not authorized to access on type query appsync

review the Resolver The problem is that the auth mode for the model does not match the configuration. Select the region for your Lambda function. To disambiguate a field in deniedFields, It doesn't match $ctx.stash.authRole which was arn:aws:sts::XXX:assumed-role/amplify-abelmkr-dan-xxx-authRole/CognitoIdentityCredentials. @przemekblasiak and @DivonC, is your lambda's ARN similar to its execution role's ARN? In our resolver, we look for certain data, in our case the users username, to either conditionally perform operations, query based on the current user, or create mutations using the currently logged in users username. OPENID_CONNECT authorization mode or the In this screen, choose City as the type, and create an additional index with an Index name of author-index and a primary key of . More information about @owner directive here. When using Lambda functions for authorization, the Someone suggested on another thread to use custom-roles.json but that also didn't help despite me seeing changes reflecting with the admin roles into the vtls. Unable to get updated attributes and their values from cognito with aws-amplify, Using existing aws amplify project in react js. This URL must be addressable over HTTPS. My schema.graphql looks like this (with other types and fields, but shouldn't impact our case): I tried a bunch of workarounds but nothing worked. You can use public with apiKey and iam. resolver: The value of $ in resolver To prevent this from happening, you can perform the access check on the response (five minutes) is used. to your account. Navigate to the Settings page for your API. Finally, here is an example of the request mapping template for editPost, { allow: private, operations: [read] } However, my backend (iam provider) wasn't working and when I tried your solution it did work! Just ran into this issue as well and it basically broke production for me. modes enabled, then the SigV4 signature cannot be used as the AWS_LAMBDA Not Authorized to access getSomeObject on type Query when result is empty. CLI: aws appsync list-graphql-apis. of this section) needs to perform a logical check against your data store to allow only the In addition to my frontend, I have some lambdas (managed with serverless framework) that query my API. Seems like an issue with pipeline resolvers for the update action. or a short form of Select Build from scratch, then click Start. Please help us improve AWS. Your administrator is the person that provided you with your user name and password. fictional appsync:GetWidget permissions. Already on GitHub? Navigate to amplify/backend/api//custom-roles.json. Now that our Amplify project is created and ready to go, lets create our AWS AppSync API. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Hi @ChristopheBougere, try this @auth rule addition on your types: If you want to also use an API Key along with IAM and Cognito, use this: Notice I added new rules, and modified your original owner and groups rules. Currently I have queries for things like UserProfile which users most certainly have access to, create, but when trying to query for it, is throwing this "Not Authorized to access" error. { together to authenticate your requests. AWS_LAMBDA or AWS_IAM inside the additional authorization modes. If you are not already familiar with how to use AWS Amplify with Cognito to authenticate a user and would like to learn more, check out either React Authentication in Depth or React Native Authentication in Depth. There seem to be several issues related to this matter, and I don't think the migration docs explain the resolver change adequately. access AWS AppSync, I want to allow people outside of my AWS for authentication using Apollo GraphQL server Every schema requires a top level Query type. This mutation is handled by a direct Lambda resolver, which uses Cognito's admin API to create the new user and set its tenant ID to the admin user's tenant ID. Information. type and restrict access to it by using the @aws_iam directive. We are getting Unauthorized in the mutation - "Not Authorized to access updateFarmer on type Mutation" GraphQL API. At this point you just need to add to the codebuild config the ENVIRONMENT env variable to configure the current deployment env target and use the main cloudformation file in the build folder as codebuild output (build/cloudformation-template.json). fields and object type definitions: @aws_api_key - To specify the field is API_KEY Identify what's causing the errors by viewing your REST API's execution logs in CloudWatch. If you have to compile troposphere files to cloudformation add the step to do so in the buildspec. this, you might give someone permanent access to your account. This authorization type enforces OIDC tokens provided by Amazon Cognito User Pools. UpdateItem in DynamoDB. the @aws_auth directive, using the same arguments. fb: String Using AWS AppSync (with amplify), how does one allow authenticated users read-only access, but only allow mutations for object owners? Hi @sundersc and everyone else experiencing this issue. This information is available in the AppSync resolvers context identity object: The functions denies access to thecommentsfield on theEventtype and thecreateEvent mutation. First, your addPost mutation Finally, the issue where Amplfiy does not use the checked out environment when building the GraphQL API vtl resolvers should be investigated or at least my solution should be put on the Amplify Docs Troubleshooting page. We recommend joining the Amplify Community Discord server *-help channels for those types of questions. Multiple AWS AppSync APIs can share a single authentication Lambda function. The resolverContext field is a JSON object passed as $ctx.identity.resolverContext to the AppSync resolver. following. If you need help, contact your AWS administrator. This will use the "UnAuthRole" IAM Role. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. duplicate Amazon Cognito User Pools or OpenID Connect providers between the default authorization Since you didn't have the read operation defined, no one was allowed to query anything, only perform mutations! It falls under HIPAA compliance and it's paramount that we do not allow unauthorized access to user data. With Lambda authorization you specify a Lambda function with custom business logic that determines if requests should be authorized and resolved by AppSync. Other customers may have custom or legacy OAuth systems that are not fully OIDC compliant, and need to directly interact with the system to implement authorization. rev2023.3.1.43269. needs to store the creator. ( GraphQL transformer is not working as intended. ) When using private, you give some permissions to everyone with a valid JWT token from the configured Cognito User Pool. Optionally, set the response TTL and token validation regular removing the random prefixes and/or suffixes from the Lambda authorization token. We will utilize this by querying the data from the table using the author-index and again using the $context.identity.username to identify the user. You can have a I'd hate for us to be blocked from migrating by this. I also believe that @sundersc's workaround might not accurately describe the issue at hand. arn:aws:appsync:us-east-1:111122223333:apis/GraphQLApiId/types/TypeName/fields/FieldName These basic authorization types work for most developers. this, you must have permissions to pass the role to the service. For anyone experiencing this issue with Amplify generated functions, try to delete the build and resolvers folders located in your GraphQL API folder (may be hidden by VSCode) and run amplfiy env checkout {your-environment-here} to regenerate the vtl resolvers. In my case, I wanted a single Lambda to be able to use the GraphQL API to update data in my Amplify project, while not being a part of the Amplify setup. @auth( To get started right away, see Creating your first IAM delegated user and When used in conjunction with amplify add auth the CLI generates scoped down IAM policies for the UnAuthenticated role automatically. So the above explains why the generated v2 auth Pipeline Resolver is returning unauthorized but I can't find anything to explain why this behaviour has changed from v1, and what the expected change on our end should be for it to work. :/ Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? We also have a secondary IAM authentication mechanism which is used by backend lambdas and is secured through IAM permissions directly assigned to the Lambdas. Your administrator is the person who provided you with your sign-in credentials. controlled access to your customers. Do not provide your access keys to a third party, even to help find your canonical user ID. For example, suppose you dont have an appropriate index on your blog post DynamoDB table If you want to set access controls on the data based on certain conditions If the optional regular expression (regex) to allow or block requests has been provided, AppSync evaluates it against the. The supported request types are queries (for getting data from the API), mutations(for changing data via the API), and subscriptions(long-lived connections for streaming data from the API). Now that we have a way to identify the user in a mutation, lets make it to where when a user requests the data, the only fields they can access are their own. For owner and groups, you had operations: [ create, update, delete ] - you were missing read! For example, if your authorization token is 'ABC123', you can send a Your administrator is the person that provided you with your user name and templates. In the APIs dashboard, choose your GraphQL API. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. The authentication-type, which will be API_KEY. The following example describes a Lambda function that demonstrates the various I'm pretty sure that the solution was adding @aws_cognito_user_pools to the schema definition for User. To be able to use public the API must have API Key configured. IAM authentication time (authTTL) in your OpenID Connect configuration for additional validation. What does a search warrant actually look like? You can use the latest version of the Amplify API library to interact with an AppSync API authorized by Lambda. But I remember with the transformer v1 this didn't always worked so I had to create a new table with a new name to replace the bugged table. identityId: String "Public" is not the same as "Anonymous" as we normally correlate that term to - e.g. 9 comments lenarmazitov commented on Jul 20, 2020 amplify add auth amplify add api with any schema with authenticate user Images courtesy of Amazon Web Services, Inc, Developer Relations Engineer at Edge & Node working with The Graph Protocol, #set($attribs = $util.dynamodb.toMapValues($ctx.args.input)),, appsync-react-native-with-user-authorization,, How to implement user authorization & fine grained access control in a GraphQL app using AWS AppSync with Amazon Cognito & AWS Amplify. To understand how the additional authorization modes work and how they can be specified In v1's Mutation.updateUser.req.vtl, we only see: However in v2's Mutation.updateUser.auth.1.res.vtl, I'm now seeing a separate block for when IAM is being used: It's this block in particular that is interesting to me: This is doesn't evaluate to true and so isAuthorized isn't set to true and so the error above is returned. reference (typename.fieldname) The problem is that the auth mode for the model does not match the configuration. templates will be "very green". Torsion-free virtually free-by-cyclic groups. Your application can leverage users and privileges defined Other relevant code would be my index.js: And the schema definition for the User object: Ultimately, I'm trying to make something similar to this example. I'm still not sure is 100% accurate because that would seem to short certain authorization checks. authorized. AWS AppSync API service, based on GraphQL API, requires authorization for applications to interact with it. Help me understand the context behind the "It's okay to be white" question in a recent Rasmussen Poll, and what if anything might these results show? To do To delete an old API key, select the API key in the table, then choose Delete. Regarding the option to add roles to custom-roles.json that isn't a very practical option for us unfortunately since those role names change per environment, and to date we have over 60 Lambda functions (each with their own IAM policies) and we'd need to update custom-roles.json each time we create a new Lambda that accesses AppSync. With the above configuration, we can use the following Node.js Lambda function sample code to be executed when authorizing GraphQL API calls in AppSync: The function checks the authorization token and, if the value is custom-authorized, the request is allowed. Not ideal but it fixes the issue for us with no code rewrite required. mapping Closing this issue. created the post: This example uses a PutItem that overwrites all values rather than an AWS_IAM authenticated requests could access restrictedContent, In the GraphQL schema type definition below, both AWS_IAM and AWS_LAMBDA authorize access to the Event type, but only the AWS_LAMBDA mode can access the description field. GraphqlApi object) and it acts as the default on the schema. To further restrict access to fields in the Post type you can use mode and any of the additional authorization modes. Sign in The following directives are supported on schema IPPS-A Release 3: Available for all users. to be applied on them to allow AWS AppSync to call them. The flow that we will be working with looks like this: The data flow for a mutation could look something like this: In this example we can now query based on the author index. privacy statement. In the following example using DynamoDB, suppose youre using the preceding blog post Authorization metadata is usually an attribute (column) in a DynamoDB table, such as an owner or list of users/groups. to this: directives against individual fields in the Post type as shown To add this functionality, add a GraphQL field of editPost as process values listed above (that is, API_KEY, AWS_LAMBDA, I'm in the process of migrating our existing Amplify GraphQL API (AppSync) over to use the GraphQL Transformer v2 however I'm running into an unexpected change in IAM authorization rules that do not appear to be related (or at least adequately explained) by the new general deny-by-default authorization change. However, you can't view your secret access key again. modes are enabled for AWS AppSync's API, do the following: To create a new Lambda authorization token, add random suffixes and/or prefixes Attach the following policy to the Lambda function being used: If you want the policy of the function to be locked to a single mapping You can specify the grant-or-deny strategy in Update the listCities request mapping template to the following: Now, the API is complete and we can begin testing it out. You obtain this file in one of two ways, depending on whether you are creating your AppSync API in the AppSync console or using the Amplify CLI. id: ID! we have the same issue on our production environment after upgrading to 7.6.22, type BroadcastLiveData keys. can mark a field using the @aws_api_key directive (for example, Before proceeding any further, if youre not familiar with mapping templates in AWS AppSync, you may want to For more information on attaching policies contain JSON fields of kty and kid. Sorry for not replying. Recommended way to query AppSync with full access from the backend (multiple auth), Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Keys, and their associated metadata, could be stored in DynamoDB and offer different levels of functionality and access to the AppSync API. If you manually add a new entry to the database with another author name, or you update an existing field changing the author name to one that is not your own & refresh your app, these cities with the updated fields should not show up in your app as the resolver will return only the fields that you have written! @aws_lambda - To specify that the field is AWS_LAMBDA the main or default authorization type, you cant specify them again as one of the additional Please let me know if it fixes the problem for you or not. expression. If you've got a moment, please tell us how we can make the documentation better. @danrivett - How are you signing the GraphQL request from Lambda outside amplify project? "Public S3 buckets" - but rather it means Authorization is using an entirely different mechanism (IAM or API key) which does not and cannot have an owner, nor a group associated with the identity performing the query. When sharing an authorization function between multiple APIs, be aware that short-form My goal was to give everyone read access and to give write access to Owner+Admin+Backend, this is why i intentionally omitted read in operations. As a user, we log in to the application and receive an identity token. shipping: [Shipping] Hi, i'm waiting for updates, this problem makes me crazy. You signed in with another tab or window. 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. If you have a model which is not "public" (available to anyone with the API key) then you need to use the correct mode to authorize the requests. However, it appears that $authRoles uses a lambda's ARN/name, not its execution role's ARN like you have described. communicationState: AWSJSON object only supports key-value pairs. From the AppSync Console Query editor, we can run a query (listEvents) against the API using the above Lambda Authorizer implementation. It expects to retrieve an RFC5785 It seems like the Resolver is requiring all the Lambdas using IAM to assume that authRole, but I'm not sure the best way to do that. indicating if the request is authorized. AppSync is a managed service that uses GraphQL so that applications can easily get only the data they need. This will make sure that the VTL allow access to all the Lambda execution roles for the given accountId. If this value is true, execution of the GraphQL API continues. By the way, it's not necessary to add anything to @auth when using the custom-roles.json workaround. Well occasionally send you account related emails. mapping It's important to ensure that, at no point, can a tenant user dictate which tenant's data it's able to access. The latter can set fine grained access control on GraphQL schema to satisfy even the most complicated scenarios. First, we want to make sure that when we create a new city, the users username gets stored in the author field. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. As an application data service, AppSync makes it easy to connect applications to multiple data sources using a single API. To open an issue with pipeline resolvers for the update action a government?... - how are you signing the GraphQL API EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line,... Attributes and their associated metadata, could be stored in the AppSync Console query editor we! To thecommentsfield on theEventtype and thecreateEvent mutation that determines if requests should be authorized and resolved by.... Workaround might not accurately describe the issue for us with no code rewrite required this by the! 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