pisces man ghosted me and came back

Hi I met my pisces man and started dating 5 months ago. This will aid you in figuring out how to know if a Pisces man is playing you. Hes the two fish as a Pisces. Anyway during the time we were alone we spoke about alot! Otherwise just enjoy him. I dont think hes ready to do that. Then he requested leave just to see me, but when, his transportation/jet, was sent on a mission, he wanted ME to pay his ticket here to the states, which was over $2000 dollars. Give him a chance but tell him what you want out of this and ask him what he would like to do. A lot of it is miscommunication and frustration. Call him on it sweetheart. I probably only complained twice but Id say it was more of Im worried about you long message. It sounds like you need more work on yourself and some healing so that no matter who you are with, you are able to process emotions better. Virgo gal here been chatting w a Pisces guy for 5 months that all started when he messaged me on FB. Hes trying to beat around the bush in telling you he doesnt want to be in a relationship with you. right now because i dont know his mind towards m. I am so very sorry youre going through this. I wasnt expecting to like him this time. This is pretty normal sweetheart. Body movement is a good indicator also. He replied instantly which was surprising with a yes. I ever had, it just about knocked the wind out of me., Pisces men want lots of attention and adoration from the person they consider to be their partner. It doesnt happen often that I find a guy I can speak the same language with, on the other hand, I think that if we keep our contact, I will hope that he will change his mind and I may also feel he uses me as his consultant. I dont think you did anything wrong. Believe it or not, there are signature things that a Pisces man will do or say that will show you what is going on with him. But he will always text me. We woke up next morning, with him seeming aloof and no sign of tenderness. Had drinks and then went to dinner. If he really decides he wants to be with you, hell make it very known. Validation isnt a bad thing and I dont think you should change who you are for anyone sweetheart. He introduced me to his family and friends. If you have apologized then he probably just needs a little time to process what has happened. Pisces women, on the other hand, are more trustworthy in general. You might want to check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets also as it could help you even more. I deflected and didnt give a solid answer. And he said no we will make plans to see each other the Sunday. But if you've gone out with someone a couple of times and are well into the process of getting to know them, don't just go poof. Im in the ninth grade. Thank you. I told him I was sorry and that I dont want him to hate me but all he said was I dont hate anyone. Then at every practice, the trumpets would talk about how I liked him. He tells me we are just letting things be but wont give me a direct answer if we are over or not. He thinks a women only knows what he wants when shes 25. He is ten years younger than me and this is always bothering me. Anyway he also used to mention how much he will be taking care of me and buying me a car but all of a sudden doesnt say it but talks about the future and all of a sudden wants to hear about my problems. If youve already seen enough, and want to finally get out of his vicious circle of games, check out my 3-step formula for a Pisces man, it will guide you in the right direction. Hi there Im a cancer women and have a Pisces men we talk its fine but all I can see from his side is sex he likes to talk about sex that he cant stay away from me Im everything from him he wants to feel me all the time and if I say no then he get emotional and I love you so much I cant stay away from you this and that just cant understand what he wants or is he just playing. This isnt even all of the details but a summary..what do you think ? Use the Scorpio tactic of looking him in the eye. Try not to criticize him or say things in a way that might sound like it. Why give up hope now where there is so much more for the two of you to experience together. So I kinda rushed to leave and go home. He has to choose so you can. Try talking to him in a calm way and tell him very honestly that you feel insecure and are worried what hes doing there without you. No response, 2 days later he calls me acting a bit rude, but I was super chilled overall Im a chilled person. This point ties in nicely with the previous point, but a Pisces man can be really, really sensitive. I would just start doing your own thing and not acting like this is something. Later that night he called teice but I was asleep. He moved away to a different state this month, and just recently, he offered to let me stay at his apartment when I visited, but after I told him the dates, he said hed let me know that day and never got back to me. Your Pisces man actually sounds very confused within himself which makes him sound even more confusing for you. I thought, how could someone like him just want to quit? we met here for a reason. 5. Many couples are best friends. Do you see how this works? Pisces men cool off when theyre dealing with lots of stress just like a Cancer would typically. He said he wont be able to commit till hes financially stable and completes his studies. Weve been together for roughly 2 years and met in the most unusual place. So how to know if a Pisces man is playing you? The thing is, your Earth and Fire sign is taking over and making you doubt him and being impatient with him. When a Pisces man is done with you, you will most definitely know. Anyway I stayed calm and 9 hrs later I texted again and I said alternatively we can just use condoms until I can get birth control and still no response. I could tell he was jealous because me and him would never play like that he didnt get to know my real personality. They are direct and purposeful, independent and overall pretty happy. Im torn between pride and feelings. I wish you all the very best! The flaky behavior is because he isnt invested or interested sweetheart. If he cannot be with you in that way then you two probably need to pull apart and be friends only (no sex). I told him I was a bit disappointed in text but I understood and to have a safe journey. This is a sure sign that this Pisces man is playing you and leading you on. Besides, do you want to be with a man who is constantly playing so many games? No affection, no kiss goodbye, no nothing just see you around. You arent sure what it is but you wonder if hes playing you or if there is something else you need to know. If hes saying he loves you so much and cannot stay away from you then then maybe he really does actually love you. There after he didnt see me for 2 months which was so weird and unusual and I tried my best to be positive and patient with him. This should help you decide to cut him loose or to try to work it out with him. Also whats with the empty promises.. Maybe his not planning to take me out anywhere not even a date. So I dont know what answers I want at this moment but whatever your conclusion is Ill appreciate it. He will ask questions that seem out there or he may say one thing yet do another to see how you respond. I got home late and we didnt get to meet that night. I feel lost is it over between us? Soon after, I apologized. I was still seeing other people so like I said did not focus on that. Thats a first! It may be eye-opening. And then when he send his mother a picture of something she wanted him to buy I saw a girls name, instantly my mood shifted. Whatever his reason is, youre going to have to let go for now. There is a small chance that he may be really surprised that you arent chasing him, that he may come circling back to you, but dont hold your breath in for this. My story is actually a little different but i would love some advice, im a virgo woman in a relationship with a pisces man and so it start out when i met him at a party in 2018 and his eyes dont leave me soon as i walk through the door, later on that evening we got aquatinted and i gave him my goodies a little too early but months went by and he still kept in touch then out of the blue got a girlfriend so we stopped talkin of course then almost a year late they broke up and he wanted my friendship so we ended up gettin cool again and hangin out with eachother and after a while of that December 2nd of 2020 rolls around and he decides he wants to be my boyfriend so i say yes then 3months into our relationship he decides wants to see what its like with another girl then 3short days later he apologizes and tells me it was a mistake and he wants to be with me then 2short days go by and he tells me something is missing and i tell him he can never come back now almost a week has went by and he come back saying he misses me now i dont know if im being played with or if he really does want to be with me and just is scared. If you need more help, please check out my book Pisces Man Secrets. I feel like the universe keeps bringing us together again but I think hes afraid of commitment or at least with me. Pisces men are the very much introverted yet charming men of the . Im sorry you learned the hard way sweetheart. He found somebody else played her but now hes back into my life. I am someone who believes in having endless conversations but he always came with a time limit whenever we met or over the phone. It hurt my feelings as an Aries woman but we talked and decided to move on from it. Im wondering if maybe this little fling ran its course I sure would love to keep him in my life but the dipping out is just not something I can deal with. One day I called him dude and he said dude?!?!?! We even had our first night without sex which was so weird but i didnt mind he was still very affectionate and loving also we didnt because I had come of birth control coz of hormonal issues so I think thats also a reason. I texted him the next day but instead of a text reply he wanted to FaceTime. PISCES. He once told me I was his soulmate. So now today I texted him about giving me money for birth control and he just ignored me. Again, this is something you have to learn so that you arent a victim to his games. Im finding it hard to walk away because I do feel like we have something considering the numerous times weve broken up but always get back together. WHEW. Though I noticed he bought a new phone and new expensive items in his apartments and he bought a new car a month ago too, video called me showing it to me. He hugged me, and he said he will call me during the week to see how Im doing, I agreed but dont know how I feel about this. So I got there and we talked so I told him I know Im not wrong and that he is someone else and he looked me in the eyes saying no theres not but he moved his hand. His tendency to lie and cheat may be due to various things in his chart that make him predispositioned to be that way. I wish you the best! He should tell you exactly what he feels. When I tried to understand what exactly turned him off and explain myself in case of misunderstanding, he didnt seem to like it very much, he said this is my gut feeling, what would you do if you were me? I said in general I give some time to people. But if he doesnt ever tell me, am I just wasting my time? I am currently and pursuing a pisces man and i think Ive said wrong things to turn him off. I told him that I was, and I try not to text him frequently because he expressed that he didnt like to communicate back and forth in the past, but I was interested in staying with him. I was back there getting my trumpet when he pulled out a card and started reading it to his brother. I dont understand why his acting weird and ignoring me. What should I do? So after that he took me for a drive on his 4 wheeler talking like everything was perfect bit I felt that detachment. I told him let me in to heal you, he said he will be happy if I heal him, should I just continue with him or distance myself from him. Its so rude. Ghosted, I didnt bug him or anything, because Im understanding maybe he has got some stuff he needs to sort out. 5. Youll be able to tell if hes being honest or is giving you total crap. He always talks about us traveling and doing this and that but nothing so far, he still says it but nothing. well, Ive known this Pisces 4 years prior when I first met him 4 years ago he was 10 and I was 9 we were young and clueless Im a libra by the way anyways 4 years later!! If youre reading this and thinking of getting involved with a Pisces man, make sure that you give him time to really think if he wants to commit to you. Once November rolled around (my bday is November 28) and we had thanksgiving break, we texted a bit and, I always initiate the text btw, I asked what kind of music he listened to and he said rock from the 80s. I dont know if I should hang in or walk away because I dont want to be apart of his games! Pisces is one of those frustrating people who just assume that everything is going downhill instead of actually asking you if you still have feelings for him. Pisces Ascendant - 9 years. Not all Pisces men are like this especially when they are ready to be with someone in a relationship. He's an over-thinker. Its pretty clear when hes not sure what he wants. He is 30 years old Im 27. The Pisces Man Offers Illusive Answers If your Pisces guy tends to leave out details when you've asked him what he's been up to; he is either feeling he doesn't have to answer to you or he knows he's being dishonest. So hes making excuses and pushing it back to you. You need to tell him 100% how you feel and what you want. You might want to check out my book on Pisces man to help give you more insight. He tells me hes not taken me for granted but his responses to my supportive behavior are very vague if he even responds at all. But until the two of you have the conversation about taking things to the next step, he feels like he is allowed to keep his options open. So the next evening I send him a text saying just let me know if you would like to call me. He said he was serious about me staying; however, we never talked about it again after that one evening, so he didnt know I was serious. If he was, he would have moved mountains to spend time with you. I wasnt embarrassed, just caught off guard. And before I left he told me he wil see me the next weekend. When hes done, hes done and you wont hear from him again. It sounds like he was being honest with you by telling you that he is trying to develop himself therefore doesnt know what he wants. This side of him might not even be that conscious within him, but there seem to be some days where whatever you seem to do or say he takes so much offense to. Basically you need to tell him you want to go out with him or you dont want to be together. We go fishing all the time. Defensive behavior can be a turn off. He said I understand if you are upset, I said Im not upset, Im sad and that was it. Its not easy to be with a Pisces man if youve never experienced one before. He said he needed time and space to breathe; however, I never gave it to him, and I continued to push his boundaries and suffocate him. HE found me!!! He brought me the most beautiful roses in my favorite color which I know was no easy feat. I am a cancer female and have been friends with my pisces man for the last 2 years. In fact our longest was 20 hours!! There is more. He needs to speak up. I loved his cheeky approach and enjoyed chatting to him and it escalated quickly as he was saying all the right things. Through April weve been FaceTiming and texting non stop. Calmness, being rational, and gentle is the only way to get along with a Pisces to the extent that they wont pull back. At the end of that date we kissed. I went to see my friend and we hung out playing video games, but what he isnt saying is: I went to hang out with my female friend and we started with video games but ended up having sex.. "I see the aliens have returned you to earth.". Ive apologized for our argument which he didnt on his part but admitted to being wrong about not telling mewho he was hanging out with. Anyway when we met up we spend a whole day together but he felt off so I just thought its his tests and didnt pay much attention to his moodiness. Sounds like hes just after sex if he made a big deal out of no oral. The Pisces man is often a catch all of characteristics, displaying many of the main traits of the other signs. I was talking to a Pisces man but he is such a player he will spend 4 days with me and the very same day he will go home his ex she comes over she leaves her panties there at his house and he says she not his girl but she helps him out ? Its hard to know which is which without a bit of time and research. We didnt see each other really for about a week and a half and he hit me up and of course I went. We then went to another message, text app to text privately. Am I fool to keep chasing and wanting to be with him, oh and FYI there is a 15 year difference between us, but that does not seem to matter to either of us. If your gut is the one telling you hes up to no good then that may be right but if its just your fear making you think this then youve got to try to remind yourself of who he was before he left. He considered those girls online disposable he didnt want to use me as a disposable thing till hes ready to commit. His actions and words arent lining up. I be confused cause I know other pieces men they talk about their feeling and are dreamy romantic Well this feb 23 pieces is not. So sorry sweetheart. The inner journey, the spiritual quest, and the emotional realm are what the Pisces man's general focus. Then he told all of the other trumpets that it was that day. Also what was with him not seeing me for 2 months that was weird too. Because of covid he uses that a lot as excuse why we cant go do things together he plays video games and loves to sleep I mean loves it. He would also wait outside my school and work for hours. Well lator nov 2018 he asked me to be just seeing him and be on a relationship. A Pisces man is sensitive to competition in the relationship. Represented by a pair of fish, Pisces is the final sign in the Zodiac. I have worked tirelessly to figure out a way to fix all relationships with Pisces men. That much is true. I called no answer. But after that year for 2 years weve been in a situation ship where we would talk once in a while everyday and then have sex but no label. The first year was sooooo AMAZING but he wasnt stressing out about the exam during that time. Sunday came he went to church and coming back he told me he needs to complete his studies. Is it a test.. Pisces men are run by their emotions sometimes. We ended up laughing, drinking and kissing at the end of the night. If he did, hed be reaching out to you and making sure that youre still around. If you truly love your Pisces man and want to fix things so that you can have the most amazing life with him then now is your chance to make a big change, < Click here to find out more information about how you can make your relationship the most amazing thing you have ever experienced, You have a lot more power than you give yourself credit for, It is about time that you start taking control of the situation and living the life you have always dreamed of. He never went missing always replied to my texts during those 2 months. Also check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets for more information. Even if I require validation, I know that I can change that, which is not a good enough reason to say we are not a good fit. It turned into a big argument and he was mad and said I attacked his character. I have asked him what his intentions are with me not so long ago and he said the long road were we settle down buy a house get married and have a family. This year is so sad for me and I just want to know how to talk to him and make him understand that we have kids involve and I need to see my kids and talk to them. When a Pisces man is in love; hell want to be with you as often as possible. I was furious! And I was annoyed and just said ok and took a nap. Try talking to him and call him out for watching you. They do this especially when theyre seeing someone that theyre not that serious about. Giving him space will be your best option, followed by reaching out to him to see if he is Okay. I know he was hoping for more but I said no. So the Friday we arranged that I will sleep over by him. Remember that Pisces men can be incredibly manipulative. LOL After my divorce finalized he came back into my world and within a matter of a week and a half we ended up sleeping together. It sounds as though youre figured out the truth behind the Pisces man. Instead of charging his FB status to single he just has it hidden. We began friendly communication again at the beginning of this year; however, he was very passive-aggressive. You need to let him know that you do want more with him and yes, you do want exclusivity otherwise he will continue to look around. But WOW, Not sure what to do! We would have the longest phone conversations ever. Weird, I know. As days went by I actually started to develop real feelings for him and ended up telling him straight up. Make sure you read all the way until the end. As embarrassing as it is to say, a video game. He wont commit but has talked to me about marriage and have another baby. Pisces men playing mind games is a really obvious thing to take notice of. He never once asked me for anything. This is one of the signs that your Pisces man is playing you and leading you on. Thank you for chiming in Ivania! If he didnt care, he wouldnt bother with asking you to stay in touch. Hi im a Capricorn Ive known my pieces since may or June of 2015 . Im just now figuring out his mood swings. If hes not seeing anyone else and treating you as he does then hang onto it. Theyre really difficult to get sometimes but youre right, if you take your time and care for them, they will be able to accept the relationship lovingly. ? He had his hand on the door partly opened and looked down while slightly smiling and said no. Thank you for responding, Anna. Till now we are in touch but I feel like he is afraid of commiting and not say anything. This is how you will for sure find out how to know if a Pisces man is playing you. There are so many things you can do to turn your relationship around. I dont know what to do. 4 Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): Very In Touch With Their Emotions, It Will Be Obvious When He's Not Interested Source: Favim As you may already know, guys born under any of the water signs tend to be more emotional than men born under any other sign! When youre confronting him about something, do so in a calm and polite manner. Now he decided to get back with his son mother randomly and we stopped talking in April 2018. Treat others (even your ghosting ex) with kindness if you want to be treated kindly. I am not reaching out this time. Share your emotions; you'll be glad you were honest and open with him because a Pisces man is in tune with his feelings and wants to hear yours. He mentioned there is alot of pressure to finish his diffcult medical school exam and he cannot get his mind of me. As a Capricorn, you should be able to provide stability and a steady ground from with to work on. The 11th grader looked at me and said, wait you like kohen? He is 18 years older than me. But he still acted like he didnt care. I think you already know the answer and you need to follow it. He says things like hes gonna get it together and Im his an all this other stuff but he just makes me feel like he doesnt really want me. Its been 3 days. When he acts flaky let him know how terrible it makes you feel, this may make him think twice about the way he is treating you. Because he tells me he likes me all the time but when I say it i dont think he believes me. I just felt that something was just not right because if you care about someone, you shouldnt be too busy for them. The Zodiac apart of his games dont know what answers I want at this moment but whatever conclusion. His mind of me this isnt even all of the signs that your Pisces man sensitive. Be reaching out to him to see each other really for about a and... At this moment but whatever your conclusion is Ill appreciate it could he. This Pisces man is playing you disposable he didnt get to know if a Pisces to... Im a chilled person tell him what he wants when shes 25 a. That you arent a victim to his brother what you want to be with a Pisces man Secrets also it! Sure that youre still around, hell make it very known for watching you instead of a saying. 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