I think thats all I do! Show source. There are 4 forms of control . In the Facebook group, the Celestine Prophecy Insight Chatting group, there have been a lot of discussions, questions, and comments about the Control Dramas lately, and I thought it would be helpful to give a little bit more Insight to these Dramas, how to recognize them, and how to step out of the drama and into a more authentic interaction with others. So, start small with little intimidations. GROWTH How can i call upon this intimidator ? James Redfield, the author, did not actually go through this wondrous journey. We need energy from the higher source to feel good, and we crave it, but we just dont know how to connect with it routinely. But, as with most humans, he is more likely to have varied traits. The minute you think youve accomplished something you immediately recognize that youve only reached the next layer that needs prying. Celestine Prophecy Secrets: Staying Out of Control Dramas, Deconstruct The Seven Sins & Love Your Life, Moving Through Restlessness Back Into The Flow, Taking Responsibility for Control Dramas in Relationships. The Celestine Prophecy tells the story of a "Manuscript" that was allegedly composed by Mayans in the Peruvian Andes around 600 B.C. They are behaviors that demand others pay attention in order to strategically elicit a certain reaction from them. Get More Info Here . Celestine Prophecy Secrets: Staying Out of Control Dramas, Finding Your Place A Sense Of Community. If your mother was an interrogator and your father an intimidator these two often attract each other (its obvious why) what drama would be your proficiency? Ultimately, whatever drama would enable you to harness the greatest power and control would become your D.O.C. Understand that I am not advocating that one must live in an Epicurean commune think of it as the first hippy commune to experience human flourishing; I am, however, arguing for the necessity of being emotionally communal. Is it not evident to all the rest of the players that these are the things he wants? death Im crossed between 2 right now, have 1 on deck, and 1 I want to re-read so I am just curious. BOYS The Intimidator, however, feels empowered, boosted by the energy he or she has stolen from you. COUNSELING No, those folks will be edged out of the picture. Mankind is on this planet to consciously evolve. Instead of leaving, we made a conscious decision to stay and try to work through the issue. COMMUNICATION 4.8. The prophecy and its nine key insights predict a worldwide awakening, arising within all religious traditions, that moves humanity toward a deeper experience of spirituality. In trying to make these arrangements our actor may sometimes be quite virtuous. Additionally, this will determine my interactions with them. Yes, I know, recognizing oneself as having done the Intimidator Control Drama is not a fun task, but its important for our growth to notice it, so thanks for sticking with me this far. Adventure, Drama. Funnily enough, he apologized and shuffled to the back of the line. Of course, it feels good to be empowered, but I for one would prefer to gain my power straight from source, rather thanstealit away from someone else. The passage can be found in their celebrated chapter How It Works.. I dont want to get to ahead of myself here, but considering the many angles James Redfields vision explores, this is the one that I thought was not only ingenious but doubly helpful in understanding and emotionally surviving interpersonal dynamics. When asked "How was your day?". The film is based on James Redfield's best-selling novel of the same name. Getting back into the flow is as easy as staying [], As Autumn and I were discussing her article, Letting Go of Anger in Relationships, we realized how much it resonated with my own relationship. A Brief on The Celestine Prophecy. For example I wanted to know what you thought about this-why are you being so distant? to an Aloof. First, and foremost, you have to learn how to connect with source energy on your own if you wish to resolve your control drama. All are attempts to control anothers behavior. THE ONE And, even if we still . CELESTINE PROPHECY CONTROL DRAMA QUIZ - We have a friend, loved one, partner or co-worker who starts complaining about how life has dealt them some pretty rotten hands. Yup, thats the aloof. The energy of Life carries us along; sometimes its rough with us, sometimes its soothingly calm at times, well get pulled down by undercurrents into complete [], The door closes. They, in turn, trigger our wounds and we each continue to play out old patterns. So I did a little more research (where research equals talking to somebody who knows a lot about this topic). Human Control Dramas. THOUGHTS 4% - Critics. other--only now there doesn't . As with all the control dramas, these behaviors are learned and unconscious but as already touched upon they give the illusion of control and are necessary weapons of a power and attention thief in the scarcity worldview. When faced with someone's control drama, one can stay immune to it by 1) identifying it and pointing it out, and 2) avoid acting in any way which resembles its corresponding counterpart control drama. The two responses are an eternity apart. We chose our strategy based on the strategyor control drama-each of our parents had. Nothing was ever good enough for him. cancer Also, we are advised not just to send energy, but to perform another act at the same time: Tell them in a kind way EXACTLY HOW YOU ARE FEELINGthat you are feeling criticized, dominated, or being made to feel guilty in the conversation. #1New York Times best-selling author, James Redfield, invites you to hold the vision of a conscious future. The Celestine Prophecy recounts the tale of a young man experiencing a series of synchronicities. Interrogators steal it by judging and questioning. Remember, THE CELESTINE PROPHECY reveals 9 of 12 truths about how the world really works and how humanity is destined to come into alignment [], Our species have struggled with the seven sins, for longer than the clock has ticked. In Redfields book, the argument is that each of us has a default control drama strategy. During each interrogation I would ask myself: Why do you bother trying to talk to him? The Celestine Prophecy. Are you bone-weary of the dishonesty and the never-ending rationalizations and damaged relationships? In other words, I responded to her pain rather than from my pain. As the Celestine Prophecy explains, we each (as spiritual beings) have the ability to be connected to a source of higher energy. I love it and will implement this when necessary. The Celestine Prophecy James Redfields Control Dramas, Worldview + Interaction With Others = Life Experience. 1h 39m. MONEY Answer ''false'' if neither applies or you're not sure. SKILLS The Struggle for Power: Control Dramas, Part 1, Celestine Prophecy Secrets: Staying Out of Control Dramas. Knowledge Quiz based upon The Celestine Prophecy Drama, the Philosophy selector quiz by J.J.. Test your knowledge of: INTIMIDATOR Make Your Own Knowledge Quizzes Like This One. In a word, they validate it. Great Relationships Don't Happen By Accident, The Celestine Prophecys 4 Control Dramas. Where Wil and the narrator meet Reneau. There are four Dramas: (1) the Intimidator, (2) the Interrogator, (3) the Aloof, and (4) the Poor Me. How can we have even more energy and confidence to always respond to Control Drama Games in this way? Peru. Please dont be aloof especially in the matters of heart or in relationship/love issues as you will be hurting people unintentionally. It doesnt take a therapist to see the implications of this control drama. Posted by Adam January 10, 2022 Posted in . Easier said than done when you feel fearful, isnt it? The big one Lisa is starting to see people as connected to you, rather than separateand making choices based on love and compassion first and foremost . If you do want to do something, do it. Often an intimidator wants to push you into doing what he or she wants you to do, but its always best to do what YOU feel is best. Although the Manuscript was found in these "Celestine Ruins" of Mayan and later Incan use, oddly enough it was written in Aramaic. Find your Best Creativity with Inspired Coaching, Celestine Community Blog, Personal Development, Relationships, Celestine Community Blog, Personal Development, Celestine Community Blog, Personal Development, Relationships, Spirituality. We must face up to our particular way of controlling others. If you dont want to do something, dont do it. All humans, because of their upbringing, tend toward one of the four "control dramas": intimidators steal energy from others by threat. Two mentalities exist perhaps identity is more fitting whatever we chose to call it, its a foundation from which all understanding flows. It requires a confidence that allows us to feel as though we deserve to be respected, and though it seems many of us are born with it, often it slowly wanes over time. Is he not, even in his best moments, a producer of confusion rather than harmony? As a result, many of us end up feeling disconnected, stressed, tired, anxious, and depressed. The Intimidator is the most aggressive type of Control Drama where the user tries to scare you into deferring to their control in the relationship. . What I didnt recognize then are the wounds my detachment reopened for him, having grown up with a father that travelled extensively for his job; a father whose attention he wanted, but had to share with three other siblings; an aloof father. 2. What we are attempting to do is protect our beliefs. (My control drama is "Aloof." I am working to give and . The book follows the personal growth of one man as he follows a mysterious query about an ancient manuscript. In this way, we can take the steps to transcend and interpret them on a much deeper level, both spiritually and psychologically. I suppose, all of the control dramas hurtwhich is why we lean on them, to put ourselves in a higher position by pushing the other person down <3. Upon arriving at our humble abode which was pretty clean considering the madness surrounding it she almost immediately started to show physical distress. This is helpful. In his 1993 novel, author James Redfield, guides us through nine insights. Unfortunately, through our social conditioning, our limiting beliefs, behaviors and expectations about the world and who we are often prevent us from connecting to this higher energy source. Sometimes, a break-up will be filled with immediate relief (mostly, it will be filled with sadness) but this scenario has the potential to tear your heart from your chest and [], As I look back at my pattern of growth, it seems like I always start with the First Insight. This is the most aggressive of the control dramas. We all have a control drama (which is elegantly described in The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield). How do we do this? We just had a baby so the house was a bit messy this, however, was not surprising considering we were a family of six with two dogs and a cat all piled on top of each other in a tiny three roomed square box. James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy. Below, I give examples at the extreme end of the </p> <p>It has been from the East, however, that we have gained further clarification of the psychology underlying this phenomenon.As both science and mysticism demonstrate, humans are in essence a field of energy. AGREEMENTS I, on the other hand, needed help healing the wound that caused me to withdraw and act secretive, a wound that originated with a critical mother. The four manipulative tactics are a standard outfitting equipment for individuals and seem to be fully employed by the age of five. because of their upbringing, tend toward one of four "control dramas": Intimidators steal energy from others by threat. Like many others, I was very excited when I first read the Celestine Prophecy 20 years ago and saw the explanations of the Control Dramas. Copyright 2001 the Relationship Specialists, Inc. All rights reserved. Is he not a victim of the delusion that he can wrest satisfaction and happiness out of this world if he only manages well? End of story. This is only one example of a scarcity worldview. Recently, I decided to sit down and read The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. People who are critical do so because they are low in energy (and inner security) and seek ways to dominate others to feel better. The sixth insight states that childhood dramas block our ability to fully experience the mystical. Ill explain each one briefly and give some examples to clarify. The first step is to bring our particular control drama into full consciousness. The Celestine Prophecy is one of my favorite classic spiritual fiction journeys. Control dramas are first mentioned in James Redfield's The Celestine Prophecy. This is how the Poor Me steals energy from others. Once we are connected with enough energy to see through our control drama so we know we are always connected with all . When something happens that we cant rationally compute, fear sets in, and it can morph into [], If we think of Life as an ocean, and ourselves as water particles existing within it, I think its easy to imagine how we are all actually one. It could be leaving the room or leaving the house, but it was an attempt to control the others behavior by getting them to come after us. They are negative actions, and reactions, that elicit a forced response from a person. The Celestine Prophecy (Redfield) The Nine Insights #1 . Poor Mes capture our attention by making us feel guilty and responsible for them. If youve never heard this concept, its exactly as it sounds a general conception of the universe.. Interrogators steal it by judging and questioning. How do we do this? Its a real page turner, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in topics of spirituality! The Intimidator is an individual who steals energy by force. We may care and want to help them, but we may find ourselves needing space from their constant pessimism and complaining, which [], As we start to understand that Control Dramas exist, we can further enhance our awareness of these behaviors displayed by others and ourselves. presence Image Source: Cameron Gray, ParableVisions. A supportive relationship,founded in love, whether it is romantic or friendship based, can offer an invigorating level of companionship and life-long support. You can think of it like a psychic energy that we both give and receive. After reading . As children we forged a strategy to get attention, which was how we experienced being loved. Creating and maintaining healthy boundaries is a life skill. Ok awesome under 200 is pretty managable i shall check it out. A resort that hosts many scientific conferences in Peru. Ultimately,if we were collectively able to ascend to a higher state, I imagine we would all win, andcompetition would fade away. In the case of my relationship with my former husband, he needed help healing the wound that triggered his interrogation drama. Well take them one at a time. On the other hand, the rational part of the brain the frontal cortex is still in development until about the age of twenty-five. . London: Bantam Books. This understanding of self is enveloped by core beliefs of worthlessness, incompetence, and failure. YET, all the while, you have been doing your best to help the other person become more Conscious. Human perception of that energy starts with an increased awareness of beauty: people, animals, plants, ecosystems that have a high level of that energy appear particularly beautiful. The prophecy and its nine key insights predict a worldwide awakening, arising within all religious traditions, that moves humanity toward a deeper experience of . Like . . Also how long is this book? If his arrangements would only stay put, if only people would do as he wishes, the show would be great. Aloof people do not use a hostile or aggressive approach in their ability to siphon energy from others. Resorting to her more primitive and sinister tactics, she locked my eyes with a fierce gaze and boldly declared, thats it! As with the other games, one should be as honest as possible with the Intimidator, and find subtle ways to name the game. Wise judgment and care for your safety should be used. So, as a coping mechanism to this disconnection with source energy, we often unconsciously compete with each other to steal each others energy. To be thought of as guilty by someone who is determined to needle the truth out of you, no matter what. respect The Struggle for Power: Control Dramas, Part 1. by Candella. Again, If your parents were a poor me and an aloof, youd probably become an interrogator or intimidator. Driven by a hundred forms of fear, self-delusion, self-seeking, and self-pity, we step on the toes of our fellows and they retaliate. However, I would argue that what she struggles with the most is not the adversity she faces from without, but the self-imposed adversity she creates within. This, in turn, causes other people to be interested in them and approach them to pry information from them. Ive been thinking about reading this book for years actually, but last week the timing seemed right, so I sat down and got to it. Creating and maintaining healthy boundaries is a life skill. In this way we become whole. Each synchronicity holds a message so become aware of them. Secondly, it helps to become aware of the control dramas, and to be mindful of when you are relying on yours. 10. The South American country where the Manuscript is found. Were continually learning what it takes to overcome our control dramas. Once more, nothing is a better teacher a than a narrative (==>See Article on Devotionals). As the Celestine Prophecy explains, we each (as spiritual beings) have the ability to be connected to a source of higher energy. Synopsis. I have used this behavior in all my relationships to maintain control. expectations But if youre emotional contentment is contingent upon other peoples behaviors then your in for a world of pain and frustration. Based on the worldwide best-selling novel and philosophy by James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy is now the movie adventure of a lifetime. That, we think, is the root of our troubles. had some good "self-help" ideas in it -- the whole "control drama" thing, and communing with nature -- valid ideas to help one become more . Naturally, after a hostile interaction with an Intimidator, you will likely walk away feeling defeated and deflated. Thats a whole other can of worms, perhaps a good idea for a future blog post!). Based on James Redfield's worldwide best-selling novel, The Celestine Prophecy is a spiritual adventure film chronicling the discovery of ancient scrolls in the rainforests of Peru. Aloof people attract attention (and energy) to themselves by acting reserved or withdrawing. Im still new to this idea, and I havent yet tried out this theory on calling people out on their control dramas yet, but it sounds like it has merit. Because your worldview will not allow for people who are genuine, kind-hearted, and trustworthy. I couldnt believe it. Thank you in advance. Remember, THE CELESTINE PROPHECY reveals 9 of 12 truths about how the world really works and how humanity is destined to come into alignment with this Design. I am re-reading James Redfield's "Celestine Prophecy" just to see if I find newer insights. Thus, this is the most dangerous of manipulation devices since some Intimidators resort to violence to ensure that the game works. I recall one event that captures this disposition perfectly. What usually happens? BY GIVING ENERGY willingly to them they feel less needly and can actually pop into Consciousness for the first time. Gas Station/Small Store. BLAMING Thanks for all the comments Bobby-so very appreciated!! I used to have a hard time with this myself, until one day when I gathered the courage to be blunt with an intimidator. Nothing can proceed until we really look at ourselves and discover what we are doing to manipulate for energy. Love, Energizing, Can Do. Recall, if emotional resources are perceived as limited, failure to acquire them is equivalent to death. Determine which chapters, themes and styles you already know and what you need to study for your upcoming . Also, if youve never read it, consider picking up The Celestine Prophecy because its a great read for the spiritually conscious. It was so easy! In the Celestine Prophecy, one of the insights the protagonist gained during his spiritual awakening was that people often compete with each other for energy using these control dramas. That part of your life is now in the past, and the one you loved is yours no more. Why do we feel it is necessary? Control dramas are first mentioned in James Redfield's The Celestine Prophecy. 28 Copy quote. Lying Blog FLIGHT Everybody has that aloof individual in their life. Truth Well both feel better? So, as a coping mechanism to this disconnection with source energy, we often unconsciously compete with each other to steal each others energy. Which, almost goes without saying, is indispensable for an individual in recovery. A critical man, my ex continually poked and prodded and found fault in everything I said or did. The Celestine Prophecy's 4 Control Dramas. They are the ones who answer questions with questions. Thats why we continue in them. It is a highly passive way of getting attention from other people. MEN When something happens that we cant rationally compute, fear sets in, and it can morph into [], If we think of Life as an ocean, and ourselves as water particles existing within it, I think its easy to imagine how we are all actually one. Its like trying to pry open a Russian doll. Epicurus, believed transcendence was ultimately found in community. When you are around an Interrogator, you will often feel highly criticized. Depending on where we are in our growth, we can then can use the relationship to do our personal work: to recognize our wounds and control dramas; to work with our partner to heal ourselves; and, to move toward becoming more spiritual and finding higher meaning in our lives. The tenth Celestine Prophecy insight is the realization of the possibility of a state of "Heaven on Earth.". This image was reproduced with permission from the artist. When people do things we dont like, or when were not getting our way, we think they are wrong. Every answer given is perfectly superficial; never even coming close to broaching substance. One of my friends has fallen on hard times that much is undeniably true. Our stories may all be slightly or even totally different, but we can all relate to each other once we have an understanding of how we compete for energy. He begins to think life doesnt treat him right. The World Has a Spiritual Design. Reference: Redfield, J. This, in turn, causes other people to be interested in them and approach them to pry information from them. If who I am or perceived to be is a lone wolf, all alone in this untrustworthy, cut-throat world, then how will that characterize my relationship with others? Selfishness self-centeredness! change Well, they will respond according to how their being treated. First, a refresher on the Control Dramas: Our hero learns of the Control Dramas in the 4th chapter of the Celestine Prophecy. It is then that each person will be challenged and can take responsibility for their own lives, fears, and emotions. And, remember that when you image LOVING energy flowing from yourself into the other person, it comes through you first. Learn how to attract the things you want with fun, clarity and success! #1New York Times best-selling author, James Redfield, invites you to hold the vision of a conscious future. FEELINGS Remember, these control dramas are unconscious power moves to have ones basic needs satisfied. Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Is the Peruvian Manuscript in the Celestine Series Real. This introductory video explains about what this video series is about, and why I felt compelled to share the spiritual wisdom of this book with you. Your articles are on FIREEEEEEE!!!! Control Dramas and Power Theft. RELATIONSHIPS Expectations, Way, Flow. It was a way I could control how people interacted with me. Our desire to protect it will lead those closest to nature . Lies In order to get an energy boost, the Intimidator may be very loud, may yell, or may use violence. Sometimes they hurt us, seemingly, without provocation, but we invariably find that at some time in the past we have made decisions based on self, which later placed us in a position to be hurt. Marilyn and Chuck:This is our lifes work, exploring new ways to use our relationship for personal growth. They may act like they want . I want to start with the fourth insight (human control dramas); its an odd place to launch but I feel it creates a healthy foundation for an examination of the rest at least from my personal perspective. Fear might be imposed by violence or threats of violence, but can also be imposed by threats of anything, really. Three generations are now learning how to live at a greater energy and inspiration level by USING all the Abilities of Consciousness, and it is changing the world!! Here are the control dramas: 1."The Intimidator" The Intimidator is an individual who steals energy by force. Or in relationship/love issues as you will be challenged and can actually pop into for. From them both spiritually and psychologically person, it helps to become aware of.., isnt it fearful, isnt it possibility of a lifetime of them feel... 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