battle of kings mountain roster

download s30366 deposition Galbreath, Robert Jeffers, Berry, SC, W10145 does not mention BKM, but Moss does. Wit: Lewis Wolf (Wolff) W4403, Wit: John Venables to Dragoon after BKM under Capt Minor Smith wit: William Young R11969 to later service, sister Rebecca Young m. Capt Peter Goode. Gilmore, Joseph CC W355 05Jul1842, age 79, widow Elizabeth, Fayette Co TN. Coody, Richard, S32577, missed BKM Harwood, William Glenn, James, S21768, 16Oct1832, age 73, York District, Capt Malcolm Henry, Col William Graham, from Lincoln Co NC, John Clarke and Robert Berry to confirm. Lucas, Robert, Captain Jefferies, Nathan (Hewlett) Captain in Surry Co. Wit: CHarles Banner, William Speer under brother Henry Speer Captain of another company beside Hewlett. Brandon, John, Captain Hicks, John, (w), under Col Williams SC AA3586 Gist, Joshua Not BKM Gilliespie, Thomas, Captain Forbis, John W25591 07Jan1833, age 74, Laurel Co KY, Burke Co, Col McDowell, past Gen Rutherford on the way to BKM, hung prisoners at Burke CH. Ballard, Devereau, soldier in the area, not the battle download pension deposition Fugate, Jonathan, R3825 17Feb1846, age 89, Breathitt Co KY, Roanoake River above Dan, Capt John Edmonson, to Gilbert Town, Col Campbell to BKM, small detachment to Staunton for discharge. Lewis p594, private under Captain John Mattocks and Lt Col Hambright Abernathy, Robert Cash, David Gist, Joseph Grantham, Richard Hays, Charles download Bowens men roster Lynn, Adam Hamilton, John Back 2 hrs after battle. Holmes, James Capt Edmondson, Col Cleveland, sub for William Goldsbury of Burke Co. Winter 1779 across river by small town in VA. Howfields, to Camden, To BKM. Hill, Thomas, W663, 18Mar1833, age 72, Cape Giradeau MO, Lincoln Co, Capt Isacc White, Col Graham, to BKM. Henery, Moses (k) Keys, James DB, S15907, 24Dec1833, age 78, Washington Co VA. 1st Sgt for David Beaty. WebBenjamin was the younger brother of the other Bowen men and followed his brothers to the battle Charles Bowen (1749-) Henry Bowen (1738-1808) John Bowen (1735-1789) peek at pension file s6820 Lee Co VA Hice, Jacob, R5045, 12Jan1853, dependent Henry Hice, Marion Co TN, Conrad, George, Jacob, and Leaonard Hice, four brothers were in the war together. Henderson, Daniel Godwin, Joseph Boren, Baz/ V (Boren, Bowen) V Hadden, Elisha, R4412 06May1833, age 73, Coles Co IL, Capt James Wilson, Col Sevier to BKM, then to Hillsboro. Dorton, Moses James, Joseph Rogers, S32340, 07Jun1832, age 80, Owen Co IN. Hunt, Howell, R5396, 03Jun1852, Wilkes Co, widow Nancy said BKM. Long, Robert Cobb, William Jr. Bolick, Casper Frierson, William Briggs, John Detgaoorett, John Hall, James, R4478, 25Sep1832, age , Blount Co TN, Capt Isaac Campbell, battle at Shallow Ford of Yadkin 14Oct1780, later from Montgomery Co VA to BKM. Then prisoner detail to Moravian town. Fulkner, David Brazleton, William Herndon, Joseph, Major (Remained with foot soldiers) Carwile, Zachariah (Col Campbell) download s9310 deposition Boyd, William (from Warren Co TN 1824 and again 1832, Capt Joseph Cloud, Col Cleveland, Surry County, Wm Shipman) download S45878 deposition England, Joseph Casewell, Zadrack Hendrick, David Hendrick, Moses Arrived at BKM day after battle. Many of the pension declarations show men who were under officers (Campbell, Cleveland, Sevier, Shelby) at the Battle of Kings Mountain (BKM) but were with that officer in other engagements, not at BKM. brothers Absolom and Ezekiel. Harrell, Reuben Clark, Michael Childress, John (w) (spelled Childres on KM monument, Chilress in pension deposition, Captain Sheppard, Col Cleveland) download s3146 pension deposition Hartley, Laban, S21269, 08Apr1833, age 81, Williamson Co TN, Capt James Craig, Rowan Co to BKM. From Rowan Co NC, with South Carolinians at BKM under Robuck. Darcy, Joel S6788 11Dec1845, Decatur Co GA, age 80, From August under Col Elijah Clarke, to BKM arrived after British already captured. Edmondson, Moses, DB WCSB 374 Karr, Robert download s8260 deposition for grand sons dependents benefits. Knox, Hugh, W10189, lived near Kings Mtn, chased Indians across Broad River when Ferguson was there Bryan, John, Captain Bryson, Andrew R1389 son claims he was at BKM. Grier, Philip, In Crabtree Co, Col Campbell at with Joseph Starnes Ferguson, Joseph do meaning his flintlock gun. (Summers History of Daniels, James, s7245, under Col Clarke, with Capt Josiah Dunn Elmore, William WebKings Mountain; Battlefield Monuments. Elected Captain of Barbers Co. Not BKM Rating: NR. Cusick, George Lynn, David Kelly, Peter, S32352, 10Oct1832, age 82, Wilcox Co AL. Holeman, Joseph Armstrong, William, s6534, at BKM and every battle in the south, fraud? Casey, William Kennedy, Thomas, S31185, 20Aug1832, age 70, Garrard Co KY, Capt under Col Charles McDowell. Bean, Richard (Been) widow China (Chany) 15Apr1846 wit Goerge Thomason s7712, served with Bean under Capt James Phillips of Rowan Co at BKM. Hammond, Martin, Col Brandon, Capt Jolly, SC auditor Dillard, James, Captain (Col Williams) download s6797 deposition Campbell, John, Captain, Annals, m Ruth Edmondson Jenkins, William Barker, Edmund KKW says Washington Co VA pension, but no FPA exists Peek at Joseph Black bio sketch Logan, James, Col Campbell, Capt McCullough, Summers Brown, Joseph from 08May1833 from Lincoln Co MO, under Capt Sevier from Joneborough. Cooper, Thomas, S21128 24Jul1832, Fentress Co TN, age 69, Ensign William Young, Captain James Elliott, Col Shelby, ordered to patrol and gather prisoners on approach to BKM. Harris, John, W24391, 09Apr1851, widow Martha, Adams Co IL. Evans, Andrew Casey, Levi Lane, Jesse Beattie, Joseph Dunsmore, James (Captain Mannen, Col Shelby) download w7058 deposition Stayed with the baggage. Hamilton, Robert Haas, Simon Ingram, Jeremiah Hayter, Israel, (w) Draper,,,, Col Campbell, Capt Dysart, wounded, helped home by John Scott Douglass, John, Captain (named by VanHook S9509) 27May1833, Halifax Co VA. From Caswell Co under Col James Williams, Thomas Neely Lieutenant, John Barnett Ensign to BKM then to Salem. download w4453 deposition Griffin, William, S13205, 06Jun1837, age 83, Edgefield District, not BKM download s10703 deposition Capt White, Col Graham to BKM. Grimes, George Cargle, John from Haywood Co NC, 19Apr1836, Wilkes Co under Capr Robert Cleveland on leave to bury father killed by falling tree during BKM. After BKM, prisoners to Moravian Town. Lutz, Jacob Brother Andrew left. Abston, Robert (Capt Ellis and Capt Rose, Col Lynch, Bedford Co VA) download R14 deposition Faris, Larkin Anderson, William WH V (Martins Creek, Cumberland Gap area.) Wit: Sister Elender Alexander of Henry Co TN Bullin, Isaac (Eutaw and Guilford, not BKM) Gray, James, S6928, 27Jul1832, age 78, Wilkes Co NC, Capt Benjamin Herndon, Col Cleveland, arrived day after BKM, guarded prisoners back to Wilkes. Burns, Laird (Captain Cunningham of Col Laceys Rgt, hospital after battle a month, corpsman duty) download pension deposition Haney, Francis, S32292, 22Sep1832, age 78, Morgan Co IL, Capt Daniel Smith, Lt Wm Bowen, Ensign Joseph Locke, Long Island. Isbell, William Thompkins* Francis, Thomas Johnson, Robert Michael Fulp also a wagoner. WebThe Battle of Kings Mountain was an engagement between Patriot and Loyalist militias in South Carolina during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War, resulting in a decisive victory for the Patriots. Bowen, Charles V (under Captain John Campbell who was under Captain Wm Edmondson) Blount County in 1832. Bonnett, Peter 05Feb1833, Lewis Co VA, mentioned Newells store near Pittsburgh. Was in WCSB 1 p 289 land owner. Angel, Lawrence (Surry, Capt Minor Smith, Major Winston) download s31519 deposition Lt Dillon Martin Brymer, Joseph, W5947, 16Dec1851 from Hall Co GA, Celia Heard Brymer, widow heard her husband talk of BKM Long, Nicholas Knox, James Not at BKM, but his soldiers guarded the prisoners after. Ensign under Col Campbell, Capt Edmondson (k) John died 1783. m William Patterson d 1794, m James Holmes d 1807, m James Craig d. 1828, all BKM vets. Other SC Hambrights also applied. (w, not on plaque, under Captain Joel Lewis, Col Cleveland) download widows r3734 deposition Buegess, John S9295 Capt Johnson, Col Collier, Randolph Co NC, guarded BKM prisoners. Fapolson, Andrew, Captain Brooks, Moses Widow Hannah. Knox, Benjamin Son says he was a substitute for his dad at the time. Lacey, Edward, Colonel (Commanded the Sumpter force during battle) Dickson, Joseph, Major, (Dixon) Tryon per S9003, Capt Samuel Martin, Dixon took over when Graham left. Hudgens, Ambrose, R5321, 22May1847, widow Hannah, Newberry District. Black, Joseph, Captain CC FC FB WH D V Genealogy of Allison, Augustine, Basham, Bonner, Carden, Clark, Cockrill, Davis, Draper, Ensor, Evans, Foy, Gentry, Huddleston, Isbell, Jared, Jones, Majors, Moore, ONeal, Rickman, Scarborough, Sherrill, Shrum, Douglass, Edward (Dugless) download s3297 deposition 17Jul1833, age 70, Jefferson Co TN, Surry Co, Captain Lewis, Col Cleveland, to BKM, then Col Williams, but not BKM Berry, Francis (from Caldwell Co TX 11Jun1852, age 90, Capt James Montgomery, Col Arthur Campbell at Royal Oak, (Wm Campbell was at Aspindale) download r795 deposition, fraud or dementia? Adams, John Carroll, W8312 02Dec1825 no mention of BKM, then 31Aug1847 widow Sarah says he was at BKM. Gilliland, James, Lieutenant S15852 27Nov1833, age 88, Washington Co VA, Captain Colville to BKM, Alexander Montgomery to Boyds Creek after BKM WCSB p 162. Frierson, Robert, Remained on frontier and did not go to BKM. Crock, William Franklin, Stephen 29Oct1833, age 72, Anderson Co KY. BKM? Lusk, Samuel, W8092, 20dec1850, Amite Co MS, Elizabeth Lusk Widow. Hampton, John Kelly, Jacob, R5843, dependent Jasper Co MS. Simon Awtry killed BKM or near. Lt under Col Wm Graham at BKM. Wit: John Caruthers S32163 download s32293 declaration Cowan, William, Captain Hicks, William, Captain Lannim, Joseph Knox, Samuel D., copyright 1881. Hampton, Joel, R4547, Hannah Hampton, widow, Logan Co KY The Over Mountain Men Theres a difference between militia units and men who enlisted to serve in the Revolutionary War. Fair, Barnabas (Capt Minor Smith, Col Cleveland, Capt Smith Wounded, 06Oct1832, Tuscaloosa AL, age 74/75) download s12895 deposition A typo on the 1909 plaque. Alexander, Daniel S2905, not at BKM Fairchild, Abjud, R3428, 18Feb1834, age 71, Floyd Co KY, Capt William Jackson, Col Cleveland, foot soldier, arrived day after BKM, brought wagon of the spoils of BKM to Wikes Co. download S15420 deposition Goff, William Culbertson, Josiah 18Sep1832 Daviess Co IN, age 84 (Roebuck) download S16354 deposition Son in law of Col John Thomas of 96 District To Dr. Frederick Fishers near Salisbury for two years. Frazer, Daniel Howe, John W, W8938, 03Jun1833, age 80, Greenup Co KY. Not BKM. Gen Sumter, she said BKM, download w25976 deposition Cole, William Evans, Phillip (Capt. Clerk Jacob Foute, Judge Edward Scott. John lived in York District. The others fired as the horse dragged him. Gambrel, see Gambill Harris, William then Col Williams at Cowpens. Frierson, James Humphreys, William Sr. W4000, 03Jan1846, Cleveland Co NC, widow, Quartermaster, Gen James Williams at BKM. Kanselar, John, SC, Capt Polk per Moss. Denman, John Frame, William download Bowens men roster Jennings, David Houser, John, W9650, widow Hannah, Stokes Co, guarded BKM prisoners, maybe brother of George? WebThe Battle of Kings Mountain was fought on October 7, 1780, in the northern part of the South Carolina colony. Capt. Holyfield, Valentine, W19822, 06May1841, widow Susanna, Surry Co NC, Wit: Elihu Ayers R335, under Capt Underwood to BKM and prisoners to Bethabara. Hays, Samuel peek at widow Sarahs w8597 deposition Hughes, Peter, W7823, 29Aug1832, age 70, Sullivan Co TN, Capt Craig of Col Campbells Regt, joined McDowell at Gap Creek (Carter Co) to BKM about 800 prisoner. Jenkins, Jacob Alexander, John Brown, Isaiah (Rowan Co NC, not BKM) Cleveland, Robert (brother of Benjamin) Cook, Edward Horton, Joshua ( ?) Bingham, Benjamin (A vet Benjamin Bingham appeared in Blount County Court 1832 but not Kings Mountain) download pension deposition Student at Liberty Hall, not listed among alumni. Henderson, John, R4869, 28Jun1833, age 77, Lawrence Co AL (McNairy TN) Union Co SC, Col Thomas ordered him to join Col Williams, Major Roebuck. Greer, Andrew Jr. With Lieutenant Stonecypher and Captain Robert Cleveland toward Guilford CH, another excuse. Hopper, THomas, R5222, lived on Kings Creek near Kings Mountain, not in BKM. Davis, Jonathan, R2722 16Feb1839, age 79, White Co TN. In what is now rural Cherokee County, South He fired and killed him. Candler, William, Major Bickley, Summers Barnett, John (named by VanHook S9509) 27May1833, Halifax Co VA. From Caswell Co under John Douglass Captain, Thomas Neely Lieutenant, John Barnett Ensign to BKM then to Salem. Kuykendall, Joseph Bowen, William Captain V was sick, so Reese took his command Moss merged with Becknell. Johnson, William, S8764, 31Oct1832, age 81, Wilkes Co, Rendezvous at Wilkes CH, Capt Lenoir, Col Cleveland to BKM. Names KIA Sgt James Curry, Wm Blackburn, four Edmistons, Col Williams) download s31043 deposition interesting DD214. Maj Winston 500 footmen reached battle that night. Hall, Jesse Wounded, treated by British doctor, taken in a wagon by Col Johnson to George Wilfongs in Lincoln Co to recover. Chandler, Meshach, W10616, 25May1836, Union District, age 86, wit: Joseph McJunkin S18118 Thomas Young S10309 Mordecai Chandler R1848, said Capt Jared Senlisted Meshach. Dickenson, Henry, Col Campbell, Capt Colville, Draper Dunn, Joseph, S12811 20Aug1832, age 77, Caldwell Co KY, brother of Andrew and Alexander, same events with Alexander. Duncan, Jesse Barker, Joel Summers, not BKM Doaling, Robert Capt James Sheppard sent him home sick. Lane, Richard Gillespie, George, Colonel Kerr, Adam Christie, Colonel (Nickname of Col Wm Christian used by several soldiers, but not at BKM) illiterate Higgenbottom, Robert The actual battle took place on October 7, 1780, nine miles south of the present-day town of Kings Mountain, North Carolina in rural York County, South Carolina, where the Patriot militia defeated the Lewis, Joel of Spartanburg (Genealogy of the Lewis Family by Wm Terrell Lewis) Wit: Jacob Holland of Tuscaloosa FPA S10866. Adair, John, w2895, 12Jul1832,, Major, witness Andrew Jackson, did not mention Kings Mountain, Wm Kitchens listed him as commander who stated Sumters remnant, not BKM. Hooker, William, W10119, 20Jun1836, widow Jerusia, Stokes Co NC, Under Major Joseph Winston, Capt. Ford, John Cox, James Hamilton, David, S17998, 20Oct1832, age 82, Pickens District, Was around York District, not BKM. Holman, Isaac, W4235, 20May1834, age 77, Clark Co IN, From Rowan Co NC, guarded BKM prisoners at Salisbury. James Montgomery was a captain, but not at BKM. Baker, Bowling (Captain Nall, Salisbury not at BKM, guarded prisoners from BKM) s12950 Robert Young is accepted by the DAR as the Hughes, Joseph, Lieutenant, S31764,20Sep1832, age 71, Greene Co AL, Lt under Col Clarke of Ga at BKM. Jones, Gabriel, S36652, 17Oct1820 age 90, Floyd Co KY. Surry Co NC Capt McDowell, Col John Armstrong. Hensley, Samuel Fairchild, Abijah, R3428 06Aug1834, age 71, Capt Robert Cleveland and Richard Stonecypher, Missed BKM guarded prisoners. the first who shot and brought him down off his horse. Harrell, Joseph (?) BKM as calendar pointer. Chandler, Joel Cleveland, Benjamin Colonel, Wilkes County Berry, Ezekiel, geneologists name Ezekiel as the Berry brother killed at BKM. 20 killed, 7 mortally wounded, 33 wounded, 9 errors, 51 casualties. Arbuckle, Mathew KK White says that it was said that Matthew Arbuckle was at BKM. Bowles, Benjamin (NC line in 1781. Grier, John, S1906, 18Sep1832, age 69, Carter Co TN, Capt Jacob Brown, Col Sevier to BKM, wounded in knee. Kicked by horse and missed BKM. Jackson, James, S38077, 25Nov1833, age 76, Pike Co KY, From Burke Co. At a Fort on Swannanoa Creek of French Broad. Never BKM.) Griffin, Joseph, S21247, 04Mar-, Anderson District, several witness, enlisted Nov 1780, then in 1881, a child applying for dependent benefits said BKM. Crockett, Anthony, S10492, 17Dec1832, age 76, Franklin Co, KY, From Botetourt Co VA to Long Island, TN River to MS River, to Kaskasia, Vincennes w/ GR Clark, 1st Lt under Capt Jesse Evans, Clark sent home to recruit. A patriot from Rowan (Iredell) county. Jewell, William, S1837, 17Oct1832, age 75, Davidson Co TN, Capt Jonathan Camp, Col Charles McDowell, to BKM signal defeat of Tories. Graves lists under Campbell, but claimed under McDowell and Morgan.) Johnson, William, Lincoln Co per WL Anderson Johnston, Joseph, W5033, 06Nov1832, age 79, Randolph Co NC. WebMaj. Estimated completion: over budget and behind schedule. Burns, Alexander prisoners to Wilkes, joined Capt Jacob Brown, Col Sevier to Boyds Creek. David, Azariah Edwards, Andrew R3262 07Jul1851, Laurens District, wit Edward Scruggs age 81, for Thomas Edwards, surviving son, said Edwards was at BKM. Courtney, James, s9265, to BKM under Col Campbell, guarded horses nearby, not in battle. Hale, Lewis Benge, David (from Clay Co KY 27Apr1834, age 74, Wilkes Co, Capt Joseph Lewis and Micajah Lewis, to BKM, with the wounded to Dr Dobson in Burke Co 5 or 6 months. Burchfield, Meshach (Jonathan Camps company, McDowells Rgt in retreat on Watauga for six weeks, then with Wm Campbell to BKM, 07May1833 Marion Co MO, age 71) download s16668 deposition Col McDowell, arr BKM just after Battle. Capt Joseph Cloud, guarded BKM prisoners at Bethabara Old Moravian Town. Hereden, James Creely, John Jr (?) Bell, Samuel Boyd, John (K), Lincoln Co stirrup and the horse kept going around and around in a big circle, dragging Col Goforth, Miles, R8973,,,Col Campbell, sub for Isaac Roman, wounded Denny, Elijah Duncan, John (under Abram Trigg) But Trigg was not at BKM download S32125 depositions Attended Capt Mynor Smith. Henry, Robert (w) Maj Chronicle, Andrew Barry and Hugh Ewin took him home to South Fork where his mother treated him with a good poultice. Substituted for brother Alexander in taking Fort Thickety. Dave, Thomas Duncan, Benjamin, w7052, not bkm Brotherton, Thomas N/A Davenport, James, S10350, with James Ballew, s10350 Housley, Robert Felmott, Dorus, W3969 Haywood Co NC, not at BKM Carter, Wm (under Captain Gess, Col Cleveland) download s9133 deposition Armstrong, Martin, Col in Wilkes/Surry Co NC. Hunt, John CC Caruthers, John, s32163 01Jul1833, Independence Co Ark Territory, under Joseph McDowell, captured and prisoner on Kings Mountain until BKM and freed by patriots. Lane, Tidence Hortenstine, Abraham Isbell, Livingston* Not at BKM, but I read it looking for the other James Blevens. Gray, William, S31079, 03Sep1832, age 78, Christian Co KY, WilkesCo, Lieutenant under Capt Cleveland to Criders Fort, joined Shelby; I was a foot soldier. Adams, Robert Capt (Genealogoy of the Lewis Family by Wm Terrell Lewis) Isbell, Thomas, Captain* Jones, Henry DB brother of Hardin. Cope, John Blair, Samuel, s3009, from McMinn Co TN, 03Dec1832, age 75, under Capt Clarke, Col Cleveland, Ireland, Hans Gray, James, S8594, 10Sep1832, age 77, Rutherford Co NC, from Tryon CO, Capt James Miller, croosed the mountain, joined Col Campbell, came back to BKM. Hawkins, Thomas, S10796, 20Mar1833, age 90, Coneeuh Co AL, Capt George Avery, Col Ed Lacey Collinworth, John, S30965, under Capt Trigg, Major Joseph Cloyd to BKM, arrived late It was one of the few major battles of the war fought entirely between Americans: no British troops served here. WebBattle of King's Mountain Roster. Fear, Thomas British Colonel Patrick Ferguson was in the area to recruit a militia Hickman, James Captain Lane, Charles Kendred, Thomas Bruster, E. Wit: James Keys was wwith him at BKM. Ref: White: KMM, p. 192 Also Rev. Brown, Peter Buchanan, William, Captain (Probably Robert or Samuel was the Buchanan who saved Col Clevelands life from a friendly fire accident with big Charles Bowens tomahawk. Elliot, Arthur R3300 05Jun1859 age 83, Widow Mary Elliot, Habersham Co GA, Son stated BKM. That Sharp and others who were hung lived prior to that time in the neighborhood of this applicant, but had fled from their said pursuit when on one of their Tory chases aforesaid. Wit: James Davis said BKM. download w17252 widows deposition Litton, John Gregory, James, R4292, 23Aug1832, age 82, Greenbrier Co VA, Augusta Co Captain John Patterson, Col Sevier to BKM. Helton, Peter, R4854, 05Sep1834, age 78, McMinn Co TN, claimed BKM, but not in his second deposition 11Apr1849 in Carroll Co GA. Davison, William, Lieutenant CC Dickey, David, Lincoln Co per WL Alexander, Draper, but not BKM per S2522, his own pension deposition. Blalock, Samuel rode to Philadelphia after BKM to report to Congress. Fork, William Hancock, Stephen Hammonds, Peter, S30461, 11Feb1833, age 74, Perry Co KY, used BKM as calendar pointer. Lochridge, James, W472, Dec1832, age 75, Maury Co TN, From Abbeville District. Fulkerson, James, Captain CC, Summers Annals, KK White, Moss possibles Earnest, Earnest Johnston, William, Captain, under Graham, R Jones p414 but not in footnoted Draper pgs. Castillo, John Ballew, Robert (from Morgan Co AL, 22Jun1836, Burke Co, raised 42 horsemen to join Col Cleveland, Ramsours Mill, head of Holston, with James Davenport to BKM) download S10350pension deposition also see John Roberts Autobiography of a Revolutionary War Soldier p 50-54 S32156 Cartwright, Joseph Hillian, John Livingston, John, R6393, Col Cleveland per children Greene, McKeen, W7561. Davis, Snead, S32205, 21Mar1834, age 81, Livingston Co KY, From Burke Co, Captain Biecknell, Col Cleveland, to BKM, prisoners to Moravian Town, then to Salisbury. Lt under Capt Herndon, then Capt under Col Cleveland. Cook, George, S31627, Elbert Co GA 20Jan1834, age 69, Wilkes Co, Capt Lenoir, gaurded BKM prisoners at Moravian Town. Campbell, Patrick, Lieutenant Crocker, Anthony, S9267 29Sep1832, age 74, Spartanburg District, after BKM for point of reference Barnett, Jesse 18Jul1853, Polly Megahy of Henderson Co NC claimed dependent of Jesse Barnett, veteran of BKM. Footnotes 12-13? Joseph Hughes wit, alsw W10 Samuel Hand S38530 download S38530 deposition See NC land grant for KIA. En route to BKM when it was fought. England, John The Battle of Kings Mountain: Trail of History explores the Revolutionary War Battle of Kings Mountain and meets the people protecting the sacred battleground. Served with John Sevier, but not at Kings Mountain. Brown, Jacob, Jr., (W333, John Sevier, and Boyds Creek in his dads company) download W333 deposition WebKings Mountain Battlefield Monuments 1880 1909 Obelisk West Face Obelisk East Face Places of several BKM patriots Catheys Plantation Ebbing Spring Maiden Spring and up stream Mulberry Fields BKM People Patriot Casualty Details Patriots in the Battle Casualty Plaques Did you know? Landrum, James Some of his Companions in arms were Richard Anderson, William Sanderson, William Criddle, James Criddle and John Burton of said Cumberland County Virginia, that said Andrew Edwards always claimed to be a Soldier of the Revolution; Henry, John, S6992, 02Jan1833, age 78, Haywood Co NC, captured by tories, freed long after BKM. Hudgins, John, R7515, 24Jun1845, Habersham Co GA, widow Martha said BKM Shot in abdomen. Collins, John, W6735, Sep1832, Hall Co GA, age 71, Charleston, roaming refugees from Ga/SC captured by Maj Ferguson, sentenced to hang, escaped, to BKM. Elkins, James V Reece Bowens Company, foot soldier download Bowens men roster download pension w8803 Russell Co VA to Clark Co KY with George Bowen and Thomas Lowery Hufacre, George Jones, Darling (one of several credited with shooting Col. Details dubious, also widow applications irregular. Gordon, George Harrold, Jeremiah, S17467, 25Sep1832, age 72, Marion Co IN. Farrow, Landon Hemp, Charles have sent documentation of their ancestor's participation in the Battle of Brooks, David Wit Moses Webb under Capt James Webb to BKM. Edmondson, Andrew, Captain, (k) DB Widow Anne in 1782 Henry, John, (k?) Hammond, Charles Dependent benefits. Baker, Robert Under Dysart WH V Wit: William Polk S3706 from Wake Co NC. Fulkerson, Abraham, Van Hook family tradition James Miller. Frazer, John Alexander, James, DB David Beatties roster Burn, David Duff, William, Captain Burns, Andrew S30296 from Perry Co KY, Capt Herd (Jesse Heard) of Henry Co VA, neat shallow ford of Yadkin (10 mi W of Winston Salem), met soldiers returning from BKM with prisoners) Hotchkiss, Jared Laird, James, (k) Ensign under Col Campbell Page 309 Thomas Hobbs, assignee of Joel & Joab Hobbs & c 150 ac treasury warrant 50 ac by warrant #13221 dated August 3, 1782 and 100 ac by warrant #1247 dated December 29, 1780 on both sides of Mokison Creek and joining the lines of the place he now lives on corner to Christopher Huston March 9, 1786 Burke Co. Capt Joseph McDowell, Col Charles McDowell. Faris, Richard Frierson, Thomas Gillespie, Thomas BKM freed him. Burns, David Brashear or Bradshear, Robert, Captain (see last Campbell, Solomon S39287 22Aug1820 from Garrard Do KY, age 65, wit 06Nov1820 Jackson Co AL, Nathan Coffey was in Army of US with Sol Campbell at BKM and Moravian Towns guarding prisoners. Buchanan, Alexander Barker, Enoch download S1890 pension deposition Green, William W24319, 19Aug1836, age 78, Hickman Co KY, Green, William from Russell Co VA, Captain John Shelby w8868 henry co KY Dunn, Andrew, Lieutenant, Capt Hampton, Col McDowell. Hicks, Miles, W758, 12Mar1833, age 69, Fanklin Co NC, en route when BKM fought. Per Widow Elizabeth, was in BKM, then guarded prisoners at Old Moravian Town. Click To read the download s12985 deposition WebBattle of Kings Mountain Roster Page 2 Last living survivor of the Kings Mountain Battle ISAAC THRASHER born in 1764 Here is a copy of a letter that Isaac Thrasher of Campbell, William, Colonel L WH D V (Commander of patriots) Dysart, James, Captain (w) V CC PC D download Beattie/Dysart info (pronounce DEE surt? first deposition rejected. 30Jan1860, age 100, Iron Co MO. Cresson, Andrew, W6767 22Oct1820, age 69 Burke Co NC, Capt Dixon all over after escape from Charleson, to BKM, no details. In right wing at BKM. then home. Douglas, Robert Hagins, William, S30459, 20Apr1831 (4? Harrison, Nathaniel Judd, Rowland Sr. 937 prisoners. Bishop, Levi Lieutenant V, 1782 Aaron Lewis Precinct Cowan, James Hahn, Benedict That it is his impression and belief that Thomas Step & Robert Weatherford were at the time of their deaths in receipt of a pension. Dobson, Joseph Sr. Limonton, Robert Henry, Hannahs brother, KIA R4512 Carried to hospital at Ninety Six, seven weeks, Dr Mattan. Captain Martin and Captain Lewis, Col Cleveland, home guard during BKM. Carpenter, John Cobb, William Sr. Cunningham, George W2071 13Aug1832, age 79, Bedford Co TN, under brother Capt John Cunningham at BKM. Ensign per Lewis Preston Summers. Love, Charles, R6466, 24Oct1843, age 78, Beaufort District, At age 15 in Mecklenburg Co joined Capt Magrath, Col Davidson to BKM. Alexander was away with soldiers, not sure where. Duff, David (k) Lacey, Sumters remnant Carrol, William Gibson, John Henegar, Jacob Brother Andrew verified that James was at BKM. Col Cleveland. Greer, William, Captain of Elijah Clarkes Georgians without a link to BKM Cockrell, John (?) Donald, James Large, William, R6165, 05Mar1851, Nancy Large, Lawrence Co KY, same story as Milie. Buchanan, Robert V The over mountain militiamen had no orderly sergeants nor commissary. Kincaid, John, W12029, 30Apr1833, age 83 Lincoln Co NC. Giles, William,,,,, Col Williams, wounded, friend William Sharp account in Drapers Heroes Alexander, Matthew, W324, Spartanburg (Captain Parsons, Sumter, to Ninety Six, did not get back to BKM in time.) Col Andrew Hampton verified hima Whig and he was released.. Boyer(s), Michael (14May1832, from Claiborne Co TN, age 78, Captain Deasy (Dysart? Officers and wounded not in 725. Campbell, Jeremiah S3131 on 14Aug1832 from CarterCo TN, aptain Valentine Sevier, Col John Sevier download s3131 deposition d. 27Jal1841, Knoxville. Dunn, William Lee, James S18067 another Wm Johnston not BKM. Sheppard sent him home sick errors, 51 casualties age 69, Fanklin Co NC with., Capt Robert Cleveland and Richard Stonecypher, Missed BKM guarded prisoners, S32352, 10Oct1832, age,. Colonel, Wilkes Co, Col John Armstrong Cleveland Co NC, under Major Joseph Winston Capt..., Lewis Co VA, mentioned Newells store near Pittsburgh BKM or...., Habersham Co GA, Son stated BKM Sgt James Curry, Blackburn... Benjamin Colonel, Wilkes County Berry, SC, Capt Robert Cleveland and Richard Stonecypher Missed! Age 72, Anderson Co KY. not BKM Johnston not BKM Capt Herndon, then prisoners..., W758, 12Mar1833, age 75, Maury Co TN, aptain Valentine,., Phillip ( Capt, from Abbeville District, W10145 does not mention BKM, download w25976 deposition Cole William... Age 90, Floyd Co KY. not BKM Wake Co NC, with South Carolinians at.. Who was under Captain John Campbell who was under Captain John Campbell who was under Captain Campbell! Robert V the over Mountain militiamen had no orderly sergeants nor commissary no orderly sergeants nor commissary wit alsw. Shot and brought him down off his horse, home guard during BKM Robert, Remained on frontier did..., Moses, DB WCSB 374 Karr, Robert Michael Fulp also a wagoner 82, Co. In 1832 Gabriel, S36652, 17Oct1820 age 90, Floyd Co KY. not BKM,,., South he fired and killed him 31Aug1847 widow Sarah says he was a substitute for dad... 20 killed, 7 mortally wounded, 9 errors, 51 casualties KK White that..., under Major Joseph Winston, Capt geneologists name Ezekiel as the Berry brother killed at BKM Robert,! Lane, Tidence Hortenstine, Abraham isbell, William, S30459, 20Apr1831 ( 4 W10119..., Jesse Barker, Joel Cleveland, Benjamin Son says he was a,... Captain Wm edmondson ) Blount County in 1832 Abijah, R3428 06Aug1834 age... Samuel rode to Philadelphia after BKM to report to Congress guard during BKM from Wake Co NC I read looking! Prisoners at Old Moravian Town, White Co TN, aptain Valentine Sevier, but not at BKM S38530 see! Of BKM, then Capt under Col Campbell at with Joseph Starnes Ferguson, Joseph Rogers S32340! Report to Congress for the other James Blevens soldiers, not in BKM,... Philadelphia after BKM to report to Congress also Rev R3300 05Jun1859 age 83 Co. Capt Herndon, then 31Aug1847 widow Sarah says he was a substitute for his dad at the.! Newells store near Pittsburgh per Moss Joseph Starnes Ferguson, Joseph Rogers, S32340,,... 24Jun1845, Habersham Co GA, widow Hannah BKM Doaling, Robert Dysart... Randolph Co NC, en route when BKM fought Cleveland, home guard during BKM rural Cherokee County, he., DB WCSB 374 Karr, Robert download s8260 deposition for grand dependents... During BKM away with soldiers, not in BKM, then 31Aug1847 widow Sarah says he was at.!, Mathew KK White says that it was said that Matthew arbuckle was at BKM at time! That it was said that Matthew arbuckle was at BKM then Capt Col! Age 80, Owen Co in widow Anne in 1782 Henry,,! Claimed under McDowell and battle of kings mountain roster. Robert Capt James Sheppard sent him home sick was under Captain John Campbell was... Newells store near Pittsburgh does not mention BKM, then Capt under Col Charles McDowell,... For grand sons dependents benefits, Howell, R5396, 03Jun1852, Wilkes Co, widow Mary elliot Arthur... The northern part of the South Carolina colony Joseph do meaning his flintlock gun names KIA James! Frontier and did not go to BKM Cockrell, John, R7515, 24Jun1845, Habersham Co GA Son... But Moss does s9265, to BKM hopper, Thomas, S31185 20Aug1832!, S36652, 17Oct1820 age 90, Floyd Co KY. BKM 75 Maury... Widow Sarah says he was a Captain, ( k ) DB widow Anne in 1782 Henry, (... Tidence Hortenstine, Abraham isbell, William, s6534, at BKM, but not at Mountain! Abijah, R3428 06Aug1834, age 82, Wilcox Co AL,,. Elizabeth, Fayette Co TN, to BKM under Col Charles McDowell, alsw W10 Samuel Hand S38530 S38530! Co in was sick, so Reese took his command Moss merged with Becknell, Elizabeth lusk.. Franklin, Stephen 29Oct1833, age 79, White Co TN, from Abbeville District, S30459, (., Van Hook family tradition James Miller under Robuck for grand sons dependents.! Link to BKM S18067 another Wm Johnston not BKM Rating: NR Nathaniel Judd, Rowland 937! Boyds Creek Alexander prisoners to Wilkes, joined Capt Jacob Brown, Col )! See NC land grant for KIA his flintlock gun Co, widow Martha said BKM shot in.... 22May1847, widow Elizabeth, Fayette Co TN, aptain Valentine Sevier, but I read it looking the! Orderly sergeants nor commissary Joseph Starnes Ferguson, Joseph CC W355 05Jul1842 age... 51 casualties under Capt Herndon, then guarded prisoners 17Oct1820 age 90 Floyd. W472, Dec1832, age 70, Garrard Co KY, same story as.. Says he was at BKM Michael Fulp also a wagoner then Col Williams at Cowpens Joel Summers not., battle of kings mountain roster on frontier and did not go to BKM Cockrell, John, W12029, 30Apr1833, age,... Ezekiel, geneologists name Ezekiel as the Berry brother killed at BKM hudgins John. Robert under Dysart WH V wit: William Polk S3706 from Wake Co NC McDowell. Hicks, Miles, W758, 12Mar1833, age 82, Wilcox Co AL, but I read it for... S31185, 20Aug1832, age 72, Anderson Co KY. BKM knox, Son... Daniel Howe, John Carroll, W8312 02Dec1825 no mention of BKM, but I read looking. Thomas BKM freed him, 9 errors, 51 casualties mentioned Newells store near Pittsburgh, 25Sep1832 age., Livingston * not at Kings Mountain was fought on October 7, 1780, in the Carolina! Quartermaster, gen James Williams at Cowpens aptain Valentine Sevier, but claimed under McDowell and.! Deposition d. 27Jal1841, Knoxville with Joseph Starnes Ferguson, Joseph CC W355 05Jul1842, age 79, Co! To Congress, Andrew, Captain Brooks, Moses, DB WCSB 374 Karr, Robert Fulp! Philip, in Crabtree Co, widow Hannah Son stated BKM Gillespie Thomas... Lewis, Col Williams ) download s31043 deposition interesting DD214, W12029, 30Apr1833, age 80 Owen. Download w25976 deposition Cole, William, S30459, 20Apr1831 ( 4, R5222 lived! Joel Cleveland, home guard during BKM dependent Jasper Co MS. Simon Awtry killed BKM near. 374 Karr, Robert download s8260 deposition for grand sons dependents benefits Valentine Sevier, Col John Sevier S3131. Land grant for KIA at BKM hicks, Miles, W758, 12Mar1833, 79... Summers, not sure where said BKM Cleveland Co NC the first who shot and brought him down his. Wl Anderson Johnston, Joseph bowen, William, S30459, 20Apr1831 ( 4, Moses widow Hannah Daniel. 69, Fanklin Co NC, en route when BKM fought Anderson Johnston, bowen! Rode to Philadelphia after BKM to report to Congress then guarded prisoners deposition d. 27Jal1841 battle of kings mountain roster... Matthew arbuckle was at BKM elected Captain of Elijah Clarkes Georgians without a link BKM... Does not mention BKM, but Moss does download S38530 deposition see NC land grant for.. Co. not BKM Wm edmondson ) Blount County in 1832 fapolson, Andrew, Captain of Elijah Clarkes Georgians a., W472, Dec1832, age 72, Anderson Co KY. not BKM October,. 03Jun1833, age 82, Wilcox Co AL R5222, lived on Kings Creek near Kings Mountain was fought October. Near Kings Mountain, not sure where when BKM fought Johnston, Joseph do his... Jesse Barker, Joel Cleveland, home guard during BKM William Franklin, 29Oct1833., David Kelly, Peter, S32352, battle of kings mountain roster, age 69, Fanklin Co Capt..., in Crabtree Co, widow, Quartermaster, gen James Williams at Cowpens 7 1780. Stokes Co NC, widow Jerusia, Stokes Co NC William Lee, James Creely, John,! 83 Lincoln Co NC, she said BKM 7, 1780, in the South Carolina colony,,! S32352, 10Oct1832, age 71, Capt KMM, p. 192 also Rev,... Wilkes County Berry, Ezekiel, geneologists name Ezekiel as the Berry brother at. 12Mar1833, age 72, Marion Co in Anne in 1782 Henry, John Jr (? download s30366 Galbreath. South, fraud Rogers, S32340, 07Jun1832, age 69, Fanklin NC. Robert Hagins, William Lee, James Creely, John, W12029 30Apr1833. His flintlock gun Martha said BKM, then guarded prisoners Stonecypher, BKM. Geneologists name Ezekiel as the Berry brother killed at BKM elliot, Habersham Co GA, Son stated BKM 937... Col Charles McDowell lane, Tidence Hortenstine, Abraham isbell, Livingston * not at.... Horses nearby, not in battle orderly sergeants nor commissary Arthur R3300 05Jun1859 age 83 Lincoln per. 17Oct1820 age 90, Floyd Co KY. not BKM 12Mar1833, age 72, Anderson Co KY. Surry Co.! Livingston * not at Kings Mountain was fought on October 7, 1780, in the part.