jesus' blood found 24 chromosomes

You need proof? Thank you for the very good question. But everybody have theyre own responsebility to their own life! your right wang science can explain almost anything today because of the discoveries they got that God let them havebut my question is are they all explain it perfectly? DNA may be thought provoking, but I have no reason to doubt that life evolved as it should have, according to the scriptures. Watch on. When we connect with God, then parts of that love He has, channeled through Jesus sacrifice, combines with that element in us, and we grow more and more in love with Him, and others who also hold the same element that binds us like a three strand cord, hard to break. Dr. Henry Morris explains how we know this genealogy is Marys: Joseph was clearly the son of Jacob (Matthew 1:16, so this verse [Luke 3:23says son of Heli] should be understood to mean son-in-law of Heli. Thus, the genealogy of Christ in Luke is actually the genealogy of Mary, while Matthew gives that of Joseph. but with an strong assurance from the GREAT IAM that IAM.she felt a greatest environment of such peace that she never experiences in heras a result.she accept the prophecy by G-D through his servant ISAIAH. Hence proved ! dangerous underground excavations explore radar anomalies. If only the writer did the analysis based on Spiritual terms, it is very easy to prove that Adams spirit is the same as the Spirit of Christ. However, our mental and physical health is not fully determined by our DNA, our epigenetics take control. Member must know the process. This way, like you said, he would look exactly like Adam as he had the same genetic makeup. South Carolina Man's DNA Tells Ancient Story. Everything is very open with a precise description of the A DNA analysis proved the miraculous nature of the blood. To Know God is to Receive Hope: Help us Spread the Message Thankyou. Too lengthy to comment here. JESUS IS NOT BORN AS ORDINARY HUMAN CHILD.HIS BIRTH WAS EXTRAORDINARY, I MEAN JOSEPH WAS NOT HIS FATHER!!! It is still big that God would subject Himself to being the son of man. It is obvious that the writer of the Bible (God) understood this process very well; this is because He created it. In addition, the very Scripture youve used as your source, also states that Jesus was born of a virgin Therefore, Jesus could not have been the son of any man. DNA is part of the Word of God; it is eternal; God did not intend that Adam should die; and, the original eternal DNA is in Christ, save forever. This video is audio of a press conference with archaeologist Ron Wyatt.Having 24 distinct chromosomes or 22 autosomes (mother's are duplicated) in addition to 2 (XY) chromosomes, the 22 autosomes of the mother are equal to the corresponding 22 autosomes of the father (one to one) and the X chromosome of the mother (XX) plus the \"Y\" sex chromosome given by father being (XY).In total, 2 of His mother's autosomal chromosomes duplicated times 22, plus 1 (X) chromosome + 1 (Y) chromosome = 23 homologous pairs of chromosomes. That is what accords the measure of greatness to all prophets, without ascribing or raising them to the level of GOD or Son of God. If so why the Quran despising the unbelievers, christian and the jews? Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Maaliki yaumid Deen According to His Word, which He is bound by, sin will not go unpunished. A lot of people been doing that here. And now the laboratory is beginning to show these same correlations. God is God, not someone you can put limitations on he created the dog , the cat , the elephant but he did not have the traits of those animals .. Our minds are too feeble to try to explain God or limit his powers ! A new study says the bloodstains on the supposed burial cloth of Jesus depicted a blood pattern from a person who is in a standing position. Your information is very inspiring and I would like you to send more information about Bible resarched information.God bless you Children of the most High God,Amen. On January 6, 1982, Wyatt said he found what he believed was a crucifixion site at Golgotha, which is also known as Calvary. 1 Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. this very thoroughly. Where did humans come from? He WILL not be proved. Joseph had nothing to do with the conception. Who is the Mechelsadeck? You wont understand it today maybe, or tomorrow or even before you die. If the cancer suppressing genes are not expressed, there will be cancer. i am very impressed, but i also think that theres an element of truth in this DNA article.. Or if you know nothing, wish you dont contribute on such discussions. Hardware, software and power supply. Thank you for your comment. Achamoth had no father nor male consort, but she is female from a female. I have a website and I break it down showing readers the verse in the original Greek. Please read Raels encounter with Jehova and then discover that the God you have faith in states with certainty that he does not possess a soul and has been looking for his maker for 2 million years. only the power of God can do thatits not possible for him HE ALLOWS EVENTS TO HAPPEN OR NOT HAPPEN. Jesus was not clone or Mary; He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit contributed everything needed for Jesus to fulfill the scriptures. We also know that Jesus was called the last Adam. (6) How do you conquer sin and death? The Gospel According to DNA. Featured in News to Know. to be cont. And we are in Him, in His DNA. We, being part of the Body of Christ, died with Him. Tell the same story many times it will change, translations are not accurate, peopel cannot even tell an eye witness account today in exact detail, let alone 400 years later. JESUS CHRIST IS THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. the blood is AB Positive (very rare) the blood contains 23 chromosomes. Since Joseph was a man, Jesus couldnt have been Josephs son. This fits very nicely into many, many scriptures. Psa 82:6 I said, You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; (ESV), When Jesus repeated this in John 10:34,35, He used the word Theos in Greek which, again, is not an independent god, but rather the God. .JESUS CHRIST was truly the SON of G-D , during the time when the proclamation was informed to Mary by the messenger, Mary has question many questions in her mind and this really troubled her very much. God is a figment of human creation, people think Jesus will return, really!!! I do think that God did take half of Marys DNA. So did Christ come to us through something perfect or not perfect Mary? Jesus is the only way to the Father, the only way to heaven. ADAM to NOAH (2000yrs)(2 days to G-D)NOAH to JESUS CHRIST (2000yrs)(another 2 days) ..JESUS CHRIST to us today (2015 yrs) another 2 days and 15 yrs into a new day of G_D total up the days .is 6 days and 15 seconds in G-Ds 7th day. We enjoy the good traits and overcome the bad ones. He knew that he hadnt had physical relations with Mary. We dont understand, who is the male you are talking about? 7:12-14? The Bible does not say how the conception of Mary and the Holy Spirit worked. You let the evil manifested you and you let the demons power control your body and soul even your brain! Without LIFE, DNA is merely dead hardware! Jesus sacrifice for us molds it and shapes it so we can use it, it gives life texture and depth, and more abundance. According to the Bible, all DNA was created on day six, and all of this DNA was deemed as very good (Genesis 1:31). God is one and is in everything. We are mortal and will die someday, so epigenetics will not give us eternal life, but it does affect us. I am comfortable in knowing that I am a child of God, which makes me his child, regardless of DNA, Chromosones, Blood types, and etc. Twenty-two of these pairs, called autosomes, look the same in both males and females. Epigenetics may explain why dogs with DNA so close can have very different talents in hunting, guarding, and companionship. i assume like this>>>>, Theyre Looking For Christs Family I Was Targeted To Die, Epigenetics Complexity of Biblical Proportions Part 1, Fertile Crescent, Nimrod, and Confusion of Language Human Migration Part 2, Finding Ham, Shem and Japheth via the Y-Chromosome, How to Build and Rebuild the Human Heart By Automatic Self-Assembly, Noahs Wine Country, the origin of Human and Wine Migration, Where Does Neanderthal Fit in the Bible Update, Where the Spiritual and Physical Worlds Meet (Epigenetics Part 2), Which Came First the Chicken or the Egg? Wars are going to stop and God is and Jesus is. We have to understand God by mutually known each of the species on earth including the humanity! good/seth or Cain the evil one, are we created? Its a man made version. thank you GREAT IAM that IAM.anyone have his 7 spirits have CHRIST in him .Jesus died but not MY CHRIST.AMEN, Im not new on my Journey seeking answers come I have many many questions in fact I was very surprised when I googled this subject of Jesus Christ having only one DNA ? Why Gods image is so powerless? AND TO UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH ABOUT IT IS SPIRIT LED. Jesus as Moses, Abraham, Noah and all the prophes before him, and only Mohummud after him, (Allahs highest blessings upon them all) was a man of flesh and blood as accepted by all. There were only 24 chromosomes. Bused dah bisa ada mahluk setolol dan segoblok ini. He was God and man; however the genetic lineage must go past David all the way back to Adam? As recently as 2009, researchers discredited the Shroud of Turin by claiming they'd found Jesus' "real" burial cloth. intact and active ( Matthew 16:16 )up to now and When the blood was analyzed in a modern laboratory it was found to be AB, human and have 24 chromosomes. The tests on fibers from the Shroud of Turin produced the following dates: FTIR = 300 BC + 400 years; Raman spectroscopy = 200 BC + 500 years; and multi-parametric mechanical = 400 AD + 400 years. This is why Jesus had to be born of a virgin. and the government will be on his shoulders. Robins grow up to be robins and humans grow up to be humans. When He was hanging on the cross, we were there. But that father cannot be a human father because the other 22 chromosomes on the father's side are missing. And he will be called Marys father was Heli. Without faith you cannot know Him. Same with Them. in Christ. We are simply showing how all the attributes of Jesus attest to the fact that He is the Son of God, the Messiah, virgin born, and the last Adam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Since he is a descendant of David who will be called or given the title Son of God then that means Jesus is indeed the continuation of the prophecy in 2 Sam.7:12-14 Where did the universe come from? A team of research scientists in Tel Aviv did a genetic analysis from a blood sample widely believed to have belonged to Jesus, concluding that Jesus' biological father was 'non-human'. It is interesting that the Bible says that if we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If you were driving by me, and I knew there was a bridge out ahead that I knew about, but you didnt. His Haplogroup is J1c3d. Christ performed a spiritual circumcisionthe cutting away of your sinful nature, My people are dying for lack of Ignorance God words. Actually, I disagree and can prove my point. Nunca haba ledo algo similar, pero me parece muy interesante y sobre todo con muchas posibilidades de ser cierto, felicitaciones por este aporte! Anyone can see that this is a logical . Christ's blood has only 24 chromosomes!!! on formation ( John 10:16 ) its not yet created, still IN SHORT HE IS GOD INCARNATE!!! even in this present time. Whats even worse is that he built temples for the false gods of his wives (1 kings 11:1-13), Now God did not let Solomon be punished by the floggings of men because he was Davids direct descendant. Science can explain things today which people couldnt understand years ago why did Mmoses carry 10 heavy stone tablets with the 10 commandments on them, if gods so smart why didnt Moses have an ipad 2. z peace of God b wiz u! For listening Jesus love you and bless you. All 23 from the mother and only one from the father. The Genetics of Kinds-Ravens, Owls, and Doves. 2. that Joseph and Mary existed and that Jesus was born of Mary, thus agreeing with Scripture that these people did exist How can you then claim that this same Scripture is incorrect in what it has to say about them? U said man made the laws. sir, you coated that jesus has missing mary it true? If not why not? SIMPLE PROOF, isnt it? And they found a crack in the rock caused by an earthquake in the ceiling of the cave just above the Ark of the Covenant, that went strait up to the cross-hole where Jesus' cross stood, and the gold mercy seat between the two angles was sprinkled with Christ's (the Messiah's) blood. Like JC said 1st u do what He says ampersand past It on but keep ur faith in Him. searching for truth is like finding real gold unless subjected not in itself but outside by acids or we cannot say bible or koran words is true by subjecting one verse to another, we must test outside. My bible study friends think that I am too questioning. Do some research, find the truth, break free from the Satanic system of the Vatican which has deliberately misguided & led astray the Christians for hundreds of years. In Isaiah 44:6, the LORD (Yahweh) refers to himself as the First and the Last. Passed from parents to offspring, DNA contains the specific instructions that make each type of living creature unique. He concluded they found Jesus blood .when they tested this blood the results were that Jesus blood is still alive today, and it has 24 chromosomes: 23 from his mother and 1 from the Holy Spirit which proves the virgin birth. *Chromosomes, Somatids, and the Blood of Christ Dried blood of Jesus Christ tested and found to be 'LIVING' Not only so, but at various other sites . He says he found Jesus' blood and it had only 24 chromosomes, though of course he never shared it with anyone else, nor explained how he reached his conclus Continue Reading 2.7K 65 More answers below Igbinovia Ezekiel Medical Biochemist and Genetics 5 y In a brief report, the authors . PS: Read Neanderthal and his Bibical Identity. Also, we have been give the ability to take the scriptures and look at physical evidence and apply our human ability to reason. I wish ppl would start looking @ ways 2 get down w the Lord instead if churches, Jesus Crist is coming Back! He was telling us about the natural body and the spiritual body. WHEN HE DOES WRONG, I WILL PUNISH HIM WITH A ROD WIELDED BY MEN, WITH FLOGGINGS INFLICTED BY HUMAN HANDS, In the said verses: 2 Samuel 7:12-14 we can read that God speaks of a coming offspring of David and not a literal son of God as what the religions preach. However, the younger generations want answers and we are showing that the Bible is in concert with genetics and the genetics are in concert with the Bible. The epitaph on the smaller box, probably used to carry the bones when travelling, was the key piece of. Have you heard of King Cyrus, King of Kings, Isaiah speaks of him, a pagan, but certainly God Fearing, anyway King of Kings was a title passed on to Jesus the true King of Kings of whom the Iranians awaites a sayoshyant of which Cyrus a pagan king was a type, He was the greatest king in the history of Iran, more likely the world, well he was certainly on par with and nothing short of Kijg David and Solomon, the difference being Jesus being the promised seed of Abraham, he was not part of that geneaology, However future generations of Iranians a very powerful mob who left Rome and Herod shaking at their presence when they came to visit the infant Godchild, the jews werent there, werent even aware, but when the Magi told it to them, what did they try to do, do you know who took Joseph to Egypt or who Jethro is. its spiritual not DNA thats physical its like when we are grafted into the same spirit as the jews a circumcision of the spirit not the flesh, Colossians 2:11 Mary being from the tribe of Judah bore Jesus. I livr among the Lost Tribes, so lost they have no clue who they aredescendents of Jacob, Easu, and Ishmeal. Our problem is, we dont have enough faith. G-D already informed us thru his Holy Prophets of this translation before it happens(Bless you Mary ) Heavenly Highest Council only have the total Authority to see fit among all virgins that qualifies to bear this Holy SON of G-D or in other words translated into human into this physical Universe. November 24, 2013 at 10:36 pm. the Only ONE GOD. stop all these nonsense plz. Besides Jesus was very humble to tell us about his position in relation to the Almighty. god forgive me I want to know the truth that God has one dna or two like adam y and X . Therefore, the Holy Spirit had to provide the Y-chromosome, and it had to be a special Y-chromosome. The word of God( the Bible) doesnt just prove itself. For any kind of scientific claim There is a very long list and set of requirements that one needs to fulfill, which in this particular case, at least requires 1) Adams DNA & 2) Jesus DNA. now we are in G-Ds final day..this day is not yours or mine our days are over,,, this 7th day is HIS day he will do things his way . Therefore,we look like God! John The Baptists DNA would however match Jesuss, since Jesus & John The Baptist are half brothers both sons of Zachariah husband of Elizabeth who is mother of John The Baptist. None moved by his own will but by the Will of The Merciful Lord, just as He desired to instruct mankind at their stage of development. When we are in the presence of Jesus, we will once more live by sight, but our faith will be an everlasting testimony we can all enjoy; it is our justification: something we can celebrate. Amen, The word of God is the only bibel that records the profecy acurerd. waiting for you response. What a load of poop! note the NAME singular which means that father, son and holy spirit has a NAME, (singular) so that these three Officers has a name.and that name revealed in ACTS 2: 38. The offspring would be raised by the husband and mother as their own but would be educated in the scriptures by the priests of the temple to possibly become new priests. we can see that nearly all prophesy in the bible already happened, EU, UN, ETC you name it Bible said SIN will increase as we can see one eg. the day of tribulation is near She produced you without a male, since she was alone (and) in ignorance as to what lives through her mother because she thought that she alone existed-, Thank you for this explanation. The blood found on the Shroud of Turin is believed to be the blood of Jesus on the day of his death. Something not perfect? What He did, we did. -based on DNA. Many believe the Shroud of Turin to be the burial cloth in which Jesus of Nazareth was wrapped about 2,000 years ago. John 14:14 If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. Joseph was in the lineage of David. First we should un derstand that science is a tool in Gods handand science discovers Gods creation so wat is really a DNA.As Christ resurrected shows He was conceived by Holy Spirit as God Himself in human form to show the real creation of first Adam created by God. additional blood components found on red blood cells, specifically the M,N, and S antigens. The Israelis, too, concluded that Jesus had 23 chromosomes from his mother but only 1 chromosome from his father, making his blood unique among human beings. in the Beginning , G-D Create HEAVEN, EARTH ..create means He speaks things exist..let there be light and there was lighttherefore he speaks to Mary and when she accepted the message she pregnant.her acceptance pregnant her for bearing the SON of G-D. if you more I can tell you more..I Know this G-D well , this G-D is mine he informed me many things if some one question to much thats ok cos they do not know this G-D of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.God Bless AMEN, Would like for you to simplify. Gene pictures are totally different genes are an alphabet they say different things, they are also of a long-lasting substance, it is as different that Jesus was a man and so was a sinner. This Spirit is also called the Holy spirit, or the Spirit of God. The last Adam had the same body as the first. Paul was talking about our resurrection. Here are just a few: Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. It all comes together. Thats what Paul was saying. What is so hard in believing that God is even for the young generation? Think about it. If the body of the 1st Adam was totally formed by God alone, then the 2nd Adam must have been also. I have read the writings of Enoch and agree with the Hebrew scholars: it should not be in the Bible. Mr. Lang there is no one here who is going to change your mind, because we have no power to change your heart. When Adam sinned, we all went down with him, but when Jesus was resurrected, we all were resurrected with Him; and, if we believe and accept this, we will all live with Him forever. Brother, you have sense in you, thank you. The books they brought are a proof their mission. That is the essence of Dylan's question. Into the Glorious Kingdom of God, and be at one with Him. You shouldnt blame anyone who persecute or protest aganist your believe in God because they lack knowledge and dont understand God. !AND HE DIED FOR MY SAKE ON CALAVARY,, AND RESURECTED ON THIRD DAY TO BE MY LIFE AND RIGHTEUSNESS, AMEN. Discovered - Noah's Ark $ 24.95 $ 17.95; 10 Presentation of Discoveries DVD $ 179.50 $ 120.00; Like us on Facebook Best Sellers. AND HE WAS FORETOLD BY PROPHETS, BY ISAIH, VIRGIN SHALL CONCEIVE AND BEAR A CHILD HIS NAME SHALL BE CALLED IMMANUEL(GOD WITH US)..HIS MENU OF FOOD WAS FORETOLD, HE WILL EAT BUTTER AND HONEY. However, if the book is ever wrong, it is not from God. However, later in His ministry He took on all the sins of the world. As for prophesies! GOD is everywhere. The standard method of . Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. If Jesus blood is necessary for forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22), then how is Johns baptism for the forgiveness of sins? Jul 18, 2016 - The Ark of the Covenant was found in a cave, 20 feet below where Jesus was crucified. Read the Psalms 82: below and instead of the word gods, use the word Elohim. Also, He clarifies it by saying right out that we become sons of God. The church is the children and chosen ones of God. This is a proof that the apostles and the religions twisted Gods word to make it appear that Jesus is a literal Son of God, Acc. CJ. HE WAS THERE IN THE BEGINING OF CREATION AND HE CAME TO LIVE AMONG MEN TO SHOW MAN THE NATURE OF GOD ALMIGHTY WHOSE ATTRIBUTES ARE SPIRITUAL. To combine perfection with imperfection equals what? He had to be the unblemished Lamb, the last Adam, and He had to embody all genetic variation. Be abundantly blessed by the eternal King Jesus (Maliki-nas @ S An Nas (114)). Its because of His grace that he has CHOSEN to reveal himself to our miserable lost souls. This means that He has the power and authority to restore us to our original DNA which is immortal and free from mutations. Yes Mary while residing at Elizabeths house was impregnated by Zachariah. May Allah bless us all to the degree of our faith and our ability to receive His blessings. This environment is very complex; it is more that just diet and air quality. 6 For to us a child is born, easilyso he choose the right term and right wordlike God did to Moses. The earliest historical records of the Shroud of Turin place it in Lirey, France during the 1350s. When you were a child and fell and scraped your knee, who did you run to? I am excited to see Science is helping to discover God rather than the opposite. To Saint John." When Kasimir later opened the reliquary, he found five bone fragments. He was not conceived without sperm. if we study about DNA we can find that ,there are about 3 billion bases of human DNA .and 99% of thous bases are the same in every human being, Adam was created by God without male female interaction and Jesus was also created by God without male.niether Adam is a god nor Jesus.They both are like other humans but differ as they are chosen by God as prophits.If we suppose Jesus is a god then Adam is more suitable to be called god, If Jesus was just a profit then I wonder if with all our sins if we would have been alive today was it not for Jesus the Son of God to died for us on the cross then we would have never got frogiveness for our sins. WORD of G-D came to NOAH, and he accepted (G-D)(WORD) and he translated the word into physical substance named ARK ..G-D manifest. Alleles are forms of genes that are contained on chromosomes). Jesus DNA would also not match the shroud that is of St. Peter. Father ,Mother ,Son =GOD, This is wrong. When you study DNA you see that it is a language. The reason we are different is due to a process called meiosis which shuffles the genes before procreation. Do not ask meaningless questions.God doesnt want dat. 12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Whatever love we have in us is the one atom of the same element because we are made in Gods image. Right now our bodies are polluted with sin, the sins of our ancestors including Adam. We are happy with what we do someone has to stand against this lie that is taking over the world. Ron was convinced that the blood of the altar was in fact the divine blood of Jesus because the chromosome count was 24. However, as i know it, that Jesus (GOD) original intention is to restore Humanity by object of reconciliation and his sacrifice on the cross as the Lamb and that the DNA ws from Jesus to Adam (Man referred to as Adam) sinned and came short of Gods Glory!!! He literally spoke things into existence Trust God by accepting his son Jesus as your Saviour and do not try to prove something about God is not true !! Therefore he could have created the earth as old as he wanted it6000 yrs or a million yrs I had a professor ask me this question, how do you explain science showing the earth to be millions of years old and the Bible showing it to be around 6000 yrs old ? n the name of God, 1 Y chromosome means that Jesus had NO EARTHLY father. body, to form the NEW MAN. Life is a choice., The selection process in the formulation of all is the way of life we might be able to live what we expect., Corresponding causal process [is] that the purpose of all as expected., Everything has been perfected in Gods creation., And to consider all ciptaanya.agar positive human worship and avoid the things that make human beings in a negative causal formula. Above all He created us, but no one can bring the almighty to being. Especially considering that Scripture is the original source of their existence? Geneticists Study Jesus' Blood - 24 Chromosomes and 'Non Human' Jesus Saves 1.5K subscribers Subscribe 790 29K views 4 years ago A team of research scientists in Tel Aviv did a genetic analysis. CHORUS 2. Yes, we agree: Jesus is the Son of God. Obviously, the Holy Spirit supplied the Y chromosome. I am amazed at your sense of grandeur people? The average of all three dates is 33 BC + 250 . God only took the kingdom away from him but not during his time but at the reign of his son. JESUS IS ALIVE Ron Wyatt discovered the Ark of the Covenant, and, as a totally unexpected second discovery, to his astonishment found the blood of Christ on its Mercy Seat. No wonder people are turning away from religion its all wishful dreaming and no facts. Thank you for your comments. Adam was created in the image of God (Jesus). Really WHO do you all think you are? This breaks down as follows: Twenty-three from His holy, immaculate mother, and one from His Father, the Y chromosome, which determines sex. I have no intention to sound sarcastic but your debate and conclusion seems to me as no less strange & utterly outrageous as if someone say Since cosmic Black Holes are Black Hole Manholes are thus also Black hole. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. I am a saved Christian and I am studying the word of God in the holy bible. After resurrection we will have glorified bodies like the Lord, which has no similarity to our current bodies. But, if we are right, and your way is wrong, you stand to lose an eternity of heaven, for an eternity of hell. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice and had no mutations and He embodied all genetic diversity which includes your genes and my genes. Author Topic: Jesus' Blood Analysis, Only 24 Chromosomes (Read 2767 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. It is a very sensitive method of identifying specific chemicals. If you care enough to humble yourself before Him and ask like Thomas, then maybe just maybe The Humble One might choose to prove to you. If god exists whats his QQ number or cell phone number, why didnt moses carry an ipad instead of 10 stone tablets, why take 2000 years to cerate the cell phone or the ipad, maybe god has a new phone or ipad 9 or jpad .. kpad 4D TV these things show god is a figment of simple minds imagination today science can explain many things and what we cannot explain today science will explain in the future. John 14:14 if you ask me anything in my name, I will it. Analysis proved the miraculous nature of the body of Christ, died with Him blood components found red. John 14:14 if you ask me anything in my name, I will do.! Helping to discover God rather than the opposite very humble to tell about. My Bible study friends think that God did to Moses Jesus had to provide the Y-chromosome, and.! 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