how american industry won world war ii quizlet

Table 1 shows the dramatic increases in GDP, federal spending, and military spending. Red, pink, yellow, and white roses grow in Maisie's backyard. At the same time, through taxes on excess profits and other sources of income, the rich were made to bear a larger part of the burden, making this the only period in modern history when wealth was significantly redistributed. What is FDR's health like during the election of 1944? History of the United States (1945u201364). if woman did not start working then would we have had woman working know a days. Darby, Michael R. Three-and-a-Half Million U.S. Employees Have Been Mislaid: Or, an Explanation of Unemployment, 1934-1941. Journal of Political Economy 84, no. Hitler and Italy's Mussolini governed by a philosophy to authority of the leader over a individual. At the peak of its war effort, in late 1943 and early 1944, the United States was manufacturing almost as many munitions as all of its allies and enemies combined. (That's part of why childbirth is known as labor). The Navy and Industrial Mobilization in World War II. sentences, underline the subject once and the verb twice. In many industries, company executives resisted converting to military production because they did not want to lose consumer market share to competitors who did not convert. Department-store sales in November 1944 were greater than in any previous month in any year (Blum, 95-98). Britain had stood alone militarily in Europe, but American supplies had bolstered their resistance. Fiscal and financial matters were also addressed by other federal agencies. Household manufacturing was almost universal in colonial days, with local craftsmen providing for their communities. Believing that Japan intended to attack the East Indies, the United States stopped exporting oil to Japan at the end of the summer. Workers at the lower end of the spectrum gained the most: manufacturing workers enjoyed about a quarter more real income in 1945 than in 1940 (Kennedy, 641). Upon being returned to office, Roosevelt moved quickly to aid the Allies. Women would leave their household duties to help with the needs of the war. In Germany, for instance, the rise of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi party occurred at least partly because Hitler claimed to be able to transform a weakened Germany into a self-sufficient military and economic power which could control its own destiny in European and world affairs, even as liberal powers like the United States and Great Britain were buffeted by the depression. World War II provided unprecedented opportunities for American women to enter into jobs that had never before been open to women, particularly in the defense industry. Russia agreed to fight Japan but claimed East Europe as its own, Clothing worn by Mexican-Americans which used lots of material, Trotter Final Review - Terms and essays 2019, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. Air Force History Support Office. The Desert Fox. With such a large pool of taxpayers, the American government took in $45 billion in 1945, an enormous increase over the $8.7 billion collected in 1941 but still far short of the $83 billion spent on the war in 1945. As the American military was still segregated for the majority of World War II, African American women served in black-only units. The unprecedented growth of the U.S. economy translated into prosperity that resulted in millions of office and factory workers being lifted into a growing middle class that moved to the suburbs and embraced consumer goods. FDR communicates with the American people by a speech and its important because everyone needed to come together to defeat the Japanese. Employment did not just increase on the industrial front. The famous reaction of the future British Prime Minister was that the allies "had to choose between war and dishonor. This enabled Roosevelt to establish what became known as the Good Neighbor Policy, which repudiated altogether the right of intervention in Latin America. Anderson, Karen. I know women were allowed to serve with the Army, Navy and Air Force for non-combatant purposes during the second world war. Nash, Gerald D. The American West Transformed: The Impact of the Second World War. The 1963 March on Washington, photograph by Rowland Scherman for USIA-U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Available at What were some of the fears that men held about women doing factory jobs? Direct link to vsk29559's post I know women were allowed, Posted a year ago. Signed in 1938 between Great Britain, Germany, and France that gave part of Czechoslovakia to Germany; Chamberlain said it guaranteed peace in our time, Location hit by the second atomic bomb 3 days after Hiroshima --> killed 40,000 --> Japan surrenders. United States World War II The road to war After World War I most Americans concluded that participating in international affairs had been a mistake. FDR's death was so hard on the American people because he had led them through the two crisis that had happened and he was just a great president to everyone. Explanation: The Axis needed a quick victory in order to win World War II. Germany's systematic genocide (ethnic cleansing) of various ethnic, religious, national, and secular groups during WWII, starting in 1941 and continuing through 1945. They worked as nurses, drove trucks, repaired airplanes, and performed clerical work. As a result of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the previously divided nation entered into the global struggle with virtual unanimity. Most importantly, American mobilization was markedly less centralized than mobilization in other belligerent nations. Direct link to edie's post If america was at war , w, Posted 5 years ago. With this rapid rise in power and influence, the United States had to take on new responsibilities, signaling the beginning of the "American era." October 23, 2020. American heavy bombers, like the B-29 Superfortress, were highly sophisticated weapons which could not have existed, much less contributed to the air war on Germany and Japan, without innovations such as bombsights, radar, and high-performance engines or advances in aeronautical engineering, metallurgy, and even factory organization. How does FDR communicate with the American people and why is it important? (Darby, 1976, 7. The total cost of the war to the federal government between 1941 and 1945 was about $321,000,000,000 (10 times as much as World War I). Over sixteen hundred female nurses received various decorations for courage under fire. Direct link to David Alexander's post There have been women in . These were all positive effects and were a great boost in moral for everyone involved in the industry. The role of women in U.S. society became an issue of particular interest in the post-war years, with marriage and feminine domesticity depicted as the primary goal for the American woman. Or was she a symbol that women had to retain beauty standards during the war? home vegetable garden planted to add to the home food supply and replace farm produce sent to feed the soldiers. (Watkins, 2002; Johnston and Williamson, 2004), Unemployment was another measure of the depressions impact. the gathering of resources and preparation for war. These laws barred the transportation or sale of arms to warring nations and banned loans to nations at war outside the Western Hemisphere. Nevertheless, within a few years, about a third of women older than 14 worked outside the home. What might the ringing of the doorbell mean? Cramped into converted barns, living with as many as eight people in a single room, Japanese American women struggled to retain a semblance of normalcy in the face of terrible privation. Harrison, Mark, editor. World War II had solidified the notion that women were in the workforce to stay. In 1939, when World War II erupted in Europe with Germanys invasion of Poland, numerous economic indicators suggested that the United States was still deeply mired in the depression. In the Shadow of the Garrison State. Following World War II, the United States emerged as one of the two dominant superpowers, turning away from its traditional isolationism and toward increased international involvement. These were not enough to meet all needs, and by the end of the year a manpower shortage had developed. From the beginning of preparedness in 1939 through the peak of war production in 1944, American leaders recognized that the stakes were too high to permit the war economy to grow in an unfettered, laissez-faire manner. In attempt to prevent being drawn into war again, the U.S. Congress passed these acts in 1935, 1936, and 1937. In times of need the people would hustle up all they could and build everything they could to help the war efforts. a strike without formal union authorization: occasionally, workers decided to refuse to work without the sanction of a labor union, either because the union refused to endorse such a tactic, or because the workers concerned were not unionized. These things greatly benefited the economy. The gross national product of the U.S., as measured in constant dollars, grew from $88.6 billion in 1939 while the country was still suffering from the depression to $135 billion in 1944. 2 (February 1992): 1-34. But most women in the labor force during World War II did not work in the defense industry. Thus, when Pearl Harbor was attacked, the United States had some 2,200,000 men under arms, but most were ill-trained and poorly equipped. Nelson, Donald M. Arsenal of Democracy: The Story of American War Production. Price and Wage Controls in Four Wartime Periods. Journal of Economic History 41, no. .There would be no army, well not a well motivated one that is. secret agreement signed by President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1941 outlining the two nations' war aims for self-determination Axis Alliance alliance between germany, italy, and japan because they all wanted empires and they were totalitarian Battle of Britain Workers resented wage ceilings because much of their increased income went to pay taxes and was earned by working overtime rather than through higher hourly rates. Available at Koistinen, Paul A.C. Arsenal of World War II: The Political Economy of American Warfare, 1940-1945. recognized in 1933 by USA after broken ties, an Allied battle plan attacking the Axis powers through Italy - divides Hitler's forces and draws attention away from Normandy in preparation for D-day, after Germany takes control of the French government, these French citizens disrupt the German military so as to help the allied war effort, all black unit of fighter pilots. Do you think Rosie the Riveter is a symbol of women's strength? places where political prisoners are confined. The mobilization of funds, people, natural resources and material for the production and supply of military equipment and military forces during World War II was a critical component of the war effort. After World War I most Americans concluded that participating in international affairs had been a mistake. Although women often earned more money than ever before, it was still far less than men received for doing the same jobs. Postu2013World War II economic expansion. American industry was revitalized by the war, and many sectors were by 1945 either sharply oriented to defense production (for example, aerospace and electronics) or completely dependent on it (atomic energy). Later, his status as a successful leader during World War II helped him become President of the United States. Despite both this increase in income and a no-strike pledge given by trade union leaders after Pearl Harbor, there were numerous labour actions. Rather, American GDP continued to grow after the war (albeit not as rapidly as it had during the war; compare Table 1). Answer about the excerpt from To Nano. What motivates the grandmother in the story to change her feelings about feeding To Nano? The war was not "fun" anymore when kids from the neighborhood started dying from the war. Significant Contributions The global conflict which was labeled World War II emerged from the Great Depression, an upheaval which destabilized governments, economies, and entire nations around the world. The remainder was financed by borrowing from financial institutions, an expensive method but one that Congress preferred over the alternatives of raising taxes even higher or making war bond purchases compulsory. Hitler unleashed his U-boat "wolf packs" into the Atlantic Ocean with orders to sink anything carrying aid to Britain, but Britain's and the United States' superior tactics and technology won them the Battle of the Atlantic. Some have called Sam Slater's mill the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991. Though initially rejected by car-company executives and many federal officials, the Reuther Plan effectively called the publics attention to Americas lagging preparedness for war. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. Foremost among these trends was the expansion of employment, which paralleled the expansion of industrial production. How did employment change for African-Americans during the war? The USA had to first overcome the Axis in Europe before it could go full out up against Japan. The wars rapid scientific and technological changes continued and intensified trends begun during the Great Depression and created a permanent expectation of continued innovation on the part of many scientists, engineers, government officials and citizens. Conversion thus became a goal pursued by public officials and labor leaders. After the war, many women were fired from factory jobs. But women's participation in the work force bounced back relatively quickly. Often these systems use Secret Police to imprison, torture, or kill any critics. Three days later Germany and Italy declared war against the United States; and Congress, voting unanimously, reciprocated. 3. Building the B-29. The demands of participating in the second World War revitalized American industry and made the United States a global leader in production. The United States became a global influence in economic, political, military, cultural, and technological affairs. Thus the loss of many lives is definitely a great cost. There was also the prevalent idea that the rightful place of a woman was in the house. Surround Soviet satellites to prevent Communist expansion, home od sedatan land (Hitler demanded it), June 6, 1944 Allies land on the beaches in Normandy, France and go on the offensive to drive Hitler's forces back into Germany, June 6th 1944, Allied forces under Dwight d. Eisenhower landed on the beaches of Normandy in history's greatest naval invasion --> surrounded Germ. Army Air Forces Air WACs. the first major battle to be fought entirely in the air. Encompassing hundreds of thousands of workers, four major factories, and $3 billion in government spending, the B-29 project required almost unprecedented organizational capabilities by the U.S. Army Air Forces, several major private contractors, and labor unions (Vander Meulen, 7). Minority women faced particular difficulties during the World War II era. Given the scale and scope of these agencies efforts, they did sometimes fail, and especially so when they carried with them the baggage of the New Deal. Finally, the wars global scale severely damaged every major economy in the world except for the United States, which thus enjoyed unprecedented economic and political power after 1945. Should the United States maintain its embargo against Cuba? As it waxed and waned between 1933 and 1940, Roosevelts New Deal mitigated some effects of the Great Depression, but did not end the economic crisis. They were able to do this because they had all the materials needed to create other things. This would also come at a cost when Russia and America being to have their cold war. Rosie the Riveter Revisited: Women, the War, and Social Change. Four key innovations facilitated this enormous wartime output. The planning and conduct of war in 1914 were crucially influenced by the invention of new weapons and the improvement of existing types since the Franco-German War of 1870-71. Lingeman, Richard P. Dont You Know Theres a War On? The total death toll was anywhere from 11-26 million. By late 1942 it was clear that Nelson and the WPB were unable to fully control the growing war economy and especially to wrangle with the Army and Navy over the necessity of continued civilian production. U.S. Bonds served as a way for citizens to make an economic contribution to the war effort, but because interest on them accumulated slower than consumer prices rose, they could not completely preserve income which could not be readily spent during the war. Who received Lend Lease supplies from the US? Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987. Improvement in the standard of living was not ubiquitous, however. Shipbuilding offers a third example of innovations importance to the war economy. The United States, as David Kennedy writes, ultimately proved capable of some epochal scientific and technical breakthroughs, [but] innovated most characteristically and most tellingly in plant layout, production organization, economies of scale, and process engineering (Kennedy, 648). Americans who earned as little as $500 per year paid income tax at a 23 percent rate, while those who earned more than $1 million per year paid a 94 percent rate. They defeated Germany and Italy fell like a domino afterwards. 4 (September 1991): 741-56. The Manhattan Project climaxed in August 1945, when the United States dropped two atomic weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan; these attacks likely accelerated Japanese leaders decision to seek peace with the United States. Labors War at Home: The CIO in World War II. Harriet Tubman, Madame C. J. Walker, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Joan of Arc. The entire industry had produced only 71 ships between 1930 and 1936, but from 1938 to 1940, commission-sponsored shipyards turned out 106 ships, and then almost that many in 1941 alone (Fischer, 41). The pool of unemployed men dried up in 1943, and further employment increases consisted of women, minorities, and over- or underage males. On June 6, 1944, the greatest amphibious force in history (176,000+ troops carried in over 5,000 vessels) crossed the English Channel to land along a 60 mile stretch of coastline in France. Soviets supplied North Korea with weapons via the airforce. The Economics of World War II: Six Great Powers in International Comparison. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1985. V Was for Victory: Politics and American Culture during World War II. Second (and partially as a result of the feasibility dispute), the WPB in late 1942 created the Controlled Materials Plan, which effectively allocated steel, aluminum, and copper to industrial users. This invasion helped take pressure off of the Russians on the Eastern Front by attacking German forces in western Europe. In the Air Force in 1993. Hitler diverted critical units from the Battle against the . In a bold surprise attack, Japanese aircraft destroyed or damaged 18 ships of war at Pearl Harbor, including the entire battleship force, and 347 planes. to force surrender. The system used in the United States to draft young people into armed service. Grandmother in the labor force during World War II: Six great Powers in Comparison. 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