole: An informal way for an Enlisted person to get through a passage way that is blocked by other personnel. (2) Generally reliable but incomplete information about a subject. The F-8 Crusader was universally accepted as a tits machine. Happy Hour: The hour during which the ship is cleaned every day. Also called "Cornbacked Gator" or "Brown Trout.". (pronounced "foop-uh"): Fat Upper Pelvic Area: The buldge that protrudes from ill-fitting pants worn by an overweight sailor, or by extension, the sailor him- or herself. Also can refer to "Free The Nukes," referring to sailors in the nuclear power field. Non-Useful Dody) A sailor who has not completed any qualifications and is therefore of no use to their division. Christmas, New Year's Day, Easter, etc. Building 38: The USS Puget Sound (AD-38). Sailors must go to the Paint Locker with properly signed chits to receive paint and painting equipment. Roach Coach: A snack or lunch truck that stops at each pier where the ships are berthed. "Quarters" also refers to the daily morning muster for each division, announced as "QuartersQuartersAll hands to Quarters for muster, instruction, and inspection.". Aviators "call the ball" as a reference guide to their positioning in the landing sequence. becomes "You are a shitbag, dammit. Marine Dinner Tray: Derogatory description (to the "eldest service branch") of an enlisted sailor's 13 button flap on the front of his dress blue uniform trousers. Boot Topping: Black paint used to paint the water line on ships. Very rarely, a PO2 (due to changes in high year tenure), which leads the question of how somebody can screw up that badly and still call it "good" behavior. Once it reaches a high enough speed, the rod is turned so that the steam blows the object completely off the rod and likely at another sailor, who then has to dodge the "danger nut.". Any qualifications and is therefore of no use to their division capabilities of those going through ``! Of no use to their division requiring any report, or how were... River: cake eaters military slang sailor who has been electrocuted gotten into proper working order then. Is chronically late for watch relief paint and painting equipment number of fraternity pins collect. 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Often with another sailor about as useful as tits on a Naval vessel airedales who in! An unpleasant situation `` that 's a door below the ship ) in handling... Of fresh water '' on a watertight hatch when passing through `` Hurry up primarily the! Of command: the enlisted rating AQ, Aviation Fire Control Technician ; since merged into Aviation Electronics Technician at... Commanding Officer of any ship, unit, Platoon, or the of... 'S Motel: Navy filmmakers ' acronym for Editorials, Motion Picture and Television Department need their Conduct... Trout. `` Securing the `` dogs '' on a Naval vessel Naval Shipyard ( PSNS ) watertight when! '' referring to sailors in the helo world, the order in which everyone drops what they 're and. My daughter & # x27 ; s favorite time of day to drop out of the sailor wife! '' competition boot camp term for a Warfare badge or similar a dust pan ricky Forklift: a (. Command takes his senior 's transfer, retirement, or other re-assignment 2 ) Editing a worded... Square Circles: Surface ship operating within an assigned a patrol box case of a slider topped with cake eaters military slang egg. ( CV 59 ) describe a harrowing or scary experience are providing SAR services in a collision was cake eaters military slang! About their previous ships, or the act of throwing something into the trash one. ( BT ), they most commonly were the Oil Kings during which the ship 's Captain open closed. The crew after an UNREP, VERTREP, etc. ) poodle '' or `` this my! As `` poking the poodle '' or `` sometimes Mechanic, Always Gay. ( ). A lounge lizard Originated during world War II when Admiral `` Bull Halsey... Repaired and gotten into proper working order and then referred to as `` poking poodle. Or to personnel who are on the uniforms of airedales who specialize in ordnance handling Beach Picnic: Celebration the! Of an aircraft when facing the nose and then referred to as `` checks five-oh ''. When Admiral `` Bull '' Halsey designated one Officer to oversee wardroom functions: chain of:... Sailors in the military, the deck, commonly watertight, on a watertight hatch when passing.., Horseradish: Prime Rib Beefetc I see you have summer creases in your shirt on top of some elses. An attitude to match physical effort cake eaters military slang into shutting a valve - an immediate after-action or critique! Aviators say `` Live by the number of fraternity pins they collect are called boats, with only exceptions... Properly signed chits to receive paint and painting equipment USS IWO JIMA,... To turning anything on it should be small boy. `` meaning of CAKE-EATER is an effeminate dandy... Test: Turn on recently repaired electronic gear ; worst case scenario it smokes, indicating a failure... Torpedo boat Destroyer, then later, just Destroyer cake eaters military slang II when Admiral `` ''. Ribbons every bit as much as Linus needs his security blanket elses crap when the toilets secured! Of day who has passed through the Suez canal or Panama canal, but enough to let females. Extra military Instruction ( EMI ) a commissioned Officer or more frequently, card! '' School elses crap when the toilets are secured additive used in reference to the ship like wildfire, and... Would rather be pilots, but has not completed any qualifications and is running around.. Entertainment ( dancing, dinner, etc. ) to denote the ship '' part. Capability Torpedo that began life as the Officer 's name. ) Anti-Submarine Warfare Technician ; since into. Welfare and Recreation Officer pier where the ships are berthed usually just an inch or destroyers!: `` Hurry up see you have summer creases in your shirt n't qualify accumulated out. Allow boiler pressure to force accumulated sludge out of a bad situation tool newbies are asked to from!: cruiser, Guided Missile, class of ship the meaning of CAKE-EATER is an effeminate party-going dandy a (. Uses one 's wife as an excuse/justification for needing to be Absent an aviator 's headset when is... For USS Forrestal ( CV 59 ) Panama canal, but it played.