If you would like this article removed, please click the REMOVE ARTICLE button below and the article will be removed. In their reports, police did not clarify how the collision occurred. Nationwide Report and its brands including Valiant Advocates are not a law firm, do not provide any kind of legal or medical advice, explanation, or recommendation to any of its readers about possible legal defense, rights or strategies. To learn more, click here. They could get 100 speeding tickets a day easily of they wanted to near the bridge. If that's the case in the above crash it would obviously be unjust to blame the wrong person. It happened at the intersection of US 281 and FM 2147. One might observe an accident in the area about twice in every one hundred trips across, Ratliff explained. Emergency crews worked a fatal crash on U.S. 281 in Marble Falls that happened just before 8 a.m. Friday, Oct. 22. Answering questions for people is what my staff and I do best. Traffic flow lines: Red lines = Heavy traffic flow, Yellow/Orange lines = Medium flow and Green = normal traffic or no traffic*. Marble Falls, TX (November 6, 2021) A motor vehicle accident reported in Hill County ended in injuries on Saturday morning, November 6. We remain focused on exceeding the goals of our clients while handling every single case. Thank you for posting these accident articles on your site. I sometimes wonder if construction companies have enough safety training to inform employees of how to protect themselves while on the job. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, a hit-and-run, March 1 / Source: Kgns. Another accident at the intersection of U.S. 281 and FM 2147 on the south side of the 281 bridge will have to be added to the statistics reported in this story, which was being written May 20 when this collision occurred. Affilitate Disclaimer: Nationwide Report is a paid affiliate partner. Note: Outside sources were used in the creation of these news posts. A lot of people say smack about lawyers, but I want to say that Im glad there is a way that people who are wronged by corporate neglect can get justice and force change. 567 Acres, from $1 to $20 per sq. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.\t\t
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