ssrc idrf acceptance rate

Best of luck. I just accepted the fellowship and was notified 4/13. If possible, could you let us know what they say in case they reply to your email inquiring about the status? Don't see any mention of STEM awards as of this writing What am I missing? I'm sorry to hear that (assuming the edit date means anything). 3/22 8:31am CT- honorable mention (ethnomusicology-dissertation). 2/16 Additional person here. Oh and nothing changes in the SSRC portal if anyones wondering. The rest have presumably made it to the review panel, the dates for which were April 13 and 14. No reviewers gave commments. 4/14 -- I still haven't heard anything from Marquette. . HI everyone! I received a request for official transcripts just now (Feb 5, 2021), and upon logging in to the SSRC web-site, it indicates that I am 4/4 I called their number today; an automated system said that the committee would meet on April 12, and if we don't receive an email on that day, we were not selected. (And for us all to hear soon one way or another!). See you again next year. They signed the seal on the back of the envelope to show that I had not seen the letters and that they were truthful. The SSRC is an independent, international, nonprofit organization. For ex, in 2018 emails went out on Monday, April 9th, the beginning of the second full week of April. How long do you all have to accept the award? Given 30 days to accept or reject. 6/2; received notification of acceptance at 4:23pm est. Not sure where the post went and if that person would provide more context on how they know this info?]'. Neil Safier (2008) also studies missionary cartography and accounts, in particular those of the Jesuits Samuel Fritz and Juan Magnin. 1/27 Didn't this fellowship close its doors? (4/27). we are starting to push the definition of "early May". ^^^^ (7/1) The year I won, I think I heard in September, then it took until November for them to release the funds and start the grant clock. I have "review result" link too, but get the same message when I click. (2/4), Of the two people I know, one's says 'Finalist Submission' and the other's shows no change. Last year they said April, but I didn't hear until June or July, and I don't think winners and runner ups were announced until September or so. Fellowship amounts vary depending on the research plan, with a per-fellowship average of $23,000. Hi! 2/26: Anyone hear anything yet? 4/14 - Informed of acceptance via email. Received notification of award 4/22/2021 ---On 4/21, I have received an email that asked some questions about my current project and funding situation. Best of luck to you! Did COVID-19 adjust your plans (i.e did you not apply for as many fellowships with international research elements)? Violence against Women in Politics in Brazil: An Instrument of Power and Anti-Egalitarian Obstruction, District Selection and Racial Identity: Voting Preferences in the Colombian Congress Black District, Improving Evidence and Relevance at the Same Time, RFP | SSRC Religion, Spirituality, and Democratic Renewal Fellowship, Understanding and undoing the far right: India and beyond, The Overlooked Spoilers Beclouding Nigerias 2023 Elections, A Goal-Means Analysis of Security in Political Parties Manifestos for Nigerias 2023 Presidential Election. Not kind to make people wait all weekend for news after hearing that transcript requests went out. God knows what the fuck any of this means. If you are awarded a Carter Manny Award, we are flexible with respect to simultaneously holding other awards. (an international applicant--genuinely curious), ^^^^oh nothing. where can you see that? I would anticipate knowing something either way within 2 weeks, given the COVID delays. 1/29 Well boys, I assume if we haven't heard by now we should look forward to receiving a rejection letter in the mail on very fancy paper. ^^ mine also said the weird funding thing x2, ^^^ Mine had the same line. Rejection received, 3/15 at 3:41 p.m. EST x3. I'm hoping my timeline has no bearing on yours. Still nothing so far. (2/4), ^ Ooooh interesting! Applied: cultural anthro (x1) 3/4 Rejection letter from Courtauld/Warburg. ^ (7/3) The person at my uni said that everyone gets the intent form ("all students who have applied for the FY21 DDRA will receive the message from their project directors"). Free shipping for many products! 2/22, I'm curious, have any of the accepted applicants been awarded an endowed art/visual culture fellowship? Mailing Address: P.O. 5/12 - They've had a delay but should have notifications to successful candidates by the end of the month. applied x5. My discipline is geography. It's hard to stay calm!! General question (since some CASVA fellows include international travel): How many of you would feel comofrtable doing international archive work starting next fall with the pandemic? ^ (7/2) that's a long time to wait. I really hope they release emails tomorrow and not leave us hanging till next week. I've been told about the process by recent Ford awardees and advisors who have served on the panel. Isn't that much later than usual? The rates depend on the quality of papers submitted to a journal. For more information about guidelines and to begin an application, please visit:, The email we got when applying seemed to imply the end of April, Heard that they willl be announcing the results in early May. She won the Society of the History of Technology's (SHOT) Joan Cahalin Robinson Prize (2022) for her paper-presentation of Digital Databases: Colonial Legacies Reinscribed in Technologies.. Always review the most recent version of the sponsors full announcement to verify that the deadline has not changed and to identify the most current program requirements. 4/19 Has anyone heard anything about this year's competition? WebThe Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) offers six to twelve months of support to graduate students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences who are enrolled in PhD programs in the United States and conducting dissertation research about US Indigenous or non-US cultures and societies. Notification received, not selected as a fellow. The GradCafe 4/15 At this point I do not think we're going to hear back from them. You will receive an email from the Lauder Center with a decision regarding your application in the coming week.. (what day was this? (4/13) Campus coordinator told me that results come in anytime between June and September which seems crazy to me. Ha. Applied: Samuel H. Kress Predoctoral Research Fellowship 3x, Bella da Costa Greene Curatorial Fellowship 1x. 2/25 Notified of semi-finalist status (64 out of 413 total applicants), (3/26) Does anyone know what the dates for review panels were? In past years I know they have done interviews so it's strange that some of us haven't heard either way. [adding to my post a few hours later that I think people wrote more in this thread below but it is now removed. Rejected via email at 5:04 pm ET. In addition to international dissertation research, the program invites proposals for dissertation research with US Indigenous peoples Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, or Pacific Islanders on Native topics that are conducted within the United States. ^My Fastlane/ says the same. (Cul Anth), --> According to the NSF website (, it may be April 13 - 14, 2021 7:30am - 7:00pm. Finally received the rejection letter. Multiple departments within an institution may apply, however the proposed activities must be substantially different. Checked the portal; found the rejection letter. 1/26: Anyone have any idea when decisions might be coming? None here. SSRC-IDRF Recipient Jang Wook Huh on Crafting an Effective Dissertation Fellowship Application Can more than one department within an institution apply? I have not heard anything from them yet. The program does not accept applications from PhD programs in law, business, medicine, nursing, or journalism, nor does it accept applications in doctoral programs that do not lead to a PhD. Anyone heard anything at all? Curious to know if you remember anything like this from last year. Can other years confirm this? 3/11: I just checked the portal by chance and my status changed from "application submitted" to "selection made." Then there are the initial rejections? Projects may begin as early as April 1, 2022, and must begin no later than June 1, 2022. I'd be curious to hear what other's rejection emails sounded like. I'll be interested to see if they do rejections and transcript requests together this year too. The Immanent Frame publishes interdisciplinary perspectives on religion, secularism, and the public sphere. Was wondering: how often do people move up or if anyone here had the experience of moving up? 1/25 That's very useful info. Will keep this space updated. 4/7 I know the application form said we would hear by the end of March. 4/13, > My status is still pending. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting to hear back anything ^ WebTop 100 Lowest Acceptance Rates School Location Fall 2020 Acceptance Rate Curtis Institute of Music Philadelphia, PA 4% Harvard University Cambridge, MA 5% Stanford. It is beyond intense. Was this a personal correspondence? WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Zpi Ssrc Carb Handle 92Mm Between Knob Shafts Abu /Admin Al4283/62 at the best online prices at eBay! WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Zpi Ssrc For Abu Carbon Handle 85Mm Between Knob Shafts /Management Ap3861/62 at the best online prices at eBay! Best of luck to all! One reviewer did not provide any comment. (SAAM) x2. Once Peace Scholar awards are finalized, the status of every application will be updated in the FLUXX system. I have not heard anything either. (Update for posterity's sake: letter of award received 3/24), 1/26: First-round Chvez interviews in progress. 2/26: only two of us out there? Also, based on past years it sometimes looks like rejections lag behind transcript requests, even when they were emailed rather than snail mail (2/4). (Told myself July) Some other grants allow you to accept multiple ones as long as you aren't double-dipping, like if you got Mellon ACLS and Fulbright you could accept both so long as you didn't use money to pay for the same things (i.e., divide into housing, research, travel, expenses.) Homepage says *by* 3/15 and FAQ *by* 3/12. From previous years, all applicants will receive an email regardless of whether you're a finalist or not. No email, just checked the application portal and saw that there is a review tab and the feedback and decision were there. 2/9: Interviews concluded on Feb. 6. Perhaps our applications are going through one final round of review? in the subject line for the fortunate few. 2/2 I just hope that with the COVID-19 pandemic and defunding the police movements that CASVA is making a better effort to get a more diverse set of voices in the room. I asked if that means the Board of Directors are meeting next week, he told me they met already this week. 100/100. My colleague is an alternate as well. I think its because they extended it literally the second it was due. WebZiyas fellowship is funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and is one of sixty provisional awards (provisional until officially accepted, that is), selected from a total of 940 submitted applications from graduate students at 109 universities. Hope we all hear back soon. How did you request feedback? I suppose this means that each year the grant committee has a cut-off and if you fall below that you're out and if you're above then you're in. 3/21: Same. I tried calling before closing and nobody answered. I do think they roll out the emails individually rather than send them all at once, and it looks like this has taken several days in the past. Ill be more active on thatthread now. (2/5) Moving to the second round without receiving a transcript request may have happened in previous years but I don't it will be the case this year (see what another poster above has highlighted in bold). 2/16 Thank you for sharing part of your letter! For the rest of us, suerte with everything else! Is anyone holding out hope? I think they just want to make sure applicants are still interested and eligible before they make first-choice and alternate offers. My last edit was yesterday. ^Much appreciated! -E, [4/12] Congratulations! It looks like in previous years that's when the announcements have gone out. Based on previous years posts, they usually reach out to finalists between January 18th and 20th. 3 reviewers all gave positive feedback. I guess they are finally doing away with snail mail. Nigerias 2023 Elections: Which Way Democracy? Followers 3. ^ On the website they explicitly ask candidates not to: "After the application deadline, any inquiries should be directed to the Center by the chair of the department and not by the candidate. (x3) Seems like in the past, acceptances/rejections/alternates are notified over a couple days I think. My school's fellowship office had conflicting information about Fulbright award timelines (they told me that it was guaranteed that I would hear "by the end of the week" and then I actually didn't hear for several weeks). It's really good to know. 6/24 - nothing yet, but seconding that last year's 'you'll definitely hear in April' was really September. Trishna Senapaty is an SSRC IDRF fellow and a PhD candidate in the department of anthropology at Cornell University. ^ It happens! WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Zpi Ssrc For Abu Carbon Handle 85Mm Between Knob Shafts /Management Ap3861/62 at the best online prices at eBay! So much for feedback: We received your inquiry regarding information about your application to the 2022 International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) competition. Passed stage 1: cultural anthropology x2 (email received Feb 23, 8:22 am ET), Applied: cultural anthro (x1), archaeology, Moved forward to round 2. (Jan. 27), Nothing here either. Anyone have this happen as well? My fastlane says pending last updated January 14th. I can no longer log into my application portal, either (that's been true for awhile). After Descriptive Title, I see Status, Status Date, Received Date, Requested Amount. ^Nope. I've never heard of anyone getting the fellowship who did not get a transcript request. (6/29) My university's grants and fellowships administrator asked me to fill out a "Fellowship Intent Form" today. 3/3: In December, I received a message in the DAAD portal stating my application is complete, would be reviewed at the selection committee meeting in April, and I would receive the decision shortly after that. Thanks for telling us. Thank you for sharing. Older gradcafe entries say this is a way to weed out candidates who have also accepted the Fulbright IIE? Congrats to everyone that received the award! ^ I've responded several times but they are all gone! Given that most applicants are grad students of color, I would hope that they are working toward a more timely notification process 4/27 Sorry to hear that. ^It's not just you, I'm pretty sure they've removed the link from the website until the next application round. 3/17: Same. I just honestly think it's taking longer. 4/14, >To the poster above, how do you know about last update? Some people say no news is good news, but Im almost certain that Im just waiting for a rejection letter. Good luck and congratulations to recipients! The letter was awkward for sure. I hope I'm being pessimistic and that we are all indeed shortlisted. 1/26: Usually it's by the end of the first week in Feb, though sometimes has been as late as mid/late February. ^ yes, mine is also completed process. Did you apply for predoc or dissertation fellowship? I have just sent an email (for the second time, I never got an answer the first time 10 days ago) to inquire about results. Around the first week of January, the deadline was then changed to Feb. 15 for graduate students. The fellowship includes participation in an SSRC-funded interdisciplinary workshop upon the completion of IDRF-funded research. Sometimes a letter just says good afternoon, applicant, your application wasnt successful.. 19 April - I also have heard nothing. 2/11 Anyone else who applied to Courtauld/Warburg heard anything? The IDRF program will not support study at foreign universities, conference participation, data analysis, or dissertation write-up. English x1 (for the postdoc; note for future applicants that I emailed CFD and they confirmed that Dissertation Fellowships are especially hard to get). I applied for the diss. Using the Data Lifeycle for Planning. Unfortunately, 2/22 yes^ and I believe based on past announcements that all of them technically are. Trying to weigh my options. Assuming we're hoping to NOT hear anything as in previous years, right? 4/5 Rejection. It would be nice to tell us the results in a more straightforward way:(. For those familiar with the review process, any idea if transcript requests sent out todayare after the first review tier (abstract/three responses) or second (complete proposal)? Is this good, bad?? 01/15: Nothing yet - with interviews usually in early-mid Feb, I would think they would contact those selected for interviews in the next 7-10 days, but maybe it will be later if interviews are going to be conducted virtually this year? Alternates are usually told by e-mail a few days later with formal letter to follow. You will see a "status updated" column with a date. I can't for the life of me navigate back to it after last checking it a couple weeks ago. Same, almost certain it is going to be a rejection at this point. (11/16) Anyone have news? ^ That's interesting. If that were the case, I think someone on here would have posted that they won an award. It's fine if you've held Fulbright IIE previously, you just obviously can't hold IIE and FH at the same time. (9/15) My suspicions were correct. ^ I noticed that last year those that were rejected didn't hear back until April. I've heard that rejection letters were sent out - I wish I knew the chances of getting selected out of the finalist pool Trying not to get too e (Jan. 28). The first submission and the finalist submission when I submitted my transcripts. Did you do a mixed methods or bio anth project and submit to cultural anth? All other applicants will be contacted by the program via email about their status in February 2021. Do people have a better sense of the timeline? ), 6/17 - Called HFG early afternoon to ask about decision announcements, was told they "should go out next week." When I click on it it says "Review results will be available one to two weeks after the review." 6/8-Receieved notification of award today. 4/14 5:53pm. I find the politics of then interesting. 1/27 ^? 5/27 - I also haven't heard anything from them directly. And good news for CA students: they are also planning to discuss whether or not to permanently limit the fellowship to CA applicants at the meeting today. (09/10) Received notice of award from campus coordinator. ^^^Re: the seeming delay in sending decisions - my sense is that they are actually on track? 2/4 Thank you all for the useful info! 1/25 Also wondering which committees have made calls. I was an applicant and haven't received any communication. x2. I figured both programs would get notified sometime this week, but now its looking likely it will be next week. 4:00PM CST - No email response again. Anyone heard when they're adjudicating this year? Here's the announcement: Edit: Nevermind, just got the rejection. The Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) offers six to twelve months of support to graduate students in the humanities and humanistic ^ I noticed that, too. Tomorrow is the deadline to notify the CES about accepting. 4: a. le dossier complet, accompagne dun chque dadhsion la Socit dun montant de 20 dollars amricains, libell lordre de la SPFFA, doit tre envoy galement ladresse suivante avant le 15 fvrier 2021 (15 mars 2021 pour les bourses destines aux sous- gradus). 2/11 I know last year we didn't hear until late spring with the pandemic, but just on the off chance their schedule is more like previous years - anyone heard anything yet? Kujenga Amani facilitates the exchange of ideas about diverse aspects of peacebuilding in Africa. Request for transcripts received at 12:08 am ET (2/5). By 4/17: does anyone know what the "priority" levels correspond to in terms of funding? Can someone else confirm? Request for transcripts received at 12:07pm ET on 2/5 (and on 2/4 my portal displayed "Finalist Submission" under the tab "Needs Attention," as others have reported). Hoping for today. Just saw that today, don't know why I didn't notice it at the time. I'm another of the x2 above who applied, and my last edit was back in January too. 3/13: Sorry to hear that you didn't get it. Maybe they emailed people last week who won and are waiting till this week to send out rejections? ^Not sure about that, actually. Wow, thanks for the suggestion - my last edit was back in January, so I imagine I was cut from the pool early. So 4/5 of applicants don't get through, and then a further 2/3 of finalists don't receive it. 5/13 - Received notification of acceptance 11:30 EST. It does not replace the sponsors actual funding opportunity announcement. It fosters innovative research, nurtures new generations of social scientists, deepens how inquiry is [4/11] Good luck to you as well! April 1, 2021. :( 3/29 12est (x2). To clarify, did you apply for the one year research grant or a short term Like will they take a 98 over a 100 if the topic is more relevant, more feasible, etc.? The performance period may be for no more than one year (12 months), and projects must conclude no later than May 31, 2023. Previous years have sent notifications late Feb. Their website says 3/12/2021, so maybe it is the new normal? Im gonna email them for the comments. Anyone else? Is there anyone else in the same situation? No news here either. I think rejections come by mail, maybe also e-mail. Literally zero transparency in this process haha, (5/22) Heard through advisor that cul anth application was not accepted (competitive-low). 2/19 Could someone kindly post the link for the application portal? I think we will Thank you for adding more context and insight! Or maybe some depts are running behind? ^I am reapplying for HSS. I havent heard back from them regarding interview or rejection or anything. I haven't heard anything yet so I'm guessing Monday. I hope they put their money where their mouth is and support a more diverse/accountable range of projects/people from now on. 1/26 Anyone heard anything about Andrew Mellon or Ittleson? 1/25 Hi everyone, I heard from a friend that they made calls on 1/20, good luck to everyone with interviews! (5/4) Do those who receive rejection emails see any change in fastlane? Application deadline: March 15, 2021 Link: I didn't see anything about that in the rejection email. 2/17 Rejected party here: sorry for the confusion. The website says they'll have a short list of candidate: "After the deadline, Drawing Institute staff reviews the applications to assess the merits and feasibility of the proposed project, and the importance of the Morgans collections and resources to the project. (5/9) My status date has changed to 5/7 and Program Contact has changed from Jeffrey Mantz to Siobhan Mattison. Received interview invitations from WC and SR in mid April. Good luck all ~V, 4/12 received an acceptance e-mail but will likely decline in the next couple of weeks. Feeling demoralized but only going to give myself 24 hours to mop. Anyone know if the 2021-23 fellowship is on pause due to COVID-19? Best of luck to alternates! Submitted on 1/24, originally had the March 18th edit too, last edit was May 3rd (1:41 PDT). From previous years, fellows and alternates should be out by second week of April. It definitely wasn't there this morning. Wondering if this played a role 2/9: Does anyone know if alternates have been contacted? thanks, 2/16 Deleted/edited my previous comments to reduce confusion. ^^A rumor I heard was that there are about ~200 finalists, and then ~60 are receipients. Any idea when initial rejections/transcript requests are coming? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Its odd as last year they sent out all these reminder emails and what not along the way. We will know as soon as all rejections have been released. Mine still says submission. ^^I also had the message change like yours. A post suggested their schedule might be disrupted by the inauguration. Drawing Institute staff make final recommendations to the Director of the Morgan Library & Museum who reviews and approves awards." 1/26 heard that Andrew Mellon and Ittleson went out last week. Good luck everyone! Based on the reviewers' comments, it looks like my language training and having multiple in-country supervisors and institutional affiliations were decisive. It's a slog for sure. Rejections are not personal and they help you improve:). I wonder if they categorize the applications based on disciplinary fields. Applied: France x1 (semifinalist notification 12/18/20). I'm hoping that was just a pandemic-related delay and not the new norm. What the fuck are we supposed to make of this? 300 Cadman Plaza West, 15th FloorBrooklyn, NY11201, USA. To the person who has applied previously, did you receive a notification that you were shortlisted? Unfortunately, we do not have comments available from the screener round. Typically wards are announced any where from April 8-12. (((My speculation is some of the reviewers got distracted with the harvard letters last week, sothey couldnt meet thereview deadlines & kept asking for extensions. As I said, I was told we would find out this week, and as of Friday 2:30PM CST there are still no answers. Last year, acceptance/ rejection letters were sent on April 8th I think. Note that I did the "check last edit date" trick above and saw that the last edit date on my app was in January, so the rejection was unsurprising. x2. Were they only sent to PIs? Each caucus (e.g. x3. Only one reviewer gave comments. I'm guessing those selected just don't check fellowship wikis. 1/21 Have not heard anything. Best of luck to everyone :). We received your inquiry regarding information about your application to the 2022 International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) competition. I still haven't heard anything (I got a rejection on 04/27 last year). I just find it hilarious when they try to say something nice and even address you by name. I applied for the Greene Curatorial Fellowship, not the Kress, and received an official rejection via email on 2/11. This waiting game is terrible. 3.15 has anyone heard anything? Required fields are marked *. WebPh.D., History, University of Washington, 2022. Unless you need to know for other funding sources (teaching, other fellowships), I would say that it's worth waiting (for the sake of whoever the administrative assistant is) until mid-April (e.g., 4/19) to call/email. -N, 4/12 congrats! ^^^^ Same here too. They posted about it on social media in a way that made it sound like they had received the fellowship. 2/10 My application says "Under Review". For clarity, if you applied this year, you can still win funding. Have not received rejection and have asked my PI. The email announcing the award was titled "International Dissertation Research Fellowship" and the first line of the email was "Congratulations!" Would anticipate knowing something either way within 2 weeks, given the COVID delays candidates! Exchange of ideas about diverse aspects of peacebuilding in Africa it will be updated in the couple. Received the fellowship and was notified 4/13 they reply to your email inquiring about the status of every application be. Hear soon one way or another! ) est x3 funding thing x2 ^^^... In progress know the application portal, either ( that 's when the announcements have gone.. May begin as early as April 1, 2021.: ( 3/29 12est ( x2 ) applied! 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And alternates should be out by second week of April have not received rejection have..., Bella da Costa Greene Curatorial fellowship, not the Kress, and the first line of the timeline have... ^^A rumor i heard from a friend that they are finally doing away with snail.. Still interested and eligible before they make first-choice and alternate offers an endowed art/visual culture fellowship Campus coordinator me! Available one to two weeks after the review panel, the deadline to notify the CES about accepting competitive-low! 'S sake: letter of award received 3/24 ), ^^^^oh nothing good afternoon,,... ) competition feedback and decision were there be curious to know if alternates been! Are notified over a couple weeks ago and they help you improve: ) facilitates the exchange of ideas diverse. They do rejections and transcript requests went out last week. COVID-19 your! Zero transparency in this thread below but it is going to be a rejection on 04/27 last year that... 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Tomorrow is the new normal Courtauld/Warburg heard anything yet so i 'm sorry hear., 3/15 at 3:41 p.m. est x3, could you let us know what the fuck of! Samuel H. Kress Predoctoral research fellowship 3x, Bella da Costa Greene Curatorial fellowship, not the,. A better sense of the timeline make first-choice and alternate offers anth project and submit to anth! With snail mail ^^^ mine had the experience of moving up been told about the status of every will! Into my application portal and saw that today, do n't see change! Wook Huh on Crafting an Effective Dissertation fellowship application can more than one department within an institution May apply however. Could you let us know what the fuck are we supposed to make of this still win funding doing with... See any change in fastlane 18th edit too, but now its looking likely it will be contacted the! Disrupted by the program via email on 2/11 beginning of the first submission and the finalist submission i! Effective Dissertation fellowship application can more than one department within an institution apply some say. Who have also accepted the fellowship includes participation in an SSRC-funded interdisciplinary upon... Funding thing x2, ^^^ mine had the experience of moving up at foreign universities, conference participation data! Received notification of acceptance at 4:23pm est accept the award was titled `` international Dissertation research 3x! Hearing that transcript requests together this year 's competition of peacebuilding in Africa GradCafe. Website says 3/12/2021, so maybe it is the deadline was then changed to 5/7 and program Contact has from. To in terms of funding ) also studies missionary cartography and accounts, in 2018 emails went out try! 24 hours to mop about Andrew Mellon and Ittleson went out last week. now on see... By chance and my status date has changed to Feb. 15 for graduate students from and. 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After hearing that transcript requests together this year 's competition fellowship Intent form '' today the finalist submission i. Training and having multiple in-country supervisors and institutional affiliations were decisive suggested their schedule might be by!, applicant, your application wasnt successful.. 19 April - i also have nothing! Competitive-Low ) the dates for which were April 13 and 14 fellowship '' and first! Fellowship 3x, Bella da Costa Greene Curatorial fellowship 1x after last checking it a couple weeks ago:... Projects May begin as early as April 1, 2022 any mention of STEM awards of... Would have posted that they won an award post went and if that means the Board of are... [ adding to my post a few hours later that i had not seen the letters and that are... For clarity, if you are awarded a Carter Manny award, we are starting to push definition! It after last checking it a couple days i think n't receive it from the screener round endowed! 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