nihal soul group

Nihal souls remain very youthful at any age (they even seem to physically age slower than the rest of us) and have a bright, fun energy about them. Here is a list of characteristics to identify yourself with Nihal Starseeds: Nihal Starseeds are highly psychic and they see through the fear-based tactics people use to control certain situations. Nof is far away from Earth and it is located near the border of our Universe. Wow. From here come a group of souls that we call, Drachos or Draconians, among which we have two internal races, clearly differentiated: one is the cause of most problems on our planet at the moment, the other is protective precisely against the former. They described it as a library that contains records of all past present andfuture lives of a the soul. See more ideas about starseed, warrior of the light, four archangels. However they havent necessarily had many more lifetimes on Earth, with just 35 as an average. Those who are Sirius starseeds tend to be very concentrated and very determined. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The problem is that sometimes, however, they may be too responsible for the situation of others, and they may need to remember the importance that everyone should learn their own way. They do not like new customs, they love their old customs with nature. You may be part of the Starseeds! Souls that originally chose to incarnate on Proxima Centauri in the Centarus Constellation belong to this group. Those planets are Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri or Hadar, which is the Arabic and preferred name for Beta Centauri. Sign in to start editing Printable version Name Nihal Thomas Also known as Nihal Jacob Thomas expand_less Activities Collapse all expand_more Employment (7) They love joy, activity and variety. Fast forward 8 months into the future and I finally have enough understanding of these beings to write a blog about them. Nihal is the Arabic name for these planets and the beings from both these worlds prefer the Arabic version. Gamma Nihals are very friendly, free-spirited, and curious people with good senses of humor. He was born and brought up in Moodbidri, Mangalore, India. A Nihal will often be born in times where there is intense turmoil or change on Earth, for example during World War II or when natural disasters happen. He is currently the Chairman of Lalin Michael Jinasena & Co. and the former Chairman of Loadstar (PVT) Limited, which was the largest export company in Sri Lanka. From that moment on my life became completely different as I became aware of my entire spirit and a feeling of calmness slowly filled me. Hey Jenny, thanks for your comment! The Andromedans enjoy traveling and experimenting. Listen to the latest devotional bhajan 'Bahe Ankhiya Se Lor' sung by Anuradha Paudwal. Anlkkol souls dont usually have earthly incarnations. WebA Soul Group is comprised of a single person or group of people that your Soul energetically resonates with on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level at any given moment. See more ideas about starseed, warrior of the light, four archangels. Schedule Now " Biggest takeaway (650) 263 They are the forgotten Webmy soul that resonate very strongly as to how I see myself, nature and humanity in this lifetime. The Higher Self of that Hadarian incarnation decided not to continue taking physical form in Beta Centaur since the conditions of the place had changed, and it was not possible to experience these high energies after that invasion. Hello, my name is Erin Lynn, Im a certified Akashic Record reader and researcher. Nonetheless, some very experienced and powerful Ruchbahian souls have been incarnating on Earth to help with our liberation in. I uncovered them accidentally as I do most of the soul groups I have found, through reading for starseed clients that call this realm home. These people are members of the same Spirit Family as you and they share an intensely strong bond with you that transcends time and space itself. would love more information, Well, I was told by two readers that I was Andromedan and the description does seem to fit. The beings that inhabit Nof are called Nofs. This realm exists in our Universe, but it is not reflected on our current star maps. A few months ago, and to my complete surprise, a group of, September 19, 2022: Starseed souls who have had their formative incarnations on planet Nof belong to this soul group. When I talk about soul groups of origination, it is traditionally the place/realm where a starseed has their first 19 to 26 foundational incarnations. Nihals have trouble understanding why people behave the way that they do, or even worse a group of Nihals can make it seem like any behavior other than theirs doesnt exist. Spica is the brightest star in the constellation Virgo. They are usually quite thin people and have a developed interest in healthy nutrition, since their metabolism does not need huge amounts of food. Nihal Soul Encodement approx with 17-19 marker insights of the latest SMC Energy Reading . Nihal starseeds are also very intelligent, they have high IQs so Nihals generally do well in academics or any other type of learning, Nihals pick up on things quickly which makes them quick learners. They are natural leaders with a warrior attitude. They tend to have knowledge of a wide variety of areas, as well as talents and abilities, and are very creative. They are a group that resonates (vibrates) at a very high frequency related to the energy of love. If you think you may be a Nihal or a Gamma Nihal starseed soul, have your Akashic Record read by me. Even though they are easy-going and open, there is something that can bring them down easily; the idea of not being accepted for who they really are. The Gamma Nihals do not consider themselves Indigo or Crystal children, this could also be because their eyes are not indigo, but green. I am told that Mylo is the name the inhabitants of the planet use for their realm, therefore, they wished to be called by their actual name and not location. The mission for Blue Rays Souls is the same as it is for Indigos and all Starseeds and other soul groups. They can be very good at teaching, healing or professions that require traveling. They are a paradigm of the fight against negativity in their own solar system. With matchups, skill order and best items, this Nilah guide offers a full Nilah ADC build for League Patch 13.4. They will pick up on subtleties that most people wont notice because of their highly developed intuition. They also need to learn to set boundaries and to say no when they feel uncomfortable. Souls that originate from Alkes would probably never come up in an Akashic Record reading for a being who is currently incarnated on Earth as they were banned from having lifetimes. His father is his inspiration for music. WebNihal Tauro is an Indian singer, songwriter, and composer. They are good artists, writers and actors. For this reason they are considered progressive, since the feminine side is more understanding and respectful. Nihals have no trouble being the only one that sees something from another perspective because they are not afraid to be different. Also, we share free tarot readings to guide Starseeds. WebEnjoy this week's free full length class from Kundalinin Live. The souls that come from there are many of the so-called children or adults indigo or crystal today. I use absolute access to access Orions Starseed destiny and manipulate it.. This is a 10-piece soul and funk band, made up of the remains of two former groups; The Soul Providers, and The Mighty Imperials. Ruchbah is the Arabic name for Delta Cassiopeiae that translates to knee as the star is located at the knee of Queen Cassiopeia. But true freedom comes exclusively from within. Earth holds a very special place for the them as it both reminds them of their own world, and they used to visit/live on Earth while still in their Gamma Phoencian forms. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I have read for Nof souls incarnated, August 31, 2022:This previously unknown soul group did not come to my attention the usual way, though a client reading, but they reached out to me that they were ready to be known on Earth. Lyrians can be found on Earth, in human form, or at other higher levels of density. WebA hungry soul will look with hopeful eyes at anything that promises to satisfy its hunger, anything, even a fake one. Have questions before we begin? These beings were more than happy to chat with me and show me their realm and this is how this starseed group came to be known. These beings are the first humans in the galaxy. The first will be the place where the Starseed Soul split from the Higher Self and where the Starseed decided to incarnate for the first time, so it will be the one that most conditions that person. It took me some time to figure out the energetic differences between this soul group and their already well-known neighbors, the Nihals. They may not realize it, but it is their way of acting and relating to the environment. They are also people who never tire of giving opportunities to others, because they always expect the best from others, and that same way of being, always makes them willing to assist humanity, which, after all, is for that they have come to this planet. They prefer their planet to be referred by their Arabic name, Schedar. Schedar is an unusual soul group to come across in an Akashic Record reading because they are so rare here on Earth. Nihals are here to remind us that we can create change in the world by being ourselves and standing up for what is right no matter how many people oppose them. Deshamanya Dr. Tissaweera Nihal Jinasena (born 13 July 1940) is a Sri Lankan industrialist and sportsman. I live on the East Coast of the U.S., my favorite color is blue, and my soul group of origination is Arcturian. They can change jobs, homes or partners in their continuous search. April 29, 2022: I had the pleasure of meeting these undiscovered beings from Gamma Phoenicis located in the Phoenix Constellation. They are people who care a lot about their surroundings, but sometimes more focused on satisfying the physical, safety and comfort needs of others than emotional needs. The Nihal soul group resides on Beta Leporis in the Lepus Constellation and the Gamma Nihals come from Gamma Leporis in the same constellation. Nihal N. F. S. See Photos. Some people identify members of their Soul Group as Soulmates as often there is a strong chemistry, connection or familiarity upon meeting. WebWelcome to A Beautiful Soul Holistic Counseling. Both Nihals have excellent relationships with the Sirian soul group and will often have other Nihal or Sirian souls in their family or amongst their close friends. I am told their DNA is a cross between the Lyrans (also feline beings) and the Nihals. Nihals often feel as though the world is against them, but they are also deeply spiritual people. Nihals are very intelligent and quick learners. At some point, they will recognize that the freedom they are looking for, and the beliefs of being trapped, are not due to their real conditions. If you have any additional info or even a source of information which I could openly access it would be eternally appreciated to further my personal investigation into my souls galactic history ! Her passion is to make the spiritual world easier to understand and to uncover who we are at the soul level. Related videos latest video The reason for this attack was to avoid the expansion of this energy in this part of our galaxy controlled primarily by negativity. Many of the people who have their origin in Beta Centauro are here because they fled from that invasion. Visit the FAQs page and learn more about the process, what to expect, and other commonly asked questions. Souls who began their incarnation journey on planet Mylo belong to this starseed group. Their purpose is to participate in the transition of the planet, helping to solve problems. For some reason their neighbors, the Gamma Nihals, remained unknown until about a year ago. My passion is to make the spiritual world easier to understand and to uncover who we are at the soul level. or. When a starseed of Andromeda matures, they recognize it, and act on this knowledge and can be at peace, while it can develop new areas. Then they debate between the protection of the planet and its devastating use. Thanks to this victory, Nihal now moves to the finals where he'll face Grandmaster Wesley So. And please tell me how to find my soul mission as I am told by one reiki master that I am also a Starseed from Sirius star and first time incarnated on earth. Syrians have a warrior attitude and are closely related to nature, they like to use technology that is friendly to nature. 5. They were among the first groups of souls to come to our planet to assist in its evolution. He looked mildly jaded, unable to produce his usual surge in the 1+1 bullet-chess segment, which has stood him in good stead in the SCC matches until this point. Nihal starseeds are the ones who will stay up all night talking about how unfair life is, and they often have a strong sense of justice. Privacy Policy |Web Design and Direction. I appreciate your attention and respect your privacy. Andromedansmust understand that they have self-esteem and self-confidence problems. The Gamma Phoenicians introduced themselves to me prior to ever reading an Akashic Record for a starseed client whose soul originated from there. The records stated certain of aspects ofmy soul that resonate very strongly as to how I see myself, nature and humanity in this lifetime. It explains so much about who I am, and why I have done the things I have done in my life. Nihal la Ouf (Mouhi fati Nihal ) See Photos. They also include Regulus in that group. They are psychic and have a strong connection to the Earth. Then they find themselves in many communicative conflicts because not everyone is prepared to hear them. However, they prefer to be called by their planets Arabic name, Alchiba. They come from the constellation Lyra, where they started a society that became very powerful, based on the decisions that the female side of the brain made. Log In. Since this is a soul group that I did not discover, I had no plans to write about them or to commission an artwork showing their likeness. Even someone has touched you inside, like an old resonance of belonging. Nihal F Nihal F. The type of service will vary from soul to Thus, people with this origin usually have a part of fighter against injustices, they are usually very mental (this is always seen), analytical and magnificent problem solvers, talents that on the other hand, make them be somewhat more distanced from their emotions. Since the negative Dracos work 100% with energies based on fear, their form of survival is based, when they are incarnated as people, in provoking all kinds of situations that generate emotions related to this frequency: anger, jealousy, depression, chaos, extreme agitation, confusion, etc. January 6, 2022 When I first encountered these beings they were uncomfortable being known on Earth. I received the information at the right moment in my life when I was ready to receive it. The origin of the Lyrians is not fully known, but it is believed that they come from an earlier civilization called Paa Tal, which was the creator of the physical universe. Nihals also carry a lot of Indigo characteristics as well so Nihals can be very creative and artistic. Deep feeling of disconnection with the people around you and with society in general. Nihal starseeds can also be very powerful healers because of their high vibrational frequencies. It has been my pleasure to assist others from around the world by enlightening them to their true past and why their life is both structured and experienced the way it is. The passage to a cycle of incarnations on our planet has to do as always with two things, the desire on the part of that Higher Self to learn on Earth, but also the impossibility of continuing to evolve in Hadar. If, when consulting our Akashic Record or when making a guided meditation to find the origin, more than one comes out, the rest will be conditions of your personality, abilities, and mission, but not as strong as the first. They are very good withholding their doubts and insecurities inside and offer avery different face from the outside world. Because of their inner calm they can be so detached that they may seem cold, impersonal or dispassionate. October 25, 2021 While researching the various Blueprinter groups in the Akashic Record Library, I came across this previously undiscovered yet important realm in our Universe. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. And this knowledge can help us flow in this dimension in a more calm and harmonious way. 3. I will keep this list solely to myself for the purpose of updating you about exciting news or new blog posts. Mars ceased to be habitable with the explosion of Maldec and thats why they came to Earth. WebNihal was a rapper of Sri Lankan descent who was studying law in Twickenham, Middlesex. As a result Gamma Nihals will have a much deeper appreciation for nature. May 25, 2022 I was recently introduced to these beings in an unusual way. The purpose of this website is not only to provide Akashic Record reading services but also as an educational hub with new information found in the records. However, this indigo affiliation could come from that these beings have large indigo eyes. The description could not be more on point, and I had even began go question the legitimacy of NIHAL STARSEEDS and of NIhal in general, but after reading this, I am convinced my Akashic Reading was not mistaken, because if the above are the defining characteristics of those with Nihal Soul Origins, then my soul definitely originated from or on Nihal. A major social challenge happens when a Cluster of Nihals come together and claim that everyone else is wrong. There is life present on all the other stars in that constellation, however only the souls that originate from Ruchbah are being discussed in this blog. When they overcome it, they get to be of great help in the spiritual path of others and become recognized as instructors and healers. Those who have Vega as their origin are usually intuitive, understanding, respectful and wise people who emit a soft external energy and an aspect of strength and capacity. Hence we have 365 days years instead of the original 360. Web408 Likes, 6 Comments - Nihalian (@nihal_soul_of_music) on Instagram: At Engagement ceremony of @saylikamble_music and @dhawal261192 .. congrats to both of you and In my early 20s I was in a path of deep spiritual awakening. In contrast, positive Dracos are emanators of peace and wisdom, and always seek to protect the planet and its people. 2 - Perform our free guided meditation to let your inner being show your roots By sharing it here you can find like-minded people, with the same origin and purpose, and perhaps we can take another step towards the re-evolution of the planet, which is what we have come for! In fact, most of them feel disappointed how people behave, even their parents. They are Star travelers who come to Earth from a Star system called Nihal with a very specific purpose: promoting consciousness from within the human experience. Joining the group! Having this connection and this awareness often gives us relief and a sense of deep belonging to a place other than our current reality, a place that really feels like HOME. The old ways need to go because this society has become very disconnected from the truth. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. WebThis button displays the currently selected search type. Earthlings are not starseeds because they do not come from other stars. And although they dont have fur on their bodies like cats do, they have cattails and claws. That is if we are to speak energy that represents pure love, it is the energy that marks the core of the Hadars. However, these beings from both of these planets have a good relationship with each other and do work together. Nihals are good at being in the present moment. They also maintain the same youthful energies throughout their earthly lifetimes as their neighbors do. They can also take on different personalities depending on the situation which is why Nihals often change their outward appearance for certain events. They wear white robotic looking clothes, with gold markings, that are still able to flex with their body movements. WebThe following is a list of notable deaths in March 2020 . This mega explosion affected the habitability of the surface of Mars and turned the Earths axis. Anlkkols have a history of enslavement in their distant past and they are not so enthusiastic. She is very thorough and answered all of my questions. After reading this description of each of the Souls groups, you may have felt more affinity with some than with others. Var med i detta live webinarie p sndag 2/12! Blue Green Aura Meaning | What Does It Mean? Hello Mam, I have purchased your Starseed DNA course from Udemy. That is why they will need to recharge themselves in nature, alone, far from the mental, emotional and physical noise of this three-dimensional life. On the left is a Nihal male and on the right is a Gamma Nihal female with the Lepus Constellation in the background. WebVill du veta mer om din sjl, vad ditt syfte r och kanske om du har ngon speciell gva att dela med dig av till vrlden? We are all born with gifts and the Akashic Records have identified certain gifts that I have always known I hold deep knowledge of, but have not yet understood how to use them. There are many Starseed origin tests where you can answer yes or not to generic questions, but we consider this method or the Starseed origin reading method very imprecise due to the generic questions these tests use. However, they prefer to be called by their Arabic name, Alphirk which translates to the Redeemer. Knowing that we have incarnated here with a mission, which goes beyond our daily struggle with material obstacles. 2022 Brit Awards (UK) Society is very different on Gamma Nihal; this is a more natural realm that is calmer. If you feel you are a Nihal Starseed then you have been given a gift, embrace it and use this to help others. Patch 13.4 Nihal Starseeds are here to remind us of who we really are, reminding everyone that there is a divine purpose for being alive on Earth. I am interested in learning about other star seed experiences. 3 - Join our Starseed FB group to find more Starseeds on earth like you. Stay tuned to ETimes for more devotional songs like 'Vinuthintu Vignapathi' and play most popular religious songs, bhajans, aartiyan, chants, katha, kirtan and other collection of meditative & soul-stirring music. WebDiscover songs like Apna Sa Laage (RVCJ Originals) by Rohan Rohan and generate your dream playlist on Chosic! Nihals can be very empathic which means that they care about others and the planet so they are generally very environmentally friendly. "The Grace to Make Your Soul's Journey" streams Saturday April 18 at 8:00am PST. Thank you Erin!. Sign Up. Nihal Tabla Soul Session with Swaati. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. Come home to yourself. They dont like dishonest people and never forgive those who are. I have some questions before I commit to a reading. These starseed souls come from a planet far away from Earth located in the Sextans Constellation. WebNihal Thomas (0000-0002-4614-9519) 0000-0002-4614-9519 Websites & social links Departmental Institutional Countries India account_circle Is this you? The Anlkkols call the planet Beta Phoenicis in the Phoenix Constellation, home. Some, through dreams or revelations, remember that they lived a great war, the pain, frustration and helplessness that caused them the experience of losing everything and the anguish of having to start over. WebFeb 6, 2022 - Explore of Earth and ther's board "Nihal Soul Group" on Pinterest. The Nihals, from Beta Leporis are very well known to Akashic Record Readers as these souls come up in readings frequently. Soul Purpose & Vibrational Retuning; Other Akashic Records Sessions; Regression Hypnosis Sessions & QHHT; Energetic Analysis & Retuning for Business; The term Akasha, where we get the term Akashic, is a Sanskrit word for aether. They tend to be specific about when they choose to incarnate on Earth; usually during times of societal evolution and these souls incarnate to help usher in change. But they are not here to destroy us, much less, their main objective is to teach us to transcend the material plane through dreams and stellar apparitions. Her passion is to make the spiritual world easier to understand and to uncover who we are at the soul level. We are passionate about helping clients achieve fulfillment and satisfaction in their daily lives. Keep continuing your mission. They have been incarnating in the last 20 years or so and they are quite rare. However, this planet is so small that it is often overlooked on our current star and constellation maps. The Isley Brothers have released four double platinum, six platinum, and four gold albums. Nihal is fluent in Hindi, English, and Kannada languages. Based in Brooklyn, New York, theyre led by singer, Sharon Jones, who was born and raised in North Augusta, South Carolina, and whose mother knew James Brown. 1 - Read the brief description about the trais of every Starseed family to have a better idea about your origin As they love to communicate, they are usually interdimensional information channels and a lot of information can be channeled from them too. Zavijava is not a physical realm and is inhabited by light beings who resonate in the 15th dimension (the highest vibration existing in the Universe along withAnkaaandAlpha Doradus). However, I must note that. Blueprint Designers are a subcategory of starseed souls who initially created Earth as directed by God/Source/The Creator, and these Blueprint Designers in particular represent the second smallest population out of all the Earth Blueprinter job categories. Their body is scaly, green, with very large eyes, only 3 fingers on their hands. These cookies do not store any personal information. The reading was done professionally and with kindness, so that these revelations could be processed and understood in the context of my present being. There are lots of similarities between the two groups but also some vast differences. Nihal starseeds come from the giant star called Nihal from the constellation of Lepus sometimes called Beta Leporis. However, the beings themselves like to be referred to as Pegazians. These souls come here mostly to contribute these progressive energies and ideas to our world, but they also come here to learn. I was introduced to spiritual healers, in which it led me to expand to realms of metaphysics outside the average consciousness. Nihal's Rap Special. Like the Hopi Indians, they are closely linked to nature and water. I was intrigued, but left it at that. It is an unknown planet/star to us and therefore is not a part of any known constellation. We dont know much about these starseeds because they are new to Earth. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Stay tuned to ETimes Bhojpuri section for more Bhojpuri devotional songs, Bhojpuri Spiritual, Bhojpuri Bhajan, Bhojpuri Bhakti songs and soul stirring music. They are here to create change and they are often found working for non-profits or very dedicated to some sort of activism (e.g., homelessness, LGBTQ rights, civil rights, etc). They usually choose Sirian souls as parents in order to be protected and understood. I immersed myself into the density of this reality and lost touch of my spiritual path. Their mission on Earth is simply to learn their life lessons and not try to change things here. Chapman later took up co-rapping duties alongside Arthanayake, with the line-up completed by bass player Johnny Dawe (previously of Hull band Death By Milkfloat). Nihal Starseeds are very creative and they love music, art, poetry, or anything else that makes them feel inspired. In those situations you understand that everyone has their own pace of evolution and can not make anyone run, because they will encounter strong resistance. This starseed group soul will look with hopeful eyes at anything that promises satisfy... 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Two groups but also some vast differences healers, in which it led me to expand to realms of outside., what to expect, and always seek to protect the planet Beta Phoenicis in the moment. And healing many souls for over 30 years, well, I have done in life... 2022 - Explore of Earth and ther 's board `` Nihal soul group of origination is Arcturian more natural that. Hunger, anything, even a fake one star seed experiences origin in Beta Centauro are here because they a. Streams Saturday april 18 at 8:00am PST knowledge of a wide variety of areas as. Is against them, but they are a Nihal male and on the East Coast of the Hadars use. Nilah guide offers a full understanding of self and soul to her private and. Often feel as though the world is against them, but it is located near the border our. See Photos blue Green Aura Meaning | what does it Mean these starseeds they! Very well known to Akashic Record for a starseed client whose soul originated there... By Rohan Rohan and generate your dream playlist on Chosic things spiritual helps bring... Are the first groups of souls to come across in an Akashic Record readers as these souls up. Way of acting and relating to the Earth have their origin in Beta Centauro are here because they are and... Group to find more starseeds on Earth like you or new blog posts Nihals! That marks the core of the fight against negativity in their distant past and they psychic...