i hate being a physician assistant

Physician assistants often work on health care teams alongside doctors, specialists, nurses, therapists and case managers. But its hard to give up the golden handcuffs of a 6 figure salary in my late 20s plus, Id disappoint a lot of people including my family. We are a close cohesive group of APPs. There are plenty of providers that see their work as their hustle and at the end of the day just want to make money. If youre a PA who is new to hospital medicine or you just want to brush up on your skills, consider attending this years Adult Hospital Medicine Boot Camp. I applaud you for your outspoken opinion on career satisfaction. They recognize them as competent and essential to the team, and actually offered them both a raise at contract negotiation after that. The people with great jobs think the rest are ungrateful whiners, and those with sh!tty jobs think the profession sucks. Learn More, Harsh Criticism from some doctors on the PA profession. Once you finish PA school you will have the honor of joining the miserable, underpaid, overworked, disrespected, unappreciated, overlooked, unrecognized, unnoticed, always pushed around health care professionals on God's green earth. Everyone thinks they'll move to Houston for a couple of years, get the experience of working at a top tier cancer center, then move on to something else. 14,595 satisfied customers. In the past two months, those I wanted to stay through the end for died, and everyone else stabilized. If I were going to invest another 2-3 years of training on top of my PA training to optimize my primary care skillset would I take embryology? But the answer to burnout isnt "exercising", "mindfulness", or "gratitude" (although these things help), it's WORKING LESS, or finding differnt work. She had come around the same time as me, also alone from another state. We discuss everything from interesting patient cases to stories about our kids to our favorite recipes. Please review our forum rules before contributing. Must graduate from an accredited educational program for physician assistants.. I'm glad we're realistic about the way we are feeling. Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. So while there are great PAs there are PAs that are no better than MAs, just like there are MD/DO who are complete idiots and lazy. Which, I'm sure, was a delight for everyone around me. A quality healthcare team should always have good communication among its team members. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. Educations. Consultant Cardiologist. uscareerinstitute.edu. It boggles my mind. Quitting medicine altogether? Contact her at [emailprotected]. I feel that many applicants and the public at whole are oblivious to the dark side of the profession and many PAs are to proud to admit to it. Learn More. I enjoy working both shifts, because its a nice change of pace. Our predecessors generation had tolerated All Rights Reserved. I'm similar to you in that I love science. Even while in school many many moons ago, I had a doc tell me that she wished she had gone PA and several of my senior attendings tell me that the PA students were better prepared and more engaged than the MD students. I like to try to get to know the patient and develop rapport. I'm Urology. Inflexible schedule, no PTO (I could schedule a vacation by arranging my 12 hour shifts differently), and annoying patients who would come in last minute for nothing. For ourselves, and NP's to a lesser degree possibly, we swing in the breeze depending on the demands of, wait for it, the supervising physician that we work "directly under". Younger physicians are well acquainted with how competitive PA school has become, have friends that are PAs, and are more willing to experiment with how they can utilize us. I'd do a masters' degree in counseling and make myself an ersatz psychiatrist, because that's FAR more needed than a doc who is admittedly superior to PAs in isolating the correct diagnosis in an undifferentiated new disease state. I was talking with several doctors recently who I interact with on ocassion. 2018 PhysicianAssistantForum.Com. I want to add 2 more thoughts: 1)Take a moment at the beginning of some (ideally each) visits to enjoy the patient. Welcome to our virtual space for all things related to PAs! And I've practiced in a variety of settings, both in outpatient offices and hospitals. I am 1.5 months into my first job. My friend who is a pharmacist recently made the switch and loves it. I'm ok with parts of the job but not others. I tend to have recurring kidney infections (in my kidneys, Hi, I tend to have recurring kidney infections (in my kidneys, not bladder) - I get none of the UTI pain/burning/urgency symptoms, and I family read more. I would find some good ways to destress outside of work and just keep doing your best. Two other friends/PA colleagues (other out of state singles) left about a year ago as part of an effort to expand the PA role in the UK. They claim the whole profession is based on economics meaning businesses care more about their bottom line and in consequence patients get sub-par health care from "midlevels" (I hate that word). We are simply stuck and crippled where we are - having no choice but to be around and work with a bunch of a##h#les; no say, no choice, ho hope of it changing. Marinerr, every provider coming out is unprepared regardless of your degree. Lots of jobs. And you'll realize that you could've spent that time completing a more respected medical degree. Hey, new grad here. I applied for an MSL role early this year, didnt get it. Also medical research is a good position. There are sprinklings of satisfaction, but for most PAs I know, it's a stable decent-paying job that beats being a cubicle drone, but it's not necessarily our "life's calling". And we don't make anything near what a doctor makes. Job It may be the best professional experience I ever have. But rarely is anyone able to pull that off. If you can't change it, change your attitude.". Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Rarely did I ever have to explain my role to patients. Yes I think thats probably a big if not one of the biggest parts. I just don't like what practicing medicine consists of. I am doing everything I can every day to prepare and am hoping for the best - I still would choose this route vs becoming a doc when I'm 40, though I have definitely considered it. and realize there will be good days and bad days.looks like your having a bad day. There is a lot of talk about autonomy, but not much to really go around. I have not experienced as many of the minuses in my short tenure as I have the pluses. You really wont be able to get into academia until you hit at least 2 years anyway. Then, you must enter and complete a residency of 1 to 7 years, again limited to 80 hours per week by federal law. The patient care experience is of the upmost importance to our medical group, and using the word provider to describe physicians is detrimental to that interaction. I'd be paying them off forever but God, I'd probably be happy! I think that this thread shows what one of the primary problems within our profession is and that is the wide swing of diversity, even within the same specialty settings and locales. JP: Being a hospitalist PA works well for my family life. To be fair, there are boatloads of unhappy physicians out there as well. Does an emed nurse with 20 years of experience know more than a PA with 2 years of experience? At some point when you are doing a job you could have done five years ago, you need a new challenge. I just try to brush it off when I hear people complaining about PAs because at the end of the day you can't please everyone. I loved what I was doing, but I had to admit I wasn't really growing. We have some APPs who only work days or afternoons/evenings, but there are a few of us who do both shifts. Given the number of questions I fielded on a daily basis, it helped me stay up to date on research and become proficient in managing complications of both treatments and diseases. Experiences vary both for physicians with PAs as well as for students who become PAs. Just got offered another job that is hopefully way better than my current one. Furthermore, some RNs I know are making as much as me, with generous PTO, paid overtime, multiple job openings, no call, no work to take home, and less liability. By continuing your use of this website, you consent to this use of cookies. I shouldve really thought about what I really wanted out in life before I decided to go down this road. They went to school 3x as much as a PA. The ones I am interested in wont hire a new grad. I used to think that all problems would be solved in my lifetime. Yikes. I am not sure if I regret it, but I sure as heck am not planning on seeing patients full-time for the rest of my career. Anderson Cancer Center in Texas. Just put your head down, work hard, and earn the respect you want. I haven't even started taking call yet. It will seem plenty unfair. Other than that, I dont see how you use your degree for anything else. Any advice would be appreciated. Sometimes people will succumb to There are aspects of the work I like, but it's impossible to isolate them and the other stressors, combined with the sheer volume of patients we are expected to see precludes any sort of enjoyable employment scenario. Doctors suspect a power grab : Shots - Health News PAs say the new title would clarify that they work in a team and don't require They have been shown to have critical thought too. They don't know I am now a PA student but we got on the topic of PAs practicing medicine and all hell broke loose. Doctoral Degree. Please review our forum rules before contributing. About eight months in, I was looking for part-time work in an ER to help pay off my student loans. But what's also true is that for a group of professionals that carry that much responsibility we get the most sh#t upon and the least amount of respect of any of the professions in the hospital or the entire healthcare industry. One of the biggest differences between physician assistants and doctors is how much education they complete before they can practice. It's your life and the clock keeps on ticking. Vice is the absence or departure of the same. She told the patient what she saw, what she thought, and what the next steps were. Once I have seen all of the patients assigned to me and have written progress notes and placed orders, I then call the physicians to discuss the patients or meet with them, depending on how busy the day is or how complex the patient is. I'm a premed that just graduated from University this year and I'm taking 2 gap years, meaning that I'd apply next year in 2022, and matriculate in Seven years ago, I almost quit or quit my first job. Can't handle anyone having success or smarts other than an MD. I cant talk about or hear about medicine outside of work, it drives me insane. It sounds like you just hate your job more than you hate your profession. It hasn't. Have you considered leaving your state for one that is more PA friendly? Create a free account to read more stories, or become a member for more access to exclusive benefits! Meanwhile, Ive seen my peers in other industries even flourish during the pandemic. I don't see why people have such a hard time giving credit where credit is due without feeling the need to feel a lack of self worth. We really do have a work family. Having great colleagues is what makes me happy to come in to work day after day. Being is the vast affirmative, excluding negation, self-balanced, and swallowing up all relations, parts, and times within itself. Im even lucky to have gotten a job at the height of the pandemic. But, having specific reasons for staying was important to me. Ted James MD, MHCM Espandi ricerca. Each new patient I see is staffed with the attending physician. It's also true that in many areas (surgery especially), PAs are glorified errand boys and girls who are only valued for their ability to write scripts and medical orders. I think what they say is true that medicine should be a calling and you should get into it because you love caring for others otherwise. Pay your loans aggressively and they can be gone in 5-7 years and if you hate being a PA then, you can dip out. WebAnswer (1 of 2): No. No brainer. Nature, truth, virtue, are the influx from thence. A physician assistant (PA) is a medical support specialist who assesses, diagnoses and provides care for patients. This is where having longer training periods and many hours of previous patient care exposure kicks in - it develops your "Spidey sense" more. You're absolutely right. She completed her undergraduate education with a degree in elementary education and psychology. detman So, rather than being a story about why I quit, it's more about why I could never bring myself to do it before now. What Its Really Like to be a PA in Hospital Medicine, Major Marc Latta Focuses on Transformation, Cardiology PA Viet Le Helps Pave the Way for More PA Researchers, The Top 3 Reasons You Should Take the Salary Survey, Mental Health is Part of Everyones Health: Psychiatry PA Jessica Tabb Wants to Change the Narrative Around Mental Health Care. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 2018 and 2028, demand for PAs will jump by 31%, nurse practitioners by 26%, and registered nurses by 12%. Plus, from what Ive seen having a Masters in PA isnt really marketable in other industries like an MD or RN. I have no desire to be a PA anymore. Currently looking for my first job and feel completely unqualified and almost uninterested in every position. You could say I'm burnt out, and you'd be right. I found the one during the spring of my clinical year. Calm physician assistants make logical decisions, multitask and switch gears when faced with unexpected or complex medical challenges. JP: We have a very collaborative approach to patient care and treat patients with a team-based approach. And this is true! But I still don't think it's an unfair criticism to say that (at least a few) PAs are trained entirely in thinking "The most common cause of x is y. We all started somewhere. A lot of people probably go to medical school with a romantic notion about hanging up a shingle and being a town doctor somewhere, but it does not often work out that way. If I could go back in time, I would actually choose a totally different career path; probably as far away from the healthcare field as possible! No carreer is going to be sunshine and roses 100% of the time. Consultant Cardiologist. Haters gonna hate. I love working with nurses, and having doctors all consulted on the case and constantly running around the ICU. I had an attending on one of my worst rotations in schoolactually look at my senior resident(PA's being new to many of them and him being an arsehole generally)and say "get used to itthey're not here to take your job, but tomake your job easier". Really? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I actually got off the phone the other day with an MD-derm who wanted to RSVP for an event, and on the tail end of the conversation he asked me about my plans for PA school and then proceeded to tell me how if he could do it all over again he'd become a PA. The fellowship gave me additional exposure to hospital medicine and allowed me to learn in a supportive, educational environment. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Urgent care, family, occupational, etc. Honestly I obsessively check labs, old charts, decisions all day, every day. WebThe role of physician leaders has increased with the growing recognition that our expertise and experience can provide invaluable contributions to healthcare | 148 LinkedIn Ted James MD, MHCM LinkedIn: #healthcare #leadership #physicianleadership #healthcareleaders | (148) 7-year PA here. Thank you for your post. Choose a different career path. And PA students may be interested in /r/PAstudent for discussions geared towards PA school. The two that remain in the workforce study a lot and ask a lot of questions. Kate Maloney is AAPAs senior manager of corporate communications. I eagerly listened to all the lectures in PA school and spent my year plus on rotations. If you're a new grad. This amount of practice not only makes you good at what you do in short order, but it also makes you confident in what you are doing. You have to be able to go with the flow of the day. I hear A LOT of people complain about A LOT of jobs/careers. How do you collaborate with your supervising physician and your co-workers? Or am i asking for too much as a new grad and should lower my expectations? Experience. It's not that I dont find the science interesting---that's what drew me to it, but the stress and debt kill any shred of joy there could be. I was blown away. Enough said. There are a lot of factors involved in PA vs MD, and I'm not here to convince anyone to pursue one or the other. Came here to say something similar- medical sales companies LOVE pas and youll probably make more money in sales than in patient care. They have bigger opportunities for promotions, raises, bonuses, job mobility. She didn't hesitate or hedge her bets. The lawsuit Eugene Volokh, Locals Technology Inc. and Rumble Canada Inc. v. Letitia James alleged A.7865A/S.4511 infringes on First Amendment freedom of speech by requiring social If we could work from the comforts of our home, I bet the quality of life would go up significantly. Only deployment overseas to Iraq as an Army Medical Officer gave me the great job satisfaction one would expect to get out of their work. This is a huge statement and is not entirely true. Was offered a job for an internal medicine inpatient position in a nyc hospital I was a little taken back by this salary, as my brother who is an They are medical assistants. 2018 PhysicianAssistantForum.Com. Im tired of no admin time. Jobs are out there that will afford you the respect, autonomy, and fulfillment that you seek. Im tired of the inflexibility of my schedule. I dont know if Im suffering from the grass is greener on the other side. It accompanied me on every rotation with maybe another book or two specific to what I was doing. Yeah she better; but at the end of the day, she will still be a nurse with the same duties. Investigative people tend to be curious, analytical, and scientific. These are not easy choices and there can be substantial obstacles to overcome. Plus even with the nice salary and benefits, you get to help people, which is the reason that you should have gotten into this field initially, and from your initial post, it does not sound like that is the reason that you got into this field, which is a shame, and sad. I think I generally went into medicine because I was good in life sciences, it paid well and it was a safe and there will always be demand job. What does your friend sell? Enjoy the PERSON. I've been a PA for 17 years and I can count on one hand (ok maybe two) the number of days my job produced a level of satisfaction, enjoyment, or happiness. Send comments to reagan@caglecartoons.com and follow @reaganworld on I was fortunate enough to be hired fulltime after my fellowship, and I remain there on staff today. All Rights Reserved. Literally - almost everyone is feeling this way as a new grad. I had a difficult time just focusing on one system and needed to look at the patient as a whole, so internal medicine made sense. JP: PAs in HIM have to be flexible, organized, and able to multitask. Most PAs and NPs I know would rather be called just that, or even simply physician assistants and nurse practitioners. She went to meet the patient and learn more about his history. But don't take the rest of the profession to the crapper with you if you can't. At the same time.. if I were to make a switch , I should do it now while I dont have any kids. PA functions include performing diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive, and health maintenance services. But if you're in a specialty like nephrology that type of thinking really is inadequate. Why not take condescend from the medical heavens and take these alleged deficient PAs under their all knowledgeable wing and share with them the nectar of the MD/DO deities?A few lab techs from my program went and became PAs years ago. 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