mars in aquarius man compatibility

Still, your creative energy is your strength and you will be quite imaginative in sex or in any other creative direction for your assertive powers. He is a problem-solver and is especially adept and handy when Mars is in Leo. At first, the Aquarius compatibility with Virgo will seem strong because each sign can offer exactly what the other needs. Mars entering into Aquarius will always lead to some rather specific issues and developments in your life that you need to be able to take into account. Forming a union of air and fire, Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Leo are passionate opposites, mirroring each other's differences in a perfect lockstep. Its like trying to fit two mismatched puzzle pieces together, even though they are the same color. His woman will be valued for her personal space, self-sufficiency, and her sense of humor will be cultivated. Capricorn may be most compatible with a woman whose Venus is in Taurus. They often have open relationships. As one of the last zodiac signs, an Aquarius man is an old soul. The sign shows the masculine principle a man is working on in this life. The qualities of Mars by sign and house placement will show the type of person she finds attractive. However, Mars is opposed to your Ruling and neutral Planet, Saturn. They may date several people at a time. The most compatible signs with an Aquarius man are generally considered to be Libra, Gemini, Aries, and Sagittarius. Make your Aquarius man forget every other woman and go absolutely crazy for you. An Aries woman is non-traditional and likes to play by her own rules. Although he is honest to a fault, an Aquarius man speaks his own language and often struggles to communicate effectively. Mars in Aquarius men are sensitive, idealistic and devoted companions. An Aquarius is an adventurous risk-taker, while a Virgo is cautious and timid. She needs a partner who will worship the ground she walks on and fulfill her every need. Both zodiac signs want someone who they can create a safe, trusting relationship with; someone who they know will never judge them for showing their vulnerable side or talking about their feelings. He will gladly assist her if she is unable to perform things on her own. This paints you in a better light as it shows that you care about others and what they are thinking. This post may contain affiliate links. Justice and fairness are extremely important to them. Mars in Aquarius increases your enthusiasm in your relationships. A man who has his Mars in Aries may be most compatible with a woman who has her Venus in Leo. In romantic relationships, these men like to dominate their partnersespecially in bed. There may not always be a lot of conversation, but what does come out of this pairing is more intimate and deeper than anything else either sign may ever experience in their lives. But both signs are practical and brutally honest, which gives them some common ground to stand on. In fact, what turns you on is likely to confuse the average person. The zodiac sign of Libra tries to do everything in a deliberate and equitable way, but Mars is a planet that pushes the idea that life isn't always fair. She hates being told what to do and rebels against authority. If you are born under this sign, you are highly intelligent, and this is especially manifest when it comes to problem-solving and debating. Aquarius Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match. Sagittarius is known as the eternal bachelor of the zodiac because its so hard to get this free-spirited sign to settle down with just one romantic partner. James has Mars in Taurus, in the Tenth House. If you don't feel mental arousal, it's impossible to have physical stimulation. While you have an eye for design, you do not truly care enough to style yourself too tediously and you much prefer looser fits that can be adapted for any style. As an Earth sign, Taurus loves routine, including plenty of housework to keep their sacred space beautiful and clean. With Mars in Sagittarius your energy for adventure is strong. But the Scorpio woman will quickly see that an Aquarius man isnt capable of giving her the emotional depth and constant companionship she craves, and the Aquarius man will be suffocated by the controlling and dramatic Scorpio lady. She wants intellectual stimulation, a sense of humor, and someone who appreciates the world in all its beauty. This is a lover who will view you as a capable equaland theres nothing more attractive than a man who believes in you and wants to make love to you, especially in the presence of Mars in Aquarius. When you are in pursuit of your desires however, you're likely to be very romantic. Which signs are his best matches, and which signs wont get along with him? Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. When you argue, you tend to keep a very cool head and are unemotional. The person with Venus in Aquarius in an extremely special, unconventional, and rebellious lover. This is due to you being rather progressive with your way of thinking, and you are going to love the challenges that lie in wait for you and how it could then directly influence your life. Mars in Gemini has a strong intellectual drive so mental pleasure can sometimes be more important than sex. You never tell your friends secrets, or even betray the trust of your own parents, as an adult. This makes you highly compatible with intrepid Mars in Sagittarius, but also socially brave Mars in Libra. He may be most compatible with a woman whose Venus is in Scorpio. Virgo will keep Pisces focused on the important things, and Pisces will teach Virgo how to get in touch with his spiritual side. But while you are articulate, you arent always tactful. Y. ou may feel more detached if many Air signs are in your chart, or less so if you have Earth in your chart, featuring heavily. Mars in Pisces: Those who have Mars in Pisces often attract with their engaging sensitivity. While you can be intense and personal at times, you can also completely confuse a lover with a detached manner on other occasions. They may also be open to group sex or polyamory. You have a natural ability to see into all the corners of an argument and come at it from different angles. You will find love and fulfillment in time, but only if you stay on your course of eternal learning and developing understanding. Aries and Leo connect through a very physical, carnal relationship; one that tends to burn bright and fast. These people prefer teamwork to working alone. When you do create, you do it to please yourself rather than create something that is popular. Honoring her Mars in Cancer will mean letting her take her time to be vulnerable and being gentle when she shows her soft side. He is a scientist but could also be an inventor. Always interested in the new and the unusual, they find inventive ways to satisfy demands for change. Aquarius Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Although Mercury really governs how we communicate, Mars also shows how we deal with anger and conflict. They have a streak of rebelliousness and may at times withdraw from family or friends because the pressure between those relations becomes overwhelming. He may be a down-to-earth dad too, and this is something he needs recognition for. And as long as you get the attention you need, you'll do just that! Mars in Capricorn is capable of denying pleasure altogether and focusing their ambitious energy on career matters instead. You can expect women born under Mars in Aquarius to be a bit mysterious. They may be independent, eccentric, unconventional, even revolutionary. He may be most compatible with a woman who has her Venus in Virgo. You have a very strong sex drive and it's likely that you'll want to get down to business immediately and often. Anger in these watery placements will be emotional and need nurturing understanding. This is certainly going to lead to you feeling as if you are able to ruffle some feathers, but that is not something to be afraid of as you are confident enough in what you are saying. They are not for all tastes but with the right person they can be pretty fun. As a man with this Mars sign you love adventure and excitement. The Taurus woman can teach him to keep his feet planted on the ground instead of getting lost in his head, while the Aquarius man can show a Taurus woman how to dream big and embrace her quirky side. With Mars in Aquarius you have unusual ideas and attitudes when it comes to sex and your energy will be rather eccentric as you pursue your desires. She needs an emotional and spiritual connection with someone just as much as she needs a physical one, which is something that Sagittarius is well-versed in providing. They are typically not that jealous or possessive. He will bring out her softer side while still giving her a chance to cultivate her personal identity beyond the relationship. With Mars in Cancer you have a sensitive and moody sexual energy. Independent, strong minded and freedom loving, her strength is unquestioned. A woman who appreciates his straightforward but sensual approach to sex and his practical achievements will win his heart. The Aquarius compatibility with Gemini is almost as strong as the compatibility with Libra, but with a few key differences. Phone or cyber sex is particularly appealing to you as are all forms of nontraditional and experimental sexcapades. Mars in Virgo Compatibility When you are born under Mars in Virgo, you need someone intellectually stimulating and imminently trustworthy. The brutally honest and dispassionate Aquarius will constantly hurt the Cancer womans feelings unintentionally, and she will lash out in return, making this pairing an impossible match. With Mars in Gemini you have a great energy for communication. Aquarius Man & Scorpio Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Aquarius man (they work like magic). This Mars in Aquarius man is charming and friendly and very independent. Always interested in the new and the unusual, they find inventive ways to satisfy demands for change. Since you are likely to be in long-distance scenarios, this will come in handy, and you will get extra help from Men with Mars in Aquarius. Although these two are both spiritually mature signs with a great deal of compassion for others, that is the extent of their similarities. Someone who is more fascinated with the idea of sex and fascinated by all the things you can try, but doesnt necessarily need sex for physical or emotional comfort or stability. These people prefer teamwork to working alone. Mars is the expression of masculinity in a man's chart. They will interact with each other using comedy, jokes, and engaging themes. James Mars in Taurus will express anger more matter-of-factly and to the point. You love to assert your intellect and beliefs on others and may be guilty of coming on a bit too strong in this area. They do best with a partner who does not need a lot of emotional gratification in sex and perhaps who doesnt have a very high sex drive. Although you love games and sports, when it comes to sex you rarely want mind games - only the physical ones! Virgo is a nitpicky sign (it rules over the 6th house after all) and is very detail-oriented, whereas Aquarius prefers to look at the bigger picture (similar to Sagittarius). With Mars in Virgo your energy is refined and discriminating. Of course, she was going to want a man to share her spiritual life with and to merge with emotionally and spiritually, but unless she was healthy and complete inside of herself first, this was going to lead to codependency. Mars in Taurus likes to build and establish things, and in the Tenth House this will likely be his career. With Mars in Scorpio you have a magnetic energy and desires that run so deep they might intimidate other people. Venus in Gemini wants a man who can read her mind. Aquarius is known for being a humanitarian and generous soul at heart, as well as a very intellectual person. This pairing is all about give and take, which is an understated, yet hugely important part of any good relationship. Mars in Libra understands the hard work it takes to find that balance between romance and freedom. She keeps her heart under lock and key until shes sure that the person shes with is the one who is meant to have it. They have a rebel without a cause vibe, but also obviously big hearts. Spotting the gap in someones argument is also one of your special skills. Mars in Cancer is a sensual, domestic placement. The attack of Mars in Scorpio is akin to the searing pain of burns on your flesh. In order to win an argument with this placement, it's . Do not become too far detached from the needs of those around youeven while abstaining from gratifying your own needs. The Aquarius compatibility with Aries is perhaps best explained by the fierce independence of both signs. The least compatible signs with an Aquarius man are generally considered to be Pisces and Cancer. Mars in Leo wants to be a lover who is remembered for being warm hearted and capable of keeping the fun in love for a long time to come. A man whose Mars is in Capricorn may be Venus in Capricorn's most compatible match. You want to change the world. Scorpio likes knowing that not only will Pisces never judge her, but that he will also make her feel safe to be whoever she wants to be. For you, anything worth pursuing must contain a mental connection first. She may be most compatible with a man whose Mars is in Cancer because of Cancers sensitive, family-orientated nature. The goals He wants to find a relationship that will burn long and bright so he needs someone who wants the same things he does. Venus in Pisces needs someone who will take care of her and keep her grounded. You like to climb mountains, dive deep into your passions, take risks when necessary, and try new things! This is where a woman who has her Venus in Sagittarius comes in. They may have a really unique sense of style. Generally, the most compatible signs for Gemini friendships and romantic relationships are fellow air signs Aquarius and Libra, as they'll have an innate understanding of Gemini's mental nature. The last time Pluto changed star sign was 2008 when it entered Capricorn, the sign of big business, coinciding with a financial crash. With Mars in Leo you have a deep desire to be as flamboyant in your expression of love and desire as possible. Mixed signals are likely from this sign. They are not naturally very sexual people in that they dont really NEED sex like other signs do. Aquarius Man & Taurus Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? James tended to attract women who were independent and not interested in family life (his Venus is in Aries), but when I explained that he needed a woman to appreciate his Mars, he got very clear about what type of relationship he wanted. With Mars in Taurus you have a steady, enduring stream of energy that doesn't rush but always finishes what is started. They are very individualistic and enjoy the unique and eccentric. You hate the idea of people being taken advantage of, and will fight for equality wherever you can. On top of that, Gemini is an endless fount of affection, so Scorpio will always feel like shes loved and wanted. Just being good in bed isnt enough, though it is certainly a step in the right direction. You are interested in the spirit world, in taboo subjects, and pushing the envelope. You have a primal need to nurture and protect both yourself and those you love. Learn More. You find that your spirituality is something very personal to you and you do not believe in having to conform to what everybody else has to say about religion either. Our readers support us. Venus in Aries looks for someone who can be just as adventurous and playful as she is. MARS IN AQUARIUS WEAKNESSES: Rebellious and anti-authoritarian; intellectually manipulative; stubbornly perverse; addicted to change for the sake of change. Since you are overly concerned with the other person and their needs with Mars in Libra, you can make an excellent, accommodating lover indeed. But just as you are capable of these dark depths, the heights your energy can achieve are more healing than any other. The sign shows the masculine principle a man is working on in this life. You have the power of a volcano inside your body, along with the self control that chooses when to allow it to explode. Like any typical Aries, you're spontaneous, impulsive, courageous, and outwardly flirty. His partners will need to acknowledge the Taurus ability to dig in and know when to let an argument go and revisit when things have cooled down. You may have forgotten to do this for a while, or may just have found a new way to express it, but either way now is your time to actwhile Mars is in Aquarius. Pisces is also looking for The One and will kiss a lot of frogs before she finds her prince (Scorpio). To learn what sign your SUN and MARS are in, use the Free Transit Calculator and enter your birth date. Brave yes, but all too often this is a placement that will suffer burns in the romance department. What It Means to Have Mars in Sagittarius If the planet Mars is in the sign of Sagittarius when you are born, then you have Mars in Sagittarius in your astrological chart. There isnt any hurrying a Mars in Taurusso patience here is a must. On the opposite end of the scale is Mars. Emily Ratay is a full-time writer living in Pittsburgh. Together, this pairing grows into successful, open-minded, and worldly individuals. When Mars does enter into the equation, you will discover that it has a tendency to be very protective of you at all times. They also dont need or crave constant companionship and know how to give each other space when they need it. Some zodiac signs are more in tune with this planet, which means that love and relationships come easily to them. The most compatible signs with an Aquarius man are generally considered to be Libra, Gemini, Aries, and Sagittarius. He's a people person, but he doesn't get all cozy with just about anyone, and only his most trusted friends actually know something more about him. This placement often gives scientific ability, with a strong interest in the future, technology and the advancement of humanity. They do their own thing, and they have their own look, which sets them apart. This kind of man is someone who is also looking for The One AKA someone who can fulfill his every romantic fantasy. Men born under Mars in Aquarius seem effortlessly cool. Mars in Gemini meaning reveals that you possess great communication and leadership skills. You are incredibly energetic, empathetic, and loyal. Venus in Libra is looking for romance and affection galore. Like, lightning speed. Laidback and adventurous sexually, you are happy to go with the flow, trying new things or sticking with the tried and tested as the mood demands. Mars in Aquarius has real power behind it, so accept it and see where it will take you. This pairing can also be intensely obsessive but in the best way possible. She also needed her Cancer Mars to be validated. You are cool and calculated when it comes to conflict, either sticking to the facts and logical arguments, or just cutting someone out of your life and moving on. They may date someone completely unexpected. When you are born with Mars in Aquarius, you are highly self-sufficient and believe that you can take on life all by yourself. As an air sign, an Aquarius man is flaky and dreamy. Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. Get An Accurate Prediction Today, The Best (And Worst) Zodiac Compatibility For Each Sign. But you dont know how to ask for help when you need it. With the Taurus sign, he will be a practical sensualist who enjoys sexand likely be good at it too! As one of the first signs of the zodiac, a Taurus woman has a youthful, childlike spirit. Women with Mars in Aquarius are outspoken and beautiful activists. This zodiac sign is someone who can give Leo the excitement and adventure he needs in life. Cue: Venus in Aries. Aquarius Man & Capricorn Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Knowing that he has someone like Virgo in his life to care for him and be cared for the way he needs will make this relationship last a very long time. These women dont like sitting at home doing nothing as they get bored easily. 1999 - 2021 Sexual Astrology - All rights reserved. They usually find some outlet to vent their anger against some cause or a group of people. is one of the leading astrology and women's lifestyle and spirituality websites online today. When two people who are too similar come together, they can highlight one anothers flaws and drive each other insane. It will compute your personal transits for 2016 and the planets in your birth chart. In your youth, your punky rebellious streak may add tension, but as you mature, you take on some of the strength of Mars in Aquariusand can almost sustain it until the next time around. They tend to idealize the concept of love, placing more importance upon the notion of loving and serving humanity than on personal relationships. They may think that they are actually really sexy and sexual but their partners may feel very disconnected from them during the act of sex. He may have the most compatibility with a woman who has her Venus in Cancer. Mars is the expression of masculinity in a mans chart. The first secret to know about an Aquarius in love is simply that it does NOT refer to a sun-sign Aquarius person. Like Capricorn, Pisces is Aquarius neighboring sign since Pisces follows Aquarius in the order of the zodiac. It is your preference to never need anyone else for anything. But after a little conversation, I felt it was important to encourage Laurie to get to know her Mars. 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