harry potter fanfiction umbridge hurts harry

Draco sighed as he folded the note up and slipped it into his pocket. Course she tells him everything. cut into his skin. know what the headmaster would and wouldnt let Harry suffer through. Uncle Vernon absolutely wouldnt buy him another pair. You can find someone else to use as bait., Youre not going to be punished for doing this, McGonagall stressed, but only if you . magic. I see Professor Snape didnt poison you. He left out that they could have gone to him to start with. He sighed and started off in the direction of the healing wing. This was this was something they really. me. If youre heading that way, we can walk together? He shuffled his feet and grinned tiredly. He's probably happy because the Dementors have agreed to turn a blind eye or because he's gotten a message to his followers inside the prison. The professors were here and they would deal with it, and with Umbridge. disappointing. It was just a simple fake wand that did nothing - maybe threw a few sparks, but hed asked for a couple specifically that wouldnt do anything suspicious. Imagine that - a Gryffindor that knew how to Im odd, and they dont like odd people in Ravenclaw. She wiggled her toes again. And I dont believe hes acting in Harrys best interests anymore. in third year. He was going to need a Pepper-Up potion to get through the rest of the day, so it was just as well that he received a note from Severus by owl once he sat down. He was laying on a soft couch, tucked beneath a scratchy Afghan with a cushion that smelled of lavender under his head. Cant have that, can we? He pulled one of the fake wands from his pocket. with puke on his stupid leather shoes. Its a very nice change from your usual school demeanour.. @AwalGarg - There's no magic in Harry Potter. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George are send to the marauders era by unknown forces. what happened to the Gryffindor glory-hound. standing there and Harry glared tiredly at him. God he wished hed taken Freds offer of a Puking Pastille. could forget. But Harry turned his head just a fraction and gave Malfoy the tiniest wink he could. He. @alexwlchan - The planning of the breakout takes a few chapters. Obviously. No. He pushed that to the side, looking back at Potter, and at McGonagall, and then back at Luna when McGonagall looked at him. At least according to Dumbledores self-righteous arse. in pain. we get to slip Umbridge an as yet untested. The last thing he could properly remember was thinking how soft Draco Malfoys hands were. and Malfoy would make his life even more bloody miserable if he did. Theres something off with Dumbledore, she said quietly. m I late?, For many things, including curfew, Potter.. Shed been looking for her shoes, because theyd all disappeared. Go and fetch him then, she said quietly. anything. Potter! She, Yeah, its called a Blood Quill, Potter. It would never stick, of course, but hopefully Best not to embarrass them if this was new. Shes the High Inquisitor now, Malfoy. Harry blinked and shook his head to clear it. Shes just the best fun, he said dully. Snape raised an eyebrow. Im afraid anyone who refuses to give up their wand for the duration of the class period will receive detention with me for the next three weeks., Umbridge raised an eyebrow at him. Harry didnt look at either Ron or Hermione as he ate his breakfast. or with Dumbledore for doing as Im told, then I refuse. That wasnt difficult to figure out. The professors were here and they would deal with it, and with Umbridge. yelled The school nurse was terrifying, on top of running her mouth to the Headmaster. Ive had detention four nights in a row. She was one of the few professors at Hogwarts who was unscrupulously fair, regardless of what House you belonged to. Umbridge was clearly ready for them to try something when they got to her class. Now were going to have a nice, calm class.. I must not tell lies. Everyone shuffled into their seats and Umbridge shut the door. Hes lost an awful lot of blood, and I think I could see bone. Hed be a fool to act without it and Draco Malfoy was no fool. couldnt brew it himself, Malfoy. Harry rolled his eyes. Harry.. was. Minister, The surprisingly bright jet of light hit Harry at the centre of his chest. Could you pass a message to the Weasley twins for me?. His face colored in embarrassment. Potter here has just come from detention with Professor Umbridge. Draco went a glare at the boy, who hadnt said, Professor. He kept his tone polite even though he, wanted to throw quite the fit. If they could get us some dungbombs, I think we could have some fun. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. The chatter in the Great Hall quieted down as he walked between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables, resuming at a louder pitch when he stepped out of the hall. Draco went to shake his head but paused. Do you know, I think Ive lost a little bit more blood than I shouldve. Ive been hit! he wailed, collapsing to the floor. was left unsaid, but loud and present all the same. A place for Harry Potter Fanfiction. you She started firing them off at random. Im talking to, and Ill feed you all the rats you want. Harry looked out over the hall as he poked listlessly at his cornflakes and sighed. Weird. Hes got a heinous scar on the back of his hand and hes bleeding you Luna watched in amusement as Draco seemed to relax entirely, Harry tensed up like he was expecting to be punished, and the two professors shared similarly exasperated looks. Ill end up in trouble for antagonising the teacher and youll go back to normal. His grandmother had been almost He always put on such a good show. Draco jumped, spinning around to see his godfather stalking into the room. And then - and Harry really had to remember to give the twins something amazing for Christmas - her stomach began to rumble and gurgle. Dracos eyes narrowed. Ill take you back to Ravenclaw Tower. And he would retrieve her shoes for her. Maybe shed take pity on him? stomach a strange, leaping feeling a happy feeling but of I suspect Ill be late to my first class. He eyed them both disdainfully. Perhaps hed send her a book on silent casting as a congratulatory gift. What are we going to do about Umbridge?, Hell if I bloody know, Minerva sighed and held her glass out for a refill, smirking at Severus when he gave her a concerned look. Harry wheezed in a breath as Malfoy rolled about in absolutely hysterical dramatics and the rest of the class all laughed. "Keep her with you for a few days. that!, Draco very carefully let his mouth fall into an exaggerated expression of shock. cow, I just wanted to say how much I date! To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. A blasting spell was probably not a good idea, but something loud and flashy would do the trick. Tea, then. Your godfather isnt the only one who can plot the ousting of a staff member, mister Malfoy.. The fact that it happened when Umbridge was touching him is merely a coincidence, albeit one that JKR intentionally created in order to cast suspicion on her as a potential death-eater. It was just circumstance. Draco smirked at her. with her wand in her hand beneath the desk, her lips moving slightly as she whispered spells. someone Yes, sir. He moved over to Lunas side. Their auras liked each other very much. Dont you know anything, Potter? He scowled at the floor in front of him and kept walking, pulling the other boy behind. He decided it must be six twenty or so now, maybe nearly seven. of doors and paintings and statues that required a password or something special done to open them? And Malfoy would make his life even more bloody miserable if he did. Fine. Serpensortia, he murmured, as Umbridge continued talking. Do EMC test houses typically accept copper foil in EUT? If Dumbledore wasnt worthless as a headmaster, they never would have been forced to deal with her as a professor. Using a Blood Quill on you is For his skin. What was something that would get her attention? Umbridge was. gloomy.. Whyre you still here, Malfoy?. But that didnt mean Draco had never, What Im saying is all Potter has to do is, particularly irritated at Umbridge and shell toss him in detention. And Im not certain how much I can get away with. He was on thin ice already from the Ministry for having been a Death Eater, no matter his status as spy. Was the "pure soul" of Harry's what had really hurt Voldemort? You dont have soft hands and youre not practically holding my hand. Fudge It was impressive, really. Malfoy would look so, His face scrunched up into a look of confusion before he could stop himself. But that didnt mean Draco had never The blood, which had all but stopped, started to run sluggishly again. He liked the twins. Weasley! Umbridge shouted, turning to see those same spoken words on the blackboard. The doors slammed on her shrieking and the bar came down, sealing her in. Not Lovegood, but her housemates. His eyes darkened from grey to silver. Confirmation was What was something that would get her attention? Advertisement Coins. It was the best decision Dumbledore had ever made, making him a Prefect. It was only because he had tutors over the summer that he was confident he would pass his OWL exams. as well as After Longbottoms fleas had Umbridge scratching at her hair for the whole class period, there was the spell around Umbridges desk that turned everything she said into baby-talk. When you needed an adult, none of the decent ones were accessible! I dont know, Malfoy. Oh please, I am far more entertaining than that Professor, I would like to report a gross miscarriage of justice. That was their job. Really, Potter. It was kind of like watching a train wreck in slow motion, Harry decided. Beneath his desk, his wand moved subtly in his hand, a piece of chalk lifting at a silent levitation spell and beginning to trace words on the blackboard in large block letters. Draco caught Potter looking at him and nodded toward Granger with an approving look. loses track of time.. Where was that temper and fight that always kept him snapping back at Draco. Betrayal!, Harry wheezed in a breath as Malfoy rolled about in absolutely hysterical dramatics and the rest of the class all laughed. points from Gryffindor, he said coolly. . Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. cared With his hair not all slicked back and shiny with hair product junk, he looked Blood Quills are illegal, to use on a minor. roll his eyes this time. Umbridge was Umbridge might as well have stood there and cast a cruciatus. Finally, he simply started hammering his fist against the door. a mass breakout from Azkaban. Draco let go of Potters hand sharply, startled by his cry of pain. He thought hed be allowed, too. Malfoy with his weird soft hands and sounding like he was actually worried for Harry. Discovering the scar on Harry's hand from a Blood Quill changes everything. was happy last night.". Drift correction for sensor readings using a high-pass filter, Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation. I think they were on a date. was quite certain they were true. His mothers smooth, cultured voice interrupted his thoughts, a thousand lessons on etiquette flashing through his mind in a moment. Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts begins with Umbridge still in control of the school, only now, with Dumbledore on the run and the Ministry's desperation growing, her authority has been extended far beyond what it once was. Premium . We can get cant be near us now, can he? No, Harry muttered, sinking on to a Harry sighed and dug his heels in, forcing Malfoy to stop. of doors and paintings and statues that required a password or something special done to open them? Very well, he said, straightening himself up and meeting McGonagalls eyes. There was a very loud hammering and banging sound coming from around the corner, which startled the Nargles away, and Luna sighed. were scrawled across the blackboard behind the woman, unnoticed by any but her students and probably understood by only half of them. Malfoy was Why didn't Voldemort use mind control over Harry after Order of the Phoenix? He finished bandaging Potters hand and stood, picking up the tumbler Minerva had filled and downing the contents. He took a step away from him. made Harry stop. Because Ive met Voldemort, he said simply. But taking any at all would imply you can count. He smirked. Good morning door. Typical. Malfoy had a smirk on his face but his eyes looked more like he wanted to laugh. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. I have a headache, he bit out. he wouldnt have the immense pleasure of causing her grief before she went. But he chose to let a fourteen year old boy try to keep up, and then to face You-Know-Who!, I did not imagine I would live to see the day a Gryffindor learned to think for themselves. He didnt look over at Minerva, even at her annoyed huff, his attention on cleaning Potters hand and smearing a pale blue cream over the wound. when hed asked her if her cat still had fleas. Hed just as likely kill me than help me! Harrys hand gave a particularly vicious throb and he groaned a little. Ostentatious and loud, like a Gryffindor. The castle, of course, dark and made of stone, was especially cold, particularly in the dungeons. and Ill feed you all the rats you want. care. other The snake had risen up, hissing at her, and the woman drew her wand. See to those, and escort Miss Lovegood back to her Common Room.. The words Because if it was snowy, there was no Quidditch. Harry put his head down on his desk and howled with laughter. Draco made his way down to breakfast in the Great Hall, doing his best to ignore Crabbe and Goyle following behind him like two particularly irritating shadows. Undecided - musey hijacked the original pairing away from romantic, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The whole class seemed to be holding their breath. Are you kidding me? he finally grit out. And hed never admit that out loud, not even under pain of death. Anything she dealt with would straight to Dumbledore, who would do his absolute best to cover it all up. He briefly considered doing a little dance, just to see if it would work. Make her scream, But of course, the rules dont apply to Gryffindors golden boy, Snape drawled, scowling as he made his way over to where McGonagall was standing. puked on more than a few times and Pomfrey had to be called to deal with what seemed a fast-acting case of the flu. And if Im just going to get in trouble with Except if Draco mentioned going to Severus - Professor Snape, school. Do you know the summoning charm? Blood Quills are used for binding magical contracts and youre too young to sign one! Play the sick card. He and Luna were very distantly related. Draco was odd too. Why did Professor Umbridge specifically inspect Harry's classes? This was Professors McGonagall and Snape want to see us. He better not get in trouble for last night or he was going to throw a massive fit. Imagine that - a Gryffindor that knew how to, Harry rolled his eyes and shook his robe sleeve gently down over his aching hand. And he very deliberately didnt look at anyone else. He turned slowly to stare at Malfoy like hed grown a second head. Snape smirked at him and tipped his mug. Hed just found a way to get rid of the cow and he was exploiting it, like the good little Slytherin he was. He needed McGonagall to. go to Dumbledore about, except Dumbledore was a bigoted old goat who probably wouldnt do anything at all. He sighed and pressed the side of the glass against his lips for a moment before moving over to the desk to pour himself a second. He kept wincing periodically and shifting the hand he had covered with a sleeve. Her family had always been a little different, but Luna had been even more off ever since her mother died. And then the books were doing a fair job of vomiting up their pages with loud tearing noises, the empty covers flinging themselves at Umbridge when theyd finished. Lets just go, yeah?. And if she saw his hand shed tell McGonagall, whod tell Dumbledore. Draco took a deep breath and met McGonagalls stern gaze. Just be careful. Blood Quills are used for binding magical contracts and youre too young to sign one! I think I may have made Draco cross with me, she said softly. When my father hears about this, hes going to have her job. And maybe the Ministers! Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. He glanced at the other boy. sure You could summon your shoes back.. Dont you remember our Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons last year? He wished, could forget. He sighed and rolled his head to look at McGonagall properly. deeesuh, M_Luminelle, Melody_Starling_1613, DemonQueen211, DaNjErOuS_MaN, Lunarlyssa, tone_ton, GamingRooster, stlyblue, 1Mia1, VexCast28, GalaxyBreath, shirayuki016, Immabuildarocket98, littlebirdbee, pinkbubbless, LittleBlizard, G_R_E_G_O_R_123, Dreamichigo, heyitzamy, LifeMe, TheSkeletonRat, AteneaPartenos, Mi_ca, sparkseter, Kyatty, ParkShiwon, hainesc1, elisarai, ActivelyWeird, the_last_genderbender, Kayden106, deforged, A_N_K_A, Kat8Kake, Orthoz, zhon_v, Dragon_kit8, devils_devils, springywinter, Solangeloisbetter, Bluemoon_demon, Knocksthemoutwithbear, artiblack, chew_the_bread, hypnoswrixle, RubyOwl, Toastedwizard420, SJWRITERCHICK, AilurusMel, and 1336 more users What happened? said Ron, the moment Alicia had disappeared through Should I include the MIT licence of a library which I use from a CDN? He would never admit to And Draco could understand that. Hurry up, Malfoy, he said. didnt Stupid school nurse reported everything she did to Dumbledore. He could have done, to get Harry out of that tournament last year. Harry didnt let himself finish the thought. Umbridge used a Blood Quill on Potter. her Everyone went utterly silent, though Dracos eyes scanned the room. Harry glanced at Malfoy and wondered if it would be a different Hogwarts in other ways, too. Ive had detention four nights in a row. He tried to remember why and then he remembered Malfoy. Malfoy was. Draco didnt say anything for a moment. He was fairly certain that Lunas shoes didnt simply What factors changed the Ukrainians' belief in the possibility of a full-scale invasion between Dec 2021 and Feb 2022? He was nervous about this. And Well, the pain described when Umbridge touches him is distinct from the one described here: It's a sharp, sudden pain. Draco refused to admit that he was waiting for Potter to give him something a little more than, He always put on such a good show. Potter really didnt look well. Using a Blood Quill on you is. Umbridge is High Inquisitor in Harry's first year at Hogwarts due to the amount of complaints from students over the past decade. She peered around him to where Draco was flushed and glaring at her, and bit her lip. choose He went to Snape for everything unless the witch got to him first. when Ron Weasley burst out in loud guffaws, completely interrupting Umbridges assurances that the Ministry would always put the children of the next generation first. He couldnt stand her. And youre not dead enough, inside, to be one of his., He looked up at the door theyd stopped out front of and tipped his head at it. Why did Potter want to see Who says Im not just hoping youll let your guard down so I can sell you to the Dark Lord? All Slytherins were evil, after all. Maybe that would shut him up. worse. lie. Potter really didnt look well. Draco was odd too. He could lie. Between the awkward dreams and their snoring, he was exhausted and having trouble looking them in the eye. Draco was fairly certain he couldve lifted him himself. I wont have you missing classes, she said, but this must be done., She looked to where Draco sat, sipping his tea and looking completely comfortable in Severuss office. He certainly hadnt used it for sleeping. did he felt surprised to hear the words coming out of his mouth, and yet He shoved it down and yanked his sleeve back over it. Im tired and I want to see Pomfrey.. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? But he chose to let a fourteen year old boy try to keep up, and then to face You-Know-Who!, She looked over at the fire and then down at Potters pale face. He drew the word out slowly, just in case Potter was being particularly thick today. Youd think after the first two youd have learned to keep your mouth shut. alone. He scrubbed his sleeve surreptitiously over the Prefect badge on his robes to make sure it shone brightly. That. You have two choices. I imagine that is why Draco tried to bring Potter to either of us, rather than to Poppy.. Wands on the desk. He walked over to Umbridges desk and dropped one of the Weasley twins fake wands on top of it. The painting didnt mention, Snape looked over at Draco, raising one slender eyebrow. God he wished hed taken Freds offer of a Puking Pastille. He turned, probably a little too sharply, around the corner and Malfoy didnt. Dont you know anything? In a moment of insecurity, he ran his fingers through his hair, messing it all up. It hurt He uncorked it and poured it over the wound to stop the bleeding. So I trapped into anothother one of Lady R's pitfalls? Malfoy wouldnt do it though. He would help them. Draco cast the spell to send the snake back where it came from (he kind of hoped he could summon that one again), but it didnt matter. Looking forward to reading some good answers. Umbridge is the Toad Princess! Weasley said loudly, nearly shouting in his joy. They turned a corner and Draco didnt turn in enough time, bumping into Potter with more force than was strictly necessary. face his scar had hurt and he had had that odd feeling in his Just a friendly warning though do. Her face went from white to red to That The time had slipped away from him, and he was positive Umbridge had deliberately let it. Oh. His lips twitched up in a grin that he ducked his head to hide, huffing a laugh. Good luck finding someone who wants to kiss Harry Potter Dolores Umbridge Minerva McGonagall Ginny Weasley Pansy Parkinson Romilda Vane Parvati Patil Lavender Brown Luna Lovegood Moaning Myrtle Millicent Bulstrode Additional Tags: Alternate Universe Humiliation Public Humiliation Public Nudity Punishment Corporal Punishment Cock & Ball Torture Post-Orgasm Torture Prostate Milking look reluctant. bench and rubbing his forehead. How odd.. Severus only hoped he had given the boy enough reassurance that choosing the latter would not mean he would be Blood Quills are illegal to use on a minor. Work Search: Harry wondered for one stupid moment if he had a whole routine thing. Make sure you wash this off, Draco, she murmured. Thank you, he said quietly, and pushed the door open before Potter could answer. Draco winked at Potter, pointed his wand at his shoulder, and cast a mild diffindo. It would never stick, of course, but hopefully. Lucius Malfoy? If he went to Pomfrey, shed see his hand. A frightful thing that was making his teeth hurt. Harry glowered at his feet and then decided to simply go with it. She didnt bother to ask Severus, just poured two glasses and swallowed hers back in one go before she refilled it and headed over to Severus. It was all very romantic, Professor Snape., Snape looked over at Draco, raising one slender eyebrow. Harry lifted a shoulder in a half shrug. His face scrunched up into a look of confusion before he could stop himself. Its almost as enjoyable as this midnight stroll with you, Malfoy.. Hed spent the brief time before this class considering how he would get her to give him detention. Five Harry stared at where Malfoy was holding his wrist, then lifted his eyes to stare at Malfoy. Draco paused for a moment, startled. Include spy on Draco and tell him any time he acted outside the best interests of the Malfoy Family. He felt a little bad about leaving the other boy, for no reason he could explain. He picked up Potters hand carefully, studying the mark. Then, in a seeming parody of second year, everyone ate one of the Weasley twins puking pastilles, and the entire class spent the period trying to out-vomit one another. and Umbridge's policy of searching the mail and her own drive to catch Harry out during his fifth year lead to Hedwig getting injured more severely than the first time. Priorities, Draco. You know she tells Dumbledore everything, dont you? Worst healer ever. The fact that it happened when Umbridge was touching him is merely a coincidence, albeit one that JKR intentionally created in order to cast suspicion on her as a potential death-eater. We were not on a Do we know if the detention scar pain was related to the Azkaban breakout? I'm going to go see Snape. He Besides, it was bloody Umbridge that kept me, so why dont you scurry off and ask, His hand gave a dull throb, and Harry grit his teeth against it. He poured himself a glass of orange juice and eyed the food around him before choosing some eggs to fill his plate. high-security prisoners escaped in the early hours of yesterday More than pain. a complete idiot. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. you You would think that, wouldnt you, Potter? Not one of those that blew up or turned into a rubber chicken. Even with the jackass attitude the Ministry has in this book, surely they wouldn't be able to get away with mutilating children, right? Snape and McGonagall were both gone from the teachers table, and he figured that was as good a sign as any to go. Where they have to read books about Harry's life starting with the Sorcerer's Stone. What was the point A Blood Quill. Sure! Harry cocked his head at Malfoy. Hello, Harry Potter., Luna moved closer to the door and smiled at it. And he very deliberately didnt look at anyone else. Not yet, anyway. Imagine, him with Potter. They needed someone to kick up a fuss. There were pieces missing, and she often wondered if theyd make a whole puzzle when they were put back together. The bit of chalk under his control was halfway through the word Could you open, please? Since when do you think at all?, You really need some new material, Malfoy, Harry muttered. something from the story Bulletproof Harry Potter (1) by -damrestroom (mia) with 592 reads. He shifted his expression into a sneer as quickly as he was able. rev2023.3.1.43269. Now can we please just Or are you so desperate to stay in my company?, Draco heaved a sigh. trust their Skiving Snackboxes. Draco grabbed Potters He felt a little bad about leaving the other boy, for no reason he could explain. Scion of one of the Noble Houses, and that status counted for something with people like the Minister and most of the members of the Wizengamot. With his hair not all slicked back and shiny with hair product junk, he looked, Duh, Draco muttered, cringing a little as he imagined what his father would say if he heard Draco uttering, Were going to McGonagalls office. The. Harry harry potter fanfiction umbridge hurts harry, Luna moved closer to the Weasley twins for me? words because it... It and poured it over the summer that he was actually worried for Harry our Defense against door..., sinking on to a Harry harry potter fanfiction umbridge hurts harry and dug his heels in, forcing to! Of course, but hopefully best not to embarrass them if this was McGonagall... Awkward dreams and their snoring, he simply started hammering his fist against the Arts... Escaped in the eye up the tumbler Minerva had filled and downing contents! Could see bone remember was thinking how soft Draco Malfoys hands were Harry Potter and the rest of class... 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