• Check the battery polarity. Batteries may have been inserted incorrectly.
  • Batteries may be dead. Replace with fresh new Duracell batteries and power on again.
  • For the best performance, use Duracell alkaline batteries.
  • The contacts may be dirty. Always keep contacts clean. Alcohol and cotton swap can
    be used to clean contacts.

  • Shake the flashlight to check if there are any loose parts. If the light is not in
    perfect focus or the light beam is crooked, tighten all parts of the flashlight.

  • Change batteries and insert a fresh set.
  • Check that all contacts are clean.
  • If there is no improvement, a new battery holder may be required. To request a
    replacement, please call customer service at 1- (888) 910-2280.

  • Check that all o-rings are screwed tightly, especially the end cap.
  • Some flashlights have heads that unscrew. Please unscrew the head, clean the water
    or vapor, and screw back tightly.

  • For best battery performance, remove the batteries from the flashlight when not in
    DO NOT clean the leaked battery fluid with bare hands – it may harmful.

  • Disassemble the flashlight to check for loose or broken parts.
  • To request a replacement, please call customer service at 1- (888) 910-2280.

  • Check to see if any on the batteries are installed in a reversed position with the
    WRONG POLARITY. To ensure correct polarity, align + end of battery to positive indicator on flashlight
    or battery cartridge and end of battery to
    negative indicator on flashlight or battery cartridge.
  • The batteries may be dead or dying. Exchange with new fresh batteries and power on
    again. For the best performance, use Duracell alkaline batteries.
  • Check battery contacts for cleanliness. Always keep contacts clean.

  • Check to see if any on the batteries are installed in a reversed position with the
    WRONG POLARITY. To ensure correct polarity, align + end of battery to positive indicator on flashlight
    or battery cartridge and end of battery to
    negative indicator of flashlight or battery cartridge.
  • The batteries may be dead or dying. Exchange with new fresh batteries and power on
    again. For the best performance, use Duracell alkaline batteries.
  • Check battery contacts for cleanliness. Always keep contacts clean.

  • For best battery performance, remove the batteries from the flashlight when not in

  • Check to see if any on the batteries are installed in a reversed position with the
    WRONG POLARITY. To ensure correct polarity, align + end of battery to positive indicator on flashlight
    or battery cartridge and end of battery to
    negative indicator on flashlight or battery cartridge.
  • For best battery performance, remove the batteries from the flashlight when not in
  • The batteries may be dead or dying. Exchange with new fresh batteries and power on
    again. For the best performance, use Duracell alkaline batteries.
  • Check battery contacts for cleanliness. Always keep contacts clean.

  • Slide the flashlight head from bottom to top position for best light beam.

  • Batteries may be dead or dying. Change with new fresh batteries and power on again.
  • For the best performance, use Duracell alkaline batteries.

  • To request a replacement, please call customer service at 1- (888) 910-2280.

  • Unscrew the end cap of the flashlight and clean the contact points. After cleaning,
    screw the end cap on tightly.

  • Check if the head part is stuck. Use a little lubricating oil between the sliding
    head and body, then twist and slide the head from top to bottom several times to
    loosen it up.

  • Yes, use only brand name NiMH rechargeable batteries.

  • Yes, but only for flashlights manufactured from 2017 onwards. If there is a question
    regarding year of manufacture, please call customer service at 1- (888) 910-2280

  • Nickel Cadmium and Zinc Carbon are not recommended.

  • Check that the batteries are placed correctly into battery holder. The polarity may be incorrect.
  • The batteries may be weak or dead. Replace with new batteries and power on again.
  • Verify that you are using the correct size of alkaline batteries.
  • The contacts may be dirty. Always keep contacts clean.

  • When inserting the batteries, please insert them in the following order:
    In each battery cartridge channel, install the batteries starting from the point furthest away from the spring and ending with the last battery closest to the spring.
  • When removing the batteries from the channel, please follow the order below:
  • Begin by removing the battery closest to the spring and end by removing the battery furthest from the spring.

  • Screw the endcap of flashlight clockwise to ensure it is on tightly.
  • The batteries may be weak or dead. Replace with new batteries and power on again.

  • The contacts may be dirty. Always keep contacts clean.
  • Rescrew all parts tightly.
  • For best battery performance, remove the batteries from the flashlight when not in use.

  • The batteries may be weak or dead. Replace with new batteries and power on again.
  • Check that the batteries are placed correctly into battery holder. The polarity may be incorrect.
  • The contacts may be dirty. Always keep contacts clean.
  • Screw up all parts tightly.
  • There may be a LED problem, requiring a replacement part.

  • Check to see if any of the batteries are installed in a reversed position with the WRONG POLARITY. To ensure correct polarity, align + end of battery to positive indicator on flashlight or battery cartridge and end of battery to negative indicator on flashlight or battery cartridge.
  • For best battery performance, remove the batteries from the flashlight when not in use.
  • The batteries may be dead or dying. Exchange with new fresh batteries and power on again.

  • The batteries may be weak or dead. Replace with new batteries and power on again.
  • Check that the batteries are placed correctly into battery holder. The polarity may be incorrect.
  • The contacts may be dirty. Always keep contacts clean.
  • Screw up all parts tightly.
  • There may be a LED problem, requiring a replacement part.

  • Contact customer service.

For Customer Support Please Call 888-910-2280