Fixed the Russian socialists attacking Germany not triggering the Second Weltkrieg events. observe Switches to observer mode Fixed bugs regarding ROM influence system. The ideologies assigned to the political parties in the participants of the American Civil War have been standardised and restructured. Ported over the vanilla name list for Peruvian and Uruguayan ships. Fixed Czechia not leaving the Belgrade Pact in Austrias Military Occupation path. Fixed several bugs involving the Fate of China annexation event. Combined the effects of two Mongolian national spirits. Changed TV Songs advisor trait for the Left Kuomintang. Redrew the internal borders of Slovakia, with added victory points. Towards this end, the capitulation of Germany is now delayed by a day, so the rest of the Reichpakt capitulates first and THEN Germany itself, Hawaii now inherits USA tech when its released, Fixed the Battle of Honolulu event for Hawaii only having one outcome, Reduced Anqing equipment gain from shipment/railroad decisions, Reduced timers for Fengtians Shanhaiguan Infiltration events, Fengtian will now receive the Shanhaiguan Infiltration events when fighting any owner of Beijing, not just Qing, Swapped incorrectly applied consumer goods factors for Hunan's Economic Assistance ideas, Fixed reversed Manchurian Model Cities compliance gain, SRI no longer begins in the Third Internationale, and cannot join until the Second Weltkrieg begins or the balance in Italy has been broken. Removed Xue Yue as a theorist for the Left Kuomintang. Fixed Japan not transferring Siberia to Transamur in peace conferences. The Ottomans also need to have won the war in the Levant first. Japanese cruisers now receive the capital ship level debuffs. Greece will now be targeted for annexation by Austria in peace conferences. Re-added the option to research Panzerschiffes and Cruiser Submarines as sub-technologies. Germany will now compete with Russia for Eastern European states in Peace Conferences. Slightly fixed the description of leader Louis Marin for NFA to not mention the Union Sacre. Fixed the options on the Fate of Malaysia. Fixed an exploit in Qings spawned bandit divisions. Fixed Dai Chunfengs missing advisor description for the Left Kuomintang. Decreased the World Tension gained from the start of the Second Russian Civil War, and increased the tension gained when Russia creates the Eastern Front of the Third Internationale. Shanxi will no longer try to join the Federalists after the faction no longer exists. New terrain art for Belgorod, Busan, Fort-de-France, Polotsk, Tyumen, Vladimir, and Vologda. The National Protection Alliance is now an alternate name for a Chinese splinter, rather than a faction name. Added a decision for the RKMT to conquer Legation Cities. Removed claims on Kiev and Starodub for Polands Commonwealth. Japan must now be losing the naval war to unlock Kamikazes. Authoritarian Democrat is no longer abbreviated in the ideology screen. Fixed and improved old Egyptian decisions, Fixed Egypt instantly getting rid of illiteracy, Fixed Yunnan being able to peace out with Japan due to Burma, Fixed Stalin being killed by Patagonia while in Russia, Bolivia no longer gets the Fate of Northern Chile, Fixed the USA not being able to purge the Longists. Updated Indian national foci to create railways appropriately. Removed the game rule options for custom faction joining, for performance purposes, as the AI calculated performing these options daily, even when the game rule was turned off. AI Entente countries can now send volunteers to Canada's chosen side. Updated Russias starting advisor roster. Fixed Russia attacking a puppet Don-Kuban Union. Fixed the republican leaders of Siam not being correctly created. Germany no longer cedes the Suez Canal automatically when they decide to resist Egyptian demands. The VNH doesnt introduce a private welfare initiative after taking power anymore in the Netherlands. Fixed Siam not moving their capital back to Bangkok. Anglo-Indian Trade is no longer quite as lucrative. Paraguay focus times are now 56 days instead of 70 days. Prosperity League and Zhili Clique party popularity reductions now account for prior increases when both parties are eliminated, Ireland may now choose other foreign policy paths if the Reichspakt or Entente refuse them entry into their faction, Fengtian's equipment requests can now be taken only once a month. I'm a big fan of Kaiserreich, and I love to play as my home country, Brasil, but I can't help but point out how bad their Totalist tree is. Fixed Fengtian getting events about appointing Ma Zhanshan even after his defection. Fixed puppeted appropriate countries being excluded from the Mitteleuropa Ostwall system. Fixed the missing effects of several Manchu Qing national focuses. Fixed Fengtian Restore order decisions missing AI factors. Re-added the option to release a reformed Ottoman Empire in the annexation event. Fixed images not appearing on some Qing events. Dalmatia can now be granted to an ally Hungary that already owns Lika. Added Anthem of the Whampoa Military Academy and Three Principles of the People for the Left Kuomintang. Added dynamic loc to the Belgian Adalbert's Dream focus. Added new leader and party descriptions to the Left Kuomintang, and adjusted the various groups represented by each ideology. Weve added a custom game rule option if you want to shut it off, either for the player only (meaning the player experiences no malus if they go over the limit, and is not informed when theyre over it, but the AI will still obey the limit) or entirely. Germany in Exile no longer has cores at game start. The child king of Ireland now has a more appropriate portrait for a man in his mid-30s, Irish elections and parties electable have been changed, Added some flavour events to the UoB and Ireland, Overhauled all British Isles annexations and partitions, Russian Britain is no longer possible, goodbye child king of Britain, Bulgaria reconciling with its Balkan neighbours now removes most of the negative opinion modifiers which were applied during the Balkan war, Greek surnames have now been split into male and female versions, Eroding an occupied Italian countrys legitimacy can now only be performed by an enemy Italian country or a non-Italian country which actually occupies one of its states. Increased the compliance that Poland has when obtaining Krakw, Pozna and Upper Silesia. Fixed Russias Baltic Fleet starting in the Pacific. Added annexation options to give Burma to either of the three starting Indian countries, and also added options for them to claim Burma. Fixed Austria not releasing Bosnia / Croatia in the Military Occupation path. Fixed Nehru taking over as leader of the RadSocs in the Dominion of India, before Gandhis death. PatAut Norway can now join the Reichspakt if they border the Third International, not just if they are at war with them. Fixed Shandong not losing some divisions after their path change. Xinjiang cannot call in allies or be called into wars until it finishes its civil war. Peru now joins any of Bolivia's wars if the PBC forms. Added leader traits to Left Kuomintang leaders. Fixed Paraguay committing ritual suicide by attacking an Argentina that has peacefully unified. Fixed a dead-end in the Canada/Iceland bailout events. Fixed two United States election events firing at the same time. Fixed Polands Jerzy Sochachki being unelectable for socialist Poland. Fixed the requirements for Austria inviting Bulgaria to its faction. Fixed Egypt / Syria / Iraq keeping the League of Arab States modifier as a puppet. The remainder of the former rework to Kaiserreichs naval system has now been removed, bringing the naval system fully in line with vanillas, save for names. Removed the costs for refusing the Siam peace deal. Austria now attacks Serbia if they annex Illyria during the rebellions. Fixed several Norway effects erroneously targeting Greenland instead of Iceland. Updated the companies for the Legation Cities. Canada now returns any non-American lands and puppets to the restored United Kingdom, if the former leaves the Entente. Renamed several Turkish advisors Bey and Paa. Russia can now claim the Kuril Islands if they defeat Japan. Fixed all remaining auto-generated leader stats. Fixed a missing game rule check locking AutDem South Africa out of its tree. Fixed Legation Cities not being able to join with Fengtian, and a missing trigger tooltip. Brazil should now receive events about American refugees earlier in the war, Bolivian companies are now available to the PBC, Syndie Peru should now leave the Buenos Aires-Lima Pact, Touched up state ambitions and potential claims in South America, should lead to more consistent peace conferences. South Africa now receives a few extra cavalry units two weeks after the Entente enters the war against them. Bulgaria now gets a unit limit boost with secret rearmament. Removed the usage of allowed trigger for decisions of more than 50 countries, and reduced the number of "available"/"visible" triggers used by these decisions. New England can now unlock the Liberate State decision, if they manually justify to enter the American Civil War. Tweaked Indias AI so that it will declare for Aksai Chin less. Added a couple of missing operative mission modifier text entries. Fixed South Africa having a Governor General when it was a Republic. Decreased Bolivian political power loss in events. Fixed Ottoman troops being teleported to Anatolia if Armenia rebels. Fixed a couple of loc bugs, Fixed INC not getting all of Indochina if they win against GEA, Fixed a bugged activation for the Wallonian release decision, Fixed a couple of broken scopes in QIE's events, Fixed the Sicilian ship decisions not appearing for Manchu QIE, Fixed Fengtian joining Japan's faction after breaking with them, Fixed the Qing ally integration decisions being visible after annexation of the respective tags, Fixed Siam stealing Lanzhou from the Ma Clique, Fixed the LEP being unable to reduce unrest if Zheyuan took control of Shandong, Fixed the multiple options of the Fall of Hong Kong event, Fixed CHI not getting cores on Guangxi when tag-switching from GXC, Fixed bugged terrains in the Dead Sea and Lake Okeechobee. Transamur now gets a wargoal on the Russian Socialists if they attack Russia during the Second Russian Civil War. Siam now loses any unowned cores/claims if they surrender. Indian minors will not join the Japanese economic sphere unless puppeted. Fixed the Qing event that informed them of Yang Sens fall in Sichuan firing too early. Updated Germanys names when it is puppeted by revolutionaries and reactionaries. We are so happy to be here and couldnt be more proud of all the work that has been done to get here. Fixed Fate of Kurdistan not transferring the states, The party popularity GUI now correctly reflects the party providing the PP gain, Fixed the Brazilian volunteer division not being removed when the ACW ends, Fixed the CAN-CSA peace triggering the Fall of Boston event incorrectly, Fixed the endonym for Kisangani/Stanleyville, Fixed some misleading tooltips in the Unification Conference starter mission, Fixed Fengtian being able to join Japan's faction when already in it, Added an alternative response to the Manchu Campaign news event for their enemies. Argentina can no longer release Paraguay while at war with FOP (to avoid puppeting shenanigans if it's defeated). The American Union State can now complete its naval tree if it chooses Trade Interdiction as its doctrine. Fixed Mittelafrika not being able to attack Zanzibar. Reworked the Brazilian annexation events so, upon deciding to not release Brazil as a whole, it switches to the events for the individual regions instead of trying to release all the splinter states at once. Added some debuffs to the French Republics war support. Romania will now do their path to war national focuses sooner. Fixed the Netherlands keeping its claims on Suriname when becoming socialist. Otherwise, sit down and enjoy!*. Fixed Australasia's governor-general not being assigned to the NatPop slot. Fixed a few inverted trade modifiers for the League of Eight Provinces. Added some checks to Icelands national spirits. An Italian country that claims Malta while in the Entente will now be forced to leave the faction first. Added Tschadseelnder as a German exonym for the Marua state. Player Serbia or Romania can now decide they want to keep the Belgrade Pact even after the war with Austria, which AI will honor as long as Romania doesn't claim Serbian territory.